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Why "Trespassing" will be EPIC

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, December 8, 2011

Posted at : Thursday, December 08, 2011

CLICK HERE to read the article by MTV's Sam Lansky.


Anonymous said...

I think I'M GOING INTO LABOR! This baby - I mean cd - better drop quick! I think my water broke - all of it!Yikes!!!!!!!!I'm going under!
glub, glub glub.........

glitzylady said...

Fabulous article! Sam Lansky GETS Adam! And even now he's (Sam Lansky) on twitter, having a major twitter party with all of us who responded to him. I think he'll be a great advocate for Adam and his new music.... Obviously Adam was impressed with his write-up too. We'll be hearing more from this guy I'm sure.

The Dark Side said...

This was a great article by Sam Lansky. I agree, who out there has the shine that Adam has, no one!

Anonymous said...

Are you prepared to request Adam's single on the radio? If not, please, look at this website and copy the radio stations address then every day request his single.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Adam went to Finland with Sauli?

Anonymous said...

Hope the RADIO station execs and all those who matter in getting this song and album HEARD are also reading all this and hearing the buzz.... Getting verrrry exciting.


Anonymous said...

Sam really does get Adam! Thanks to him for spreading the good news. They say the "sophomore album" is the charm, and it looks like Adam is on his way to full charm bracelet.

Anonymous said...

Ok so have been so busy - have day off work tomorrow to catch up on all that is Adam. SO EXCITED. Am a Brit just arrived back in UK from Oz and so want him to hit the big time here - as he has down under. What can I do to help with this - anyone??


sheila said...

Adam deleted this tweet. Wonder why?

HK fan said...

Just saw this article earlier, a great read, this Sam seems to get Adam.

Loulou, welcome back, you must be feeling the cold over in the UK now though after Oz.....just watch lots of Adam to warm you up!!!

Anonymous said...

@ The Dark Side

When I "discovered" Adam, I thought just that..."he shines".
So.....when I made a tape of his idol performances...I included a favorite oldie of mine, a vid of Sheena Easton (Scottish singer) singing a 1981 hit...When He Shines. It describes our boy...
"When he shines, he shines so bright". It's a really lovely song.


Anonymous said...


Thank you SO much for remind me that song!! It really describes Adam. I started crying just imagine Adam while she was singing. All she said in that song is why Trespassing and ADAM will be EPIC!!

Here's the song.


Anonymous said...

@loulou- what you can do to help? god bless you and all the global glamberts- just spread the word that's all! I'm so amazed at the love adam has already from all these other countries- It's awesome!!! Keep coming here, we love it!

Anonymous said...

Here's a quote from the Canadian news website: I guess Adam won't be doing this for sure now.

Three Canadians will join a Queen tribute band being created to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the British rockers, including a Montrealer who is a remarkable sound-alike for Freddie Mercury.

Montreal-born vocalist Marc Martel, Quebec City bass player François Olivier Doyon and Toronto guitarist Tristan Avakian are among the winners announced Thursday in the Queen Extravaganza contest.

They auditioned via video before flying to Los Angeles earlier this week for a live audition in front of Queen drummer/songwriter Roger Taylor. The winners will tour next year in a Queen tribute band, recreating the Queen arena experience with songs such as Bohemian Rhapsody and We are the Champions.
YouTube favourite

Marc Martel was a YouTube favourite before he auditioned in front of judges earlier this week in the Queen Extravaganza contest. Canadian PressMartel was a popular favourite in the video portion of the contest, racking up five million page views in his YouTube rendition of Somebody to Love. Fans have remarked on how much he sounds like Mercury, who died in 1991.

Montreal-born Martel plans to take a break from singing with Christian rock group downhere to tour with Queen

Anonymous said...

LOL, Funny video about fans waiting for Adam's album:

glitzylady said...

@Anon 3:15 PM
Adam was never in consideration for the Queen Tribute Band. : ) He's a star, these are relatively unknown musicians and singers who were in the contest to select the Tribute Band. The Tribute Band will tour and play Queen songs but will not include the original members.

He IS however in talks with Queen: Brian May and Roger Taylor to perhaps front their actual original Queen Band for one or more gigs here and there. Nothing has been announced. For instance, perhaps the 2012 London Olympics...He would with Brian and Roger. Not replacing Freddie, merely standing in and honoring his memory.

Completely different things....but good to know they made their selections. I heard one guy who was really good...sounded like Freddie.

Quotes from Roger Taylor recently re Adam possibly fronting their band in the future on occasion:

"While Queen drummer Roger Taylor is at the finish line in creating a band-authorized Queen tribute band, he and his bandmates have begun discussions with Adam Lambert to front Queen in concert."

