"Better Than I Know Myself" Sales Numbers so far: 56,700
Filed Under (Better Than I Know Myself ) by Admin on Friday, January 6, 2012
Posted at : Friday, January 06, 2012

From USAToday's Brian Mansfield:
Speaking of Adam Lambert, I finally got those Better Than I Know Myself numbers for you. According to Nielsen SoundScan, Adam's new single sold 38,800 downloads its first week out and 17,900 this past week, for a release-to-date total of 56,700. Sorry it took so long to get those figures, but I'm happy to pass them along now.
Source: USAToday
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I think, most of Adam's fans need to wake up!!!!
What's going on?
it's not meeting up to the hype.
This is the reason that BTIKM is out of Billboard top 100 and top 200!!!
Adam needs as less as 100,000 sales for today!!!!
Glamberts, where are you? I thought there are over 500,000 Glamberts army solgiers in US!
Not bad considering most people don't even know about it yet.
6:32 please don't make Glitsylady go over the whole scenario again, even she has her limits.
Everyone is downloading it free. So this doesn't surprise me. Doing my part and buying the download. We need to do much better.
I believe WWFM sold 11,000 on its first week. Ofcourse, T.V. and Radio promos will bump those numbers. Still we need to call our radio stations to play it. Check out @RequestAdam on twitter for more information. It'll take us few minutes to request it. Don't forget to vote on those radio polls as well.
I thought the sales are pretty good because it hasn't had any play yet! I think it is a great song and now he will be promoting it! The sales should go up.
not bad, not bad. the promo hasn't even started yet.
I wonder how the video shoot went today. Any tweets we nontweeters should know about? cough them up.
Here we go again..........
Just relax and wait folks!!!
It's not the end of the world yet and Adam is starting to roll for us my goodness gracious!!!:)
Calm down............:))))
Those are great numbers for a song that has not yet even received any official promo or been added to significant radio stations playlists. Who of the people who comment on this site actually work in the music biz or know anything about how spin numbers are compiled? I will ONLY start complaining about numbers in six months time, when the promo's done and the album has been out a few months worldwide!
WWFM numbers for the first 4 weeks:
Wk 1: 11,197
Wk 2: 9,372
Wk 3: 10,178
Wk 4: 20,207
Total: 50,954
Plus according to USA Today last week, almost 20% of fans bought Trespassing album on AdamOfficial.com in order to get the album and free BTIKM download. So 56,700 for the first 2 weeks isn't bad without any T.V. appearances or hardly any radio spins. Only 94 radio spins by fans requesting it. We need to do better with our radio requests.
Re my previous post. Wanted to add "but I'm sure that I won't need to complain". Patience, people. Other artists' fans don't criticize the sales of one single out for only 2 weeks when a whole album will be released in less than 2 months. Geez... I, for one, trust Adam and his team.
OT: Bruno Mars was on Piers Morgan tonight. I didn't know that he was a big hit at 18 and was suddenly dropped by Motown and rebuilded his career from scratch. Nothing is EVER finite!!!
6:32 just thought I'd let you know Adam is going to be on Ellen and Leno, didn't see your comments on those sites and I know you have been whining about it.
@Anon 6:36 PM
LOL!! You're probably right!! Besides, I'm sure people are getting a bit tired of my dragging out my info about RCA officially "impacting" the song on radio beginning on January 31st. And the knowledge that Adam's new music video, apparently being filmed today, by Ray Kay, who filmed the FYE music vid two years ago...will be coming out soon, probably in a couple of weeks or so..at least by "Impact" date..And the fact that Adam is very soon starting the public promotion for BTIKM and of course Trespassing.., first on Jay Leno on the 17th and Ellen on the 19th, with who knows what other appearances as well...All of this is going to have a major "impact" on sales figures because the general public and "casual fans" will finally know about the song...They'll hear it on the radio, see Adam perform his song live, and see his Music Video..So I personally think its all good..I have complete faith that Adam and his label and management have a plan...
