MTV EMA Update
Filed Under (Awards,twitter ) by Admin on Friday, November 4, 2011
Posted at : Friday, November 04, 2011
It looks like Adam may not be performing with QUEEN because Brian May has announced that Lady Gaga will be joining them on stage this Sunday. (Unless BOTH Adam and Gaga are going to perform with them, it seems likely that Adam will do a solo performance of a song from the first album since he tweeted to a fan that he will not be performing his first single).

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Oh NO!! Lady gaga gets enough attention, it's adam's turn!!!
I'm not surprised and I'm not even disappointed. Gaga fans can be annoying when jealous. Maybe it's even better this way.
He might be in one of the skits after all. Hope he sings, but why all the secretsy
That's so not fair, Lady GaGa is performing with Queen? Why not Adam, he can sing his ass off!!! Why not give him a break!!
Queen was looking for a monotonic singer, heh. Sorry couldn't resist.
Why Gaga above Adam? Cause of the ratings?
She's a good singer and all but she's nowhere near Adam. I'm disappoint. What is he going to do then?
Money talks.
If it's a tribute, it's not going to be about Queen anymore, it's going to be about Gaga. She'll take the acknowledgement.
I'm not panicking yet. If Adam says he's performing, then he is. Whatever he does will be great, and I have to believe he's singing, for Pete's sake. If he's in a skit or something, ok, but he should be singing. Gaga is fine, but geez, Adam is a logical choice for a Queen tribute. Maybe he'll still be part of the Queen thing in some way. I guess if I was a member of Queen and I had a chance to have Gaga do it, I'd pick her, too. She's the biggest one out there right now.
So Adam gets cheated once again and will not perform with Queen. I guess Gaga is the bigger star so she gets the iconic moment for international viewers. I just hope that whatever Adam does that it is spectacular and he gets the recognition he so deserves. I won't see the show since I don't get that channel on my cable lineup, so I will have to rely on this blog spot and You tube to see what actually happens. I am really tired of seeing Gaga, Rihanna, Beyonce, Katy P and Bieber all over on the video or music shows and even on the radio. But then I am not in that young age group demographic either. Adam Lambert is the best talent in the music industry today and yet somehow, he hasn't reached that superstar status so many of us hoped he would have by now. With the release of his second album, I believe it will finally happen, so I can't wait until 2012 for it to amaze us all.
maybe adam's going to do OOL again since it's not his single. I just pray he still performing in some way and will be pissed if gaga bumped him out at the last minute??? They can't do that can they?
Adam was not cheated. People were just assuming he was going to perform with Queen.
Saw a late night UK show a few years back and the host and audience were already gaga over Lady Gaga. They LOVE her over there (and also all around the world). It's fitting that she be part of Queen's tribute. Don't forget that these shows are first and foremost created to bring in great ratings. I just hope that Adam doesn't sing a FYE song. That would be going backwards, IMO.
12:40, yes Gaga was loved THEN.
Adam`s voice is just for Queen`s music!
Lady gadas,,,gagas not for that,i like her but no, ,Freddie Mercury
It was announced from the beginning that Lady GaGa would appear on stage with Queen. She is not one of the "surprises". After all, they need to promote the program with a big name as well.
I agree with ANON;2:10PM. It's all about the money.
I hope Adam blows everybody out of the water.
So disappointed to hear that it wont be Adam as he would be the perfect one to sing with Queen. And agree with the anon poster that said it will now only be about gagga since it always is when she's involved in anything. Very sad. So much conformity and same old stuff on all these music shows.
It's not necessary what the viewers want. It's more about what the promoters think the viewers want.
I am SO over Gaga's shtick. Every performance she does is more like a circus sideshow. At first it was a novelty, now it's just plain annoying.
I can't wait to see what Adam will do. Why all the secrecy, I wonder?
Who wants Adam to perform with someone else? Not me. He certainly doesn't need the support of someone else. He IS the Super Star.
We have "supposed" almost every scenario, we have fertile imaginations. Now, how about Gaga singing with Queen and then Adam walks out and does a number with them? Either with Gaga or alone. That would def be a surprise. Gaga has the "star power" recognition, but Adam would make a tasty "extra added attraction"! I just want Sunday to come....anticipation is wearing me down. ^_^
This is totally off subject but wouldn't it be freaky cool for Adam and Gaga to do Fever together." I am not a Lady gaga fan but just thought putting the two on stage together would be kick ass crazy." I am just super excited to see Adam!!!!!!!!!!!
