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New Sauli Koskinen and Katri Tutka video (9/13/11)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Posted at : Tuesday, September 13, 2011

If you're interested in the translation of this video, GO HERE!


Anonymous said...

Sauli is obviously sitting in front of a fireplace. Nice to have a chance to visit Adam's house once a week. ;)

Anonymous said...

Damn Sauli is cute.

Anonymous said...

Adam has a busy week in the studio. Maybe that's why Sauli has a visitor from Finland there right now. We can hear a baby crying. Could that be Sauli's twin sister with her son. Sauli must have been missing her sister a lot.

choons said...

That chair Sauli is sitting on - reminds of the pic Adam posted quite a while ago of a great baroque type chair and he said he wanted one of those after a successful world tour maybe he went out and bought himself one - now maybe two!

Anonymous said...

Sauli The Sunshine looks a bit tired but is still shining.

LP said...

Seems like Katri should go on Skype a little earlier, so that she isn't waking up Sauli after he has gone to bed. He did look tired, but anyone would if they were woken up. But he still shines and is A BEAUTIFUL YOUNG MAN.

Anonymous said...

Fangirlies want your man Sauli.:)

Anonymous said...

Please, let's have a thread without sniping, meanness, bile and bitching. Just one peaceful place to visit.

Anonymous said...

Sauli seems to have an adorable personality. Adam and sauli must have lots of laughs together. Would love to hear him speak English and hear his cute Finnish accent.

Anonymous said...

Why post a video of Sauli & Katri all in Finnish? How many fans actually understand the language, and why on an Adam post? They are not discussing Adam or even have any thing to do with music... I just don't understand...

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:08 PM
Some of us are interested in what Sauli has to say..Not to mention there are fans from Finland who come to this blog so they need no translation. The translation is listed in case anyone who doesn't speak Finnish would like to know what was said. We are in a very slow Adam news time right now..Its the prerogative of of the owners of this blog to post whatever they see fit to post. This is not an "official" Adam blog..but of course a very informative and popular one. If you aren't interested, just skip it. I'm sure you'll find this vid on many more "Adam" related blogs..And its all over Twitter. Simple as that..I always enjoy watching Katri and Sauli talk..they are both so animated and fun, even if you can't understand the language. And of course Sauli is Adams partner so there is no reason not to include him here.. Not sure if that answers your question, but that's my answer! : )

Anonymous said...

Thank you for posting that gif under the Tutka video, it's so cute! If I'm not mistaken that was the time when Katri was asking Sauli about the first tabloid pics of him & Adam. The love story was just about to begin.

Anonymous said...

Great bloke Sauli!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Sauli does look tired. If a baby is staying there, the crying might cause his sleep to be restless. I think no food for 4 days would make one tired but he said after the detox finished that he felt fantastic.

Anonymous said...


Sauli belongs to Adam's family. For example Adamtopia has a rule allowing to discuss everything concerning Leila, Eber, Neil and Sauli without having any direct context to Adam.

Did you notice the link to the English translation?

Anonymous said...

I look forward to these Tutka videos.Sauli and Katri have alot of fun together and make it interesting. Thanks for posting 24slash7.

Anonymous said...

Sep 14 2:58 AM
Blaa, blaa to you too. Why did you bother to come here? You could so easily ignore the threads that don't intrest you. I don't get it. And Sauli looks tired because it's 1:00 AM in LA. We have 10 hours time difference. Yes, the other gif is a couple of days after he met Adam the first time and there were those pap pics Adam holding his head. Sauli said only that it must be the American way of saying hello (and a weird one because he did not hear anything he said).

Anonymous said...

I like the diversity of this fan forum. There's something for everyone. If you don't like some posts, just move on. ALL these posts are connected to Adam in one way or another. And Adam is the reason we are here in the first place.

Anonymous said...

Adam and Sauli are kindred spirits who radiate warmth, kindness with a guilelessness and innocence that I did not sense in Adam's former bf's. What is uncanny about Adam is his gift for realizing dreams however that is done. Whether on purpose, as his seizing his moment with American Idol, or serendipitously, as when he finds Sauli by chance, Adam seems gifted with prophecy or with the ability to forge his destiny through sheer force of will. Adam foresaw in a March 2011 interview: "I will find my Viking; he'll ride in on a ship. I will find my love in the Arctic Circle in the Northern Lights".
Sauli, from all accounts Adam's true soul mate, is reported to have worked for a Viking Cruise Line, and was in a Finnish club when they first met. How's that for the "universe unfolding as it should". atm

Anonymous said...

This time they couldn't hear or see each other properly because skype connection was working poorly so its was difficult to communicate.

Anonymous said...


/Adam foresaw in a March 2011 interview: "I will find my Viking; he'll ride in on a ship. I will find my love in the Arctic Circle in the Northern Lights".//

Isn't that unbelievable ? How could he know ?

(you have the date wrong, it was 2010 he said it - months before he met Sauli)

Anonymous said...

@11:06AM. And isn't it unbelievable what Sauli said in an interview back in 2008?

"Do you believe in love at first sight?

Sauli: I do. It would be the sweetest thing in the world to just walk down the street and come across the sweetest person in the world. Our eyes would just meet, and we’d continue together. Not much words needed.

Miss Mix magazine 1/2008"

Aww. It's sometimes quite amazing what can happen in life.

Anonymous said...

Sauli does not look tired to me at all. lol i don't get how you people always think Adam and now Sauli look tired all the time. neg mother hens tbh

Anonymous said...

YAY @11:25AM. Not much words needed... Didn't Sauli tell in an interview that there was not much talking when they met. "We just smiled"...
and then they just walked together down the street and kissed...

Anonymous said...

Thank you atm.@8:55. That is just how i feel too:

Adam and Sauli are kindred spirits who radiate warmth, kindness with a guilelessness and innocence that I did not sense in Adam's former bf's.

Those are the facts which made me fall in love with Adam and Sauli. They have changed my opinion of gaylove. I used to think it was just a question of sex and couldn't see how beautiful a relationship with two guys can be. Now I know.

Shiggles said...

Anon @ 11:48 Please post using a taq. I know your first sentence is a quote from atm. However, your own paragraph shows such insight and newly acquired knowledge, I bow to you. I would love to thank you "in person."


Anonymous said...

Hi Anon @1:50. You shouldn't thank me, atm is the one who wrote those wonderful words.

Well, anyway I think that Adam's and Sauli's beautiful relationship have opened many eyes. Even my husband who used to be quite homophopic smiled very gently when he saw some pics of A&S. Then we discussed the subject and it seems now that it had a clear effect on his attitude too.

(You can call me Lady X - I have used that name here occasionally).

Lady X

Anonymous said...

I think the translation is not new(where it says "click on" above this thread)It seems to be from 8/29 & posted on 9/1..I'm not sure about the video itself,but I've read that translation before.It mentions Sauli's hair color;him going "Hollywood",etc.I haven't watched all this video,cause I was waiting on the right translation.Maybe somebody knows where the most current translation is posted.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sorry,I should have said where it says to "click on" for the translation,( below the video & the pic)The video seems new,but not the translation.

Anonymous said...

This is still the right link for the translation. Just keep scrolling down the page. The translations are all listed one after the other. The translation for the most recent video from 9/13 is about 2/3 down the page.


Anonymous said...

Just roll down. All the translations are on the same site. This new one too.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the info,@ 3:39pm ( cwm) & anom.3:41pm & 3:41pm.I see all the translations now...They're all very long.That's why I didn't see the newest one.I thought the newest would be @ the top,but it's the opposite there.

Anonymous said...

I was a sweaty piggy all summer too. So hot in Finland.. xD