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Adam Lambert: Happy Thanksgiving!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, November 24, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, November 24, 2011


fanatapan said...

although we dont celebrate it over here, i'd like to say happy thanksgiving to everyone over there, thankyou! x :D

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving everyone....I'm from Asia so I don't celebrate it here either.

HK fan said...

Happy Thanksgiving for yesterday to all our American friends.

Bing said...


Thanks for sharing AML to the world :D

Love thru Adam,

Anonymous said...

Ooooooooo since I'm the only one here right now I'll say thank you, thank you, thank you and thank you to you too!

I just got home from my Thanksgiving was lovely...just women cooking together, men watching football and my daughters and I giggling in another room. Then we sit around the table and tell "remember when" stories. You know, relive all the family jokes and goofs. Generally embarrassing stories...which we laugh at each year.

All in all a lovely day of too much food and many thanks for our blessings.

JAK <3 to all...

Anonymous said...

I wonder if that chest revealing shirt was part of the Thanksgiving Day attire? What a pleasure it would be to feast at the table of Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Thank you.
So simple, so meanigfull.
Thank you is something we all say many times a day.
Is something we all need to hear.
You can say it to a stranger for giving you the seat.
To a good friend for being there.
To your lover for loving you back.
To your parent for taking care of you.
To someone you admire for giving you inspiration.
To a co-worker for helping you out.
To your husband or your wife for bringing you hot soup in a cold day.
To that song that makes you cry.
To that song that makes you smile.
To a writer for that story that change your live.
To a movie star for make you feel passion.
To that someone that makes you feel right.
To yourself, for making mistakes'cause you learn from them.
To yourself, for making thing right,'cause you feel great.
Thanks for making us feel, so we know we still alive.


So simple.

So meaningfull.


Anonymous said...

@ SG

That's really beautiful, I'll copy that and include it in my file of things to remember. I have a lot of pages in that file and pull them out and re read them frequently when my spirit needs a boost.

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

Hope everybody is having a great Thanksgiving!!I know I ate too much,but hey,that's normal,right?Please vote some for BB & Allison on the AIOTM;also for the flecking "of the year" awards.Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving from Australia too. We are an American family and always celebrate the holiday every year. Our favorite time of year when pumpkin pie is a must!

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving Adam and Sauli.

Anonymous said...


Thank you SO much! That's really nice of you.I'll be more than glad to be on that file helping you feel better.THAN YOU!!


glamitup said...

And right in the middle of my pumpkin pie, a text from my friend adam telling me happy thanksgiving. Made my day!! Oh i tell my family that adam just texted me!! I act like it was just for my eyes only!! A girl can dream can't she? Hehe!

Anonymous said...

@JAK 3:35PM This is the reason, darling, I hate to visit my husband's family on Thanksgiving and Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Wow! SG! I can feel your gratification and love! So you are not just that spunky whiz kid I bump into almost every're definitely a lot more. Awesome poem! :)

tess4ADAM said...


Today has been one of my better days ... I checked ADAM's Twitter & found his message to everyone far & wide ... did a little cooking .. and heard from all the kids ... GOD is Good!! Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to Adam and all the wonderful people who are on this site because of the joy he brings to all of us!

Anonymous said...


Thank you! Specially about the KID thing!! I'm a kid, YEEEEIII!!hhggmmm...ha ha ha!!
Sometimes my feeling are like "on high" and I need to write them down.I'm glad you like it. Let's see what Adam do to make you write one of yours..can't imagine...well.the single release, maybe!??


Lorraine said...

Thankful for such a beautiful Thanksgiving Day. My home was filled with joyful laughter, giggling children turning my house into absolute chaos-and I didn't mind at all! I promised myself when my son and daughter went off to college years ago -and the deafening silence of their absence made my heart cry-that I would never mind a noisy home again-and I don't! Thank you. dear Adam, for giving me a new kindness and joy of life -and for all this dear "glamily" I am getting to know because of you. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Sauli and all our "glamily".

daydreamin said...

Thank you so much for all of the International friends here wishing us a good Thanksgiving. I give thanks to have "met" each and every one of you!

SG that was BEAUTIFUL!

Lorraine! I know what you mean by being too quiet around here now that mine are in college now. I don't want to rush it, but am already wanting grandbabies to fuss over in the not too distant future! I can't believe I just said that! Me?!! A Grandma! Ha, I can't even imagine! NOT ready to be called that yet, but yet want children around. I guess I am fighting with myself.

Anonymous said...

Hey SG, I already have one; it's about Adam and Sauli...their love and devotion for each other. But when I saw your heartfelt poem I thought I'll let yours 'ferment' for a while, before I share mine. Like you say, sometimes you feel a bit 'high' so I'll wait for my 'high'. I change it quite a lot depending on my moods until I can't change it anymore. When I say 'kid', I mean that you are effervescent! It's a compliment. :)

HK fan said...

