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Zack Tremblay (Entertainment Personality) Compliments Adam's New Song

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, December 2, 2011

Posted at : Friday, December 02, 2011


Anonymous said...

I can feel it gwetting closer, closer.
Hopefully it will be released on the same date worldwide like FYE.

The Dark Side said...

Seems like everybody except Adam's fans have heard songs from Trespassing. No sure who Zack Tremblay is? Will google.

Anonymous said...

okay so when will the Glamberts get to hear it? C'mon now RCA!


Anonymous said...

Current! Thatmakes me nervous, there's so much current music styles I don't like.

Anonymous said...

Adam really!!???? You are giving me a heart attack indeed!!!:))))


Anonymous said...

Adam has to be current if he wants to get lots of radio play. Some people may not like it but he has to appeal to the masses and a younger crowd. If Adam's voice is on it I will love it.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Adam will be current. His single will be played every 30 minutes like Mars, Perry, GG, RiRi and others. Can't wait to hear it on constant spin on 102.7 KIIS FM. Ryan Seacrest, JoJo and others to play the heck out of it. This is a top 40 station that played WWFM and IIHY only couple of times. If Better Than I Know Myself does well on this station Adam is a Mega Star who will rank among Mars, Perry and others. In your face Perez.

Anonymous said...

4.50 you are right he does have to appeal to the majority and keep it current.
I love ballads etc but still quite like some of the new stuff.So I am happy with what is being said by those who have heard it.

Anonymous said...

5:11 I don't understand how it's Perez's fault, if Adam's music didn't get airplay. Hope this time it's less hanky-panky with the bassist and no Cam on keyboards.

Anonymous said...

OMG, on twitter, the buzz is that Better Than I Know Myself is RCA's number one priority. YYYYaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG! I want to listen the songs! This is very annoying to read somebodies comments again and againg!
Very sarcastic troll

Anonymous said...

Who wants band members who are already taking sides?

Anonymous said...

Trespassing is going to give us dance tunes, electro tunes and ballads and all that we expect from Adam. Will some of us like certain songs better than others? Sure. Same with FYE. But Adam's VOICE overcomes any doubt I have that this new music will be what we'll all be singing next year. AND on the tour!

Anonymous said...

@DRG Exactly! On Adamtopia there are more and more tweets from DJ's. One said in less than 14 days the single comes out! Another said His voice is bananas,we're gonna die.Hope the 14 day thing is true. Don't know how I will get anything done with all this excitement. I can't stay away from the computer!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't know why my comment was not published. However, I want to say it again. I wish I never would know Adam and Glamberts Fanatic's Army. Cause this is addiction. And I'll never find any rehab.

Anonymous said...

I don't know why my comment was not published. However, I want to say it again. I wish I never would know Adam and Glamberts Fanatic's Army. Cause this is addiction. And I'll never find any rehab.

Anonymous said...

Perez is crazy about Adam! May be he makes discussing stories about 'Love Of His Life" but he never will make any bad review about Adam's new single or albu

lorraine said...

I don't want to hear any more teases and comments about Adam's new music. Why does his new CD seem so ubiquitous-yet the ones who love him most {like me!} are still on the outside looking in? I just want to hear his voice......

Anonymous said...

Waiting Waiting Waiting!!! Not long to wait now, fingers & all things crossed. <3

Anonymous said...

All of this addiction and rehab stuff is funny! I can just picture all of us sitting in a circle in a church basement - "Hi, my name is JB, and I'm an Adam addict.(the rest respond "Hi JB"). It started in Jan of 2009 during Idol auditions. I got my first hit, and I'll never be the same again. Now I'm a daily user - for 2 or more hours ever day."


Anonymous said...

At least Adam always talk about his loyal and passionate fans indeed:)

I like when they interview him and ask about his fans dying to know when his next album going to be released:)

He is worthy and I'm happy for his success.....

Anonymous said...


So FUNNY!! Let's do that!!!
But...I don't think we wanna get a cure!!!Lol!!


Anonymous said...

I forgot to leave my tag:)


Anonymous said...

Hi JB, I am sitting in the circle, right across you, lol...

