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Adam Lambert: Gay is fierce

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 25, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, February 25, 2012

New tweets from Adam after an ignorant and childish question from a troll name @Clarissa_Zayn1D on Twitter.


Anonymous said...

this must get so tiring for Adam, he probably feels he has to address it once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

sometimes I don't think people mean to say things in the way they do.I don't think gay or straight when I see Adam. I just think I am so glad you came into my life .(from a distance of course as a fan)

Anonymous said...

If you like or love someone you don't say "even though" Honour the person for who they are...

Anonymous said...

Shoot I forgot my tag

4:20 was mine...


Anonymous said...

Love you unconditionally. You make me smile everyday!

A Mormon from Utah.

HK fan said...

A lot of the time I don't think fans are being mean when they say why are you gay, I always think its more of a , ahh, why are you gay, that means I can't have you kind of way, (not that they would have a hope in hell of having him anyway). At least, I hope thats what most of them me.

Anonymous said...

I truly think Adam is openminded to anything. He seems like an experimental type person. Whatever he wants to do he does it. I don't see him having rules. Anything Goes in the world of Lambert! some fangirlie wanted him converted. he will deal with lots of that in the future.

Anonymous said...

so many girls wanting what they can't or maybe can have is making them tweet some crazy twats. Lambert better get use to that. I think he fuels that fire and the response is in those crazy tweets.

Anonymous said...

Adam has alot of straight girl fans who want him converted. If he doesn't see that by now he never will. He will get that from all ages. They want him on their train. He should take it in stride and move on. He knows who he is and what he wants.

Anonymous said...

I doubt all gays are fierce.

Anonymous said...

Alot of people love the voice but don't accept the GAY. Alot of people don't always accept what others think they should. This person might like his voice but don't accept GAY. This person probably didn't think before they sent the tweet. Adam accepts straight or he wouldn't have straight friends and hang around them.

Anonymous said...

These trolls hide behind their keyboards and computers , while they send hateful words into the web.Adam please you must not give these trolls the ATTENTION they so crave."Silence is louder than words"

Anonymous said...

GAY MEN are more fierce than most straight men. GAY MEN know I nice suit jacket when they see one and can accessorize like no other. They know fashion!

Anonymous said...

I bet a GAY man knows more about a woman more than a straight man ever will.

Anonymous said...

Just listened to a 35 minute QandA Adam did on a show called Saturday Night Online. Not one reference there to being gay. He was very honest and straightforward with questions ranging from his time on AI, to the tour and to TRESPASSING and some of the songs from it. There were a few personal questions, but nothing intrusive. I loved listening to him and just watching him being so genuine and personable. He looked terrific; I don't think he had any makeup on at all and looked so fresh and handsome. Sometimes I think I know more about Adam Lambert from all the interviews he has done than I know about some of my own family members and friends. He is honest to a fault it seems. Can't wait for the release of TRESPASSING. I hope it gets all the accolades and soaring sales that Adam so deserves.

Anonymous said...

So sick of these stupid GAY comments to ADAM!! ADAM is GAY b/cuz he was born that way ... no need for explanations. That's like saying ... 'why are your eyes blue instead of a different color'? See how DUMB that sounds? ADAM is GAY!! And THAT is THAT!! 'Nuff said ...

Anonymous said...

@ 4:38 PM

Don't you see you are all insulting? Adam is open to anything, has no rules in his world. He better get used to women wanting him, whether he wants them or not,he should take unwanted attention in stride?????? Gay men know fashion? What are you thinking ,that he is some other species?

Does being born gay mean you have no morals? Aren't there straight people up for anything? Anything goes? Do you like unwanted attention? Do you take being insulted, groped or propositioned in stride? Fashion, there are as many gay slobs as straight ones.
Don't you realize you are putting him in a box marked G A Y ?

