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Adam Lambert's Best Live Vocals

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Posted at : Wednesday, December 07, 2011



Anonymous said...

Paula's face said it all. Adam can sang! My heart soars when I hear his voice.

Anonymous said...

Brigadoon, Is Anybody Listening, Starlight, Soaked, The Time for Miracles, Come Home, Dust in the Wind, I Can't Make You Love Me, Outlaws of Love and probably Better Than I Know Myself!
....if ever....


Anonymous said...

My heart soars . . .exactly how I feel . . .going to miss the glitz and glamour . . .our sparkly boy . . .

Carlos said...

Thank you for featuring another of my videos! My glamily is simply amazing.

@11:10 I should have included Brigadoon but there's no video for that one is there? I definetly missed "Is Anyboy Listening?" Can't believe I forgot about that one :'( Well, I'll included it next time!

Anonymous said...

@ Carlos

No, sadly no film of Brigadoon. A still photo of him in costume is floating around...he's posing with Barbara and ex-Pres. H.W. Bush.
He looks so young! Adam, that is, not Pres. Bush!

Thanks for the video reminder of those wonderful moments.


Carlos said...

Wait, a picture with the real Bush or someone in a costume?

RANDOM: I had the weirdest dream last night. Adam was performing at some Awards show and for some reason Charlie Sheen interrupted him a la Kanye West and Adam got really upset. Just thought I'd share that crazy dream hah.

Anonymous said...

So glad u included If I Can't Have You, one of my faves. I listen to the studio version frequently.

Anonymous said... Brigadoon

Adamluv said...

@Carlos - great video! Thank you. Havent said this in a week or more so ...... I love Adam Lambert! That's it. Nothing more to add. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

This collection of vocals is incredible! Nobody sings like our boy. His vocal precision and control is uncanny. These songs show that he can really belt. (Unfortunately some people think this is screaming, but we know it's Adam hitting every single note perfectly. There's a difference between that and screaming.) Would love another collection of video snips of some quieter moments that show that incredible control at the lower volume end. That ability is also the mark of a great singer and is rarely done by today's pop singers, mostly because they simply cannot do it. Glad someone posted the link to Come To Me, Bend To Me. It should be required listening for everyone on Planet Earth. It's other-worldly in its beauty. Thank you, all!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Two GORGEOUS pics of SAULI - page 16, scroll downwards:

GGD Gal, phewww - the younger blue eyes!

V Camilleri said...

There is a performance in Maxidrom n Moscow, Russia of Sleep Walker on you tube that always blows me away. It is at about the 3 to 4 minute mark. It is crazy beautiful.

V Camilleri said...

Actually if you watch that you tube video it is between 4 and 5 mark. I just love Adam's ability to touch your soul. WOW

The Dark Side said...

Duh! It isn't a secret that Adam has the best voice in music today! I find it amazing that people are just now catching onto this fact. New or long time fan, it doesn't get any better!!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the link to the pictures of Sauli. There is another one posted elsewhere from the same shoot of him in the black tones. All are stunning. Get a load of how LOW those jeans are slung!!!! Ooooh, baby!

Carlos said...

@1:23 I'd love to make one with the quiter moments. In fact when I was editing I had included bits of his starlight performance in GMA, his performance of Outlaws Of Law in St Agathe and a bit of his Aftermath performance in Hong Kong. I decided to leave them out cause I wanted the vocals to feel more epic and make a shorter video. I'll try to make one that shows his lower register better.

Anonymous said...

Adam singing Soaked in L.A. I'll..never get enough...his voice, the way he look to the perfect.


Anonymous said...

@Carlos - thanks, awesome samples of Adam’s vocal talent!

Here’s two more examples of my favorites I never stop listening -

Sleepwalker, GNT Houston, Aug 9 2010:
Especially the part from 5:11 to 5:22, EPIC!

AI Tour 2009, Uniondale Aug 12, Slow Ride with Allison Iraheta - - listen to the OPERATIC excellence in Adam’s voice around 2:16-2:19, just effin-amazing!!! (excellent singing from both and what a lovely memory of those two goofing around!)

GGD Gal, thinking that maybe SOON the list of my favorites gets longer and longer…

Carlos said...

@2:48 Excellent performances! We know every single Adam performance is amazing but there are certain performances that he seems like going all out and he tops himself even more.

LOVED what he did during Slow Ride..

Anonymous said...

@Carlos - re the Slow Ride "glory note": would have loved to see Adam's face up close when he sings that part... He truly is a GEM!!!


Anonymous said...

Did anyone mention, Can't Let You Go.
One of my favorites of all time. A while back someone did a video of scenes from Brokeback Mountain with Adam singing Can't Let You Go in the background. Unbelievably beautiful and touching. If you need a good cry that video was the one to see.

Anonymous said...

@ Carlos

Absolutely the real former Pres. Bush...the dad, not George Bush.
Adam appeared at Theater Under The Stars, I think that's in Houston, TX. I guess they liked musicals...of course Brigadoon has some really beautiful songs. Adam was 22 at the time. What a voice!


