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"Better Than I Know Myself" Will Premiere on AdamOfficial?

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 9, 2011

Posted at : Friday, December 09, 2011


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I never visit AO, but heard that many fans are banned from there. No Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

AO is a very hard site to maneuver, they should post it on Adams fansite if any.

Anonymous said...

@ 11:09 Many fans have been banned from AO for very good reasons. There are still the Moderator Wanna Be's but once you realize who they are, you just don't read their comments. I visit AO as often as 24/7 and have since May, 2009.

Anonymous said...

I think I can live without hearing the premiere.

Anonymous said...

Isn't there going to be video also?

Anonymous said...

I am going to be to exhausted to listen to the premiere but will attend some after parties ( if Adam and Sauli are going). lol

Anonymous said...

haha if adam and sauli are going. yeah wouldnt we all love to go.

Anonymous said...

Seriously Adam? Ok. I love you anyway. I'll wait as much as it takes. All for you BB, all for you.

Anonymous said...

Hope that Adam's new management haven't quit.

Anonymous said...

Good point. will there be a video I havent heard any whispers about this. The single cant be played n our music channels with no video.
I am sure the experts have it in hand.
Maybe it is going to be all one big surprise.

Anonymous said...

Fandom is happy with ANYTHING! I won't define anything, but I guess it doesn't include Adam with Queen and bf Sauli. Not that it matters to me the slightest bit, but I understand it's recommended not to discuss about Sauli on AO?

Anonymous said...

I use AO all the time. It's easy to use once you get used to it. I've used it almost from the beginning. I think we're making too much of this waiting thing. Chill out. If we didn't have all this daily online communication, we wouldn't think anything of it. We'd just hear it when we hear it. I'm sure this happens with other singers who we don't follow as closely, so we don't notice. CHILL OUT, EVERYONE! Do some shopping. Read a book. The world is still spinning. The music will come. I love Adam as much as ever. I'm sure he wants this song out there, too.

Urethra_Franklin said...

I hate that fucking site. #userUNfriendly

Anonymous said...

take a zanax

Anonymous said...

I've used AO for the last year reading the discussions etc. with no problems. My fav fan site is def 24/7 tho. I just want to hear Adam's new music as soon as possible but DRG I agree with you. So much other stuff happening in RL so plenty to keep us busy. We'll def hear the news when Adam wants us to. Hang in there everybody!


glitzylady said...

Narrowing it down......After Dec. 15th and Before Dec. 20th....(???)

Per this Radio DJ .....Still would really like to hear something specific..but assuming this is true, we're getting close.

toby knapp @tkradio
[in response to:]
@Netmeg99_ if he said a date before dec 20 and after dec 15 then that's what i heard too...

The radio stations know...just can't say yet....

Adam??? Passing the ball to you!

Anonymous said...

During a Twitter Party, someone asked Adam if there would be a video released along with his single. His reply was "of course". Hopefully, this still holds true. BTW Adam Official has lots of good news and is a very interesting place.

glitzylady said... it is...the DJ I just quoted said this:

Toby Knapp WA DC radio HOT 99.5 FM

US single radio play Dec. 18th

US iTunes Dec. 20th

Not "official" but sounds good to me..Let's hope this is verified by RCA, Sony, and/or Adam SOON!!

Friday, December 09, 2011
"ADAM LAMBERT: Rumors, Speculation And More..."

"ADAM FANS... here's what I know, and since RCA didn't bring a press release today, as I expected they would, you can take it for what it is - a gathering of things heard from different sources over the last two weeks...
I'm hearing the single release date in the US to radio is 12/18. It coincides with - I'm told - an overseas date that Lambert will be performing at. Perhaps a fan can dig into this and let me know the specifics on this performance, etc.

I also he's dropping the album via iTUNES on 12/20, with wide release to follow, but am not certain that won't change.
With label marketing plans, things are always subject to change. Especially release dates. I'm not sure the people I know are at 100 percent on what's going to happen, and they're all out of pocket today at JINGLE BALL in New York City...
That being said, if what I've gathered is true, then that means we're t-minus NINE days til US radio gets the single!"

