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More Pictures of Adam Lambert at Burning Man

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, September 11, 2011

Posted at : Sunday, September 11, 2011


glitzylady said...

Love all of these pics..!

This is a video about Burning Man 2011:

"Burning Man 2011 by Rainbow Raccoon" no Adam..but shows what goes into it, and has scenes from the "burns" the Lights, the Music, etc. It looks amazing!

Anonymous said...

That third pic is really cute, Adam is holding Sauli's hand. They are probably very affectionate with each other. Sauli's wearing the same jacket & nail polish as he did in previous pics (ninjas have been at work, lol). And apparently Sauli's wearing Adam's old hat & feathers.

In the first pic Adam is looking fierce, actually the other people in that pic also look a bit "surprised", wonder why? That bus looks a lot like Adam's tour bus, that would make sense.

Anonymous said...

Great ninja work!!Love these pics. Adam looks sooo hot. Adorable how Adam and Sauli are holding hands. So happy they are together and that they shared this BM experience.

Anonymous said...

Does Adam have little light bulbs in his hat? LOL

Also heard on other forums that one of the men could be Hans Haveron (the artist/painter), I'm guessing he's the one on Adam's right side, in the front row (?). Any idea who his other friends are?

I love it how A & S are very often touching each other in recent pics (holding hands, hugging, leaning etc.). And you can throw Sauli in to any crowd, he will fit right in and make friends. That must be nice for Adam. This group looks like a happy bunch of people. :)

Anonymous said...

I love the way Adam can change his looks....

Love the pics!

Anonymous said...

Adam looks so HOT in that first picture! The hand-holding...awwww.

Anonymous said...

In the first pic it looks Adam is saying "Why can't I be included?" I'll talk to you, Adam.

Anonymous said...

Hans Haveron, the artist who inspired Adam's key tatoo, is also Roxy's boyfriend, so they were all together at BM.

Anonymous said...

The tenderness Adam and Sauli show each other is so beautiful that it almost makes me cry. Their love story has have a hugh impact on me. I used to be a little homophopic, but Adam and Sauli have made me understand how sweet love between two guys can be. It doesn't have to be only rude sex as I used to think.

Anonymous said...

Damn Adam is really fucking gorgeous handsome man!!!

Girls and boys are dying to have him. Hehehehe!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam look like his Brother a little

Anonymous said...

Google "flecking best hair" and vote for Adam for Best hair. Go to page two and there is the voting list. I voted a bunch of times for Adam. leave a comment if you like.

Adamluv said...

9/11 - R.I.P.

Anonymous said...

Call me crazy, but in the first picture, doesn't the guy with the sunglasses, head bandana and blonde hair look like Perez Hilton? What do you think? Could he have been there too?

Anonymous said...

Wish I was that girl laying behind Adam.....

LP said...

In the first pic Adam looks like he just woke up from a nap. I wondered how they were able to take all their gear in that little plane, and poor Sauli was very brave, thinking this might be the end of his life. He doesn't like heights, and he gets panic attacks.When they landed I expect Saulis legs almost gave way with relief. LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh Evil Pirate......tie me up

Anonymous said...

How CAN that girl just lie there next to Adam in that first picture? Does she not understand?

Anonymous said...


It looks like Adam had his tour bus there. Maybe his friends came to BM by the bus and had all Adam's and Sauli's gear in it. Adam and Sauli flew there afterwards on tuesday?

Anonymous said...

Holy man!!!! I can't just lay there and do nothing!!!! I'm just gonna grab and kiss Adam for sure Damnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!

Lucky indeed.....

LP said...

@ 5:49

I really don't think Adam had his tour bus there. Sauli said they had no showers for a week. But I agree with you that some one else may have driven there with all their stuff.I imagine they used a tent. Prolly didn't even rent one of the RV's. I think Adam wanted him and Sauli to experience the whole BM adventure.

Anonymous said...

If that's Adam's tour bus or an RV,then I feel better cause they had a better place to sleep,& it's safer( & maybe cooler with a generator)That's the only way I'd sleeping in tents there for me-lol!

LP said...

I think using an RV spoils the whole idea of BM.
It is set up to see if they can survive as one happy family helping each other, with freedom of expression. Personally you wouldn"t catch me out there, even with an RV.

Anonymous said...

me either!!lol!!too primitive.I'm not the camping type.I hope Adam didn't damage his throat with all that blowing sand( hope he wore a mask when needed,& had on sunblock & didn't get sunburned)

Anonymous said...

I read that the organisers are very strict about people bringing in their own vans and buses. They have arranged transport for ferrying participants to and in the compound. They allow muted vehicles, art-designed cars that can only go at 5mph. But Adam, a worldwide superstar, may have been the few exceptions, to enhance security etc, conjecture. Burnibg Man, a really brilliant idea for survival and camaraderie; the ethos there is self-reliance, at the same time help one another. One has to be really tough to survive it even for a week. Adam and Sauli look marvellous. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

How many pictures are posted here? I can see three but can't see any of Adam holding Sauli's hand?

glitzylady said...