Psychologist: And who are you? You look quite different, you look Chinese.

Me: I am Lam-my, yes I'm Chinese but educated in English.

Psycho: How did you get hooked, you don't look like the typical addict, you look quite prim and proper.

Me: I used to be prim and proper, like you say, but the past 3 years I have been behaving in an out-of-control manner. My house is in quite a mess because when I'm stoned I can't do anything other than smile, talk to myself, sometimes yell looking at Adam do his thrusts and rolls and wailing out notes that don't exist, on internet. It all started when I tried this 'A' special drug and so I'm here to see if I can shake it off with your help and the other addicts. It feels good and reassuring to see so many other addicts in the same boat. :)

Psycho: Thank you for sharing. And now what is your story, moving on...

Lam-my ...... LOL.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lam-my

I'm sitting 5 seats from you, so I can control my laugh...

I stand up and say: Hi my name is SG.

All: Hi SG!

P:So, what's your story?

Me: I really never been 100% proper..but I was really close.

P: What happend?

Me: I was watching TV when suddenly a handsome,stunning, gorgeous,wild, blue eyes man appear.Since then I can't control my thoughts or my hormones, the A drug takes control of me.I've tried another ones but any of them get me so "high". I smile so much that I'm afraid I'm gonna end up like Jack Nicholson as "The joker".
At least now I know I'm not alone in this journey.
P: Thanks for sharing.Who's next?


Anonymous said...

I thought addiction was a bad thing, can't be true in the case of Adam addiction...for me anyway I don't want to be crued!...Renee

Anonymous said...

I love my fellow addicts! If it means a lifetime of rehab, so be it.

Anonymous said...

Help! My addiction to Adam gets worse everyday. I thought as time passed I would be cured or at least less addicted. It has taken a stronger hold of me because the more I hear Adam sing or talk or just look at him I am gone down the rabbit hole again. But it feels so so good. What can I say, no cure for me and with this next era my house may never be clean and tidy again!

Anonymous said...

Did anybody notice that on MTV,the video with Queen & Adam( TSMGO) is the highest rated again?I watched it quite a few times yesterday,& some of BB's other videos,too.

Anonymous said...

JB, Renee, DRG, Anon248 and SG...the circle therapy was fun, wasn't it...but still so stoned though I feel much better, that you guys are just as bad! And SG, you take the crown for this round! Exactly like what I told psycho... laughing to myself, The Joker bit is hilarious! :)

Anonymous said...

Lam-my Thanks!! and of course to JB,DRG,Renee&Anon2.48.
It was really funny!! Maybe some other addicts out there would like to join us, let's see!
We are really crazy, aren't we!??BUT God Bless that kind of crazyness!!!
I heard that The IASA (International &American Shrink Assiciation) is complaining 'cuz they are running out of patients!! We have a better therapy here!!LOL!!
BTW I'm really worried about my face..:))))))


Anonymous said...

Hey SG, you should try being a comedian, you do have this strange talent to make people laugh!! And with your tailoring expertise, you can complement that with some fashion tips thrown in, like what Adam is doing! Now this IASA complaining is crazzzy good! LOL! LOL! Another prize for you! :)

Anonymous said...

I know the very first time I listened to FYI, I really only loved 3 songs. Then by the time I saw GNT live (twice) I knew all the songs and TODAY I love them all- everyone of them! I'm hoping the same thing happens with this next album! Personally, I pretty much hate top 40 today because so much of it is RAP CRAP, but adam doesn't do that so this will be interesting whether he gets mainstream to come on board to real singing and talent!


Anonymous said...

O.K I commented before I read about the addiction party- I'm in full force also- nice to know your not alone!

Anonymous said...


It's not the first time someone tells me that,like Adam, I love do"voices" and "faces"and yes,I maybe I should give it a try!!!!OH!and I usually sew while Adam sings!!!It's sooo good!!and the clothes looks good even with that "little distraction"!!LOL!!

Wellcome aboard!!!


Anonymous said... mean like mimicking someone's voice...that's quite difficult. What about projecting your voice like a ventriloquist? can attend the next session. :)


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