@Anon 7:17PM
Thanks for the additional info: Very interesting and enlightening about the weekly sales figures for WWFM, which WAS promoted right away...
Gosh, such panic! No promo, and the song is doing fine. I know the free download thing pulls the numbers down, but every artist has to put up with that nowadays. BTW, did WWFM come out at a different time of year? Just wondering. I saw a list of Idol alums and their sales during a given week on another site and Adam wasn't on it, but it was Idols who do only country or country-related songs. Different audience. Country music kind of takes care of its own. I'm not a country fan by a long shot. Adam will be ok. Sure, the BTIKM sales dropped off, but that's pretty expected after the flurry of early sales was done. Adam's management knows how all this works; they deal with it all the time. They're investing money in Adam's promotion.
BUT, we need to keep up the radio requests and the voting, etc., whenever possible. The new video will help, too. BTW, does a video view on YouTube also count as a "song" view? I guess I don't understand it all. So eager to see Adam on TV soon.
Keep cool, Glamberts! Our boy will do just fine. I often think of the number of international fans he has. They're helping us, too.
It's not doing bad. FYE sold 44k and WWFM 21k on their first two weeks and Adam had more publicity back then.
I'm sure the song will surpass 100k by the time he performs it on TV which will boost the sales. He'll give us two kick ass performances so I'm not worried about that.
@Carlos, You got that right!!!
7:17PM, @glitzylady and @Carlos thanks for your informative posts, very helpful to people like me. So this is such good news after all YAY!
I ditto everything you said! BTIKM is doing just fine after 2 weeks with no promotion! The real promotion is about to start is with Adam singing it live on great shows like Jay Leno and Ellen. They both love Adam!
Shame on those downloading free...
Plus, promotions are still on hold and we know there is always a reasons involved...but sometimes it feels like the fans are the one's pulling the strings big time.
Yes, we know all the talk shows, music video and promo are coming up but heck the single is out there so for hell's sake promote ADAM music industry!
I would like to see SONY pull up with promotions. We are expected great things from them and I hope they live up to the Adam exposure.
Afterall they know they have a superstar on their hands. We are expecting a whirlwind of Adam mid January sweeping across the world.
New fans can help.
Out of subject.
I wish I can download this video on my ipod! Queen, ladies and gentlemen, Queen!
Love you, Adam!
I think these numbers are great for a digital release. Once Adam starts promoting it on TV, radio etc. in a full force, the sales will skyrocket.
I think the sales are great for a song with almost no official push n little radio play. So glad he's gonna be on Leno n Ellen first, these 2 really luv n support him!
And watch the video skyrocket to #1 on Vh1's Top 20 countdown! I'm so excited for Adam (and us!!)
Have faith y'all!
AdamLuvr in Tx :)
ADAM's BTIKM has WON 5 challenges so far on Sophies Challenge San Diego radio show ... it is aired every night of the week (Mon - Fri) @ 9PM PT (12AM ET) ... go there & VOTE & comment ... this weekend it is being challenged by a group called Young the Giant ... let's keep ADAM the Champ for 10 wks. & he'll make it into the Challenge Hall of Fame ... they play his song every night so maybe BTIKM will be added to the playlist if he keeps WINNING!! GO Glamberts!! ~~thanx~~
You can only vote once a day I think
tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)
BTW ... ADAM's BTIKM single is for sale as a download at Amazon.com where it is #1 Top rated. If everyone went to Amazon & downloaded BTIKM once this weekend ... his sales would skyrocket!! So .. whataya say Glamberts ... we can all afford a dollar to help ADAM go OTT in sales ... can't we?? Love 'n Light
tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)
I couldn't find any other way to get this information to the admin of this site or to all you glamberts out there but THIS IS IMPORTANT!! there has now been news about what happened in Finland and what adam and sauli told the police!! :) and I think this really clears the air 'cause there are still those who have been talking bs about the fighting and all.
so the link to the original text is: http://mtv3.mobi/uutiset/viihde/musiikki/2012/01/1472314.xml (or that's atleast the mobile veraion of the site i don't know if it works.. :/ but it's in finnish anyway, u could google translate it but I think it ruined the text and made it look completely different!!)
so i translated it too! :) i'm sorry i have bad english but i tried my best hope u understand what i try to say :D;
The police's public records about the interrogation show that their memories of the Christmas fuss fighting are very flimsy.
