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More Pictures From Terrance Spencer's Birthday Party

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, October 13, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, October 13, 2011

Featuring Terrance himself, Issac Carpenter, and Sauli Koskinen!


Anonymous said...

looks like a fun party. Sauli and Terrance being fine, fine, super fine as usual.

Anonymous said...

Sauli have awesome style but modern Adam that was in 2009 mix of Mohawk and emo hair together he's looked younger but in there he's look some Hiroshima bomb attack he's hair
Still love him ,sometimes he's need mirror .

Anonymous said...

Sauli have awesome style but modern Adam that was in 2009 mix of Mohawk and emo hair together he's looked younger but in there he's look some Hiroshima bomb attack he's hair
Still love him ,sometimes he's need mirror .

Anonymous said...

Australia loves Terrance.

Anonymous said...

Terrance and Sauli extremely good looking men, love Terrance's dimples.

HK fan said...

Here is something that you will all enjoy and is definitely worth saving...a list (very extensive) of Adam quotes. makes great reading.

Anonymous said...

12:29 x2 what??

Anonymous said...

Sauli probably has more girlfriends than Adam.

Anonymous said...

Who's the spunky dude in the same photo as Terrance?

Anonymous said...

Stunning photo of Sauli.

Anonymous said...

My regards to the Adommy fans who are having a hangover after hard partying.

funbunn40 said...

What a great B-day party, being surrounded by so many good,loving friends.

HK fan said...

I meant to mention that 2days ago was the 1 year anniversary of me seeing Adam live in concert........................I really, really, really need to see him again:(
and yesterday evening I was back in the same venue watching The Human League, and whilst I enjoyed it, (it was fun going back in time), I just kept thinking about the concert/adam/audience etc 1 year ago, and I was standing in almost exactly the same spot.

Anonymous said...

Sauli is a real honey!

Anonymous said...

Sauli got nice vacation like tan. Life must be treating him right.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 6:15 AM
Isaac Carpenter : )

Anonymous said...

OT: I thought x-factor was great last night! When simon was missing his mentor (mirah carey) all I could think of was adam would of been perfect for the job!

Anonymous said...

Sauli looks GOOD!

Anonymous said...

eek, I think X Factor is terrible. out there lip-syncing by the ocean , all the girls dressed as hookers looking like they were ready to do lap dances for LA and Simon. I can hardly wait for AI. I too wonder how they are picking their mentors.

Anonymous said...

HK fan, thanks for the link, I will be looking it up later. You got me thinking about my GNT, standing in line and sitting with great people, wonderful concert....I could go on and on but you know from experience. Hope to be at another soon, singing new and old songs,

Anonymous said...

any educated guesses how berts did on the mtv twitter poll? Those graphs were nerve racking,I stopped looking at them after

Anonymous said...

Sauli is very good looking and yes he has dated girls. The video someone posted on the other thread is from 4 yrs ago, things change. Never say never. There is nothing wrong with being bi. He has gone out with girls and prefers boys. No doubt he is with Adam Lambert for God's sake. Who is to say what his future will hold, none of us know this. Boys/Girls it does not matter. What is now is now.
A fellow Finn.

Anonymous said...

I don't care if Sauli is bi, but I'd rather hear it from him. So far he's only said he is gay, so why spread a rumour.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Sauli is bi. Where did that rumor start?

Anonymous said...

what Sauli is bi? i dont know why but i kind of like that he is.
maybe he and Adam will sandwich a chick or fish one of these days. thinking of that is really hot.

The Dark Side said...

Think the trend is for less hair, but Adam's hair is one of his tradmarks and should always be very visual.

Anonymous said...

Just because Sauli is posing with girls doesn't mean he's bi. Adam cozies up to girls all the time, and he's not bi.

Anonymous said...

she is on a Sauli bi obssession today ,I see.Whateva floats your boat. lol

Anonymous said...

You girls or guys are something else. why cant you just accept things? if its not your way its no way , is that it? hopefully Sauli will tweet like Adam does to clear the air. Not talking about posing with girls here people, I'm talking about dating. He has dated the ladies, and he is a bi sexual man.

Anonymous said...

Don't spread rumors. Sauli is gay. Gays never change! If he goes out with girls it doesn't mean that he is bi. As far as I know he has a lot of girlFRIENDS.

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, I had no idea that was Isaac. thanks for the tidbit.

Anonymous said...

11:36 are you serious? a gay man who dates girls is bi. take a lesson in sexuality. i think many people do not trust bi sexual people. dont be afraid of them, they enjoy both sexes. its not that they are afraid to say they are gay or straight, they can go both ways. what are you so afraid of? a bi is completely capable of loving Adam as a gay man would be.
Adam loves Sauli for who he is, and I gather Adam knows of Sauli's past by now. No big deal.

Anonymous said...

Adam being bi seems sexier and hotter than hell. I remember that picture of him with Kesha a while back. He likes to mingle and tingle with the ladies too. Give him a drink or two and the real man comes out.
Adam and Sauli are very handsome.Imagine them walking into a straight club, they couldnt keep the women off of them. Maybe they should do that sometime over seas in a place where no one would recognize them , just for fun.

Anonymous said...

I think admin should be on the alert, she is getting rather kinky now, deff some fetish going on here.

Anonymous said...

@1154 you said when Adam gets drunk the "real man" comes out cuz he flirts with women?? I find that insulting. Adam is always 100% a real man. And he's gay. He's not bisexual, that's fantasy.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:54 AM

"wouldn't be able to keep the women off of them"......You miss the whole point......when you are gay that wouldn't be fun for them.
You need a good dose of reality!

LP said...

Adam has said that he is bi-curious
He didn't have sex with Keisha, he kissed her in a club. He has also dated females in high school, said he had a great time. Didn't mean he had sex with them.I think females find it a challenge to go out with a gay guy, just to see if they can have sex with them. They are usually disapointed.
Adam and Sauli are a lovely couple, and have both said they would never cheat on the other person. They are who they are, let them be happy.

Anonymous said...

Adam prefers man over beast.

Anonymous said...

Adam wags his bicurious tongue and has quoted he would sleep with a woman back in 2009.

Anonymous said...

Sauli likes his buns buttered on both sides.

Anonymous said...

Other than being disgusting, you posters are as dumb as a box of rocks,

daydreamin said...

Thanks @HKfan for the link!

Anonymous said...

3:22 you better get your own dose of reality. you dont know squat when it comes to what gay men at times like to play and tease with. the excitement may come from being with men more, but some gay men are turned on by the opposite sex and love the challenge, action and pure playfulness. not all gay people are the same. I believe Adam has stated this same fact !!

Anonymous said...

8 18 you should not post any comments. name calling again, how childish. lighten up and have some fun. half of the people on here do not get it, do you? someone saying comments are insulting, you dont know Adam very well then. He'd laugh his ass off.
When did Adam and Sauli say they'd never cheat on each other? Someone is dreaming again.

Anonymous said...

grow up and quit obsessing over a grown ass famous man and his sex life.WGAF

Anonymous said...

@ 10:15 AM,

It goes with u too!!!! Scrammmmmmm!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon 15, 10:15 AM Well Adam can blaim also himself being soo sexy and he likes to show it :)

Anonymous said...

Anon 15, 10:15 AM Well Adam can blaim also himself being soo sexy and he likes to show it :)