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A gift from VIETNAM to Adam Lambert for his birthday (29.01.2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 26, 2012

Posted at : Thursday, January 26, 2012

Thanks SWAL!


Anonymous said...

Vietnam Glamberts, this is very beautiful and it comes from your heart!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I just wasn't expecting something so touching. Thanks Vietnam fans you are the greatest.Much work went into this video.

Anonymous said...

That tribute made me cry...of joy for realizing that I too am part of Adam's amazing Glamily. Happy Birthday Adam! And thanks Vietnamese fans for this wonderful gift to Adam. Hope that he sees how deeply he touches people worldwide with his voice and personality.

Anonymous said...

This is one of the most unique, and touching Adam tribute vids I've ever seen. I even saw some pics I'd never seen before (n I've seen tons lol). I hope Adam gets to see this! Us Glamberts are such a special breed, we're so diverse yet so connected by our luv for Adam. My heart feels all warm and gooey.

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

This is gorgeous and so sweet. From the heart for sure. Hope Adam sees this,

Adamluv said...

I dont know what to say other than "thank you" for this most beautiful tribute to Adam. It is truly unique, special and inspiring - all the qualities we all see in Adam. ... Adamluv

fanatapan said...

i tweeted this to Adam: "@adamlambert have u SEEN this? its a bday vid from wonderful Vietnam to u,and covers some incredible messages.please?:p", and i got retweeted a couple of times, so hopefully others are doing the same and trying to get it to him! (i'm fan4Adam on twitter btw).

funbunn40 said...

Adam will be touched by this beautiful video, capturing his true essence. I hope he sees it. Vietnam is so far away and yet this video connects us with the love we all share for Adam. All of the loyal fans worldwide warm my heart with their support and excitement over this very special man and it's a wonderful kinship. The interviews have been so open and honest, even generously sharing his personal feelings for Sauli. I think he realizes that the majority of us are truly happy that he is loved and has a partner that gives him such peace and happiness. I felt he trusted us sharing his vulnerability. That was a huge gift for him to give and it touched me, as did this wonderful video. I hope people will treat him with respect and kindness as he so well deserves.I don't know how any decent person could ever want to hurt this man. He will have a huge impact on this world, just by being his own sweet, giving self.

daydreamin said...

Has everyone gone back to see the Music Video?!!!! It's amazing, but such a tease! Can't wait till Monday!

@funbunn40, I whole heartedly agree with you as we all do. How could anyone have anything bad to say to such a wonderful example of a human being? There is just something wrong inside those heads.

Anonymous said...

what a beautiful gift,,thank you for sharing this..from the heart so beautiful

daydreamin said...

Another article from Renee Snyder from AL_Examiner:

Want to Star with Adam Lambert in a TV Show?
January 26, 2012 01:52 PM EST
comments: 4
Adam Lambert will be in the UK next week, and you may have an opportunity to not only ask him a question, but be on TV as well. This could be a dream come true for a few of Adam's fans! This morning, Chart Show TV tweeted, "So we'll be filming with @adamlambert next week! Who wants to star in the show? Film urself asking Adam a question on your iphone.....and we'll show Adam the best ones and include them in the show! Email ur vid questions to" The Chart Show is an iconic brand in British music, and the channel plays a mixture from many charts—singles, album, urban, dance, rock, airplay and download.

Adam Lambert has capitulated to superstar status over the last couple of years, and it has become more and more difficult for fans to get near him to ask questions. Chart Show TV is providing a unique opportunity using technology to make this possible, even for fans that are not in the area. The question is whether the show is prepared for the onslaught of videos that they will receive. Adam has a huge, dedicated fan base, and it is very likely that thousands of fans will send in their video questions. Therefore, if you want to be chosen, you need to have a well-thought-out, creative question!

Will you be sending in a question on your iPhone?

Photo credit: Cindy R.

© Renee Snyder 2012

daydreamin said...

Sasha on Ellen today!

daydreamin said...

Adam is on the American Idol most successful...from MTV:

Anonymous said...

Such a beautiful, touching video. Thank you so much for this tribute to our Adam. I hope he gets to see it for his birthday. It is such a small world after all. Great fans of Adam Lambert throughout the world! We are one Glamily united in our love for this wonderful human being. Happy 30th Birthday Adam!!!!!
Forever Fan,

Anonymous said...

Adam would have a tear in his eye as I have. The is so beautiful....

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute.

My sister-in-law is Vietnamese and she's a very good person .... and she LOVES Adam. <3

Anonymous said...

Happy 30th Birthday Adam!!!
a fan since 2009 from Finland

Anonymous said...

Watch Behind the Scene video of BTIKM on youtube/vevo:

Anonymous said...

