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More VH1 Videos (Separately)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, January 27, 2012

Posted at : Friday, January 27, 2012

Adam Lambert Explains The Meaning Behind His New Music Video

Adam Lambert Talks About Writing an Anthem for 'Outsiders'

Adam Lambert Talks About Writing 'Better Than I Know Myself/Outlaws of Love'

Is Adam Lambert Team Peeta Or Team Gale

Adam Lambert Discusses His Style Shift


Anonymous said...

I love all these interviews ,listening to Adam is soothing to me for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Please watch these 7 videos on VH1 to give their sites some hits in order to show our presence as Adam's fans. Write your comments or click on like to make these videos popular on VH1 site. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Oops forgot to leave the VH1 link:

Anonymous said...

Tweet from Adam:

adamlambert Adam Lambert
Better Than I Know Myself video is coming... 2/3 on VEVO!

Anonymous said...

@7:47 Good idea and thanks for the link. Keep listening to BTIKM on Vevo to get it as close to one million as possible before the official video.Refresh so it counts.

tess4ADAM said...

Don't forget to sign ADAM's birthday card ... here ...

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Adamluv said...

Will wait until March 20th when The Hunger Games comes out to decide if I'm Team Peeta or Team Gale. Depends on the actor and the acting but cant wait. As far as Adam acting, did you read that the rude, disrespectful little punk rapper from The X Factor (I know his name but dont want to give him any publicity) already has an acting gig on TV in Person of Interest? Unbelievable! ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

God, I so love just listening to Adam ... always being so honest, so articulate, so real. I love when he says that singing is his gift -- you got that right! There's just so many things that I enjoyed in these videos but can't remember all that I felt at the time. Suffice it to say that I loved absolutely everything about these videos and his comments. Simply put .. I just love everything about ADAM! And can't wait to see how 2012 plays out - I think this will be HIS year!

glitzylady said...

Really? Hearing that about that kid: hmmm. I hope he learns more respect and appreciates his opportunities..I felt the same way you do after his meltdown on X-Factor. Glad he didn't win.

funbunn40 said...

@ Adamluv, That kid really needed an attitude adjustment and some lessons in respect and humility. I can see him in a few years pouring Crystal on the floor with 5# of gaudy bling and a huge entourage trying to intimidate and look important. The kid had talent, but was such a self-entitled brat I really wanted him to leave and grow up. Sometimes you wonder what happened to justice. I was pleased with the winner. She had an amazing voice.

fanatapan said...

@Tess4ADAM, that link doesnt seem to work, and i searched the site and cant find the right card :( can u check the link for us please? i'd LOVE to sign the card! :D

PS: ive also noticed ur tag on quite a few other links, nice to see a familiar face/name!

Anonymous said...

So happy about the style shift to a more classic look. It's very, very handsome. No more fur or feathers pleeeeeeeese!

Anonymous said...

I could listen to these interviews for hours. Adam is so articulate, intelligent, and honest. I love this change in his style, his music and his overall attitude about life and love. For me there is no better talent in the music business today than Adam Lambert. Then I read about that kid Astro from the X Factor with his lack of respect and humility getting a recording contract and then a tv appearance in Person of Interest. There is no justice in this world at times. It seems that all the garbage that passes as music today becomes a hit with all the cursing, crotch grabbing and gyrating that we see in the videos which all seem to be alike. I just hope that the music listening audience realizes what a special performer there is in Adam and make his new single BTIKM and the video for it a spectacular success. He certainly deserves it.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that little sh--t astro got an acting part. I couldn't stand him, but I can't stand rappers (not music at all) I'm amazed that the kids love that crap?