Adam Lambert's Twitter Party 9/20/11 - Complete Q&A
Filed Under (album news,twitter ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Posted at : Tuesday, September 20, 2011

adamlambert Twitter party!!! Questions?
adamlambert Taken at Burning Man! Note my glamorous trailer in the background!
Trishnz @adamlambert Did being on Project Runway fire you up to have your own fashion label - after next album of course
adamlambert @Trishnz I've always had the notion to design. Before guessing on p.runway. Gonna focus on my music first of course.
mackenzieejo @adamlambert will you pleeeaaase come to indiana on your next tour? grin.gif
adamlambert @mackenzieejo I came to indiana the last tour... Of course I'll come back. We filmed the DVD there!
styleandchiche @adamlambert Any ideas on the album cover yet?
adamlambert @styleandchiche yeah a few. original.gif
ravengirl57 @adamlambert In making this second album, is it always so unscheduled? In other words, are there no deadlines AT ALL?
adamlambert @ravengirl57 deadlines and schedule come waaaay second to great music. I'm lucky to be signed to a label that respects and honors that original.gif
lambosessed @adamlambert What kind of drunk are you usually?
adamlambert @lambosessed a friendly, talkative one. wink.gif love ur avi. That was a crazy hallowEen
catalm @adamlambert What was your favorite part about being on Project Runway?
adamlambert @catalm the judges are reeeeally funny. On and off camera. Micheal had me in stitches w his wit.
LuvThaFunk @adamlambert so I'm guessing Outlaws Of Love will be the only sweet slow ballad I've been craving? Will there be piano on it?
adamlambert @LuvThaFunk you'll have to wait and see...
adamlambert Twitter is actin up
SophieBachmann @adamlambert Have you still a crush on Bill from Tokio Hotel?
adamlambert @SophieBachmann nope... I found my love! original.gif
rainierstar Is there anything else you can tell us about the album? @adamlambert
adamlambert @rainierstar yeah- I love it! Some of it's really fun and upbeat yet honest and real. Other tracks are moody, dark. Both sides of me...
Hungarevival @adamlambert What about your Illuminati status?
adamlambert @Hungarevival haha they rejected my application. Not enough bullshit and mystery. Im too much an open book
jam2885 @adamlambert who was your favorite writer/producer to work with for the album?
adamlambert @jam2885 One of the producers I was extremely honored to write with was @Pharrell Williams! Whew. I don't think y'all are ready for that!
TiiaTortilla @adamlambert Anything you wanna say to the Sauli haters? The Adommy crays?
adamlambert @TiiaTortilla nothing to say... All that chat is a waste of energy. Some Folks think they know my private life... Well they don't.
HannaBec @AdamLambert Would u perform on X-Factor if asked?
adamlambert @HannaBec of course! U think I'd say no? Haha
HousesOfCandy @AdamLambert:What one element is making this your 'dream' album? BTW, can't wait!! XOX
adamlambert @ @HousesOfCandy I think the production style is more progressive and forward thinking then in the past... I love electronic music!
adamlambert I feel like I've evolved as a singer and as a writer in the past few years. Learned so much on tour etc... The shift shows
GlitterSkies @adamlambert I think you should cover a Backstreet Boys song...
adamlambert @ @GlitterSkies haha I sang enough covers on idol. All about new, original material now.
anthrogeekPF @adamlambert Wanna get FUNKed up!! Are you exploring urban sounds with these new collabs?? wink.gif))
adamlambert @anthrogeekPF sorta... yeah
meandmypixie @adamlambert No pressure or anything, but if the album is gonna be released in early 2012, when can we expect a GNT2??? original.gif
adamlambert @meandmypixie the Glam Nation tour already happened! The next tour ( prob next year) will have a whole new concept and name.
GlamourStar730 @adamlambert I hope the CD's not too Poppy. I dont like dance music
adamlambert @GlamourStar730 i do
Sandishader @adamlambert have you already started working on the concept for the next tour?
adamlambert @Sandishader nope. lol im figuring all this out as i go. while its flattering you think i have it all mapped out in advance- i def dont!
2cntswrth @adamlambert Do you still party as much as you used to or do you hang out more at home now?
adamlambert @2cntswrth def been more of a homebody of late-- and spending lots of time in the studio too
adamlambert POST GAY. look it up. sums up my views
rach_eva @adamlambert it sucks to be told by OTHER PPL what should define YOU
adamlambert @rach_eva yeah... but that is what the "Cult of Celebrity" is. its one of the downsides.
mogulmama @adamlambert Was it cold at night in the desert- you guys were all bundled up
adamlambert @mogulmama sooo cold. and the days were so hot. its like a survival rave
WildflowerGlam @adamlambert Do you know why some people think gays are all the same? I mean straight people aren't all the same either, so why gays?
adamlambert @WildflowerGlam why? ignorance.