I sometimes think about grandchildren too so you're not alone, my eldest daughter is the same age now as I was when I had her, 23.....she's so not ready though!

Anonymous said...

Huge Thanksgiving wishes to all American Glamberts from the Gramily Down Under. I hope you all had a very special day.

Anonymous said...

Extended family can be a pain in the ass. Just like in this fandom, we are expected to like and even support Adam's band members and his ex's, because they were once part of Adam's life.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm feeling guilty, what I said about the extended glamily. Sorry Monte..

Anonymous said...


Adam & Sauli's love and devotion, perfect theme.I'm sure I'M gonna need whaterproof maskera!!I hope you get"high" soon!! ha ha ha!!
Me,effervecent! I like it!!But wait till next year when I get to L.A, then I'm gonna feel like a GLITTER EXPLOSION!!Explosion, yes BUT Glamorous!!!LOL!!!


Anonymous said...

SG, you are really going to LA? Or just another of your surreal facets of imagination...Lol. So what are you going there for? Stake out for a glimpse of Adam and Sauli in Adam's Mustang...oooooh! Get a super zoom camera! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

YES!! I'm REALLY going to L.A!!I`ll be there for a month.I'm going by my own, I'm trying to contact people there so I can make some new friends and have LOTS of FUN!!! OH GOD! I CAN'T WAIT!! If anybody wants to meet me there,just ask!! and don't worry Lam-my I`ll get a SUPER-SUPER ZOOM camera just in case I can see Adam & Sauli, but better if I don't need the zoom `cause they are too close...HAHAHA!!!


Anonymous said...

If you or anybody wants to contact me, here is my e-mail:
For Glamberts only!!Lol!!


Anonymous said...

SG, Adam's house comes with a lot of amenities such as a beautiful restaurant, super efficient services such as the 'ist' list personnel. Since you are going there to make contacts, get an introduction for a job in the building. LOL. Okay more serious side, I wish you a great time in LA. I was there on tour many years ago, included San Deigo and the super spectacular Grand Canyon, Sea World, Disneyland; also went to Las Vegas, San Francisco etc. :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot for the email. :)

Anonymous said...


You're wellcome!!Hope to "meet" you on "the other line"!! :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving from ISRAEL!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

nice vid with Queen and Freddy

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope some of you are kidding with these posts. Some of you seem truely obsessed with Adam Lambert's personal life. That is a symptom that something is wrong in your own lives, even if it's just boredom. Please address your problems if you have them. It's just not right to care about someone that you've never met before. And if there're people on here who do know Adam and his boyfriend, you should not be discussing their business on a fan site.

Anonymous said...

@ 10:16 a.m.

Thanks for the link...I never saw that vid before, he was looking so ill but singing so well. To the right you can see Queen-The Show Must Go On-by Kacio 94. While you're there, listen to Freddie do the song. I think he would approve of the job Adam did.

BTW...for any new or old Queen fans...last night I watched a 2 hour concert Queen did in Montreal years ago...Freddie was tearing up the stage! It will be repeated on VH 1 Classic's station Sunday at midnight (midnight to 2 a.m. Mon.)
That's Eastern Time in U.S. It's def worthwhile.


Anonymous said...

@ 11:07 a.m.

I can't agree that it's not right to care about someone you've never met before. I care about thousands, more probably millions that I've never met. Everyone cold, hungry, alone, ill, in danger, frightened, poor, or in pain. Isn't that what makes us human? Caring?

Adam whirled into our lives and brought sunshine and moonbeams. We are interested in him...he's interesting. Unless we are stalking him or transferring our love for our families to him I think our interest is pretty harmless.


Anonymous said...

Well said, JAK.

Anonymous said...

11:07 I'm worried about fans who deny Adam's personal life and his rights to free time. Those fans want Adam to work and work only. No vacation with bf. I'm thinking these people should work as prison guards.

Anonymous said...

I hope I never run out of love for people I've never met. I love my family and friends first, but I feel a strong emotional connection to plenty of people I've never met, Adam being one of them. I don't stalk or plot or do really mental stuff. I just enjoy what Adam brings to me: music, humor, a sense of humanity, tenderness, a little enlightenment, and a chance to share my joy with others who think like I do. There's no down-side to sharing the love. JAK, I love your answer, too.

Anonymous said...

JAK, this is anon @11:07. I wasn't talking about caring for humanity and the well being of people in general, I was talking about obsessively following a celebrity that one does not know personally. I meant the way some(not all) here speculate about every detail of Adam Lambert's private business. I can't imagine how anyone could think that type of behavior is healthy.

Anonymous said...

