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ClevverMusic: Adam Lambert and Queen Going on Tour!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 8, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 08, 2011


glamitup said...

Omg!!!! Put on your seatbelts!! Adam is getting ready to take off big time!! Hope he remembers his glamberts!!!! Lol

glitzylady said...

Still a "Maybe: but sounding pretty exciting...Emphasis on a "few dates". Personally hoping for the Olympics opening or closing.. The other place I'd be quite happy for them to do a gig would be Seattle : )

Anonymous said...

Yes, that 'maybe' worries me. I'm going to wait to get excited. We already knew about Roger's statement and it's a bit maybe-ish to me. Hope it could come true, I night get to hear Adam sing Don't Stop Me favorite of Freddie's songs. All thru GNT I hoped that Adam's final closing song might be that one. I would have liked that better than Purple Haze. It's got sass and swagger!


Adamluv said...

Hope this truly happens. And they come to LA!

Anonymous said...

Stop flailing. Adam is pissed..

Anonymous said...

I think it's a great idea, I also think "Adam Lambert and Queen Going on Tour!" is rushing things. Nothing was said about a tour. Just a few performance dates. I'm not going to freak yet.
You know how things get exaggerated. But,the possibility of the Olympic gig would be great.

Anonymous said...

It is a rumor that Adam has dismissed. Maybe a few occasional event dates but he is concentrating on his new CD and rightly so. A huge compliment but so was being a possible replacement judge for Simon Cowell on AI. Adam is wisely focusing on one thing - his solo career.

glitzylady said...

Adam's comment on Twitter just now about this, and the response from his dad..who is a wise man!

Adam Lambert @adamlambert
I'm my OWN frontman. :) maybe an special occasion guest, sure, but #Trespassing is my next big obsession.

Miles Tougeaux @milestougeaux Close
@adamlambert yeah, yeah..but getting Olympics tickets would be cool... just sayin...

So still a big "Maybe"..

glitzylady said...

This Clever Music video clearly said "might", not IS going to tour, which was never the intent anyway. They'e all getting the "Queen Tribute Band" which WILL be touring next year, which is not QUEEN and with no Queen members, mixed up with QUEEN itself. Queen has never announced a tour for themselves, merely suggested a date or possibly a few sometime in the future and undetermined..The news media has confused the two separate entities..And made it sound as if Adam and QUEEN will tour extensively.This was never the case from the beginning. As Adam just said he might appear with them as a "special guest" and that was all that Roger Taylor implied. 20212 Olympics has been mentioned by Roger Taylor as a possibility but nothing official so far. That would qualify as a "special guest" appearance for sure!

The the meantime, bring on the new music!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah this is a little out of line for Roger. The timing with Adam's album and all that goes into that. Not saying Adam shouldn't do this as a short-term gig, NO WAY can he really pass this opportunity up. Collaboration and getting out of "the box" are crucial for his endurance in the biz. Just saying Roger maybe should've had Adam's approval to discuss at this point. But, let's face it, Adam could probably make more money doing a few huge concerts with Queen than he did on his Gam Nation tour altogether. It's stupidly important to me tha he becomes filthy rich!

Anonymous said...

Would be nice to see Queen at the grammy's perform and let the U.S people see Adam give that awesome performance. But I would prefer to see Better Than I know Myself performed!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy for Adam right now!:)

He can join the Queen only for a special occasions like Olympic 2012?:)

He is smart and very careful not to sabotage his own music indeed.

We just have to wait and see next year then.:))))))


Anonymous said...

Yea, hoping for Adam at the Olympics opening, it's usually grandeur over the moon; audience, billion++. Very excited for Adam to propel off to space. Bigwigs like Richard Branson may be there; reserve a strapped-in seat ($20m) for him! :)

Anonymous said...

I never believed Adam was going to front Queen. HE IS his own frontman! His next tour is going to be amazing and a special performance with Queen like the Olympics would just add to his fan base and exposure to the whole world!!!

Anonymous said...

Glitzlady and all the rest of you who "get it," YES! Adam will NOT be "touring" with anyone. At least that's the way I see it. He has nothing to do with the Queen tribute band. If he performs with Roger and Brian, it won't be a "tour," just special performances here and there. That's how I see it, and that's how I WANT IT. These performances should be thought of as extremely special and high-profile. They should not interfere with his Trespassing tour. Adam has addressed this. YAY, Adam! Have fun with Queen and reap the rewards from their support, but YOUR MUSIC and YOUR TOUR is the priority!

glitzylady said...

Yes, I posted a longer more detailed explanation on the "Why Trespassing will be Epic" thread about the differences between the Queen Tribute Band and Queen itself and why there has so much confusion. Basically not everyone checks their information. So Adam had to clear that up! Definitely want Adam to be able to concentrate on his new music..and get it out to us!

Anonymous said...

@anon 6:20PM I think if Bryan and Rodger like to sign the contract with Adam for few concerts, it will be fantastic opportunity for Adam to promote nis new album. And it will be much better than spend almost have of the year around the world and didn't get even 1,000,000 sales in US!
Don't care how much FYE CD's were sold around the wordl. Still less tha Susan Boyle or David Cook or Daughtry with their first albums
So, few concerts with Queen will bring Adam much more fame than he has right now.

Anonymous said...

The posts by the passive aggressive "fan" on this site are getting old, really old really fast!

Anonymous said...


When the contracts are signed, I'll begin to be excited. Until then I'll chill.

Anonymous said...

Adam is Adam and has a career of
superstardom ahead all of his own! Noone will take that away from him.
Fronting Queen at a FEW venue's would rock! What a honor for ADAM AND for Queen, because they are legends within the industry! What a way for UK promotions if that should happen during the London Olympics! Adam would take the UK by storm and the rest would be wonderment superstar history!
The thought is so darn exciting!

Anonymous said...

7:59 Yes, but if something goes really fast it should be ahead of time.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily...

My life is zipping by very fast, but I am woefully behind the times.