Misty_Glambert @adamlambert Summer or winter fashions?
adamlambert @Misty_Glambert im a fall/winter fan. love jackets!
Kimkris @adamlambert how often do you have to cut/color your hair?
adamlambert @Kimkris too often- it grows SO fast.
TrueGlambert3 @adamlambert What's some advice to help get over my ex????? Please, I seriously wanna get over him because he's mean to me but I can't :\
adamlambert @TrueGlambert3 distract yourself w a project. something positive and nothing to do w relationships. be productive and get your heart off it
yuki3sl @adamlambert Do you believe in fate ??
adamlambert @yuki3sl YES! Fate and Destiny are real! but you have to follow your instincts to allow it to unfold. we sometimes stand in our our own way.
Thanks to madamimadam!
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Love you Adam! Can't wait for your music whenever it'll be ready for release!
I also consider this answer of Adam as a great response to those who invest their time into Adam's private relationship as well.
"distract yourself w a project. something positive and nothing to do w relationships. be productive and get your heart off it"
Why people ask dumb question instead of real question?
I would say please don't Use the same ugly album cover for2album like1first one be wilder,funkier and cooler.
2-don't use all song poppy more rock,punk,edgy as he's style,and crazier because he's pipe and voice can do everything.
3-don't use same producers,like pop princesses in music bizz.
4-Give us something new and fresh and more publicity and huge album success and fan base.
Thanks for posting these Q & A's from Adam's twitter party.I read most of them( don't have twitter,so it's easier to read them here,tho)the url for the AIOTM is the first post under Adam's tweet about Demi L. Adam( & Allison) lose some votes,then maybe gain some,etc.Let's @ least try hard to keep BB 250-300 ahead of Paul M..thanks.
7:23 those are those questions or
I am not on Twitter either , so it is great to read the Q & A from Adam's party. He is so darn honest, tells you exactly what he feels, what he thinks or if it's none of your business esp. about his personal life. We know he is in love and that's all that matters. The rest is personal and private for Adam alone. Can't wait for this second album and that first single release. There must be a lot of pressure on Adam constantly being asked about the release date and the type of music it will contain. When he feels it is exactly what he wants, then it will be ready to be released. We all have to be patient a bit longer, but I am sure it will be well worth the wait.
I always look forward to these parties. Does he give a notice or just gets on twitter and say twitter party? what does original.gif mean ?I am very excited for everything.
OT - "dont ask, dont tell" is now a thing of the past as of today!!! Wonderful news! ... Adamluv
"First Single: Not exact release date yet", "hasn't even been picked"!
As far as releasing new song take a lot of time and everbody will expect new music video, I think this song is gonna be released on the beginning of 2012:)
Don't worry, be happy, Glamberts. Let's hope that all of chatting about 2112 is a myth and we can get Adam's new CD on next Christmas!HO-HO-HO
My favorite answer was when Adam said that schedules and deadlines come waaaaay second to great music. He should not be rushed because when he is finished we will have GREAT MUSIC!!!
"Cult of Celebrity"?
I don't like any kind of cults.
However, Cult of Glambert (COG) is Cult of love, glam, rock, fireworks, and fashion. And I love this Cult:):):)
HAL I love the COG too!!
Adam & Sauli have been nominated for cutest celebrity couple at They are very supportive of Adam. Please vote for A&S, they deserve to have their love for each other recognized. Thanks
Vote for Q102 Jingle Ball
@anon 7:23 PM
Adam answers the questions he wants to answer as they come to him, probably flying by at the speed of light...I was following along a little bit today on my lunch hour at work (and my phone was acting up..not always updating the twitter feed: of all the times to have it not work!) I saw many really great questions asked by those I "follow" and even tweeted a couple of my own questions (hopefully not dumb). He could only answer a relative few...and many flew by while he answered the questions he chose to answer..
So happy Adam decided to have a twitter party..which was by the way, totally spur of the moment and unannounced: in reply to @Anon 7:38 PM.... ( I assume he was waiting for a flight, or on a flight: back from Florida?????..that seems to be the time he does twitter parties...). I only knew about it because I have him on my phone alerts, so read his tweets, and then he said "Twitter Party"!!!