I find this disgusting. You think because you like his looks and his voice that you have accepted his being gay, well there is still a kernel of distaste growing inside you if you separate him from other people. He has all the same rights and emotions. He's not special and he doesn't owe anybody anything. He's just a person living his life as the best person he was born to be. Don't be condescending, don't be judgemental, don't be a fake thinking you accept homosexuality when in your heart and brain you really don't. You're just dazzled by him. That's disrespectful, don't worship him, accept him as an equal. Stop the sly snarky remarks. Ignorance is not bliss, it's just plain stupid.

Anonymous said...

6:49 those posts are all from the same person IMO. She is always so transparent.

Anonymous said...

Adam did a bisexual video when he did FYE. that was sending mixed signals! don't ya think? I can have guy or girl or both??? there was a scene where he was among a threesome. He aint no damn saint!

Anonymous said...

Peter Paul and Mary

Anonymous said...

Being crazy about Adam does not necessarily mean you are not homophobic. Some people just have closed off brains, nothing can get through.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

next will be her fixation with the medges.

Anonymous said...

a medge stuck in a wedgie.

Anonymous said...

Adam has the right to tell that person off, who says...I love you even though you're gay...What exactly does that mean? Do you love him or not? Not sure to me. What if someone tells you...I love you even though you're stupid! How does that mean to you? LOL! :)

funbunn40 said...

I think there has been so much brainwashing that being gay is some perverted choice and if you dare question or refuse to denounce it you're destined to burn in hell. It doesn't seem to occur to these people that every organ in the body while being developed can have some unforeseen anomaly(in this case anything that deviates from their preconceived, popular norm.)If you are short, very tall, have MS or cerebal palsy,etc. it's morally acceptable and not sinful, but for some strange reason they can't accept that sexual identity is determined by chemical hormones, genes. They have no concept of the role genetics play in determining our sexuality and why should that part of our body be exempt from development deviations and not others.Hopefully one day common sense will prevail. I'm so sorry that Adam and all of the rest of the LBGT equally fine members of the human race has to put up with this fear ridden myth based concept. Many of the rude remarks directed at gays are due to ignorance and how they have been programmed. They just don't have a clue. Adam deals with it very well. He has a loving accepting heart in spite of them.

Anonymous said...

By making simple statements, Adam is such a good teacher. He has opened my eyes a lot to how a gay man sees the world. What we think of as innocent or well-meaning comments can really be words that are unintentionally insulting and hurtful. He knows that most of it is not meant to hurt, but it often can hurt.

I think Adam might be saying that he would liked to be loved by his fans BECAUSE of what he is, not IN SPITE OF what he is.


Anonymous said...

@ 7:36 PM

DUHHHHHH you do realize that videos and movies are not real life don't you? You see, they are made up stories or performances.
Your remark was beyond stupid.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:43 pm

I would imagine his press interviews are for the purpose of selling his music, not his sexual prowess, don't ya think? DUHHHHHHH
for you too.Is this a pod of bloomin idiots or just one mouthy one? Grow up or shut up!

Anonymous said...

I live in a small town my cousin in which I loved so much he would have done any thing in the world for me wonderful honest person yes he was gay it did not matter to me or the small group we ran around with we loved him his parents could not accept him the way he was so they moved to california to get away from the small country like area we lived in he was there about a year I missed him so much he called said he could not deal with the pressure by the time I got help for him it was to late he shot his self just because he didn't think he fit in I live in illinois so I couldn't see him that much many miles apart he was 22 years old it took such a chuck out of my life I didn't talk to his family after that because they should has loved him for who he was instead of trying to change him I just wish he was still here for so many reasons but he could have heard Adam being so honest about who he is i am so sure it would have helped i am sure he has helped a lot of people accept there selves it is not shameful it is just who you are.So for my cousin I hope he is resting in peace such a lost of a good man loved by so few.narrow mined people I do not under stand them.

Anonymous said...

I think it is funny how alot of people get on here and dissect every little word in every comment. Grow the hell up and shut up!

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert has avoided his involvement with females in his press interviews. I bet you that he has had many encounters, but he will never make it known.

Anonymous said...

i bet he is pashing Kesha as we speak. hafukinha

Leilani Aloha said...