I think Adam is going to be a surprise. Honestly I believe he will sing with Queen, but Gaga has been said to be there along with other artists already. Don't think Adam would have told us to watch just to see Gaga.I think it's a secret as to what Adam is doing but he will sing something and he will blow everyone away.l Positive thoughts to the universe!!!
Maybe gaga and adam will do fever!! LOL
whatever it is Adam is very happy about it and I will be too. It will be great seeing him on stage, let's not start raining on our own parade.
OT. Since it's friday I'm playing some music. I think the 90's is a gold mine for good and sexy music. Mark Morrison Crazy, Foxy Brown ft. Jay-Z I'll Be Good, Another Level Freak Me... ;)
Adam never said he is singing, he said he will be performing. So he might be in one of the skits. He will consider it an honor whatever he does, this is one huge show.Adam has a way to go before he will be considered one of the big honchos in the music business. If it is a skit, his name will be up there again with the big guns, and that is all good. :)
I understand the frustration guys and you are not alone.....
Remember what Adam said just tune in and it will be worth it.......
Please just keep the spirit alive and no more worries it's going to be great for Adams exposure no matter what.
He will prevail!!!!!!
Whatever Adam performs will be great,I bet.I tried to get the channel & tier that the award show is on,but the T.Warner lady couldn't seem to help me,& thought it wasn't available in this part of N C,but in S is.( darn!!)Please somebody,put his performance on you tube asap.!Also,please vote for BB on the AIOTM.Thanks.
@LP I don't think he is just in a skit, although that would be better than nothing. I think he will sing.I know we all want our huge fantasies to be true, like mine him singing with Queen, and I hope it will be. I feel Adam's time has come and this would give him the opportunity. Guess we will have to wait and see.
Like some of the more recent comments in this thread, I am trying to keep a positive attitude. As someone said, Adam seems excited about this and so we should be too -- whatever it is. Let's just get to Sunday and see what he's doing. Hopefully, he will sing and that would be the best - even if it might not be with Queen ... altho I'm still hoping he's one of the surprises and does, in fact, sing with them - Gaga or not.
gaga can suck it! oops! she probably already does!!!!!
Still hoping Adam will sing with Queen Gaga or not theres plenty of songs for both.Fingers crossed.
Personally I will be grateful to hear Adam sing anything, hope it is not just a skit, but at this point just the fact he is included in this production is a biggy.
Nothing to say about Gaga---she is who she is---BUT I can't imagine Adam being on any stage without singing--and for me, that's all that matters. Just to hear that beautiful voice again----on the world stage.
Adam on the world stage-singing ! As I said before, nothing else matters-
don't forget this is twitter #FF, Adam is doing good at #2.
All of us have one common thread no matter what our conjectures are. We want something great for Adam and for the world to see him as we do.Guess we have to hang tight. Although I may have to resort to a very stiff drink on Sunday before the show airs! lol
Ohhhhh,just got the computer for the first time today and now I this news :(
I feel like most of you do...I was so hoping Adam was singing with Queen. I respect all the other talented performers that will be there but Adam is so much better than all of them AND he can actually sing live ! He'll blow them all away. He said he will perform so I assumed he meant sing. Do you think he is presenting an award? Would that be considered a "performance"? I don't think so. Guess there's nothing to do but wait. Adam def seemed very excited so if he is happy about whatever it is then I will be happy for him. I just want the world to see how very talented and unique he is I. So many ways.
GaGa will perform with Queen and after that GaGa will play Fever. Adam will perform it by planting a big kiss on Bill Kaulitz lips to end the Adommy shit once and for all.
Ohhhhh,just got the computer for the first time today and now I this news :(
I feel like most of you do...I was so hoping Adam was singing with Queen. I respect all the other talented performers that will be there but Adam is so much better than all of them AND he can actually sing live ! He'll blow them all away. He said he will perform so I assumed he meant sing. Do you think he is presenting an award? Would that be considered a "performance"? I don't think so. Guess there's nothing to do but wait. Adam def seemed very excited so if he is happy about whatever it is then I will be happy for him. I just want the world to see how very talented and unique he is I. So many ways.