I agree with others above, he is just so open and honest about those things he choses to share with his fans....and I love the fact that he said "I found my love!" Makes me smile..he is so sweet and so romantic.. : )
He sounds SOOO excited about his new album, and is trying to tell us to stop asking him "When??" We want it NOW, but it sounds like he is really waiting until it's just perfect..Just a single will do for now, with an awesome video to go with it....Adam is like a slightly tired but patient parent dealing with the kids in the car saying "Are we there yet??" "Nope, but we will be soon"...Kinda like we're all "going to Disneyland" and can't wait to get there, but are passing through a small town with a carnival, and hoping its Disneyland!! LOL!! ... Holding out for the "big one" and he doesn't want to settle for less than perfect...and truth be told, neither do we! : )
I'm a little disappointed. I don't like dance music either.
HAL @ 8:45 You posted the link to Jingleball 2010. This is 2011. You need to stay in your comfort zone.
"I found my love"...awww. So sweet. He can't help but say it, although he tries to keep private life private. He's just too happy.
@anon 9:11PM Thanks for advise. Sometimes people can be sarcastic without any reason. Seems like this is you turn today.
Anyway, if you open this link, you will find the picture of 2010 Jingle Ball artists. Scroll down and you see the voting list for 2011 Jingle Ball. Adam has 14.14%
@HAL 9:36 PM
Thanks for posting that link to the 2011 Jingle Bell Ball! I would LOVE to see vids of him performing there, and wish I could be one of those lucky few who could see him in person if he ends up there...ITS BEEN TOO LONG! We need a little LIVE Adam! And singing his new single, which I assume will be out by then... : )
ot,I got my peace pendant today, it's nicer than I thought it would be, now I can wear it on peace day. Hope everyone likes theirs as much as I do.peace
They just extended that Faxo poll again. I'm out of there!! that place is totally wacked.
I love this response of Adam:
"deadlines and schedule come waaaay second to great music."
Adam really tries to stop the crays and their bull, but they just keep asking him questions. I guess for some living in a fantasy is better than the real world.
I would get upset with the fans if they kept harping on new music now, if I was in Adams shoes. The man has tried to say he was taking time off and than when he started writing, he said it was going to take time, because he wanted to get it the way he wanted it to sound.
I take him at his word, it works best for me. I think if he gave us one song, we would want two, than three......never satisfied.
I know, we all love him....want pictures, want interviews, want to hear him talk, sing and watch him walk. Thank God he is a good guy and loves his fans and tries to please. I think he has been doing quite well in the adjustment he has had to make in his life being famous. If this album turns out the way he wants, his life could get even more hectic. I hope he can handle it.
@11:03 P.A.S. All he has to do is to keep his eye on the price and ignore the distractions around him. Sometimes when I read his twitter mention I get so annoyed of some fans sending his tweets about his private life over and over again. Especially those shippers. They should just find a hobby and keep themselves busy until 2nd album is out.
I think Adam going towards pop he's working with pharell William,Claude kelly,its all in
Does rock more popular or pop?because daughtry maked $4million or $6million?so rock maybe still popular.
The 1album cover sucked and hes album didn't make$millions in us but worldwide he did.I hope 2album explode to superstardom like daughtry had.
@7:23 PM ..... DEMANDING MUCH!!
Let Adam do his own thing, not bow and scrape to overdemanding, entitled fans.
Adam LOVES pop. He's tweeted it's his favorite genre.
I think the Faxo polls are extended to get maximum hits for their advertisers - pathetic!
Adam appears to know himself and the path he wants to take through life very well. I imagine he is extremely stubborn and will not let himself be stampeded into any direction or action that he is not in agreement with. People like that never have ulcers, they sometimes give people ulcers! He will do what he wants with his career, sing the music he wants to sing, associate with whom he wishes, dress the way he decides, love whom he desires and we can choose to hang around and see how it all turns out or move on. When I started this peaking into the window of his life there were things I wanted for Adam, many of the things I wanted, he has rejected, but since the main thing I wanted was for him to be successful and happy that goal seems to have been met. So now I am content that he's living the life he always wanted.
peeking not peaking..
I have a feeling we will have an album similar to FYE with different types of music. Excited about rapper Williams collaboration, love him to try something new and outrages. Arhhh!! Adam found his love and I found my music!! <3<3<3
I like pop and dance music a lot and I can wait for the album, no problem at all. Adommy was part of the GNT and Adam wanted us to celebrate it then. Many fans will cherish those memories. The Adommy fans have a very strong faith that A & S relationship will come to an end and when it does, they are going to celebrate it. Real relationships can be fragile and I try not to flail too much about Adam and Sauli, because I don't want to be disappointed, if it happens to end. I'm not a nosy person, so I have no need to know everything about Adam's, or anybody else's, private life either. However, as a Finn, I'm very happy that they are together.