To Finland for Christmas arrived Adam Lambert and Sauli Koskinen were hanging out in a nightclub called DTM(Don'tTellMama) in Helsinki on the 21st of December. While partying they ended up having an argument. The arguing continued all night and eventually turned to fist fighting. Police had to intervene and take them to jail. The next day, the evening events was the hot topic in Finland and abroad.
The nights investigate report tells that Adam Lambert had told the police that he thought he had behaved properly throughout the evening. Lambert didn't know in which restaurant he had been and he didn't remember anything about any fighting.
- We were having a normal fun night out, but at some point I've got a blackout, because the next thing I can remember after going to the bar is waking up in the jail. I think I got the blackout because of too much drinking. I don't remember anyone arguing, says Adam about the incident.
Sauli Koskinen doesn't either remember what happened.
– We both have been very drunk when we got to the nightclub. We drunk a lot of shots in DTM. I think occurred was a result of alcohol and tiredness that caused an emotional eruption. I don't remember what happened or who were involved, says Sauli.
At the end Adam tells that he regrets what happened. - I am very sorry for what happened. I love my boyfriend and my intention was not to get in to trouble with anyone. I very sorry that the evening ended like this, I regret it.
This message is for HAL in reference to putting the MTVEMA performance on your IPod.
If you have an ITunes account, it is very simple to do.
There is a link under the video that says "DOWNLOAD the video (MP4) (Thank you Terra)". Click on the link and save the video to your desktop.
Plug in your IPod and open ITunes.
Click on "File" at the top of the screen, then click on "Add file to library". Select the video you saved on your desktop and if you have your IPod synced with new content, the video will automatically copy to your IPod.
I hope you are successful!!
I had Jimmy Kimmel on TV (I am on US West Coast) and just noticed that Uh Huh Her will be on (Adam's keyboardist-Cam) is in this band for anyone interested on the West Coast.
OT-Adam on the side of a bus:
A newer tweet about the filming of BTIKM today:
Ev Salomon
@HaitianEv view full profile →
My revolution ((((will)))) be televised!!! watch me work... #getfamiliar cause we on!!! follow @ZanmiFilms http://zanmifilms.com
HaitianEv Ev Salomon
Fuck it im a say it right now!!! Adam Lambert is a great fuckin performer.... and yes still shooting!!!!
2 hours ago
HaitianEv Ev Salomon
Still on set.... Working #NoMoreDaysOff
Thanks Tess4Adam for continuing to [ost the links for voting. I've been doing it every time I see your links and to all others that post them. I still don't know how to post links here from other sites and appreciate all of you that do.Thanks also anon.12:47am for the Ipod info. My grandaughter gave me the IPod touch for Christmas and posted all of Adam's songs, as well as Adele and other albums, but she's in Florida and I won't be seeing her until Oct. for lessons.Can't wait to see Adam on Ellen and Leno. Both very friendly towards him, as well as Letterman, but Jimmy Kimmel canceled him after the AMA awards and only had snarky remarkd toward him. Doubt if Adam will be on his show. Did Cam mention Adam on Kimmel tonight? I missed it, as I never watch him.
I'm very optimistic about this song. I think it started out really well without any official promo and radio adds. WWFM sold 11,000 units on its first week. Once all of his T.V. appearances started we noticed more sales on the single. To-date, WWFM sold close to 2 million copies here in U.S. and it got Grammy Nom. I believe BTIKM will be a radio hit soon. If not, Adam said he worked on three singles. The other two will surface right after. This translates to Adam on our T.V. for 2012.