Oops, sorry, pushed the button twice
Who was even suggesting that performing fever He had to suck face with Tommy? That was so last year!!!!!!! I like Tommy but sheesh people... Can't U like the song?
Oh my, why all the negative energy?? I thought you were Lambert Lovers. If so, then it's all about positive energy, laughter and fun. Adam will be there, he loves Queen, he also loves Lady Gaga, and he loves his fans. He undoubtedly is excited about being there to see Lady Gaga perform with Queen and wants his fans to join him via MTV. C'mon people. This is a positive thing. Queen is getting honoured for 40 years with EMI!!! That's huge. How many bands can brag about being in the music industry that long? It's definately something to celebrate. It's an amazing honour! I'm excited to watch the show and overjoyed and thrilled that Adam will be performing. I'll also be happy to watch Lady Gaga perform with Queen. That woman plays a damn fine piano and she has a great voice! I intend to watch the "whole" show and enjoy every minute of it. Thank you Adam for giving us a heads up on this exciting event : )
I'm sorry It is supposed to be positive and happy!!!! Doesn't matter what Adam does on Sunday, I am just happy to see him on the stage.
Maybe he'll be performing a song from his new upcoming album, but it just won't be the single.
I'm kinda hoping he'll sing something that will really showcase his range and that beautiful voice when he sings a slow song.
I remember at the 2010 Grammy's, while everyone else was doing something extravagent, with lots and lots of dancers and stage props, etc, P!nk's Glitter in the Air performance stole the whole show.
That's what I'd like to see for Adam, something that when people think back they will say, wow! that was unreal, very memorable.
I'm having a hard time finding my words tonight, but I think you guys get what I am trying to say.
Maybe Adam will be singing Fever with Gaga. That would not thrill me in the least. She has been less than generous in the past to Adam (but to whom has she been generous?.
What are the chances of seeing this streaming. I don't have a clue what to do. I know they are about 8 hours ahead of us, so that has to be considered. But what do I do.
Just go to and you can watch the show telecast live! C'mon people now, smile on your brother, everbody get together, try to love one another right now..
Love you ADAM!!!! Can't wait for Sunday!
I really like Gaga, but I just don't think Queen songs will sound the same with a female voice....
I guess we'll find out on Sunday (monday here) what Adams doing..
More importantly, what about this lawsuit that Adams been filed with, its starting to get headlines about it today..
Another off subject. What the heck is going on I was on another site and the headline was Adam should have been banned from Idol????
I'm not surprised that Brian May has chosen to work with Gaga again.
He played guitar on one of the tracks in her Born This Way album.
They also performed together this past August in L.A. I think it was the Music Video Award show. But, we know he admires Adam so I'm hopeful...
adam could show up as gaga like wig and weired dreess if he want sing for queen.
its nerveraking everytime he surprise me
@ 5:27
Ooohhhhhh, I'm experiencing a 60's flashback....The Youngbloods....
"Come Together". Ankle length gauze dresses, tie dyed shirts, peace, love and flower power. Nice memories! :)
While we're all worrying and even complaining about what Adam may or may not do on the EMAs, I stop and think about all the struggling singers who would KILL to just be there at all. Adam deserves to be there, but he is also lucky to be there. I'm gonna calm down now and just wait for his "performance," whatever it is, to be posted online, 'cause I don't get the channel on my cable.
@5:57 I saw that to with adam should of been banned from idol WTF. All I can say is here we go again with the articles ALWAYS trying to hurt adam in some way! I'm so sick of it and it's always when something good is coming up with him like EMA 's new album ect. After two years I'm so used to it and you know what I just don't let it bother me anymore. Adam is on his way, we all know it! Finally he will be reconized and we can all relax alittle more lol
@ anon 5:27
Thank you for the info, I appreciate it.
Does anyone know what time it starts in Ireland?
Yeah, A few comments about that situation were very negative on another site. Adam seems to always get batted around. But All us fans will stand with him, no worries.
5:52, he could do that at the EMA's! Last year a finnish Dudeson was dresssed as a ballerina and proposed Jared Leto on the red carpet.
Majors and Minors, Sunday, November 13 "The cast learns Adam Lambert's hit and gets a surprise visit from him to help with their stage presence."