MiMi said...

When Adam was on American Idol there was a video of him singing, "Come To Me, Bend To Me," from Brigadoon on YouTube. I used to watch it a lot, and I absolutely loved it. I can't believe they removed it. Anybody know why?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Carlos, for including "Born to Be Wild". Seems like no one ever mentions that, and it was the one that made me "fall in love" with Adam Lambert. I really could not believe that whole performance.He was such a star already.

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2 -
I love Can’t Let You Go, too! But I don’t think Adam has ever performed it LIVE…
Another song he hasn’t done LIVE but a few times is Loaded Smile - this River Rock performance is…don’t even know how to describe it… just love it!

Carlos said...

@3:45 PM Just found that picture! How lovely. I'm not a fan of the Bush family but I might be now. I'd die for a picture of Adam with Obama and I don't even like Obama.

4:06 PM I love the G5s during Born To Be Wild. I'd be nuts not do include them.

@Mimi that "Come To Me, Bend To Me" song is still on Youtube!!

Anonymous said...

There were several videos of Adam's voice with different photos of him, but no actual performance footage of Come to Me, Bend to Me has ever been found.

Anonymous said...

I also had a dream about of those that seem real.I dreamt he made a remix of TFM to ad dance tempo..woke up thinking it was real..OMG

Anonymous said...

s/b to a dance tempo ,,it was last night.oh well

Adamluv said...

OT - to the 2459 American service personnel that lost their lives on Dec. 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor (drawing the US into World War 2) may you never be forgotten - RIP.

Anonymous said...

@Carlos....Thank you for the wonderful video! We can relive all those glorious performances which bring back all the excitement watching Adam once again. I loved all of them you included. I wish there were a video for 'Can't Let You Go' but Adam hasn't performed it live. Now I'm obsessing over 'The Show Must Go On' (such a breathtaking performance). BTW, I've never understood why TFM didn't make it big. Adam's voice just soared at the end. His range is mindblowing. There's just no one like him. Love him to pieces!


Anonymous said...

And don't forget "The Prayer" unless it's already been mentioned. Another favorite!

Anonymous said...

Hi Carlos
In the Brigadoon video, Adam held a very pure note for 22 seconds; you would have heard it. Also a ten-year-old Adam sang a Hebrew song, just audio but his little boy voice was so pure, it will induce tears. Just showcase it with stills; we will be staring just as much,lol. It was at around this time Adam's Mom decided to give her precocious son, Adam, voice training. Thanks for your excellent video.

Carlos said...

@Lam-my Thank you for the suggestions! I'm taking notice and trying to include most of them on my next video. I'll make it about his head voice notes and his low-register. I can't include everyone's favorite vocals cause it'd be too long and most people have short attention spans. I also like it better if there's good quality video from the performance. Any other suggestion?

@CT thank you so much!!

Carlos said...

Btw @Lam-my where can I find that audio from when he was a kid?

Anonymous said...

These are "details for single"!!! It doesn't mean that single will be released this week, or this month or this year!! I mean 2012! Ha Ha Ha

Anonymous said...

Carlos, that's why I was hoping you would be able to locate it. I heard it two years ago quite by accident. I'll try and google it. :)

Anonymous said...


Time for Miracles is my all time fave song on FYE. I don't know why it wasn't more successful than it was, but I wish they had included a Brian May/Slash type soaring guitar solo & ditched a few of the violins. I FREAKIN LOVE ADAM'S VOICE on this song!!!


Anonymous said...

I think The Time for Miracles would have had bigger sales if it had played DURING the movie started playing when the credits rolled and everyone was already on their way out of the theater. So, unless you bought an album you never heard it! Darn shame, it's a great showcase for Adam's voice.


Anonymous said...

Carlos, thanks for that. We needed it during this long wait for the next album. What performance was that very last clip from?

Anonymous said...

You know I wish and its only a wish that we could of heard Time For Miracles live And Can't Let You Go. Maybe someday? Or do you guys think that they are songs that could stress his vocal chords? I would never want that.

Carlos said...

@9:14 PM the very last one? That's "Sleepwalker" performed at the Jay Leno Show. If you mean the one before that then it's "A Change Is Gonna Come" performed in LA during one of the two last shows of the GNT.

glitzylady said...

