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Adam Lambert's 'If I Had You' played on the X Factor US last night

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, November 3, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, November 03, 2011


Anonymous said...

Great! I watched X Factor but I missed that. Thanks for posting.

As an aside, I agree with Simon about the "season" theme for the LR outfits. Before Simon commented, I thought the dresses made the group look old fashioned and ready for prom. I also thought the variety of flashy colors were a distraction from their performance.

Anonymous said...

I posted the news about the short musical blurb immediately on this website last night. I thought perhaps the girls were going to perform it, but I think it was a Paula Abdul shoutout to Adam. She loves him as much as we do!

glitzylady said...

I just wanted to share this GORGEOUS picture of Adam: Its not new, but WOW! I would LOVE a full size poster of this one.......

Anonymous said...

I don't like to hate on anyone, so don't get all mad at me please, but justin bieber on x-factor last night SUCKED. I just don't understand how he is the most popular teen artist in the world! His vocals were pitchy as could be and I just kept shaking my head, what is so special about him???? I just want adam to perform so america can really listen to some talent for once. Jeez

Anonymous said...

OT. Adam has being sued for copyright infringement regarding the bastard album. Is it because the idiots used Adam's name without his permission on the cover of Beg For Mercy? Can someone explain.

Anonymous said...

Glizylady, that is a great picture at the same time I can't believe how much he has changed. There is now an even stronger inner is that going on thirty thing and your life falling into place.
At one point Adam will be one of the most photographed artist of our time.
His Beauty is unparalleled.

Lizard Eyes

Anonymous said...

OMG. I watch to many of these shows lol, bieber was on DWTS, why would he be on X-factor, my mistake sorry!

Anonymous said...

Guaranteed Adam will win the copyright infringement case. If he doesn't, only America that can be possible..

Anonymous said...

*only in America..

Anonymous said...

Don't think Adam will get any supportive tweets from the band members relating to this lawsuit..

Anonymous said...

*regarding not relating.. ;)

Anonymous said...

When the cover shot of BFM was taken down from various sites, I wondered if Adam might have taken legal action regarding unauthorized use of his name on the cover of BFM and also to market BFM. Those scum were out to exploit Adam and his fans. I hope this is true and I REALLY hope Adam has the last laugh out of all this.

Anonymous said...

Please vote for Adam for the AIOTM @ He's not far ahead of the # 4 guy( can't remember his name now)BB was 900-1000 ahead,but not any more-in the 2-300 range now.Let's get his # of votes back up there,ok?I may pay an extra $4.95 for just one month for the channel I need to see the EMA's( includes 19 more channels also,but I think most of those are Spanish channels,but I'm not sure)

Anonymous said...

I watched XF but couldn't really pick Taylor out, the set was so dark and red.

glitzylady said...

@Lizard Eyes
So true. Adam is a beautiful man in every way. His time to shine even more brightly is starting this week, and I look forward to the day that Adams fans aren't the only ones who know what a special human being he is.. I expect to see him on a lot more covers very soon: Good for him, good for us and good for the magazine!

Anonymous said...

I love Paula and watch the X Factor because I love Simon and Paula together. I watched the show and missed this too. So thanks for posting. These are the type of things I like to see on this site - not personal things as much. It is about the music, which I enjoy hearing about. Speaking of JB, not only can he not sing well, but he was on Leno and he was so boring. He is a cute kid though. But talent, vocals, personality...let's just say the world needs to stop and notice Adam. That man is truly a star in all senses of the word.

Anonymous said...

Adam has several devoted godmothers in high Hollywood hierarchy namely Ellen, Paula, to some extent, Oprah.
XFactor splurges on cheography but it's still the voice and singing that stand out...Drew, Melonie, Stacy, whoa, superpower and like Adam they know how to exploit/manoeuvre their voice. Any of these remaining in the finale should do a duet with Adam!!

Anonymous said...


daydreamin said...

I think JB is popular right now because I think the teenyboppers were starved for someone they could relate too. It had been an awfully long time since there was someone they could go crazy over. I went crazy over David Cassidy and Davy Jones back in the day. It is hard to imagine that JB has had 650,000,000 youtube hits-the most ever. Wait, what?!! If Adam were 10 years younger, the girls would have been all over him though many are thankfully. They are the smart ones that know talent when they hear it.

I caught a glimpse of Beiber on some show (can't remember which one) where he matched 100k to some school and then said he would go to their school and sing acoustically for them. Now Adam can sing acoustically.

HK fan said...

I saw Justin Beiber earlier this year in concert with my daughter. He was actually not bad, sang the slower songs live, not the best vocal but not too bad, don't think the faster ones were live though. He can move pretty well, and the kids(and not so small kids) in the audience loved him. There are worse people around for the tweens to look up to.

Anonymous said...

I keep watching the video of Adam singing with Queen on AI finale and still get blown away by his vocals. Oh please let him be singing with Queen on the EMA's!!!!The whole world will take notice of that voice and the phenomena that is Adam Lambert!

Anonymous said...

Stacy can be queen of the tabloids.

Anonymous said...

Seems that some woman is claiming that Justin B. is the father of her child ... but she may be the one in trouble since he was only 16 yo when this allegedly occurred & she could be charged with statutory rape. WTH is wrong with his management allowing him to get involved with anyone at that age? And this lawsuit against ADAM would be laughable if it wasn't so maddening!! Those lousy BAS***DS will do anything for a BUCK!! I'm sure ADAM's management is handling this issue quite well for him but ... I'm so steamed!! But GOOD things are happening for ADAM too which makes it a little less newsworthy. Those PARASITES!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

OIC Simon Cowell is defending Stacy..

Anonymous said...

I wonder who made the complaint of the copyright infringement. If you think about this fandom, it could even be a fan, right? A passionate, but bitter fan.

Anonymous said...

ok I can see someone now is going to get all OCD over Stacey and the infringement thing.oh well to each his own.

Anonymous said...

I think I saw Taylor dancing but not sure, like someone said the set was so dark.

Anonymous said...

i know you are gonna kill me for this: I like Simon! i really do.
Paula is such a sweetheart!
But, don`t forget Simon "almost" thought that Adam was, "ok"! :)

Anonymous said...

OT: I set my dvr for sunday's ema awards yesterday- all was well. Today when I checked it again I got to be announced instead. Does anyone know if they changed the time or what's going on? Cable company doesn't know. It is on mtvTr3s right? and I hope it's not in spanish either? I'm on eastern time for 6:00 P.M. Thanks if anyone knows. panicking lol

Anonymous said...

8:32 It is not forbidden.

Anonymous said...

Someone need to teach those bitter fans what is the meaning of the word fan. It is a supporter not a hater. If you're a fan of Adam you only have to wait for 2 days to be happy. If you're a hater, the wait is much longer, because you will have to wait until he breaks up with his bf.

Anonymous said...

I'm not saying Stacy isn't interesting. Without her the XFactor would be boring. Now I want to know about her ex husband too.

Anonymous said...

8:52 AM

Anonymous said...

9:29 EMA's in 2 days.

Anonymous said...

9:34 AM

glitzylady said...

@Anon 8:44 AM
I noticed the same thing, the "To Be Announced" in place of the European Music Awards on my cable channel. I hope it's still there because I left home this AM and will be far away from my TV on Sunday so can't change it if the time has changed.. Hoping for the best at this point. Hmmm...

Anonymous said...

@glitzylady, thanks for answering, must be on alot of others dvr's also. Hope we didn't overload the station lol. Anyway, cable did say it will still tape "to be announced" whatever is on that time frame. Hope that helps.


Anonymous said...