Without my Gay friends, my world will be sadly Black & White!:(

With my Gay Friends around me, my world is so so COLOURFUL & FUN!!!

Live LIFE people!!!
Sending lots of Smiles & Sunshine to All!!!

Anonymous said...

hey 8:37 your remark is stupid!

Anonymous said...

OMG ADAM is GAY, proud, talented intelligent and so so beautiful!
What is it with the 'gay' issue?
Get over it and move on for pete
sake! ADAM must be sick of all the stupidy around him. Time for some education here!

Anonymous said...

Mormon from last hope from that state! You are not alone though. Just had a family member move because of the total ignorance and discrimination found
in abundance there. We won't visit
that so called Beehive state on principal!

Anonymous said...

ADAM is obviously bloody tired of stupid remarks! Man is gay for heavens sake! Accept it, love him, support him and move the heck on!

Anonymous said...

Hells bells, being GAY is not a bloody choice! You are born gay! Time for a hell of a lot of people to grown up and yes, get some education. Adam must be sick of all these ridiculous remarks.
Time for people to give him some damn respect.

Anonymous said...

Utah Mormon.
I was just watching the other night Mormon video's regarding people who underwent therapy to turn them from gay to straight.
Never seen anything so darn hurtful.People lives and their families have lived a nightmare because of this ridiculous stuff!
The results of this therapy takes a horrible and sometimes dangerous
tole for many. It destroys self esteem and even existance itself!

Anonymous said...

Time to take straight people and turn them gay. How do people feel about that. It takes a different perspective for sure. Think about it.

Anonymous said...


It was just a video. It was Adam in a role...not a reflection of Adam''s life. A music video is not the reality of the artist's life. It is creative interpretation of a song.

Anonymous said...

Yes, what you described about changing somebody this way is very very dangerous; you're absolutely right. Sometimes words are like gleaming sharp knives that can cut very deep. If one gets a physical cut, we can see the bleeding and take appropriate measures to stop the bleeding. But when words cut deep inside a person, we can't see the haemorrhaging, and so sometimes the person bleeds to..... .

daydreamin said...

Anon 9:23 I am so sorry to hear your heart wrenching story about your cousin. I hope things change and very soon. Funbunn40 you said it so well.

Anonymous said...

Not all fans are being rude Adam when the gay issue arises.
Take the fans for what they are saying and dont assume its an automatic impoliteness for saying these things.
You always say its about the music,
then you go on and on about sexuality, if you dont want to discuss, dont.
First you dont want to be a poster boy, now you feel responsible.
You're not responsible for anything but living your life.
Dont push straight fans away.

Anonymous said...

If talking about sexuality is so tiring for Adam, he needs to take a stand and not answer the idiot interviewers questions about it.
ridiculous. Celebs can decide this. Period.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so hot, he must realize that yes straight girls will fantasize and yes like him to be straight.
This should be a compliment, what the f*ck!

Anonymous said...

5:46 so glad Adam didnt talk about being gay on the q and a chat.
I am just as tired of hearing about him being gay as he is talking about fans bringing up being gay. #noshameintruth from all sides!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

All of a sudden Adam is content in a relationship and is taking a gay stand stronger than ever.
Fans get tired of hearing about sexuality just as much as he may be talking about it.

What ever happened to him being bi curious? Was this a ploy to gain or tease female fans?
20 20 show he said, "you never know" okay who's being honest now?

Anonymous said...

Good point Anon. 4:52 am.
And there are other gay stars on tv too but they're not always talking about it.

Anonymous said...

9:23PM The longest sentence I've ever read.

Anonymous said...

This gay issue has been done to death. Can we please talk about Adam's music and the wonderful things (charities etc) he does for others.

Anonymous said...

Asking Adam why he's gay is like asking a black American why he/she is black. It's not rocket science - they were born that way.

Anonymous said...

'Gay is fierce'. What is that supposed to mean? Maybe every person in the world is fierce in their own way.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:02 am - Yeah, what the heck is that supposed to mean, "gay is fierce". ??

