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Album Release Date is 3/20/2012!!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Thursday, December 15, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 15, 2011

Here is the official PRESS RELEASE! (Via Toby Knapp at HOT 99.5 radio)

(New York – NY) Global superstar Adam Lambert will release his highly anticipated second albumTRESPASSING (RCA Records / 19 Entertainment) on March 20th, 2012. The album’s first single “Better Than I Know Myself” will be made available for sale on December 20th at iTunes and all digital music providers.

On December 20th, fans who pre-order TRESPASSING from Adam's website, will also receive an instant MP3 download of his new single "Better Than I Know Myself." Fans who pre-order from the store will also have first access to exclusive album configurations and upgrades.

Lambert describes TRESPASSING, which he executive produced as "an exciting journey through the past two years of my life. It's been a transformative period and I really wanted to make music from what I've experienced. All these songs honestly explore the ups and downs of my reality."

In addition to co-writing many of the tracks, Lambert collaborated with an all star list of award winning artists, producers and songwriters including Pharrell Williams, Dr. Luke, Claude Kelly, Benny Blanco, Bonnie McKee, Nile Rogers, Sam Sparro, Bruno Mars, Nikka Costa and BC Jean.

Since the release of Lambert’s debut album For Your Entertainment in 2009 it has sold over 1 million copies worldwide. Lambert was nominated for a Grammy for Best Male Pop Vocal Performance for “Whataya Want From Me” in 2010 and also released the Glam Nation Live CD/DVD and Acoustic Live! EPs. He is first AMERICAN IDOL to ever tour the world in support of their debut album in the year following their IDOL season. In November of this year, Adam took to the stage in the finale of the MTV European Music Awards to sing lead vocals with Queen, who were being honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award. Their captivating performance is widely regarded to be the highlight of the entire EMA ceremony and an indication of the outstanding years ahead in the career of Adam Lambert.

Source: hot995

Thanks glitzylady for the tip!


Anonymous said...

March 20 seems like a long time away... I never heard that he worked with Bruno Mars before. Interesting

glitzylady said...

And the official RCA Press Release..same one , but from their site: Toby beat them to it today on Twitter!

Anonymous said...

there had been speculation about Bruno Mars. I think Bruno could write a hell of a song for Adam to sing

Anonymous said...

So Happy!

Anonymous said...

March 20 is the first day of Spring! How appropriate...a new beginning! And a nice cheery press release.

JAK :)

Anonymous said...

A great article! Mentionned all the important stuff.

Anonymous said...

Is that the jacket or coat Adam wore when performing with Queen.
I love the single cover, but we dont get singles here in NZ only on itunes. Maybe I will try and buy it from Amazon.
Some one on the site keeps asking will she be able to buy a physical CD, maybe some one on here in US or wherever can answer her question.

Anonymous said...

I hope someone answers, I want to know too. I don't download, MP3 or Ipod. But I can play a cd......... Sorry, still living in the Ice Age! ^o^

Obviously there has to be a cd since there is a cover for one! Haven't seen when one will be available. Help!

The Dark Side said...

This is all so exciting!!!!! Can hardly contain myself!!!!! This is an awesome press release, and all true. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I bought single hard copy of Sleepwalker and WWFM, both were imports and expensive. Keep your eye on Amazon that's who I got mine from. I finally broke down and got an iPod from Apple and love it.

funbunn40 said...

Oh happy day!It still seems far off, but finally we have a date! I'm surprised at the news Bruno Mars collaborated with no leaks or comments. I like him and also think he couls write well for Adam. Nice words from Toby Knapp.Have to thank him! It would be good for Adam if we give hits and appreciation for radio stations and all that support him and show that we Glamberts are sane, grateful, supportive fans.:)

glitzylady said...

About a Better Than I Know Myself physical CD:

Right now, all I'm seeing is an MP3 Download through Amazon (nothing up on iTunes yet but will be..).

The "album cover" is what will show up with the download and will appear with the song on an MP3 player as "album artwork".

