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Adam Lambert: Happy 11/11/11

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, November 11, 2011

Posted at : Friday, November 11, 2011


Anonymous said...

Good morning, Adam! Or 'Hyvää huomenta!'.

Hmm.. not morning on this side of the planet though :)


Anonymous said...

Thanks, today is my bday-11-11-11.
Can't wait for your new single and album!!!!!!

lady finn said...

i am your fan from finland and i like you very much expecially your wonderfull voice
wooww !!!

Anonymous said...

It is a beautiful day for a beautiful man who gave a beautiful performance with Queen on the EMAs. (Did I mention beautiful enough?) It just amazes me that it has taken so long for so many individuals to realize what a talented vocalist Adam Lambert truly is in the music industry. Hopefully with the release of his first single from the new album , all the naysayers and fence sitters will now jump on the Adam Lambert rocket to super stardom. With all the "garbage" that passes for music today with no talent performers, how could anyone ignore this vocal powerhouse? I just don't understand it and hope that 2012 will be the best year of Adam's career. I was a fan from the first note he sang on AI season 8 and will continue to be one for all the years ahead.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Happy 11-11-11 to you too!!

LP said...

Nice to hear that Adam wakes up with a smile on his face, and he truely should have happy dreams. Wonder if Sauli has happy dreams too :)

Anonymous said...

Good morning sunshine,
you're my only light
lying with me by my side,
you keep me warm all day
Just stay with me

Good morning sunshine,
be with me all day
Just don't let the rain pass you by
When it's cloudy and windy
and the snowflakes arrive,
you somehow just make me,
make me feel I'm alive

Anonymous said...

a bowl of hot fudge sundae with whipped topping. now that's a dream!!!!

funbunn40 said...

Happy Birthday @ 12:49 PM! It was a sunny day in Charlotte, NC. Adam and Sauli radiate enough sunshine to brighten and warm the planet! Hope the had a beautiful day and are in the same place! Happy to see Elli and our Finnish posters!

Anonymous said...

My niece's birthday is 11/11 and she was born at 11am .... "Lest We Forget" .... Remembrance Day in the UK and Australia.

daydreamin said...

And my son turned 18 on 11-11-11!