Show title: Whattya Want From Me
I get DirectTV in the Pacific Northwest, but not MTV3. I called DTV this morning and was told I could have an international dish installed on Wednesday or Thursday of next week for $199.00 and only $30.00 a month if I sign a contract for a year. I told them nicely thanks but no thanks.
If someone smarter than I will post the time EMA will be shown live on MTV.CA, I'll gladly do that. Thanks all.
Question of the day: Why is it that when Lady GaGa performs, she is going to sing, but there is so much hoopla regarding what, who, how, when Adam performs is he going to sing, dance or do a skit?
Listening to that song in my car today! Loved the 60's!
Still waiting for some new music from the boy and when that happens I will ONLY be listening to him! I didn't listen to any other music for a year when FYE came out!
I am a grandmother too in L.A.
How about Adam doing "I Want To Break Free" to honour Freddie Mercury on his own, as a cover maybe with his own band. Ooooh, I'd love that! Or something theatrical on Freddie Mercury, as Queen is getting an honorary award. Or as already mentioned, a song from his new album, not the single which he might want to showcase with a video to give it that super bang! When Adam keeps something under wraps, better be on the watch out! He is usually very forthcoming. :)
Please vote for Adam @ Adam is losing ground now.Thanks!!!!
The banning from appearing on Idol is based on the fact that contestants cannot have been signed to a recording contract. It is being said that Adam was signed with Welsford Music before Idol and thus should have been disqualified.????? Surely this was investigated at the time.
It appears to be in retaliation to Adam protesting the Beg For Mercy album. What a mess!
In Calif we turn our clocks back an hour tonight.
@Jak- yes it is a mess! Just google adam and that's what you get- adam lambert violated idol rules. Jeez, it's been 2 years and adam has moved on! I cannot believe this beg for mercy lawsuit is now bringing idol into it. I hope idol sticks up in adam's defense. We seem to be the only ones that ever do it!!!
Ladies! GaGa had met Queen Elizabeth two or three years ago and had lunch and tea with her.
Does Queen ELizabeth know who is Adam Lambert? Also, I know that Queen like the "Queen" and she always glad to see their performances. Sorry, guilty, but I know about the "Queen" and Freddie too much:( My famliy hates me for this info I try to share with them sometimes:(
Who told you that ADam is gonna perform with "Queen"? ISn't it just result of your imagination, ladies? Adam would have chance only if Freddie would still alive.
I hope, Adam will perform.
Out of subject. Does anybody know how bad this is for Adam this"Copywrightings" or breaking AI rules? Cause. I dont' have any idea what kind of problems ir can cost Adam after three years since he "didn't win AI". You know that everybody knew that Adam won it!!!
As I know, AI judges can find any fake performance without any problems. As I remember, it happened with very talented guy on season 9.
Very sad that Adam has such a problem just before his new single and new album release (again)!!!
Why do I think that Montie is invited in this sh....?
Doesn't he tweet that this album is very special for him?
SAD very SAD
I think he doesn't follow Monte on twitter anymore or right now.
Adam doesn't owe anything to Monte or any of the band members anymore, not even "poor Tommy". I wish them all good riddance.
@anon 7:33PM I am sure Adam doesn't owe Monte neither than Tommy anything. I think they owe Adam because people know their names after the tour.
Sure, Adam will be okay. But like I already said " another scandal" before new album release!
There may be more than one Queen performance.
7:33, I agree he doesn't owe them anything!!! They can all be replaced.The idiots who were trying to make some dough, are idiots and that is putting it nicely although they don't deserve nice!!!
LP thanks for the clock reminder , I forgot tonight was the night.
We would assume that the AI people would do very thorough background checking on their contestants. It would have been easy to check on Adam's past professional commitments. If they did, they must have discovered Adam's previous recording history. If there was a problem, why didn't they say so at that time? Adam can't possibly be the first AI contestant to have recorded music before AI. Lots of the contestants have sung professionally before Idol, trying to get their careers started. Hope Adam's management and legal dept. can sort this out. Of course, the haters are jumping on this like mice on cheese. Just when Adam gets a good break (ie. EMAs), something like this happens. DAMN!