A suggestion to those who don't download music:

Perhaps, if its at all possible of course, for those who don't currently download music, to set up a (free) iTunes acct. and jump into downloading digital music. I did that for the first time when Adam was on AIS8 to have all of his performances, including his videos. Its easy to do (I was a TOTAL novice at the time and was proud of myself that I did it!) and I'm SO glad I did! You don't have to download to an MP3 player after downloading the MP3 digital song. You can burn a CD of your own from your iTunes acct music library in your computer IF you have a CD burner with your computer. I do that all the time and now have a large music library, make my own playlists, both for my iPod (which I love) and custom playlist CD's for my car. I also load existing/new physical CD's that I buy into my iTunes library. I buy ITunes gift cards to load into my iTunes acct. to buy recordings and thus avoid using a regular credit card. The word is that in the next couple of years, we will be seeing CD's less and less, and downloading digital music as the way of the future. Perhaps something to consider. Adam has made me step outside of myself in many areas, and downloading music and getting an iPod/MP3 player is one of them.

glitzylady said...

This post from Toby Knapp of 99.5 FM Radio is from his website but the Press Release is from RCA/Sony : )

He just beat them to it this a.m. : )

See the original press release from RCA I posted at 9:54 AM above...

Anonymous said...

Excited to hear a Bruno Mars Adam collaboration. Bruno is a great songwriter and right now a huge male pop star. This shows me Bruno is quite nice because really Adam will be his main competition in the male pop world next year. Bruno Mars will be getting a lot of awards this year and has already including the Grammy last year. Next era will be Adam's!!!

Anonymous said...

I too set up an iTunes account when Adam was on AI to have, as glitzlady said, all his performances. My family gave me an iPod, so I can now download everything off my iTunes account onto my iPod - even the videos! However, I do hope there is a physical CD, just so I can have that amazing cover!! LL

Anonymous said...

March 20th is Persian New Year. I can't wait. I get two presents from Adam, one for Gregorian Calendar New Year and another for Persian Calendar New Year. Thank you Adam Lambert and love you so much!

Anonymous said...

I just want to say how incredibly talented Lee Cherry is. His pics of Adam are real works of art (angles, luminosity, etc.). SO glad that he and Adam are friends and colleagues. I particularly love that he takes pics of Adam showing his profile (to me his best pics).

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert and Bruno Mars should have done a duet together! Hope that's the surprise on TRESPASSING.

Anonymous said...

OMG I have been so busy in past couple of days and missing all news etc. I don't want to work anymore - could easily spend all my time on Adam news. It is a full time occupation! LOL. I am addiccted to his talent, beauty and to the interesting world of the Glamily!


Anonymous said...

@ Loulou

I've found that if you give up sleeping you can stay pretty well informed!!!


@ glitzylady

I've found out thru a secret source (my daughter who can't keep secrets) that my Geek Squad (son in law) is giving me an ipod for Christmas. He's been busy for weeks loading it up with lots of my "favorites" which he peeked at last time he had to fix DELL-A.
I will hint to the non secret keeper that Adam's new single will be out before Christmas!

I am entering another toe into the present generation! Are ipods as easy to screw up as computors? Hope not!

As always, thanks for info.


Anonymous said...

Whew! Finally a date we can hang onto! I know it seems very far away and yet the time will go fast. Adam will be busy, and we'll be keeping him in our lives each day. I, too, have to update my music acquisition habits. Gotta get an iPod and use iTunes. Glad to hear that Adam and Bruno have collabed. Bruno has a nice voice. He's a mega-star right now and I'm glad Adam has worked with him. Good for both of them! It means that Adam has the respect of the top stars. Trespassing is gonna rock the planet!

Hey! Any one planning an Adam 30th birthday party in January? We gotta rev ourselves up for the new album!

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest wrote about BTIKM on his website. Please go to the following link and write your supportive comments. This is very important for Seacrest to play BTIKM on KIIS. Can I ask 24/7 to post it as a seperate thread and a link to Seacrest site for thousand hits? Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Besides adam of course, bruno mars is my 2nd faviorite! I have an I tunes account from the idol days . I still use a cd round walkman when I walk lol. Need to get an ipod I quess, but can you buy the songs from I tunes and have it put on your ipod instead of your computer? Man I'm learning so much technology, twitter, fB, ect since adam. Also I'm an older glambert (won't put my tag on this one) lol but becuz of adam I'm all up to date on the top 20 hits ect, charts you name it. Anyone that knows me just asked me whose that and I know! O.K. I have to say and I can't believe I'm saying this but I love selena gomez new song "I love you like a love song" It's sexy and great beat and #3 right now on the billboards. Oh adam what have you done to me! I feel like I'm 20 again lol

Anonymous said...

