Adam Lambert at Whole Foods on Friday October 7
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Saturday, October 8, 2011
Posted at : Saturday, October 08, 2011
Adam Lambert flashes a peace sign as he loads groceries into his car at Whole Foods on Friday (October 7) in Los Angeles.

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Hope he's gonna recycle those paper bags!
So happy to see him out and about like normal.
Holy crap!!!! What a nice good looking man to see to start my morning coffee. Haircut is still a mystery but don't care as long he is happy and healthy indeed......
Way to go Mr. Rock God and take your time until you explode the world again....
We r just here waiting for the go signal!!!!!!
Wondering if They are gonna have a party.
Yes, he's still got the shaved sides. Guessing that will be the look for the album cover, since he just had the photo shoot. Read somewhere that he had a lot of blue in his hair too. Sure will be interesting to see the look he's going for ...
Yay! I can now post comments on here. Adam must be thinking it's crazy that people are filming him walking from Whole Foods to his car. Such a mundane thing but I love seeing it anyway...gotta get my daily fix.
How come I never see anything that good in my grocery store parking lot?........JAK
Why is it uneasy for some to see Adam doing grocery shoppy? Dumb! I live in tinsel town and I see celeb. doing grocery shopping. I've seen Pamela Anderson, Penelope Kruz, Jammie Lee Curits, etc. etc. It is L.A. filled with famous celeb. My husband saw MJ shopping at one of the furniture stores in Venice Beach when his Thriller album was mega mega hit. So seeing Adam's pictures shopping isn't anything out of the ordinary for me see.
I've been "at it" again....woke up and found this scribbled on bedside notepad. I'm a "night-writer"!
..........Disecting Adam..........
His eyes are, his eyes are, they're somewhere in between.
He's looking, he's looking thin....poor guy, he just can't win!
His hair is awful....his hair is great!....He shaved it off!....
relax, just wait.
It grows so fast, don't know he likes to change his hair.
His hair is too short....his hair is too long....He's practically perfect....he can do no wrong.
He's hanging out with dudes who look weird....OMG, now he's grown a beard!
He looks awful!, he looks hot! He's simply gorgeous....I love him a lot!
I can't believe it....another tattoo!....I don't like 'em, how about you?
Oh no, another of my what's he doing to his ears?
His love life can frequently cause a fight....Can't we trust him to get it right?
We're too involved in his life....sometimes our threads are full of strife.
He's being slowly smothered to death....fretted over with every breath.
Let's cool it down....for awhile
and just glory in his smile.
We're gonna love him....right or wrong....and wait it out....for that new song!!!
..............JAK :)
Oops! That's dissecting not disecting!......JAK
9:49 show-off. lol
Please blur the license plate number for his privacy and safety.
@ Glitzylady
Just read about your broken arm.
That's a major "OWWIE", hope it heals quickly. Would it help if Adam signed your cast?.....JAK
Great to see pictures of Adam doing the same thing we all shop, not necessarily in Whole Foods, but getting in a supply of staples and goodies. He looks good and we can't get a look at the hair because of the hat. That doesn't matter; I am just interested in the music, this new album and the first single. Can't wait.
@10:55AM Hmmm, you're jealous!
OMG! Who the F*ck looks that good grocery shopping?? Good grief... I just went to the store here in Houston and I did NOT see ANYONE lookin like that!!
Seriously *Death by Grocery Shopping*
Lil MoFoSexyBeast
poor guy, can't even get food without the paps up in his grill. good grief.
@JAK Love your poem! Maybe you could write some lyrics with Adam on album 3!Love seeing new pics of Adam and so looking forward to news on his single because it is the ish month!
@JAK Love your poem! Maybe you could write some lyrics with Adam on album 3!Love seeing new pics of Adam and so looking forward to news on his single because it is the ish month!
Sorry new to this system and made my comment appear twice. haha I am soooo technical!
Anon 12.22 The answer is NOBODY!! Who the heel looks good/hot pushing a shoping cart!?? Only Adam.I'm sure he looks good even when he just wake words..
OMG!!! Adam is too fucking gorgeous for words. 9:49 is right, if you live in Hollywood, you see so many movie stars, I did and none EVER got me excited. If I saw THIS walking down the street, I would faint from the heat!
