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Two (Possible) New Old Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 10, 2011

Posted at : Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thanks SouthernGirl and Kimberly_Caldwell_4_Life!


Anonymous said...

Wow on both pix!!no eye make-up( or very little, if any)& he still looks so cute!!He just doesn't need as much as he usually wears.This must have been during or right after Idol.The top pic is my fav.The tint is a little( yellowish or greenish,but not Adam's fault,of course)He's about to put lemon in or on something.If anybody knows where the top pic was taken,please post it.Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Great pix, the first one produced in sepia (color).

Anonymous said...

Lord, I can't help falling for him over and over again...
Very masculine in the first pic!

Anonymous said...

When I think of sepia colored pix that I've seen,there're mostly brownish tinted,with just a very little color added to some( like the blue in Adam's eyes,for example)Search for sepia tinted,& see what you find.

Urethra_Franklin said...

HA! Its the cock ring! I love his wink and inner smirk to the conserves! These little moments give me the giddles.

Anonymous said...

Love the natural look!

Anonymous said...

The top pick is from Good Morning America when him, Kris, and David Cook did the concert. How can you forget? Both Kris and David were in oh-so-boring plain shirts and Adam Fucking Lambert was of course sex on fire that day. UNF!

Anonymous said...

Only 6 more days to order Adam Lambert's Peace Pendant from Don't be the only Glambert that doesn't have one.

Anonymous said...

Any picture of Adam new or old is great to see. We need something to fill in the time between now and the release of his second album. I like both looks.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely loved the look of the first picture from his appearance on GMA for the concert. HOT, HOT, HOT!! And when he sang STARLIGHT, well, that certainly made my morning. He just outshone Cook and Allen singing alone or with the two of them. My other favorite look of his was when he performed on the CBS Morning Show in that Nov. after ABC cancelled him. He sat outside in the cold, answered questions and then sang two songs. His mother was also there. Check back on that if interested...very clean, fresh, handsome appearance.

Anonymous said...

@ Urethra, "conserves" are sexual beings, too.

Urethra_Franklin said...

6:47 but they dont wear cock rings in public...

Anonymous said...

There's a new poll starting on Flecking records now...may not be voting yet,but comments,anyway for "best hair"...Adam & about 6-7 more,including females.

Anonymous said...

Urethra, you are amusing, girl. Love your humor.


Urethra_Franklin said...

8:27 I try my best. Glad I could brighten your day.

Anonymous said...

Looking at these pictures of Adam and his two totally different styles, I just read that it has been confirmed that Adam will appear as a judge on PROJECT RUNWAY. No specific date has been given yet, but it may be within several weeks. So let's keep each other posted when the exact date is given. Can't wait to see him. I have watched several episodes this season so far but don't watch it every week. But you know I will be glued to the tv when Adam comes on as one of the judges.

Anonymous said...

6:20 I'm feeling guilty for not having one...due to some circumstances that cannot be avoided :_(

Shiggles said...

@Urie - Everyone in the world could look at that picture of Adam and never see the "ring" he's wearing but you. You inspire me. In my anon days, I asked you to marry me because of one of your posts. Your giddles gave me my tag. Thanks again for a good laugh and for having such sharp eyes. :)))))))

Shiggles said...

@Urie: I just went to my favorites list and watched Adam sing Starlight that morning and sure enough, he's wearing the "ring" on his mic hand so it's out there for all to see. Gotta love the boy. He's got nothin to hide.

Anonymous said...

@6:17 am

"The top pick is from Good Morning America when him, Kris, and David Cook did the concert." This is your sentence.

Remove "Kris, and David Cook" and this is what you wrote:

"The top pick is from Good Morning America when him did the concert."

Really? When HIM did the concert???

Thanks for the information. It shows you have a very good memory. Too bad you lack the knowledge of which pronouns to use.

I'll remain anon along with you.

Urethra_Franklin said...

SHIGGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Your name makes me laugh every time I see it!!

He was also interviewed on a red carpet wearing it. Maybe one of those cray ninjas can find the link. Im sure it was Jim Canti?whatever that was interviewing him and Im positive Kris Allen was standing behind him. He was asked about the "ring" and the glint in his eye and the giggle on his lips said IT ALL!!!! WOOTS!!

Urethra_Franklin said...

Well imagine THAT. You search "adam lambert cock rinb" on youtube and THERE IT IS!! LOL So I was wrong about Jim but I was right about everything else. WOOTS!

Urethra_Franklin said...