" We would like to work with him again. There's nothing signed just yet but we're talking about live dates. It could be very exciting."

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 3:15 PM Adam was never in the running to be involved in the "Queen" TRIBUTE band. That is a completely separate issue that Roger Taylor and Brian May are working on. Apparently Adam is in discussions to do some performances with Roger Taylor and Brian May themselves (members of the ORIGINAL "Queen") similar to Adam's performance with them at the recent EMA's in Belfast.

Anonymous said...

Great article about Adam. I hope we get info on the single tomorrow. I don't know when I was so excited. I feel like a little kid waiting to open my Christmas present!!Don't forget to write in Adam's name on the billboard vote. It ends midnight tonight,especially under most anticipated album of 2012 and best performance at an awards show.

Anonymous said...

Outstanding article! Thank you Sam Lansky! Hope he'll continue to be a major supporter of Adam always.
@anon 3:13pm oops glitzylady and I posted about the same thing .

Regarding the Queen Tribute Band...I don't think the recent interviews with Roger and Brian talking about future collaberations with Adam had anything to do with him fronting the Tribute Band, right? They meant he would front the actual Queen band with them. Hope that's what they meant anyway.

Anonymous said...

Forgot my tag for the 4:51pm post


glitzylady said...

You're exactly right..Adam would sing with QUEEN ONLY with Roger Taylor and Brian May, not the Tribute Band which is made up of musicians and singers that entered a contest to fill the ranks of the Tribute Band only which is COMPLETELY separate, as I commented at 4:04 PM as did @Anon 4:12 PM.

QUEEN with Roger Taylor, Brian May and Adam Lambert perhaps as frontman (vocalist) would do a few gigs as QUEEN, as yet unannounced. Still in talks with Adam. Rumors are floating around about the 2012 Olympics due to comments made in Sept by Roger Taylor in a Rolling Stone article, not confirmed as of yet.

The QUEEN TRIBUTE Band will go on a tour next year to play gigs (its been said for 3 months or so), featuring Queen's music WITHOUT any of the actual Queen members. The contest is over, the winners determined as of this week. Nothing to do with Adam.

glitzylady said...

Also wanted to add to my comment at 5:46 PM: We don't know yet if Adam will actually be joining them at all, and is world-wide speculation at this point, but with Roger Taylor openly discussing it, saying they are in talks, makes it seem like it could very well happen..we'll see!

Anonymous said...

Hey nancdruuu2...waterfall! Put on Adam cd...If I had you...the contractions will come faster and when you really can't take anymore, play...What do you want from me? Happy labour day!
LOL! :)

lorraine said...

Jak-What a beautiful reference for Adam. When He Shines- sung by Sheena the year before Adam was born, is a prophetic tribute to all that this young singer is.When he stood on that stage during the Idol finale and looked around the audience before he sang those first notes of Beth,he shined so much,he took my breath away-and still does. You captured the essence of Adam in your recollection of this song.....

Anonymous said...

Had Adam retwittado? I cant find in his feed..

Anonymous said...

@Lam-My - Thanks for the advise! I think I can carry this baby until Spring 2012! One thing, I know for sure - it's going to be a big one! (the baby and Adam's new album!)haha

Anonymous said...

Loulou If Adam get's to perform at the Olympics next year the UK will be in Adam raptures! Hold on, it's coming (a bit of Sam and Dave there)Calm before the storm for the UK now.

Anonymous said...

Keep promoting Adam. I have sent so many 'FYE' albums to the UK over the last year. I have a feeling your promo is going to hit big time in 2012, which is so good after this last year, which seemed to be on major hold.(even frustrated us outside the UK)
It will happen and soon. Love from OZ.

Anonymous said...

WOO! HOO! Fab article!! Of course it will be EPIC!!

I'm glad Marc Martel has been chosen as front man for the Queen tribute band. Not only does he sound like Freddie, he looks as tho' he could be related to him!

Anonymous said...

@ SG and Lorraine

I'm glad I reminded you of Sheena's song...there are so many beautiful songs that time has buried, it's nice to bring them to attention occasionally.

And that one so aptly describes Adam!

I remember so well that moment he stood there sparkling in the lights before singing Beth. I imagined he was thinking, Okay here I am, this is the real me, I've given you my all for weeks and now my future is in your hands.

JAK.......happily ever after!

lorraine said...

Jak-my thoughts exactly as I watched Adam look around at the audience that night of the AI finale. "Here I am -this is who I really am -for all the world to see. My fate is in your hands...."