It seems he's so fixated on the gay issue, talking about it, defending it, singing about it, writing songs about it, promoting videos about it, and on and on...
Good grief!

Anonymous said...

Dont ever hear Neil Patrick Harris talking about his sexuality.
Adam should chill out. If its not that deep, zip it.

and why would the Clarissa girl who tweeted him about this be a troll?
Some people are ridiculous on this site, for calling people names such as troll when they make comments one doesnt agree with.
Get creative, not ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

What the hell is saying why are your eyes blue? Its just a question, why why why so what.
answer or dont answer its your prerogative. why are people so stupid? God forbid should someone say something to Adam about being gay. Depending on his mood, he'd laugh or rant. Looks like he was in a ranting mood.
Girls want him,get over it Lammy.
or you wont have many fans.
You should love you're so wanted.

Gays be still, he cant please you all the time either. Adam you're not gay enough, Adam you're this or not that.
Adam just live your life honey.
You are who you are and I think you are BI.
Make everyone happy and admit it.

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:21 am. - I agree!

Anonymous said...

I adore Adam and whether he's gay or not is irrelevant to me but yes, I think he could chill about being gay and the issues that surround gays. It sounds as though he receives a truckload of tweets about it so understandably, he's sensitive about it but it may be best to try and ignore it and get on with doing what he does best ..... enchanting us with his gorgeous voice and songs.

Anonymous said...

10:37 that would be me. I was straight most of my life, and now at 38yrs, I'm in love and make love with a woman.
I am a woman. I would have never in my day thought I would be where I am today. It happened. Connections are fierce, not being gay or straight.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Not a single person on this earth has any right to say what a person can or cannot do. Every individual is capable of ANYTHING.

Anonymous said...

Was Adam tweeting under the influence again? Dont blame him, crazy fans would make me want to drink too.

Anonymous said...

if sexuality isn't an issue, quit talking about it. Period! get on with the music!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 6:37 am. - Yeah, there sure are some cray cray fans. They are so hilarious. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Its none of our business, but I bet Adam has had many a play time sessions with girls.
He seems so experimental, nothing wrong with that.
Lucky those girls.
Besides it doesnt bother me at all about Adam and Sauli making love.
Doin it in the back door is nothing like making love hetero style.

Anonymous said...

@6:37AM .... LOL

Anonymous said...

Adam and Kesha hotter than hell.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam looked a little out of it in his Saturday Q&A session but it must just have been the angle of the webcam.

Anonymous said...

I sure wish Adam would read these comments..I totally agree that he is the one pushing the "gay talk"..and he did say that he wants to focus to be on his music..what he MUST come to terms with is that there are alot of people who are uninformed and ignorant on the subject of sexuality and for those people, even the ones who love him, it is difficult to "get past" my work place I am the only Adam addict..and most of my co-workers are unaccepting of homosexuality..which I feel is just another component of the human saddens me to realize that alot of people are just too unwilling to open their minds and accept people..after all we are all just members of the "human race"..

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter if the tweeter here is a troll or suffering from foot-in-mouth disease - they are ignorant.

The question was natural for the fan (who has obviously been raised in an LGBT negative environment.) The answer was natural for Adam, who is gay.

It's not a bad thing for a person to hear that liking someone "in spite of something" is co-incidentally putting blame on them. Where I come from its called a left-handed compliment and it says more about the speaker than the recipient.

I bet Adam gets feedback of this kind all the time and says nothing. Nothing OTT about finally deciding to address it. The first step to changing a person's views is letting them know that their comment isn't appreciated.

Adam isn't alone is publicly addressing this. Chris Colfer has talked about being asked for an autograph by Michelle Bachmann. It mystified him but he gave it to her and he has discussed this in several interviews. He will probably talk about it a few more times before the November election. She has given him a chance to remind people what her party stands for.

This person gave Adam a chance to talk about a real issue of attitude and prejudice.

Anonymous said...

4:38PM, you probably meant to say Adam is more openminded when he's really drunk. And did you mean the middle aged fan"girlies"? They seem very persistent..

Anonymous said...