Im soooo relieved to hear him say "dance" regarding the music. I was skerred it was gonna be all over the top sappy lovey dovey considering the head space he is in atm. And once again he has to address the crayberts and once again it should shut them the fuck up but once again it only fuels their insanity. They really all should invest in straight jackets.
I'm not going to be mad if A & S break up, but I hope Adam never back stabs Sauli the way Brad Pitt did to Jennifer Aniston. Why did he marry her.
@4:57 Why would Adam do that? He has been on very good terms with all of the exs that we are aware of, and given Adams character he is the last person to back stab people.
Did he live with his ex's? Sauli is close to Drake's personality, a bit withdrawing.
There are relationships and relationships - Adam's and Sauli's is an unique one. I can't compare it to any other relationship. Knowing their kindness and how madly they are in love, there are good chances that their relationship will last forever.
@5:56 Oh no, no. Sauli surely isn't withdrawing! He is extremely social. I think you have drawn your conclusion by looking at the paparazzi pics. He might be withdrawing when it concerns paps, because he knows that they are there for Adam.
Anon5:56PM. If you look at the pics taken at Brooke's wedding, you can see how social Sauli is. He's hugging everybody.
Whatever the first single is , it must appeal to as wide a range of people as he can possibly get. Adam needs constant radio play for it to be a success. All the Adam fans will buy the album and want to hear that single, but it is the individuals who are not sure about Adam and his music, those fence sitters who need to be convinced that he is the best vocal talent in music today. So let Adam take his time, get it just right and I am certain that we will not be disappointed.
Yes, Sauli is social, but I meant like Drake he will move on and let also Adam move on, if they split up. He's not pathetic.
The faxo poll just keeps on ticking doesn't it?
Jeez, Adam mentions pop music and some people think his new CD will all pop. He mentions dance music and some people think it will be all dance. He mentions rock and some people think it will be all rock. Come on. It will be a great mix of genres showing Adam at his best. It will be edgy, new, fresh, risky and wonderful. It certainly won't be any ONE thing. Adam knows what he can do. He is vocally capable of anything. He's gonna blow the roof off with this one. I do have a personal warning to myself, though. The new single may NOT be my favorite right off the bat. It may not be THE hit from the CD. I'm sure other songs will emerge as hits from the CD when it comes out. This is how I keep myself somewhat sane.
"The Faxo poll keeps ticking". If it is "American Idol of the month" you are talking about, it keeps ticking the whole month.
Maybe we could refrain from gushing, squeeing and even commenting about the boyfriens for awhile. As a test. Usually the pap pics of A & S get a 100+ comments here.
Sauli surely is the most social person. He has said that he and Adam are quite alike and think very similarly. And they both are joyful, boyish, fun-loving, talkative and smile and laugh easily. I think this is a good basis for a long lasting relationship. And in Adam's comment that he has found love, I see deep devotion and care. They have lived several months together and seen the good and bad sides of eachs others. When I saw Adam's comment I saw in my eyes the pic from BM where Adam holds Sauli's hand. Lovely partnership. Nobody knows how long it will last, but I hope it will last very long. And I also hope that the Adommy crays will not have their celebration and can little by little forget their fantasies.
Yea but, Adam thinks it's waste of energy, to defend Sauli.
The Adommy crays should realize that their idol doesn't care too much for their waste of energy. He has super explained that Tommy and him are very good friends. He is very much in love with Sauli. Yay! So glad Adam has found his funny that he said that and then did it!
A happy Adam is what I like to see. He's so lucky to have found love, the most important thing in life. He's also very lucky to be able to work with amazing song writers and producers who acknowledge how talented he is. Things are going so well for him. YAY!
What did Adam mean POST GAY? He said look it up and it sums up his views? I couldn't find it...anyone know?
Adam seems very happy and contented with Sauli and his life in general right now and it seems to me that he has reached the point of wanting to settle down with the person he loves. In an early interview post-Idol (FUSE I think) he said that he was done sowing his wild oats and would like to be in a committed relationship but his life was so hectic that he didn't have the time available to give any relationship the attention it deserved. I recall that he also said that he was usually the "caretaker" in his relationships but with all the changes in his life he thought that now he would need a relationship with more balance ... with somebody who would also take care of him a little bit.
I think Adam has found that relationship and he is fiercely protective of it. Thankfully it also happened at a time when he was able to give the relationship enough love and attention for it to flourish. Why would any "fan" want to deny him that? Sadly, some fans think that he's been slack for investing this time in his personal happiness, creative rejuvination and musical integrity. They think he should have kept his nose to the grindstone 100% of the time working on his new album because they want it NOW. Entitled! Much!