And imagine if you were in whole foods and Adam took off his sunglasses to check out the veggies. Geeze! Can't take the thought!
I think we should have some shopping bags made for Adam. Simple faux leather in black, I thought, studs, but too much. Just simple crinkled leather look with big wide straps so he can carry two bags on his shoulders and more in his hands. And, a nice black faux leather box to keep them in the back of his black Mustang. We could have studs on the box. What do ya think?
@ Grandma JAK
Mommy Fan4fun an I just loved your poem! We got a copy!!!
Next time Grandma could you please include ME in your poetry to my sweet uncle? It'd be my poetic M&G with uncle sweet Adam.
I wish I could be inside one of those boxes or bags... then we all would see how soo beautiful my favorite uncle is even when sneezing... meowtchin-hehe!
I see they blocked out his license plate #. it was in clear view earlier. Some fans were really concerned. I know you can see it in 1 picture here, but it's unclear-(last #) the other one was dead on clear to see! I like those hats on adam, wonder what he's hiding under there LOL also wonder what was in those bags. lucky people out in LA get to experience this siting of Mr georgeous himself
You know what I find hard to believe is the lady behind him and the two beside him- Didn't have a clue who they were next to. Pay attention when your shopping!
@ Icon
Just for You......
Many stars have fans.... what's so special about that?
But how many of those have a fan..... who is an island dwelling cat!
One who has adventures that never seem to quit.....
One who can speak "people" and tell
us all about it?
Mighty Icon is acknowledged
as a truly special find....
A feline extraordinaire
of the most intriguing kind!
Adam Lambert is so lucky....
I hope someone tells him that
far off in The Azores....
There lives a Glambercat!
......Hugs from Grandma JAK
@ 12:57 PM
Re: black leather grocery bags
I'm a little worried about you, you may have blurred the line between fan and fanatic!!!! LOL
.....he would look cool!....JAK
Hat and sunglasses don't hide anything because I'd know those shoes anywhere!
I agree that no one in my Whole Foods looks like that. And can't believe how close those other people were and didn't know.
Where is Sauli???? Its tough going shopping alone!!!!
Pretty sure he is concealing the hair cut as he wants it a surprise for the photo shoot. However, shaved sides not my favorite, but its edgy and he likes it, so will adjust, probably very quickly. Does everyone in Hollywood look that good when shopping. Adam has become a real tease! We are all on tender hooks.
Love the poems Jak...
Funny reading all the comments on Mj's about these pics, with one person saying if he didn't want to be photographed, he should dress down when shopping like normal folk!!! Not sure how much more dressed down he could get, wearing, jeans, t-shirt and a beanie...
Would just like to add he has beautiful posture, he stands and walks so straight
Love the poems Jak...
Funny reading all the comments on Mj's about these pics, with one person saying if he didn't want to be photographed, he should dress down when shopping like normal folk!!! Not sure how much more dressed down he could get, wearing, jeans, t-shirt and a beanie...
Would just like to add he has beautiful posture, he stands and walks so straight
@ HK fan
Since you mentioned his posture...
Before I knew anything about him, the first few appearances on Idol I said to my husband "he must have been in the military...that's
"attention" posture. My Army dad and Air Force husband had that straight back, squared shoulder look. So much for my intuition, I really can't imagine Adam in the military....having to keep "dress code"!........JAK :)
@@ Grandma JAK
I loved it, Grandma, I looooooooved your poem «@Icon... Just For You»!" Meowyay-haha!!!
(and because I can speak «people» I understood every word!)
Thank you, dearest Grandma JAK, my mommy will frame it and I will keep it for ever on my «wall of fame».
To all my fans:
How so inspiring is the fact
That I became a MUSE GlamberCAt?
Adam has to go out and do the same things everyone else does; food shopping is one of them. He is dressed down. It seemed the two people leaving next to him didn't realize who was exiting in front of them. Better for Adam not to be bothered as he is going about his daily routine. Unfortunately the price you pay for fame is lack of privacy even when food shopping. You often see pictures of celebs going or coming out of the gym, the beauty salon or spa, getting coffee, food shopping, waling the dog,etc. In Hollywood that has to be an everyday occurrence. Hope Adam is happy and healthy while finishing up on the final touches to his album.