So much confusion, wouldn't it be far better just to except each other whether gay or straight? I'm sure this girl meant no harm she loves Adam even if he is gay, but she has probably said this quiet innocently, perhaps all she meant was that if Adam were straight she might have a chance of being with him. I love Adam but I can't help feeling that perhaps he has been a bit overly sensitive with this fans comments. This whole site sounds like gay versus straight and that's sad because as human beings we are all children of the universe and need to show more tolerance and acceptance towards each other rather than bickering over issues that at the end of the day amount to nothing. Faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these things is love.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure where I read this - it might be on Queen's site - but Adam said words to the effect that it's going to be wonderful (or similar word) performing Freddie/Queen's songs and he included at the end of the sentence 'gay, the whole package'. All that would achieve would be to alienate homophobes more. Sure, Freddie was gay but rightly or wrongly, the public at large didn't know that until after his death and it hasn't affected his fandom. Maybe it would've had his fans known about it but that is something we'll never know. I'm not concerned whether Adam is gay or not, I just want to listen to his music.

Anonymous said...

Quoting a comment from a Finnish fan which I read under BTIKM on Youtube:

"i think it's offensive to say either way: "i love adam even though he is gay" or "i love adam 'cause he's gay" you see? the first one says it's a flaw to be gay, the second one is like adam gets points as an artist for being gay -.- fuck you all, it doesn't have anything to do with his musical skills.. "

I agree. I love Adam for his VOICE and his personality. The rest doesn't matter.


Anonymous said...

By the way, do all gays want their own mother goose, or what are they called, because Adam has plenty of them to share..

Anonymous said...

Very few, if any, gay celebrities are asked about their sexuality as much as Adam is. His honesty about it has opened a door of inquiry that won't be shut any time soon. I like Neil Patrick Harris as well, but he and Adam are not alike. I can't imagine Neil having an interview where he is asked the kinds of questions that Adam gets asked about his sexuality. The upside of Adam's openness is that it has educated a lot of people about being gay. Adam is not a "behind the scenes" gay man who never goes to gay clubs, etc. He does what he wants to openly. He should never have to hide. He talks about it because it is important to him. He talks about it, not to flaunt, but to explain. He gets asked, and he answers. He brings it up himself when it fits the situation and is relevant to the conversation. I don't expect him to stop making his sexuality obvious. He is who he is. He is not Neil Patrick Harris or any other gay man who NEVER is visibly gay in any way. He is ADAM, no one else. I love him for being so frank and proud of who he is.

Anonymous said...

That sentence about "gay, the whole package" could mean he may be dressed as a female; which he did in a role he played, in Hair. Don't worry, Adam is a theatre maestro, he'll sing in full falsetto like he did...My Conviction. Oh so probably that's why there is a picture of him on another thread, wearing a cheongsam outfit with a red belt and matching little lantern earrings, very beautiful. Wow! The show must really go on! :)

Anonymous said...

I think the flamboyant pics of Adam and Cheeks together are the main reason why Adam's sexuality is still news in the US media. And of course the Adommy kiss. Not saying that there's anything wrong with either, just stating the obvious. Adam is much more toned down with Sauli, except the bar fight in Finland. Finns can be fierce too, you know..

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:18 am - LOL!

Anonymous said...

Anon 8:03 am - What is that (a mother goose)? :) Never heard that one before.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:49 and Lam-my

No, Adam did not mean he would perform as a woman. That would be insane. And__________Freddies fans knew he was gay, anyone with eyes who saw a live performance or a video recognized his overdone prancing and preening, and many videos done in elaborate "gay" style. He was sharing with his audience a grand not so secret secret. It was a different country, one who had accepted creative artists, musicians, painters, actors and politicians who were known homosexuals for centuries. It was no big deal! Adam Ant, David Bowie, Elton John, Mick Jagger, etc. etc. could flirt with bi- sexuality and lose none of their popularity, in fact it enhanced it.

