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Adam Lambert Featured in TV Guide Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Source: _mamadeb


Anonymous said...

cool, don't forget the single out next month and the album early next year.

Anonymous said...

Also, amend rock star to worldwide rock star, selling out nearly all his nation and world performances, as Simon Cowell had predicted.

Anonymous said...

I like the answer but the question is a little disturbing. How many other people don't know what happened to Adam? Soon that will change I'm sure.

OT to JAK_______My husband got a good laugh from your German Shepard dog story on Tease thread. He also was a dog handler in USAF military police.

Anonymous said...

TommyJoeRatliffTommyJoe Ratliff

@LaurieLovesAdam Happy Burfday!


I have learned this from you @TommyJoeRatliff ♥ RT @thekatvond Never give up.

Anonymous said...

Any sensible theories why Adam wants to keep the adommy thing going on, since only a handful of fans support it and they are all TJ fans? I am not insecure or jealous. I think this is absurd.

Anonymous said...

A number of people who watched AI and then followed Adam with his first album, probably don't know much about him after that. There was the GNT which made him an international star and then the release of the DVD of the tour. Then not much after that unless you follow this blog site or Twitter for the latest on him. His appearances on Project Runway and Major and Minors brings him back into the public eye for those who watch those programs or have those channels. I hope that with the release of his first single from this new album, that Adam will finally gain the fame and success he so deserves with extensive radio play and guest appearances on the key talk shows. Then people won't ask what happened to Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

Adam had a hit single and the FYE album sold pretty well. GNT didn't make him an international star, in Europe the venues were very small. The biggest concerts were in Asia.

Anonymous said...

Please keep voting for BB for AIOTM..@ least it keeps his name & pic on that site.I was sorry to see that somebody had no idea where Adam has been.I sure hope that the great new single will be out VERY soon,& will on the radio & VH-1.Vote here: ( keep voting for the 2 categories for the MTV awards also)thanks!!

Anonymous said...

People are curious about what happened to Adam after the craziness from Idol and concerts. Those people were also fell in love of his voice and they are looking for him.

He is coming back with a big bang indeed!!!! Just be patient the single is almost here!!!!


Anonymous said...

2:45 pm any idea when that AIOTM is going to end. It's the never ending poll. The same people have been voting on it for months on end. I have been voting my fingers off on the MTVOMA poll.

Anonymous said...

The fire is not burning, unfortunately, unless it's
kept going.

Chrysalis said...

I think the answer is pretty good but I wish it had mentioned the upcoming album! I like how they called him a rock star & the "Idolizing Adam" bit.

This is why promotion is so important. I hope Adam & his team have a lot of great promo planned. You have to put yourself out there & gain new fans & get previous casual fans back into the fold.

I read an article a few months back that said it might be better for artists to put out smaller albums but more frequently. The fan don't have to wait 2 years or more between albums & it is a huge help to have new music out throughout the year to gain new fans & sales. It is also keeping with the current music & technology climate...

What do you guys think?

I personally love the idea. We would have new music from Adam more frequently, & he would stay in the public eye. The article said this could be the way of the future in the music industry. I think it's more fitting for how we consume music nowadays.

For more casual fans, it is very easy to "forget" about acts you once adored if they don't put out music for a long time. I personally don't feel that it has been a very long time with Adam, but it might be different with the more casual fans. This is not any kind of critisism of Adam, as I want him to put out quality music & not rush but I'm just saying the smaller but frequent option but a great way to go for all artists in the near future.

Anonymous said...

I don't think about Adam being out of the spotlight, because I am on this site everyday. So, to me, he is still "the top". Love you, Adam!

Anonymous said...

The IOTMP is a waste of time. Adam is way beyond Idol. We need to move on too!!! Who cares who wins it every month anymore!!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not voting anything. I'll start voting again when Adam does something I like..

Anonymous said...

Adam is very popular among people like us that continue to follow him.So instead of wondering these people should have continued to follow him.I'm kind of tired AI runner up.He'so far beyond that.I must say waiting for the new album is a bit exhausting.I know it will be worth the wait but come on already!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

McCreery's album sold 197K copies this week. That's the biggest first-week tally for a first post-Idol album by an Idol winner since Cook's eponymous album sold 284K in its first week three years ago. But McCreery was edged out by the most prominent runner-up of recent years. Adam Lambert's For Your Entertainment sold 198K copies in its first week in 2009.

Anonymous said...