Oh Adam, you craved for attention at the start of all this; now it's overflowing and business rivals are feeling the jitters, suing you and everything. You will sail through as always; it's the dawn of the Aquarius. :)
Is Tommy leaving the band?the lawsuit is awkward, they make money out of Adam like take one make 100,000 $ base on RCA or info,now they remember they have to complain about Adam,the recor dealer are such pain in the ass.
Why Adam docent follow Monte?
Is Tommy leaving the band?the lawsuit is awkward, they make money out of Adam like take one make 100,000 $ base on RCA or info,now they remember they have to complain about Adam,the recor dealer are such pain in the ass.
Why Adam docent follow Monte?
All good things come to and end and from what I see Monte and Adam are not seeing eye to eye on a few things. If Monte knew all this why did he tour with Adam? What is really going on here? They all told him to try out for Idol for goodness sake.
As for the EMA I will just view it for myself. No more speculating. I only get disappointed.
I was wondered when that Niles played for Adam on his album.
Oh about the lawsuit..he won't be the first or the last person who got suide over something he probably did not understand to begin with. He needs a good manager to watch his back for sure.
I used to like Tommy. Now he has become manipulative, just like his fans. His fans blame Adam and Sauli all the time.
REMINDER: All of North America turns their clocks back one hour tonight.
The EMA's will be at 9 PM GMT, so just subtract the hours depending on your time zone.
If seeing it live isnt important, in Canada it will be shown on MuchMusic at 5 pm Pacific time.
I love your comments. I was a little disappointed at first but now I'm excited again!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't think we turn our clocks back til Saturday night. This is only Friday. (I think)
Arizona stays the same, never change their clocks.
Is this the THANX that ADAM gets from his band members after he introduced them to his audience night after night each one by name & PRAISED them to the hilt ... especially Monte ... his 'musical director'?? I hope this is all just gossip ... if not ... then ADAM must really be hurt ... wouldn't matter if it was just a member of the band but a 'close personal friend' ... that's GOTTA hurt!!
Can't wait to see ADAM in the coming weeks of November ... Sunday EMAs ... next Sunday Majors & Minors & I think November 18th or 23rd is Sundance Channel appearance but NOT really sure ... hope his SINGLE shows up soon WITH video!! OH! Please hurry ADAM!! Waiting Anxiously ...
tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)
I hope all these law suit news won't effect Adam's psyche and won't effect his EMA performance on Sunday. He is over sensitive about people trying to take advantage of him or impose. Remember the OUT editor's letter to Adam before his AMA performance. Totally made him to over re-act with that tragic AMA performance. This is Adam's second chance in front of a huge audience after his AMA disaster. Hope he won't let this bogus news from that leech Welsford to effect him.
Adam if you read this do some meditation at least 1/2 hour before your performance to only focus your concentration on your performance and nothing else. This is something Olympic ski athletes or skaters do before their acts. Adam forget about this leech and let your attorneys take care of his issues. We can also jump on the bandwagon and kick his ass (maybe literally if we find him). Have a great time on Sunday and let them all say Adam Lambert just killed it on stage. He is a Motha Fuckin Beast (in a good way as Rico Love said it). Glamberts send you Lights and Love! xoxoxo
Re: this BS about ADAM & AI ... ADAM has specifically stated a number of times that it didn't matter if you had a record out in the past ... only that you were NOT UNDER CONTRACT at the time you were on AMERICAN IDOL & ADAM had NO contract at that TIME!! So let the idiots say what they will ... ADAM can't be accused of any wrongdoing when he was on AI. I'm sure AI checked into all the backgrounds of ALL the contestants. They're not STUPID ... they have lawyers!! ADAM has done NOTHING wrong!!
tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)
Is there anyway we can find where the hell this ass Welsford is so we can show him hell then he would drop down on his knees and beg for mercy?
10:09 Malcolm Welsford is in LA. I think his twitter account is
9:48 you make the sh*t up as you go along don't you? Adam has been in front of large audiences since the AMA's. He has been on AI three times and a huge balloon festival in Canada, to name a few, you should check your BS before posting, it makes you look so foolish.
Adam said it will be a "performance"! I thought that meant singing. Now I'm worried he could be doing some silly, obscene, embarrasing skit!! You know the US press will pounce on that! I knew I shouldn't have believed the "Queen" talk. When will our Adam finally get the recognition he so deserves?!