Oh, Carlos, thank you so much for this! I finally got the chance to watch it, and realized I'd seen it on Twitter : ) or the Fan Club Facebook or somewhere! It just really brings back such great memories.. And of course "A Change is Gonna Come" is from the Music Box LA GNT, the second to the last (sadly) concert. I had gone to several of the GNT's (6) and in many ways that was my favorite of the live ones I attended. It was so very very intimate and special because Adam was coming home to the place he had performed in the Zodiac Show 6 years to the day before, and had sung the same song. And he broke with his usual way of doing things that night and spoke to us, off the cuff, and from his heart before reprising it again that night. Everyone there was beyond thrilled to see and hear him sing a song that had so much meaning to him. And to us as fans because we had shared just a little piece of his journey, and had arrived at this special place and time. And to top it off, I was sitting directly behind his mom, near his dad, and his close friends, as well as some of my close friends who I had met through Adam and his music, and had traveled to LA with to celebrate the fabulous and successful GNT series. It was an electric and emotional moment, and to share it with them was, as Adam would say, completely surreal. And wonderful. It was probably the most memorable and unique of MANY amazing moments during his live shows for me. Thanks for including it in your Best Live Vocal compilation. I still get chills every time I hear it..or see it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! Loved it! Adam makes me smile so darn much! Total and utter
moments of estatic brillance along memories of Adam that will live with me forever.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the video! Made my day! So many incredible performances to choose from - made me realize he is really a miracle of consistency - never failing to be absolutely great! Quite a feat for any singer- Go ADAM!

MiMi said...

Thanks Carlos: I did find the song on YouTube but I had actually watched a video of Adam performing the song on the stage in a costume. I couldn't find that video.

Anyway, I remember playing the video for my husband because he said Adam "screamed" too much on Idol. I didn't tell him it was Adam when I played the video, just asked him what he thought of the voice. I remember him saying, "Wow,that guy can sing!" When I told him it was Adam he never critized Adam again, and in fact went to the first GlamNation Tour Show with me in Wilkes Barre, Pa.
Thanks again for the info.

Anonymous said...

Big mistake not releasing "Sleepwalker".

I prefer hearing him Live. It surpasses hearing any video imo.

glitzylady said...

I just have to include one more, perhaps for Carlos' next vid of the "quieter" but no less stunning moments of Adam's vocal prowess and beautifully nuanced and ever changing presentation of his music.

I LOVE his fairly rare concert versions of "Broken Open". I've been fortunate to be present for 4 of those: Fantasy Springs, River Rock, and 2 in Hawaii, and to see the progression. Fantasy Springs, at the beginning of his live concerts before GNT was wonderful, but by the time he did the Honolulu concerts, he had perfected it, and it brings tears to my eyes just to see it on youtube. Being there in the audience was unbelievable. I really feel "Broken Open" is a song that is overlooked when recalling his best work and vocals. It is so personal to him as well. This is the song that at this concert (below) had the woman next to me sobbing at the sheer emotion and beauty, both the song and his voice. It was her first live concert with Adam and she was just overcome. Another of my vivid memories of last year and GNT. I get chills listening. Every time.

glitzylady said...

I should have noted that the above "Broken Open" was from Honolulu, Hawaii, Neil S. Blaisdell Concert Hall on Oct 25, 2010 and filmed by Suz526..

Anonymous said...

Carlos here is Adam singing at a young age on Behind the music. That part is about 5:38.

Carlos said...

@glitzylady I had imagined something similar when I was hearing the audience's reaction but of course it's different hearing it first hand. Was his family really excited? You're lucky!

As for your suggestions I wasn't even aware he performed Broken Open during GNT. I had thought about using his VH1 unplugged version. I will include bits of this Honolulu one.

@MiMi hah that's funny! I was wishing you would find said video but at least the audio's still there.

@KRW I remember that bit now. Was he really just 10 there?

Thank you all for your feedback. I'll try to make it better this time now that I know I have people waiting for it. You're all lovely.

Anonymous said...

Carlos I also like these from the upright cabaret. Come home , I can't make you love me and dust in the wind.
Who am I kidding I love all of his performances.

glitzylady said...

@Carlos 11:06AM
During the entire concert, Adam's friends and family were having a fabulous time, just like the rest of us. It was so cool seeing all of the people we associate with Adam just a few feet away. Even though they were sitting right in front of us,and nearby, we didn't disturb them and others were respectful of their space and privacy, which was so impressive to me. Leila and other friends and family were up dancing during the uptempo songs as were most of the rest of us. During "A Change Is Gonna Come" there were tears from family and friends, and from some of us. It had to have been an almost heart-wrenching and yet amazingly proud and triumphant moment for them, having lived through all the ups and downs and challenges of Adam's life and career, and to see him up there on the stage, and to know that he had accomplished and overcome so much. And he hadn't given up or taken "NO" for an answer.

Yes, "Broken Open" was sung more at the International shows than the US shows, where it was rare. Honolulu was a stop in between Asia and Europe and as a result Adam chose to do his "International" GNT, which also included a live performance of "For Your Entertainment" which we all went wild for as well. Its such a great song, he sings it so well, and after the AMA's it was pretty much buried for the US shows..and only heard as a recorded remix just before he came out onto the stage at the beginning of his shows. He kept it for Europe as well and for the final two LA shows. It's really his signature song and I was so glad when he started singing it again as part of the Opening Medley.

Thanks again and looking forward to your next video!

daydreamin said...

@Carlos thanks for this gem!

Anonymous said...

@Carlos - I forgot to say Thank You! for the beautiful video you made. I will keep it in my favorites. Great Job!