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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, November 11, 2011

Skip to 3:55 for Adam.

Screencap by @mindchnger


Anonymous said...

Beautiful song by Sia and very important human message. Wonderful to see Adam supporting yet another great cause. Please listen to the whole video.

Anonymous said...

Great message to help helpless children. Such a shame that a tragedy like that still occurs in 2011 :(:(:(

OT: This being #FF day, everyone should include in their tweets a link to the Queenwillrock/Adam Lambert performance at the MTV European Music Awards held a few days back. Friday is usually the besr day to gain new followers.

Anonymous said...

Or... do not skip at all and watch the whole video. The message is touching and the song is beautiful. Coming from Third World country, I celebrate that Adam is helping with such an important cause. Thank you Adam.

Anonymous said...

I was going to skip right to Adam but there is a great message here. Glad I listened.

Anonymous said...

Holy Crap, talking about a beautiful powerful picture, this is one.
Totally felt it in my gut.

Lizard Eyes

angel0051 said...

This is beyond belief. The message was received loud and clear. It sent chills down my spine. Thank you Adam Lambert for once again opening my eyes.

carmendiva4210 said...

All I can say this has opened my eyes. Somaly Mam is an extrordinary woman...thanks Adam for your support helping to stop Human Trafficking, there is hope!

The Dark Side said...

WTF is wrong with people today? The fact that this is an issue not just in third world countries, but in the US is sickness at it's worse. What makes people do things that animals would not do. Nice to see Adam and many others bring some public awareness to this problem.

Anonymous said...

Always surprised when people dont know about these issues going on here in the USA. Dont you read news magazines or newspapers or at least listen to the news on TV? I guess ignorance is bliss.

HK fan said...

Haven't got time to watch all the vid at the moment, will watch later.
Just wanted to say that my sun is taking part in a 24hour race next weekend for Running to stop the Traffik.9to help raise money to stop human traffiking.

if anyone wants to check it out

Adamluv said...

@HK - you should be very proud!

Anonymous said...

This a huge problem believe it or not right here in the states. I do believe there is more awareness now (demi and ashton kutchner are huge voices for this problem and have made many aware of it) what's being done really, who knows?? Really glad to see adam support this issue.

Anonymous said...

This is happening in your own town possibly. My church women's group take food, clothing and school supplies to migrant worker's camps in our area. We discovered some years ago children were disappearing and proper authorities were not being notified. Once they were, they were on it in a flash and it has come to a standstill. You can help if you are aware.


funbunn40 said...

I had been aware of Somaly Mam and have seen her and other women physically rescuing children from being abducted. The trafficking is so widespread. There are sex slaves in quiet residential neighborhoods where you would never suspect. We are our brother's keepers and have to watch out for the innocents and stand up when able. So glad Adam lent his support. I've always believed he had a higher purpose and music is his vehicle to make changes in the world. Even tho' he wasn't looking for them and was focused on his music he has risen to challenges when they've been presented to him. Look how he has inspired us. @ HK fan, How proud you must be of your son.

Anonymous said...

Human traffiking is a terrible problem, but what I think is even worse is that it existed because there a "clients"!! I really can't even imagine what kind of twisted,sick "people" can do that.
Is like the drugs problem, NO CLIENTS, NO TRAFFIC. So simple, so impossible?? I hope not.
Anon 3.41pm
You're right. Sometimes ignorance a bliss. That's why from time to time I keep myself away from TV news and just check some on line. That way I can still think that some good things still happen in this crazy world.


Anonymous said...

Gorgous Pic. Luvvvvv ur haircut. It looked great at the EMA. Totally suited your Matrix black leather assemble. Very stylish. I also loved your blue suede creeper. very avant-guard. (after looking at your pic on the pink carpet) i totally appreciated the blue look. very fashionnable. Ur right to say everybody lay off his BLUE SUEDE

Anonymous said...

You always suprise @JAK. From some past comments to Christians, didn't know you attended church. Allelulya, There is a God!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a rather nasty remark to @JAK, I hope she doesn't see it.
Do you consider yourself a Christian? Does "Judge not, lest ye be judged" sound familiar? CK

Anonymous said...

@CT That doesn't sound so much a judgement as an opinion.