DJ Toby heard the whole song and this is what he said about it:

@tkradio:#Just heard the whole @adamlambert single... BTIKM is massive. Midtempo and will cut through all the "club banging" wall of sound stuff...

Anonymous said...


you're fabulous!!!!!! thanks so much for the iTunes download info and all the other great stuff you're always sending our way. love you!


Anonymous said...

Ur the bomb! Thanks 4 all ur info!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if you can get the music video for time for miracles. I want to put it on my Ipod.

Anonymous said...

Yes I am pretty sure you can get "Time for Miracles"thru Itunes. I got mine at the time through a free download, have you tried itunes?

daydreamin said...

More details:

Anonymous said...

When I am on I tunes the only videos they show with Adam are FYE and IIHY should I look else where on I Tunes?

Anonymous said...

My husband gave me an ipod for Christmas last year and my son put all Adam's music on it. This coming year my goal is to attempt to do some downloading myself on my ipod. I guess I'm just too lazy, but hearing tips from the glamily perhaps I can do "it" myself. Can an old dog learn new tricks? We shall see.......

Anonymous said...

About 60 articles written about Adam's new single and album. Not bad at all and they are very positive! Here's to the Adam Era!!!

Anonymous said...

I love my I pod so much I bought a second one

glitzylady said...

Re Adam Lambert Music videos available on iTunes: (Go to "All Music Videos For Adam Lambert")

*For Your Entertainment
*Whataya Want From Me
*If I Had You
*2 Behind the Scenes Videos from FYE Album
* 16 Separate Music Videos (all song+instrumental interludes and Meet the Band) Glam Nation DVD
*Until Next Time (End credits from GNT DVD4

***Time For Miracles is not available.
It was a very limited release from the "2012" movie website...and was free. I waited too long and didn't get it. Sheesh.

I DO have the Blu-Ray version of the "2012" movie, which includes the "Time For Miracles Music Video", and "The Making Of the Time For Miracles Music Video"...And of course both feature Adam : )
Its still out there for purchase....and on, both new and used. Be sure to get the 3-disc version....

The Music Video is also available on the DVD version, but doesn't include "The Making Of" video. (Only available on Blu-Ray)

That's the best I can do : )

Anonymous said...

Thank you for looking I wish it was still available " Time for Miracles". I saw 2012 just to hear Adam!!!

adamluv1000 said...

To anyone looking to purchase an iPod, you might want to consider an iPhone instead. This way you have an iPod in your phone, plus a camera, video camera (I used this to take videos at Adam's concerts), calculator, calendar, internet, twitter, etc. I was intimidated at first but now use it constantly. I check stocks on it, play Words with Friends, etc. I probably do everything but talk on the phone. LOL

glitzylady said...

Really good suggestion! I bought an iTouch this year because I needed a bigger iPod...needed more space for music and videos (AND a bigger screen!). Would love an iPhone but because I bought an Android-based phone last year, well before they FINALLY came out with an iPhone through Verizon (I needed a new phone and had given up on the iPhone for the time being with Verizon. Of course THEN they brought one out!) I am sort of stuck with it for awhile yet. Its fine, just would have preferred an iPhone. Next time. The iTouch does everything BUT work as a phone, and I think you can download a Skype app and a few others to function as one! It's great because it has built in WiFi, which I don't often need to use (my phone has internet..) but have done so: was in Canada, my phone internet didn't work but the iTouch WiFi worked great in Starbuck's etc..). Also the HD camera, both still and video..not to mention it holds a massive amount of music and video, and has a much bigger screen that my older and smaller iPod nano. The better to watch Adam videos! It's a great option when an iPhone isn't in the cards, for whatever reason. I'll be eligible for an upgrade next summer through Verizon so we'll see. Everything else I have is MAC/Apple and transfers so easily that way too. I love having an iPod/iTouch for those times when you're sitting waiting for an appointment, on an airplane...etc..and need a little entertainment.

HK fan said...

do you (or anyone) know how easy it easy to purchase from Itunes outside the US??? I will admit to never having brought anything from Itunes. Our playlist on the computer is all stuff downloaded from physical cds, or converted from youtube clips.