Behind the scene Amazing!!!!
Can`t wait the video : )

Now WWFM on the radio (finn)

Anonymous said...

Glam Nation Live Ad on Chart Show TV in UK:

Anonymous said...

Thank you 5:56!

Whoa! Adam's 'naked' eyes and fashionable hairstyle...he's pottering around the house, holding a bowl of popcorn and watering a plant...Those soaring killer vocals! And so handsome. :)

Bing said...

To our loving Vietnamese Glamberts my heartfelt gratitude for this awe-inspiring video. The well conveyed message is of utmost importance and should Adam see this, he will certainly appreciate what you have done.

ADVANCE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ADAM! MAY YOU CONTINUE TO BE BLESSED WITH A SUCCESSFUL CAREER AND A PEACEFUL AND STABLE LOVE LIFE. Hope that you and Sauli will do all you can to nurture your relationship in order to build it on a more solid foundation.It takes a lot of hard work but it's all worth it as long as you are both committed. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ADAM MITCHEL LAMBERT AND I WANT TO THANK YOU FOR MAKING MY OWN LIFE MORE MEANINGFUL AND ENJOYABLE. YOU ARE ONE HELL OF AN INSPIRATION AND YOU HELP KEEP ME GOING NO MATTER WHAT.

@daydreamin - thanks so much for all the links you've been sharing with us. And kind regards to everyone.

Anonymous said...

WOW, Love this so much. Thanks Vietnam! Just how I feel and brings tears to my eyes every time I watch it. Very touching.

Anonymous said...

Just saw it (the clip) words...anybody in the whole world would look so hot dress like that! and a whole new meaning for bed-hair!!!I usually get scared when i look myself in teh mirror every mornig..even knowing what is coming....something like Tina Turner on crack!!!


Anonymous said...

Love the fans from Vietnam. Adam has such incredible fans ALL OVER THE WORLD! It makes me feel like I'm part of a huge force of love. No matter where his fans are from, they understand Adam's dynamics talent. Also liked the behind the scenes clip from the BTIKM video. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

That about sums it up for me. Thanks Glamberts from Vietnam you have a heart of gold!

Anonymous said...

Perfect! Absolutely beautiful portait of our Adam!

Anonymous said...

Good Job, this takes time to pull this all together. Did't know Vietnam had Adam Lambert fans, but I guess so. Love the narrator's voice. It sounds and looks professional. Keep Adam in your hearts forever.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful tribute to our beautiful Adam. I am proud to be a Glambert. Too bad the US can't embrace him like other countries. Thanks Viet Nam.

Anonymous said...

This was absolutely beautiful! Thanks Vietnam glamberts. He sure is making his mark in the world- isn't he and it's just the beginning. I so hope Adam sees this.


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful video and so heartfelt. Thank you Vietnamese Glamberts! Your video was very touching and you showed perfectly the loving, gentle, kind side of Adam as well as the fierce, amazing performer that Adam is.


Anonymous said...

Thank you Vietnam Glamberts for a beautiful tribute to Adam! ♥♥♥

glitzylady said...

Well, this gift from VIETNAM is just so beautiful and left me with tears in my eyes. Every bit of it is so true. I'm sure Adam will see it..There are so many around the world who appreciate and love Adam Lambert..It must be very gratifying both for him and for his family and friends to see things like this. To know that there are so many who "get" him, and have moved forward to "post gay". As in "Yes, we know he's gay, he's part of the human Universe, now lets celebrate his talent, his music, AND his birthday!" Remarkable yet humble human being.

BYW, did anyone else notice that "Adam Lambert 24/7 News" is listed as a source of info at the end?? : )

Anonymous said...

That was so sweet and beautiful it made me cry. Hope Adam sees it and knows how much he means to so many people.

Anonymous said...

he has fans everywhere

PRS said...

Wow! Way to go Vietnam Glamberts, that is so awesome! I'm very impressed with your presentation. It's so touching and heartfelt. I hope that someone close to Adam is able to show him this. He'd certainly appreciate the sentiment.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Vietnam Glamberts, that was nice.

HK fan said...

loved the idea and presentation of the video, beautiful, just didn't like the lectronic voice. Great nonetheless.

I went to HCMC a few years ago, interesting place would like to go back.

Anonymous said...

I cry, I have goosebumps, and laugh and cry again.
Thank you, Vietnam Glamberts! I hope Adam will have chance to watch this fantastic video!

Anonymous said...

Dear Renee Snyder:

I do hope you mean "catipulted" rather than "capitulated" regarding Adam's rise to fame.

Adam Lambert Fanclub Vietnam (ALFCVN) said...

Thank all of you for your comments. We're just so moved by your kindness. Thank Adam for gathering us together. New chapter is coming, and it's great to have you guys, no matter where you are, with us to witness it :)