@ 12:15 p.m.

I agree that obsessing can be unhealthy and that we have occasional nuts in the house! :)


Anonymous said...

Full-time Glamberts. xD

glitzylady said...

@Anon 11:07 AM
A few thoughts.

First of all, what kind of person would I be if I didn't care about "people who I don't know"? That's why I donate to charities, speak up for those who are treated unfairly, denied basic human rights or services, or life sustaining basic human needs. I vote in elections, and in this particular case, keep up with the career of a very talented and decent fellow human being, Adam Lambert. I also enjoy knowing some other lovely human beings who come here for the same reason, to keep up with that very interesting and busy guy. A few of those who come here I have actually met, most I have not, but still "care" about.

As to the comments here: Most comments are generated by the public comings and going of Adam, Sauli, and those of family and friends. And, most comments are just discussion of the daily, weekly, and past AND future events that are posted on the internet and are not private happenings that are passed around by those who personally know Adam. There are a few who obviously come here to promote some other agendas, and can be disrespectful of Adam and/or his loved ones. His friends and family are extremely respectful and protective of his private life, and rightly so, and help him to keep it that way. I seriously doubt they would come here to tell his secrets. This is a privately administered blog, but open to the public, lovingly dedicated to Adam Lambert. There is a comment section open to anyone who wishes to leave a comment. Of course people will have a variety of things to say about Adam, his music, his boyfriend/partner, his day to day life, what little we actually know of it. We also comment on his performances, his public appearances, the things he shares of himself on twitter. There are fans who are content to enjoy Adam by listening to his music alone and never associate themselves with a blog, a fan club, and never comment on any articles that have something to do with Adam, and then there are others who are very actively promoting/discussing and sometimes defending Adam. Each person choses to support Adam in their own way. It seems that it's entirely up to them to figure out what that involves. I agree that sometimes people go a little overboard in their concerns for him, and may have an unhealthy obsession with his life, career, etc., but most fans are really just expressing their admiration for him and wishing him the best in his professional and private life, and have no actual interest in telling him what to do with either. But it doesn't stop us from talking about him and with each other. Its a blog..We talk.. And we care.

Speaking for myself, I have a satisfying life, with friends, family, a job, I travel, I have a decent education. But I also find Adam to be fascinating, extremely talented, and I have supported him by voting for him on Idol (my husband actually suggested we vote for entire family are fans), I've been fortunate to support his career by going to 9 live concerts with both family and friends, by buying his music, not only for myself but for gifts, by gently suggesting others who are not familiar with him listen to his voice and judge for themselves what an amazing voice he has. I have never personally met him. I have also met some truly wonderful new friends through Adam and they are universally wonderful people. So, at least in my case, and most others who come here to comment, my life has been enhanced and enriched by "knowing" Adam Lambert, and not taken over by it. Adam is deserving of his success. He's had some bumps in the road and I truly believe that his fans have helped him to stay positive in the face of adversity, and to get over the rough patches at the end of 2009. I also look forward to his new music, which I think will be fabulous, and I truly believe 2012 will be his best year ever. : ) Now, off to my life......

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving to all the wonderful fans on this site! Hope you had a wonder Turkey dinner with your loved ones! I had too much of it and I'm so tired!

Anyhow, saw this on twitter about Adam's appearance on Sundance fashion ep. in Dec. Watch the video:

accesshollywood Access Hollywood
Access Exclusive: Adam Lambert Learns Less Is More:

Anonymous said...

Adam only lets us know as much as he wants us to know about his private life anyway. Beyond the music itself, part of being a fan is caring about the person. Caring about Adam and knowing about him as a person enhances the music and gives it more meaning, at least for me.

(Crazed fans will always be around. The vast majority of us are not in that category IMO.)

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:07 and 12:15
Have you heard about emotional intelligence??
There is a time and place just to enjoy and be thankful, or at least let others do that, if you are not able to join in…
And there is a time and a place for your “concerned message” (which I get) - this day, this thread just was NOT that time and place! NOW you just ruined a perfectly beautiful & joyous Thanksgiving thread!!

@Lorraine - thank you for your moving & insightful Thanksgiving post!

@HK fan, Bing, JAK, SG, HAL, Lam-my, tess4ADAM, daydreamin, DRG and Anons with love & thanksgiving in their messages - thank you all.

Last but not least, Thank you Adam Lambert for the joy and ”everything Adam-ish” you’ve brought into my life! Keep bringing it on, BB!!!

GGD Gal, not celebrating thanksgiving, but thankful anyway… :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a bit obsessed. I'm interested was Adam asked to be the opening act for Duran Duran on their tour and who's idea was it. Also, would it have been the whole tour or just the UK dates. If Adam refused, it was the right thing to do. Duran Duran is popular mostly in the UK and Germany. I'd like to compare them to Tommy Joe Ratliff. They have fans, but are not very huge right now. And they are straight.

glitzylady said...