Adam was born in a country settled by Puritans, a grimmer bunch would be hard to find. Over the years we've had our looser moments. The Roaring 20's, The Hippie Free Love Years. The Early Rock Years and currently the filthy Rap (not all I know, don't yell) non music years. We're in the mediocre music, show as much ass and boobs as you can Years. That doesn't seem to bother our current crop of Santorum Puritans.But contraception makes him foam at the mouth.????? By the way, is he running for President or Pope?
I have nothing against anyone being a Conservative Christian (two words which are not offensive) I just resent that so many of them want everyone else to join them or be doomed to hell. Face it no one can speak for God nor for Jesus and if Jesus returned today he'd head for the first synagogue,
to find someone who spoke his language and explain who all these Catholics, Methodists, Mormons, Baptists, Lutherens, etc. were.
And along the way if he passed a Muslim, a Buddhdist, a homosexual, an agnostic he would greet them with Shalom====Peace. If Freddie had a good and loving heart, he's with Him now. And they are both shaking their heads at what idiots we are and how the message of Love Your Neighbor As Yourself got so mixed up.

Anonymous said...

Adam wears the cheongsam outfit with a beautiful broad red belt and matching little drum earrings(not lantern). In fact they are not meant to be earrings. These are little Chinese New Year decorations that people hang around the house. I guess they are so small and Adam being such a creative artist, he uses them as earrings. :)

Anonymous said...

In fact, the hippie era was quite artificial, free love and drugs, but mostly brainwashing a whole generation. I know this, because I like reading about conspiracies. Glam rock was more spontanious movement, androgynious and definitely more gay friendly, without putting emphasis on it, and US missed that era completely..

Anonymous said...

I didn't read the actual text but was rather fascinated by the sentence given by 7:49. Thank you 7:49 and so too 9:25 for the details; and whoa, it really got you quite worked up.

Anonymous said...

5:21 sorry the only thing about my writing was it was the longest sentence you have read I was talking pouring my heart out I don,t talk is sentences I talk with my heart maybe you are one of the cold hearted people I was referring to. Thank you daydreamin for your reply I read comments from you a lot very under standing warm person glad we are Adam fan from day one.

Anonymous said...

When Adam was on idol my friends and I who are in our 20's did not even think about him being gay, we also have no gaydar because we didnt know until his RS interview.
So there, call us dumb or whatever names you want to call us, it doesnt matter.
Adam's style of clothes he wore, the make up etc were all part of the performance in our minds.
When the RS mag came out, we were like what? No way, he is too hot to be gay, I know that isnt a fair thing to say, but it was said and it is said over and over again today my millions I'm sure.
This isnt rude, its a female fans thoughts. Why cant everyone be open without being ridiculed?
Girls love and want him just like they love and want other hot artists.
Adams fan base consists of more girls than guys.
So if comments are made saying to bad you're gay, so be it.
Its a way of saying, darn you're not available to the female population.
Or he may be one day, who knows.
I like the comment about being bi.
Seems to be on the bi side, but gays bash bi people alot.
If he wasnt bi he wouldnt be making out with girls. So he does have some bisexual in him, whether he wants to admit it or not.

Anonymous said...

When Adam tweeted about the comments, he did so he can illuminate on the subject, not because he wants to flaunt his gayness. He did not go into a diatribe, but with a few, simple words he cuts through the crap and shows how "even though" qualifier
is a back-handed compliment. Those of you who take exceptions to "Gay is fierce" must know that it comes from a defensive posture, a response to the attitude that there's something wrong with being gay. No one ever has to defend themselves when they are straight.
Adam is not only astute, he is concise. atm

Anonymous said...

No one ever has to defend themselves when they are straight? Are you kidding me? People take defense everyday for many reasons.

I am another fan who did not know Adam was gay. He didnt have a flippin sign on his forehead stating it, so why would I ?

I also feel like everyone here thinks they know Adam Better Than He Knows Himself.
What a great single Adam. Everyone knows you better than you.

Anonymous said...