Adam is smart enough to recognize and protect the need for balance and integrity in all aspects of his life and I applaud him for it. I hope his relationship remains strong and happy and I'll patiently yet anxiously wait for his album until he is ready to give it to me.
If you Google Post Gay you will find lots of information about it. One definition - Post Gay: When homosexuals define their identity by something other than their sexual preference.
In other words, in a post gay world, gay individuals would be universally accepted as members of mainstream society and not singled out because of their sexual identity. There would be no necessity to "come out" because a person's sexuality would not be an issue
Thanks for the twitter party Adam, I'm glad he communicates with us. I missed another party, :( hopefully I'll catch the next one.
Best thing to do is do just what Adam says leave his private life alone. Just happy for him he's got $ in the bank! Mwah!! K
LOL at September 20, 2011 8.26 AM
You know perfectly well that
Adam said the adommy crays and Sauli haters twats are waste a of time.
You are probably one of those he is refering to...
September 20, 2011 8.26 AM
You really need to get a life.
But it's awful. So many who don't like his bf that he's giving in. He's scared of those bitches and they know it.
Anon 11:33, maybe I need Bad Medicine.
@Hal, ignor that rude comment made to you. Thanks for the link. ... Adamluv
Forgot the "e" in ignore!
he'll never admit his crushes, but he has them. male and female.
Ain't Talkin' Bout Love.. <3
he got over Bill Kaulitz, because Bill likes a smooth bottom instead of a hairy one.
oh dear lord the loonies are back.
Ignore, the only way!
Adam will never give all the details about his love and lusts. he has tight lip.
play with lasses asses:)))
you're not Ignoring if you are reading these comments and posting other comments. it's called Hypocrite.
the person typing comments and reading their own comments and commenting on other peoples comments by typing other comments are hypocrite as well.
OMG Sybil lives. such an angry, lonely, sad, empty girl.
I'm sooo confused. He says not to ask about his private life (agreed, it's NO ONE'S business but his) because the focus should be the music. But then doesn't want to talk about that really either ("I'll tell you when I'm ready; be patient!") So what DOES he want to talk about? Politics (No!), Religion (HELL no!) the state of the universe (maybe;)). Anyway, is the Project Runway episode on tomorrow? I know the premier of "Majors and Minors" is Friday (woo-hoo!) on HUB.
somebody should ask Do you crush on TJR? answer: YUP! and what love don't know won't hurt 'em.
Sybil Shepard? delusional cray
he wants to talk about how far he can put a hot dog in his mouth without gagging.
I guess there is empty hypocrites who say hypocritical things about other empty hypocrites when they are feeling like an ignorant hypocrite.
Hypocrite telling another hypocrite not to comment on other hypocrites hypocritical comments are just so damn hypocrite.
I agree, someone should finally ask Adam about Tommy. Why the hell they're not together. It's such a big issue in the fandom.
Tommy beds women and Adam is curious about it. makes for a good reality show.
no discussing Politics, Religion, or the Universe! just sex.
Thank you 9:15. I love your post.
3:31 you also may like funnbunn40 comment under the A&S leaving a West Hollywood restaurant. It is at the bottom of the thread.Smart lady there!!
The Bradam fans are the most fiendish though. Anyone agree with that?
3:12 he just called a twitter party to order and answered every question, what more do you want from the man. I give up.
The Dradam fans are the sexiest.
in or out? is the question
Come across a youtube comment under Freddie Mercury recently that impress me. Someone comment about to a troll who has spent 20 years hating on Freddie . Wow!!! What a life, so wasted! What did he/she get at the end? Hope people get smarter!!!
On the AIOTM Contest,I'd RATHER IT NOT START OVER.IT'S EASIER TO keep BB @ # 5 than to start over( @ last now)..I voted @ A COUPLE of places for getting Adam to their Jingle Ball affairs..don't have urls now.Everybody has done very good today on the AIOTM.Thanks!!
@glizylady & Adamluv Thank you for your support, ladies.
Do you know if Adam's name in the Jingle Ball's voting list anywhere else? I you remember,last year his name was in 4 voting lists.
Just read twitter party and scanned comments, way up there someone asked what original.gif meant. I don't believe anyone answered the question....I'd like to know too. I'm not familiar with twitter language. Twit-illit!
?????? JAK
pinkie rings are needed to make O-Ficial
I love to be gone for awhile and come back and find a twitter party by Adam, Just made me day. thanks Adam .
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