@Anon 1:54 PM
The Duran Duran tour" thing was just a passing comment by a newly minted enthusiastic fan and singer/DJ in the UK, who wrote about his instant fandom when he saw Adam on the EMA's with Queen. He is still catching up on the life and career of Adam Lambert. He just thought in passing it might be a good way to introduce Adam to the UK, to a larger audience to appear with a "known" and loved band. Nothing more. I follow him on Twitter so I saw this as it unfolded. I really like this guy and am sorry he caught a little "flak" for suggesting it. He was just thinking "out loud". He has since deleted those tweets because it stirred up a bit of "discussion" and some people may have been a bit grumpy to him, which is too bad. I thought it was in some ways a reasonable thought, as sometimes two major stars do tour together. I think he was referring to a few gigs only in the UK, hypothetically. Thats how rumors get started..So I don't think we'll be seeing that happen. Mark Gilroy, the DJ, and who I think is a real sweetheart, wrote this wonderful blog article which you may have seen: The comments are great to read too because so many fans wrote in to help him learn more about Adam.

November 11, 2011
Top 10 Facts About Adam Lambert (AKA The Adam Lambert Incident)

Anonymous said...

darn!!I didn't go shoppng today to avoid any frantic buying and then got an Email from PennyRoyalStudio about their black Friday sale and completely blew that theory. lol I am still madly in love with my peace pendant and bought a 30 inch expensive silver chain for it. It never ends.

HK fan said...

@anon 5.33 nov 25
I saw that I'm sorry Monte video yesterday, it made me chuckle I must admit, although it also made me a bit sad thinking of their lost friendship.

Anonymous said...

I live in Joplin where tornado hit in plenty to be thankful for. Family well town rebuilding...had a great day!...Renee

Anonymous said...

I can't imaging Adam opening for any other act. It would seem weird. He's a starring act himself. I can accept him performing WITH another A-list act, but not opening for them.

Anonymous said...

@ Renee

Since I was born in St. Louis and have family in Joplin, that deadly tornado really scared me. My family was safe and I'm so proud of "The Show Me State". They showed the whole whining, just started clearing up and rebuilding. Stubborn as a Missouri Mule is not such a bad thing to be. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi 11:07, I have read this kind of advice a few times here already. Yes you are right in some ways. After I read this kind of chill-out comments, I actually stay away for a few days to have some cooling-off time; and then this so-called obsession will take hold again especially after I listen to Adam sing. But on those days that I stayed away, there wasn't that much that I had really missed. So Adam for me, is a way of getting my brain active and involved. At a certain age, brain cells die extremely fast, lol, so I'm quite thankful to Adam, his trained voice and singing, also his fashion; but most of all I'm drawn to how he wrangles with life, grabbing it by its horns and emerging the 'warrior' he is. May boost one's "emotional intelligence" and well-being as well. And even if I want to get rid of this so-called Adam obsession, it has to take its natural course, that is, it has to 'die off' naturally. This sort of feelings or craves has to run its natural course; not as simple as, like you say, "address your problems". Thank you for your concern. I'll just leave a wise quote:
"As long as you derive inner help and comfort from anything, keep it." Mahatma Ghandi. :)

Anonymous said...

Just to add on to my above comment...if you look back at some Adam videos, especially the ones on Upright Cabaret, you will notice Adam wearing a David Bowie look, t-shirt quite often; and he spoke passionately about wanting to meet David Bowie. But lately this David Bowie crave has simmered somewhat and so far I have not seen him wear that t-shirt nor speak so much of him. So this is what I mean about this sort of feeling or 'obsession' has to run its natural course; and yes it happens even to Adam and it didn't turn out so badly really.
My apology...correct spelling...Mahatma Gandhi :)

daydreamin said...

Another Freddie Mercury video of his last days... :(

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady 2:27, thanks. I saw the tweets and didn't think bad about the guy. I was just wondering if there had been other discussions behind the scenes. There are fans that are anxious to see Adam perform with the band (read: with Tommy) as soon as possible. They are not being realistic, because Adam has to release his single and album first, and most of all get rid of the lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ Nov 25 5:33,why did Adam trash a friendship over a stupid record?

Anonymous said...

12:14 Did Adam or Monte ever say they were friends? Maybe they were colleagues.

Anonymous said...

It's not about a stupid record. It's about integrity. That's worth fighting for.

Anonymous said...

7:42 Exactly. Why should we pity the scammers.

Anonymous said...

No, I meant to ask what Monte did? I remember reading somewhere that he wrote something in a blog about the situation. What did he write? Does anyone have a link for it?