@ 9:25

Why are you bringing Santorum is this tread??
You kind come across as one of those that respects others for what they are and believe in. Specially being an Adam's fan. Santorum never said if he becomes the president he would abolish contraception.....he's only stating his core beliefs as Adam states his core beliefs about "Gay being fierce". Same contest.
Take it or leave it!!
If Jesus returned today he'd head for the first synagogue,
to find someone who spoke his language. Why would he?? Jesus speaks all languages and Synagogues don't believe in Him, he is not their messiah, they are still waiting for their real messiah to come. Why you think Jesus fought his own people?? because they didn't believe in Him!! that is why. Have you ever read the bible to talk about it publicly?
Why is Adam fighting is own fans who don't understand gay life style?

"We're in the mediocre music, show as much ass and boobs as you can Years. That doesn't bother Santorum"
And why it's not OK for you to see boobs and ass but is OK to see man with man making out in public?

We need to accept that we all have different core beliefs including Jesus.

Just remember: as they resent so many of us for not join them and wish us to be doomed to also resent them for not joining the LBGT community and wish them to be doomed to hell.

We are all different and we need to accept it.

Live and let live!!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ February 26 6:44...EEWWWWW!
Painful just thing about it!!

BTW, this is Adam being FIERCE!

Poor Clarissa, look what you started girl!

Anonymous said...

Yeah @9:25, PLEASE don't bring Santorum to this thread.LOL

Anonymous said...

very informative thread minus the troll and the troll answering herself for at least 20 of these

Anonymous said...

1 19 you're so obsessed with trolls you cant even comment sensibly. When I think of trolls I think of those stubby little dolls with the big eyes and wild hair. Funny funny funny.

Anonymous said...

Anon @1:19, I'm sure that DOES happens a lot on these threads, but not EVERY post that is offensive is by the same person.

Anonymous said...

This is 1:42 again. I promise I didn't post @ 1:39.

Hey 1:39, I betcha someone will say we are the same person.LOL

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:34 - Way too fierce! Too funny!

Admin said...


To the person who has been posting useless and offensive comments recently (Actually not recently... you have been doing this for a long time.) That being said, I have reported you to BLOGGER for spamming along with your IP address and your comments. If you wish to continue doing so, I will take it further by reporting you to the authorities for disrupting the site.

If you want to discuss with me the reason why you have been posting unpleasant comments on the site, email me at! I will not tolerate this any further. I hope you will understand.


julia said...

I am straight woman, and i agree with Adam. It's rude for someone to say "why you are gay" or "blah blah i like you even you are gay". It is just like in the straight world someone says "i like you even though that you are woman or i like you even that you are black or asian ...and so on". I would have SLAP that person on the face. So FOLKS, if you are Adam's fan remember that if you should watch what you are saying. There is sometimes in our world, our loves ones always warned us to watch what we say things that we don't mean but we HURT our love ones. Be a matured and thoughtful fan ( no matter how old we are....just a kind reminder.)

Anonymous said...

@ 12:20 PM

Yes, I've read the Bible, many times, also the Book of Mormon, studied comparative religions, read most of the Dead Sea Scrolls
studied Judaism, Islam and even Wicca. First of all Jesus did not fight the Jews, he went to synagogue all his short life, all of his disciples, the apostles, followers and writers of the New Testament were Jewish.After his death they continued to practice their Jewish teachings and spoke in the Temple. Dissent began with the destruction of the Temple by the Romans in 70 AD. I would never wish anyone doomed to hell, because I don't believe it exists.

My last post ever,you'll be relieved to hear that, just call me
Preacher's Daughter.

P.S. Do some reading

Anonymous said...

I think Adam really should think more carefully what power he has nowadays.. :(

This girl had to shut her account after fans attacked her.. Those were just few unimportant lines for Adam, but that teenager may remember that as a humiliation for the rest of her life..

After all, most of his fans are female.. they may say that kind of things simply because they would like Adam to fancy females (themselves).. not everything is prejudices and a person with more power and authority (and wisdom) should also have more responsibility.

Anonymous said...

I think occasionally Adam reacts at the wrong time, and this was one of those times, but Adam is just a human being.