OMG @daydreamin please tell me that the L'Oreal thing is real and not just photoshopped! I shifted to L'Oreal after trying MAC and Laura Mercier which were too strong for my skin. I hope this is what i think it is teehee. That would be lovely. Thanks so much for the link @daydreamin and KIND REGARDS!
@CT go take a look at the link that daydreamin gave us. It's so nice!
@12:45, if no one else will thank you for that info, I will. Thanks. But are you sure about its authenticity?
On topic, I love Adam and liked most of the songs on FYE, but I'm not super crazy about BTIM. It's ok, and I think it will get radio play, but it's not just the glamberts buying multiple copies of something that will boost Adam to platinum. If that was the case, FYE would have definitely gone platinum. Adam has to reach others in large numbers and hope that they will love his music as much as we do.
boo hoo all the good sarcastic comments are gone. made for good Entertainment.
Adam singing the song live will push the sales. I am actually wanting to hear other songs from new cd.Weall have different tastes so I am sure this cd will be loaded with good songs.
I'm glad to see that other people are liking BTIM better than I do. I think it's generic sound will appeal to most people. I'm definitely buying "Tresspassing" and hope there will be some more interesting songs. One that I'm very interested in hearing is "Get Over It". I LOVE the snippet I heard. I hope it's on the CD.
This is 6:59 again. I just saw that Adam's name is the first one listed for writing credits for "Get Over It"! I must say, I'm surprisingly impressed!
International Glambert here, supporting Adam to the max. <3 Love love love BTIKM and Get Over It. It'll be sooooooooo good to see Adam on TV again and even better, seeing him live in concert again.
The BTIKM shooting is over!
Ray_Kay Ray Kay
Flying to Miami :) The shoot with @adamlambert went extremely well! Adam always delivers!
HaitianEv Ev Salomon
Finally wrapped long but phenomenal day..... Adam Lambert #fresh
small article on Adam's BFM lawsuit on his google page. I can't stand those guys more and more.
Tweet from Toby Knapp, the WA DC DJ who is sooo supportive of Adam:
toby knapp @tkradio
@tkradio @Cathysidol wow... working on some other stations this afternoon, and a BUNCH of our Adult CHR's are on Adam's new song next week!
Translation: "Adam's song "Better Than I Know Myself" will be playing on a BUNCH of Hot Adult Contemporary stations next week!"
Toby keeps us informed of some of the "insider" radio news..so sounds like Adam is going to get played on radio....GOOD NEWS!!!
****my twitter account was down for awhile...I had password issues...but finally resolved, thank goodness! *******
well, I will admit to not having brought BTIKM yet. I have never down loaded music 'properly' and have no idea how to do it. Pretty sure I cannot buy from US or UK I tunes, or any of the other country specific ones,. I think I could buy from Amazon but I remember when I looked into getting the acoustic EP, the postage costs tripled or quadrupled the cost of the ep. So if anyone knows how i can legally buy it let me know. luckily (if trespassing follows the same as FYE), we will get the physical cd release here the same day as the US, so hanging on for mar 20th.
BTIKM is a stepping stone to Trespassing, which I think will contain several big hits. These things tend to evolve as an album gets widely heard. WWFM wasn't "the" smash hit song from FYE right off the bat. I am itching for a new tour this year!
@Bing, I too wondered if it was photoshopped...who really knows? I hope not, but is possible. I hope it is and I want that bus!! Kind regards to you glamsista!
BTIKM is #12 on the Australian 30 hot Countdown already, without any real promotion yet! We love genius talent in Oz!
Not just a generic song... a generic hit song. Big difference. :)
sorry but the sales should be much higher, with all the glamberts blogging abouthow great btikm is the number of downloads should be much higher. true glamberts know this is how he will get on the charts sooner than when all the other promo starts. others will download, but we need to band together and push this song now.
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