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Another EMA Pink Carpet Video!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Skip to around 0:28 for Adam!


Anonymous said...

whoa, tons of people there and we get some shots of Adam. yay!!

Anonymous said...

I have just watched Adam/Queen on my TV, its so addictive. I am really happy they showed so much of Adam in the credits at the end.
A couple of questions.
1. What happened in the interview clip when Roger whisperd to Adam then he pulled hios coat over and they both laughed.
2. what was the short burst of "Under Pressure" before "We will Rock you" was sung. Was it sung do you think and then cut from the TV coverage?
I would have thought if that was the case we would have a clip of it now.
Just curious.

Anonymous said...

@jADAM- i'VE Been wondering the same thing. he sang under pressure obviously- someone must have it?? O.K. ireland glamberts that were there, help us out. OT: The amount of praise for his 2nd album is insane.


LP said...

Someone mentioned that some of the people who Adam has tweeted and congratulated them on their successess, that he wasn't getting any tweets back for his success on Queen. I thought about that, and realised that most of the people were at the EMA's, and probably congratulated him in person.

Anonymous said...

I read on another site that from "tweets accross the pond", it looks like the single won't be released until first of next year and the album, not until March of next year. Does anyone know if this is true?

Eva said...

No Adam did not sing Under Pressure. There were fan videos from EMA and it was just that short UP intro.
Roger gave Adam a "tip", perhaps for saying very nice things about Queen. Adam said: I keep the tip and pretended to put it in his pocket.
Adam often congratulates others and never hears from them. I was surprised though that he didn´t congratulate Gaga (she won everything she was nominated for), just Katy Perry. Perhaps he was pissed that she blocked the view with her parabol-umbrella outfit.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Eva, I can relax now, I hate to think I have missed anything. LOl