@Anon 9:19 PM
In picture #3, (group picture..) Adam is holding Sauli's hand..Sauli is sitting directly behind Adam and his arm is draped over Adam's sweet!

Anonymous said...

3:54 that doesn't look like PH to me, if it was he was probably beat to a pulp by Adam's friends right after the picture was snapped. lol and he is still wondering around somewhere in the desert.

Anonymous said...

Dear9:47, so funny and what a great idea...PH beaten to a pulp and still wandering in the desert! They'll probably have to send a helicopter crew to winch him up! LOL! Don't mean to be mean. Whoa what was that...mean and mean. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Adam tweeted...He, Sauli, Eber and Neil have had a "listening session" with wine & cheese...aren't they the lucky ones to be hearing new songs (I mean what else would they be listening to...)!

But too bad he said the album will be released next year! But at least a single next month...some comfort there...

And back to topic...Adam & Sauli's hand holding is so adorable... :)

Anonymous said...

A single next month is terrific! Now I will just content myself with watching Outlaws of Love, his AI and GNT performances. Meanwhile we can look forward to his appearance on Project Runway; several sites have confirmed it and suggested it may be as soon as two weeks time! Hope to see him on Youtube. Whoa I wonder what he will be wearing, whatever...will be stunning. I am looking forward to his fashion critiques. The participants had better step up their game. :)
-Lam my

Anonymous said...

Yes, there is a shower in the bus, but no way so much water they could use for that purpose.

Anonymous said...

Adam holding Sauli's hand?? I don't think so! Sauli isn't sitting the right way for that to be possible.

Anonymous said...

What! Next year for the second album. Adam's album might not be released until next year What is the reason? I know a number of major albums are coming out in November so I thought that Adam's would be one of them. If not, I hope that the first single is released next month. It has been too long that we have been waiting for a new song although I still hear WWFM on the radio as I did this morning. The wait is becoming torturous. But at least with the first single, there will be tv appearances to promote the song so that should hold us over for a while.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:34. Sauli's right hand is over Adam's shoulder (almost on his chest) and Adam is holding it with his left hand. You can even see their matching nail Sauli is right behind Adam. This is a really small pic, but there bigger versions of this pic on many forums.

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to be patient for the second's difficult, but it will be worth the wait. It can't be long before the single is released and soon we'll have a new video too!

In the third pic (Adam holding his hand on top of Sauli's hand) it looks like Sauli was giving him a shoulder-massage or a hug...either way, those two are so precious.

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:34. I found this pic on Twitter by's part of the hand-holding pic where their hands are clearly's amazing what you can find on Twitter!!/EveGlambert379/status/113155434436755456/photo/1

Anonymous said...

I just posted on the other thread, but I'll add my thoughts here, too: I wonder how Adam's later CD release will affect his chances at a Grammy nom? Maybe his later release will set him apart from the glut of new CDs that come out in November. Mayber there is some marketing strategy here? Glad his new CD is coming soon! Hope his new promoters will market the hell out of it and HIM! I want to see him making the rounds and getting out there again. As I said on the other thread, FYE has become part of my DNA, and now I'm ready to broaden my gene pool. Love you, Adam, but we're going crazy with the wait!

Anonymous said...

Anon 5:34
Are you blind? Zoom a little and ta da! Sauli's right hand is on Adam's shoulder (see Sauli's left hand and you see that the jacket is the same on the right, too LOL) and A is holding his hand while S is probably talking to someone on his right side.

Anonymous said...

In the first pic Adam looks alittle confused after waking from his nap maybe because 2 girls are lying in bed with him Where is Sauli? ha ha Steph

Anonymous said...

The 3rd pic where Adam is holding Sauli's hand is the most touching pic I ever seen of the lovebirds. It makes me feel so warm in my heart that I almost cry. I just LOVE them both.

Anonymous said...

he looks hot with the flouresant chicks.

Anonymous said...

he looks like George Michael in number 2. acts like him as well.

Anonymous said...

George Micheal? hmmm ,I don't know, but I def love George Michael.

Anonymous said...

I feel a GM vibe.

Anonymous said...

Sep 12 8:36 AM
Sauli is very sporty, so he is biking. But before that he took this picture. He can trust his guy with girls. LOL

Sep 12 8:48 AM
I agree. These guys are so enormously cute, caring and happy!!! I love them too so much.

Anonymous said...

Cut off date for Grammy eligibility is 9-30-11. Neither single nor album will be eligible for next year's Grammy Awards. So sad!