Adam Lambert at Whole Foods (January 27)
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Monday, January 30, 2012
Posted at : Monday, January 30, 2012
From JustJared:
Adam Lambert runs into his local Whole Foods to grab some supplies on Friday (January 27) in Hollywood, Calif.
Adam, who also picked up a green smoothie on his grocery run, turned 30 just a few days later on January 29! Happy belated birthday, Adam!!

Source: JustJared
Adam Lambert runs into his local Whole Foods to grab some supplies on Friday (January 27) in Hollywood, Calif.
Adam, who also picked up a green smoothie on his grocery run, turned 30 just a few days later on January 29! Happy belated birthday, Adam!!

Source: JustJared
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Had to stock up the food supply for Sauli while he was gone on his promo tour.
Adam should do commercials for Whole Foods haha!
what is in that green smoothie thing?
I just love his freckles!!!!:)
looking pretty buff there Adam, the juicing and running deff paying off.
Adam, you're looking juicier and juicier! Okay serious, he is really in the pink of health, top form! Your voice too, top form. I just heard Trespassing...Oh my goodness...I'm betting my last bottom dollar this is not just going to be a hit , an all-time evergreen!! Now I like this bongo beat and your interesting carnival-like voice. And the pace got hotter and hotter. I wonder what you'll stir up at your concerts with this sexciting one!! Hey what I predicted in my Adam Iceberg poem seems to be coming to fruition! Like I said: ...Trespassing with a supernova chop...and I was referring to the album and it turns out true for the title song too! Well well well, how did that hit me? LOL. :)
I love his freckles too!! Bajillions of arm freckles. I'll count freckles instead of sheep tonight.
Adam is ..... SPUNKALICIOUS!!
JAK here........Hi Lam-my!
The first time I heard it all I could see was long snake like conga lines of people winding thru an arena...and I think I saw Desi Arnaz pounding away on a conga drum. Boy, am I old! Does anyone under 50 even remember conga lines?
Or Desi?
Hey JAK!
I'm beginning to think there is some kind of telepathy between us! I'm serious, I was just thinking about you...Because my computer was down, with a beeping sound, I resorted to reading my Adam poems, my other way of connecting with Adam. So I flipped the pages of my pink, hand-written poetry booklet and your birthday poem caught my attention...JAK is seventy-six..... and because it is short, I read it 3 times and I felt something emotional from it; tugging. Then I thought JAK must be quite special to make feel this when reading her poem. So I said I might write another one about you, moving your hips, trying to dance to the congo/bongo beat on your bed!! LOL. :)
On several more listens, I think you're more accurate, they sound more conga drums, less bongo drums. Goodness, can't believe we are now talking about drums. But drums make such beautiful bass sounds, bongos higher-pitched. I like listening to the Japanese/Chinese huge bass drums of orchestra maestro Kitaro; so beautiful.
@JAK,Hope you have a strong bed springs,'cuz you'll be doing a lot of dancing when Trespassing finally comes out! I've danced in many conga lines, the last one in Cancun with a lot of happy people, waiters balancing drinks on a tray atop of their heads. What fun!Think we should get Conga lines going at Adam'd M&G!Hope your b/p is doing well!
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