Picture of Adam performing at Shanhai Amway
Filed Under (pictures,Worldwide News ) by Admin on Sunday, December 18, 2011
Posted at : Sunday, December 18, 2011

Apparently, Adam performed 13 songs (Via @glam_alidol and Terra.)
1. For Your Entertainment
2. Down the Rabbit Hole
3. 20th Century Boy
4. Strut
5. Sleepwalker
6. Whataya Want From Me
7. Sure Fire Winners
8. Fever
9. Aftermath
10. Music Again
11. Mad World
12. If I Had You
13. Unknown
From Glam_alidol: Adam said to the audience: "you are beautiful audience" several times
the girl inside hall said, adam is so sweet .he hold the hand of a 60 years old woman,said you are so beautiful when he was performing.
Thanks to Adam Lambert fan club, glam_alidol and Terra!
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He has been at his hair again, not quite so short on the sides this time. Know idea what color he is wearing, I think the green was from the lights. Lovely to see him in concert again. Wonder where he goes from there. Sauli arrived in Finland OK, but no snow for him.
I hope we get some better pix than this one( with the green lighting) & even better,a video or two.BB is so sweet to those fans,& I'm sure he put on a great show for them.
Adam's hair was already pretty short on the sides @ the airport( Please,BB,never shave it over your ears like it was before!)He may just have his hair slicked down on the top some.From that one pic,so far,it's very hard to tell..It looks like he may have been waring a short( unusual for him on stage) jacket & jeans..but that's hard to tell also..I LOVE his leather pants myself-lol!!Somebody is bound to post some more pix later,I hope.
He held the hand of a 60 year old kid?...Hey Adam honey, it would be much more impressive and compassionate to hold the hand of a 76 yr old with fluffy white Mrs. Santa Claus hair! I could find one for you!
JAK ^o^
I Meant to write WEARING on that last post ( @ 12:06pm).I think it's cool that TSMGO is back to #1 again on MTV( & guess who #2 is..JD)
You volunteer!?
It's a REALLY good cause!!!
It's a win-win!!:)))
U r such a great person, love ur comments and u r so positive even through the pain that u have, I admire U
Hows the weather in FLA? So want 2 move there!
Much admiration, Dana
OT - Sauli's back in Finland, Helsinki
(wet & NO SNOW - how will Santa manage to deliver all the presents in that weather!?! LOL)
@ SG
I am always willing to "lend a hand".
@ Dana
Thank you. Florida weather is beautiful, warm, sunny and breezy.
But I would advise you waiting to consider moving here until present governor is out of office, he's bonkers!
@ 2:31 PM
Don't worry about Santa, he has no need of snow...his reindeer can fly!
@1:42 but look how many views Adam's Queen performance has in comparison to you know who. Never hear you know who's song on the radio and he sure can't sing live well. Want so badly for Adam to sing his new single on the X Factor finale. The timing would be so perfect!Adam is full of last minute surprises for us so who knows.
any videos of the show
That would be amazing to see him on X Factor. We are dreamers :)
Are this fans are old?who was in his band?
4:17 -- No. They were teenagers and 20-something, and both guys and girls!!
I guess Adam will spend Christmas with the lovely Danielle and family. He won't be alone and hope Santa is good to him.:))
I twittered x-factor "please have adam lambert on the finale." I think it's next week so I don't think adam will be back in time or will he? They like got GNT all over again, I thought for sure he would sing his new stuff. Does anyone know exactly what this concert is all about?
Hi new album is not released yet so he is not going to just sing new songs to a foreign audience without releasing it here first.
Adam and his obsessed Chinese fans!! :D
Love his new hairdo. <333333
I wonder what the 'Unknown' song was?
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