Dean Piper's Review of Adam Lambert's "Trespassing" Album
Filed Under (Trespassing ) by Admin on Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Posted at : Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Dean Piper heard six songs from Adam's new album "Trespassing". He mentioned that three are sure fire radio and chart hits – easily.
CLICK HERE to read Dean Piper's review of Adam's new album!
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Adam Lambert BEATS Jon McLaughlin!!!
yeaaahh!! uffff that was a close one....we really got distracted with leno lol but today i voted like krazy....i loved to see that erytime i voted the % was bigger yay!!
now i really like the review :) i was going to say to what song i was looking foward the most but who am i kiiding i wanna hear them all haha!! im still so pissed my parentz dont want to buy me his CD!!! but i dont kare what i have to do i WILL have it lol!! :)
I preordered both the deluxe and regular Cd!!!I think it is great that Europe is ready for this next ERA!! I hope our country finally opens its eyes more.Wish people would see the talent that Adam is instead of his personal life.
Love reading the positive reviews! Well, duh! Dont we all? LOL! @feta14 - why wont your parents buy his CD if I might ask. If it's none of my business, which it isnt, just ignor my question. Dont mean to be nosy just curious. ... Adamluv
I keep forgetting to ask, but did anyone notice Adam's shaking hand when he puts it up to the side of his face about a quarter of the way into his song at about 1:18?
Also, did y'all see the female guitarist (her name escapes me) lose her guitar strap right at the beginning?
your question doesnt bother me at all.....sadly i hate to say the reason.....but my parents are extremely religious like in the very traditional way so they dont aprove of me listening to basically any musik i like my only escape is my cellphone.....especially when they dont understanded( we speak spanish) but dont worry i will get it i know alot of people lol!!
yeah i noticed that too!!! and i think ur talking about ashley the bass player right? :) noticed that too!! good eye!!!
Tommy and Ashley backstage before the Ellen taping:
Tweets from Ashley and Ebert:
ashleydzerigian Ashley Dzerigian
did i mention how fortunate i feel to be a part of this well-oiled machine? I <3 adam and my bandmates. some of the sweetest/talented folks.
18 hours ago
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Miles Tougeaux
@ashleydzerigian Welcome to the family!
3 hours ago via web
fefa14, yes, it's Ashley.
I have faith that somehow you will get your hands on that CD. Glad you are part of our Glamily.
I noticed Adam's hand shaking when he put it to the side of his head too...maybe his nerves?
thankz! :) also glad ur part of it u allways have something intersting to say.....ohhh almost forgot thanks for the link lol!
BTW can someone tell me in what channel they give Ellen i cant find it on my tv guide and i really wanna see it thankz :)
About Adam's shaking hand:
My personal feeling is that Adam was overtaken with emotion while singing this song. (And a little bit of adrenalin and nerves too.) This song must have so much meaning to him: his first single from the new album, and it must have taken on an even more emotional feel to him in the last month or so....He and Sauli shared a challenge as a couple, and Sauli was there to watch him sing this song for the first time ..only the second time to see Adam perform in public (as far as I know)...I suppose little did he know when he first picked this track to include as part of his album and then as his first single that it would become quite so deeply personal.
@daydreamin Yes! I also noticed the shaking hand. Some of the reviews I've read said he seemed/sounded a little nervous at the beginning, so maybe that was part of it. It's hard to imagine that Adam would get nervous just like the rest of us! But, boy did he pull it through...those last notes were killer!! Oh, and what a sexy beast he is!
And now....Ellen!! What a great time to be a Glambert, right?!
AdamLuvr in Tx :)
I love and miss his look
Ok,now did you all notice those little moths flying around when Adam was singing?( they looked like moths,anyway)I wonder if they got in cause the outside door was open longer than usual(??) I don't remember ever seeing them on Leno before,but unless it was BB on there,I wouldn't have noticed,prob-lol!!I watched the performance LOTS of times on our 52" inch flat screen tv..loved it..Tommy looks so funny on the left side & walking around all the time like he did when on the rt hand side of the stage.He kills me..but he seemed very good...the new keyboard player was great..loved his back-up vocals,too..couldn't really tell about the new girl bass player...too bad she had problems with her guitar strap..& good that she finally stood up..The Carp was good,as usual.glad I recorded it, & it's saved.( I could have slapped Sherry S cause she kept on talking even when Jay told he her time was up)I DO hope after that she will @ least get Babara W to have Adam on the View soon.If BB had only 2 more mins,it would have helped.I got the whole show,but Jay usually says a little more to him after singing.but it was cut right after Jay said "good job",I think..Maybe he'll be on Letterman soon also.
@9:58 I only got half the performance, then it cut out- Yes at first I was mad at sherri for talking so much, but it's the ads that really did it I think or my dvr is off by 2 whole minutes. I will be sure to get the whole thing on ellen tommorrow even if I have to put it on 60 minutes of overtime lol
@fefa14,Thank you! Ellen's show is a Warner Brothers show which airs on NBC where I am at. Hope that helps.
Anon 8:00,@Glitzylady,Adamluvr in TX, I thought maybe he was a little nervous in the beginning too. He definitely worked it out though but it was interesting that it showed through his hand.
Anon 9:58, yep, I did notice various things in the air due to the lighting. You could see him even spray at one point while singing! You can really see this stuff well on that high def link one of our great anon's posted on the long Jay Leno performance thread I think.
In case any of you have a box such as X-Box 360 or a DVD player with hulu plus on it and you subscribe to hulu plus, you can watch Adam's performance to your hearts delight. I don't have tivo or a dvr, so I was pickled tink!
My son told me that Ellen has a youtube channel where you can watch past episodes also.
im going Cuckoo!I cant wait to hear it.
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