Whoa! How does one look so glamorous just going to a supermarket and pushing out a grocery cart! After examining Adam, head to toe, I even looked closely at the paperbags! Well, now I understand more clearly what advertising is all about but in this case Whole Foods didn't have to pay a cent for this huge advertisement!
JAK...Wonderful poems, both of them!!
You know, JAK, when I examined Outlaws of Love (lyrics) more closely, I realised Adam rhymed not only the end words but the front words as well! He upped the bar again! Lol. :)
Fan4fun...Had been thinking and wondering about you. Hey, you sound good! Way to go!
@JAK loved your poem!
Admin did not post the one pic with the license plate.
I can still see the licence plate plain as day.
make me a good spinach salad!
My thanks to all who like a rhyme
Maybe I'll hang out a sign.......
"Poems written for any celebration"
Wedding trip destination...Letter of resignation....Special child's
confirmation....New baby expectation....A+ on your dissertation....Welcome relief from constipation....Successful wine fermentation....Birthday party celebration....Spray tan pigmentation....Adam's awaited new sensation....Gratitude for this rhyme's cessation.
That's it.....I quit!
Midnight and I have a 8:30 am breakfast date with a handsome 23 year old guy........JAK
I like Adams hair the way he was wearing it.So sexy.It grows so fast it will be back in no time.I hope.He's always sexy ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great job! A fantastic celebration poem; I really like this one, a lot! Difficulty level: high. Wow! Date with handsome grandson, eh!
JAK, above, ...grandson comment.
Agree with you on blanking out the license plate.
have any of you guys shopped at that Whole Food store? It seems to be one of Adam's favorite.I think they might have filmed him in that store for the Oprah Show.
I like to comment this way...I'm so can't wait for his photo shoot, he had another hair cut..
He is probably not ever, ever, ever going back to that shaggy banged, emo, school boy, precious little cutie haircut that seems to move some fans to motherly tears!! GOOD!!! Shave it!! Spike it!! Color it!! Sex it up!! I loved his explanation to Heidi K. in the Project Runway interview - he was going for a "wolf" look and it was PERFECT!! We gotta listen to this wonderful, talented, expressive artist and see his ability to speak love and free expression in every facet of his being. It is so exciting - we don't have to wait for him to release a song to respond to his unbelievable sexiness - it is right there in the stroll to his car in the Whole Foods parking lot .... tough, fierce, lanky, strong, uncompromising and that little peak at the lightening bolt slash on the side of his head, makes me weak in the knees. I hear "there he goes, my baby walks so slow, sexual tic tac toe..." - Personally, I'm grateful that the sweet little boy image, is LONG gone!!
I think Adam wants to appeal for the younger crowd on his next album. The new hair and the tight leotards on the pic from the nighclub a while ago made me gasp he might go for an image as Jayy Monroe from Blood On The Dancefloor. Many adommy crays like that band. I think Adam is too old for that kind of stuff, but he seems to want to be a teenager again. xD
I don't think that Adam wants to be a teenager again(anon @1:00pm). He seems to have had a tough time during those years defining himself and his sexuality out in the open. Now he can change up his style any way he wants and keep us interested and talking about him. Even going food shopping at Whole Foods is something we want to see because it is Adam. He seems to have handled it well and just went about his business. Any new pictures of Adam or any bit of news always makes my day a little bit better. It doesn't take much when it is Adam.
@ Anon 12:35 PM Oct.8
I'm sorry I didn't respond to your suggestion that maybe I could co-write some lyrics on Adam's album #3. I'd certainly love to, but I'm not sure I'll be around that long!!! Plus, it would have to be a long distance collaboration, I'm pretty sure if I met him and his blue eyes met my blue eyes my heart would stop and I'd drop!!
>-->O Too much excitement is dangerous at my age!!........JAK
Dang it!! That is my fave Whole Foods in L.A. I recognize it but I'm not going to rat him out and give it away. My only prob is, why is he never there when I'm there...?
Consider getting a job there!
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