Sad in Texas :(
Adam is going to be a part of the MTV EMA show with the other pop star royalty so that in itself should make us all happy.
He is part of the Queen celebration and rightly so.
Every good thing will happen in time.
Does Adam have fun to tweet such a things nobody can understand what these tweets about?
For how long time Adam's have to wait for his new single, music video, album?
Okay, Adam, can we get your new album before 12/24/2012? Please. warm our Christmas,dear
why would they make Adam do some silly embarassing obscene skit? you are just so sad, I can see the tears in your eyes.
I hope Adam really gets to SING this time. Not present an award, not be in some "skit", not sit in the audience cheering on lesser quality singers (except Adele, I luv her!). It's like he gets invited to these shows, then has to sit at the "kiddie table" LOL! Hopefully, the new album will finally change things! C'mon 2012!
Shouldn't have Adam been rehearsing today? Some of the main performers tweeted about their rehearsal but someone who was hanging out with Adam and Sauli said having dinner with them. No tweets about his rehearsal. If we see any tweets about Adam's rehearsal tomorrow it will mean that he'll be presenting not performing. Anyway, after spending sometime to change my cable plan to get tr3s channel on my T.V. Hope to see him on red carpet and/or on stage doing something.
Malcom Welsford is from New Zealand. I wonder if he lives in US legally. There is a way to check his legal status but I am not sure how we can find this out. Maybe if we check with State Department they might tells us. Any attorneys in the house can shed some light on this for us?
I laughed my head off when I checked Malcolms twitter. It seems he haven't been doing much lately, or for years. He seem not very smart and that's why I think there must be other people involved. Glamberts?
Why all the talk about skits? I've never seen a music award show with skits. Are you talking about the forced silly chatter presenters often do before announcing winner? That wouldn't be considered performing.
Doubt Adele will be singing, she has serious throat condition.
Don't understand the talk about Tommy ( not that I like him) but he wasn't in Citizen Vein band that recorded Beg For Mercy songs.
Monte is only one in that band with Adam that we know, drummer and bass were and are with different bands. Confusion all around. It's in lawyer's hands now, that's either comforting or more scary.
Why was Beg For Mercy released on Tommy's birthday?
Coincidence. Members of Citizen Vein band were Steve Sideinyk, Tommy Victor, Monte Pittman and Adam Lambert.
Tommy's fans were openly supporting Monte and BFM release and saying that Adam's fans should not tell them what to do.
The only goal for Tommy's fans are that Adam must leave Sauli. They really don't care about anything else at the moment. They want everyone who opposes their will to feel guilty about it. Sorry Tommy, but I'm not going to feel guilty for liking Sauli. I already was a fan of Adam a year, before Sauli came into picture.
Tommy's fans are delusional thinking that if ADAM left Sauli that Tommy would 'automatically' step in & replace Sauli! Really?? Tommy is 'str8' & likes girls ... his fans should give up on these FANtasies & look at the REAL picture ... they are sooo ridiculous!! As for Monte ... quite DISappointed in the shabby way he is treating ADAM ... a close personal friend would NOT do it for ALL the money in the world ... NOT a TRUE friend!! If Monte isn't in on this ... then WHY doesn't he come forward & back ADAM?? Strange!!
10:55, at first I thought they are just delusional, but now I think they are close to psychopathic behaviour, because they want to enforce this Adommy to become a reality.
Maybe Adam will sing "Under Pressure" with Queen and DAVID BOWIE!!! Now THAT would require secretsy!!
GAGA was known to be singing with QUEEN from a few weeks ago. When a band is being honored usually there is more than one artist participating. Or maybe it is with someone else but ADAM is def performing.
And by performing I mean singing.
Adam still could be performing with queen, just didn't announce it cuz unfortunetly gaga is bigger (at the moment). Who says queen can't do more than 1 performance? just a thought.
Don't worry. Adam's rehearsing by now. One little dinner won't interfere with that. Everybody's gotta eat.
Musical Director and Guitarist for Bieber latest tweet:
@dankanter: Yo @adamlambert! Good to see you dude, can't wait to see you kill it w/ #Queen
Looks like we have confirmation!! Is it Sunday yet?
Sounds like the Dan Kanter tweet has answered our question! Adam WILL be performing with Queen! Perhaps with other stars, too, but STILL!
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