Read more:

Anonymous said...

@Glitzylady He edited his article. He crossed over album and put single to be released on iTunes on 12/20.

glitzylady said...

Oh darn it! I thought I posted the right one..the one that came after..because thats the one I saw actually, the correct one.....

Thanks for pointing that out...

My info above the article reflected the correct info fortunately..

Very strange that the original one came up...I'll post the corrected link...

glitzylady said...

CORRECTED ARTICLE (posted at 2:29 PM above) re Adam's single release info:
New picture too....Much better : )

"I'm hearing the single release date in the US to radio is 12/18. It coincides with - I'm told - an overseas date that Lambert will be performing at. Perhaps a fan can dig into this and let me know the specifics on this performance, etc.

I also he's dropping the (album CROSSED OUT) single via iTUNES on 12/20, with wide release to follow, but am not certain that won't change."

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Love you Glitzylady! You're a gem!

Wonder where in Europe Adam will perform his single? Maybe in Finland!?

glitzylady said...

Hmmm..haven't heard yet re the performance in Europe, other than that mention..There's an article coming out in the UK in a major London newspaper on the 18th wondering if its in London, but no one's heard a word yet...Soooo guess we'll see. As to Adam being in Finland for the holidays..I think I'd be willing to bet money on that. : ) I did see Shoshanna Stone's [Adam's management rep in the UK] info on twitter a while back saying that he will be making some promo appearances, I think in sounds like he might be out of the country for awhile...All mostly hearsay and speculation at this point, but we'll be hearing more as we go along. I hope we hear confirmation re the single soon!

Anonymous said...

On another topic:

Glamberts, a clip of AdamLambert's appearance tonight on @mrjoezee show.

Anonymous said...

Maybe X Factor in Finland??

glitzylady said...

One more piece of info: just "heard" on Twitter that Adam will be performing in Shanghai (!) on December 18th. For an AMWAY event...Huh. This is from a reasonably reliable source so have no reason to doubt it..but still..huh..anyone in Shanghai that know about this?

glitzylady said...

X Factor in Finland would be very cool! That would make sense..They love him there..for obvious reasons...

H said...

Maybe the x factor final in the UK??? or has that already taken place?

tess4ADAM said...

According to my TV listings ... ADAM ... All On the Line appearance will be broadcast @ 9:30PM ET ... 12:30AM ET ... three hours later ... and again 9:00AM ET on Sat. morning ... set your DVRs Glamberts!!

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

There is no X Factor in Finland this year. I don't think Adam is coming to Finland, but maybe he'll do some promo in the UK or another country.

glitzylady said...

Just saw an article talking about the Shanghai event but its in Chinese (?) so all I can read is two words "Adam Lambert" and there is a picture of him accompanying it..I'll post the link in case someone can translate : )

Anonymous said...


I saw that on twitter too,it sais it's in Japanese but if you try to press the TRANSLATE it says ERROR, so I hope some japanese fan can help us!!
I also hope Adam's performance would be in Europe.


The Dark Side said...

Why would it premier on AO, not that I mind, but won't that crash the site? I visit this site on occasion, so not a problem.

Anonymous said...

Thank God we have a date! ITunes may explode! If the performance is in Shanghai, that's huge, even if it's a private party. That's a huge, international city. So thrilled that the ball is finally rolling. Adam will be moving around a lot for a while, and will probably settle back in the US when Trespassing gets released, don't you think?

Anonymous said...

Wherever Better Than Myself is posted, I will find it (I hope!).

I visit AO quite often. I like it that people aren't afraid to speak their mind .... within reason. The only issue I have with AO is that there's no Search function and that is very frustrating. I rarely visit Adam's fan club site (a) because they often won't accept my password a number of times before I'm allowed access so I have to create a new one and (b) because it isn't very user friendly. I visit here every day, usually more than once a day.