@ Chrysalis...3:19 PM

Your post made me laugh a bit, but agree completely. Smaller albums out more often....way of the future in music. Actually that would be a way of the past! In the 50's when we had 45 records, a song on each side, we didn't have to wait and wait for new songs from our favorites. I lived month to month for a new Elvis 45. Then another and another. So in a "back to the future" way I would rather have a single a month released than wait a year or more for an album. I think there would be more sales and all the songs would "have a chance" to be heard.
Just think of all the songs on FYE that weren't heard unless you bought the album. No radio play for Pick U Up, Broken Open, etc.etc. Oh well, I'm showing my age....."Things were better in the old days" point of view!!!! JAK :)

Anonymous said...

yay for tv guide, no mention of sexuality, let his talents rule !

Anonymous said...

Some artists take 2 or more years to release albums, alot goes into the complete production. I hope every track isnt about being gay.
Do straight artists sing about being straight?

Anonymous said...

I'd like to have Adams straight answer to a straight question: is he a band member? Because supporters of another band member are saying that he is the singer in the band.

Anonymous said...

Straight singers don't need to sing about being straight. You never read some stupid headline saying "you no who openly straight singer" do you? As much as I would like it not to matter to some people it does. Those people are small minded idiots and nothing and noone will change that. However, with all the bullying going on these days someone needs to let kids know its ok to be themselves. I have complete faith that this album will offer comfort to those who need it, excitement to those who crave, and enlightment to those who seek it. Adam has said this album will be personal and I for one love the person he is...JRMCK.

Anonymous said...

@Chrysalis 3:19PM Absolutely agree with you. Great comment

Anonymous said...

I wonder what, video builds the radio star, means under his picture on that article. nice article though.

Anonymous said...

Let's face it. Today's fandoms exist online, with Twitter, fan sites, etc. That's where the action is for an artist's following, not on TV or even in fan magazines, like it used to be. If you don't follow someone online, you may think they're not popular. Heck, the average person doesn't hear about Gaga and Bieber every single day, unless there's some kind of stupid "scandal." I PRAY that Adam's management team will get him on some major big-name NETWORK TV shows to promote his single and CD. Then those who lost track of him will see that he's out there going strong. This is an absolute necessity. I like the idea of smaller album releases put out more frequently. Keeps the artist from "disappearing." Not everyone can churn out CD after CD in a short time like Gaga. Nor should they. I see Adam as a singer with longevity. Adam needs to be seen on NETWORK TV. These cable gigs are fun but are seen by a limited audiencd. Casual fans and non-fans need to see Adam as someone they can accept as a great singer and entertainer, not just the gay guy from Idol. BTW, these polls do seem silly sometimes, but they do keep him visible in the mix of other big artists. I'd hate to not see him even mentioned in any of them. Everything counts.

Anonymous said...

I took this comment on t.v. guide like he's out of the whole music seen and appearing on small t.v shows now. Maybe if they just mentioned he's making a 2nd album that would of kept him more current. I don't know maybe I'm reading too much into this???

Anonymous said...

Yeah, they made it sound like he's just doing nothing musically and just decided to do these cable shows. TV Guide missed the boat on this one.

Anonymous said...

The MTV polls and such are important, but Idol of the month is just for idol fans. He is not up against any big stars, mostly just current batch of idols and the older popular ones. It is not relevant!!!! Does not give him any new exposure.

Anonymous said...

this is TV guide, of course they are going to pimp the tv programs. I have been reading about those dinky cable programs with Adams name in it all over the internet.That's not too shabby people. He is a very stylish rock star too.

Anonymous said...

Adam will be doing his promo on major TV stations just like before for FYE, no need to worry. Leno, Ellen, Letterman, The Talk...

HK fan said...

@oct 12th 9.25
Video built the radio star was a very popular song in the early 80's by a band called The Buggles (I think). Don't know what it means in context to the pic though...

Anonymous said...

I would imagine "video makes the radio star" means that if you make a video to go along with your single that the song will get more air play. Just hearing isn't enough today, radio alone won't make you well known, you have to be seen too.

glitzylady said...

I am SO happy to see this mention of Adam in TV Guide. It may not list all of his current activities, his upcoming album, etc., his many sprcific accomplishments since Idol S8, but it was specific to the fact that he is again on TV and reminds people of several things about Adam, ALL good:

1. That he "should have won American Idol in 2009". (Love it!) While some would prefer he be allowed to move beyond the Idol connection, and in so many ways he has done so, this Is a TV magazine, and for many readers, their only real association with him.."Oh, yeah, that talented guy on Idol...". A good reminder of who he is, which leads us nicely to #2 ..

2. That he's "gone on to be a ROCK STAR". NICE!

3. That he's "stylish" and is respected enough in the world of fashion to be invited to be a judge on Project Runway. (And a very good one at that!)

4. That he is considered to be a capable and polished musical artist who has been asked to help convey some of his performance abilities to young musical talent on Majors and Minors.

All complimentary..with more to come in the coming months.

Stay Tuned... ; )