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Another VIDEO of Adam Lambert at Elton John Oscar Party 2012

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, February 27, 2012

Posted at : Monday, February 27, 2012


Anonymous said...

Mia Farrows answer to Adams "Gay is fierce. Be proud with me!!!! #noshame" tweet (Feb 25)

mia farrow ‏ @MiaFarrow
@adamlambert you are absolutely spectacular Adam. Don't let haters penetrate your cloak of light!

(Retweeted by Adam Lambert UK)

GGD Gal, YAY for Mia

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert‏@adamlambert
@MiaFarrow thank you !! Wow such a treat to tweet w you! ;) you are a beautiful spirit!

mia farrow @MiaFarrow
@adamlambert thank you! And thank you for the fabulous music. You are an inspiration!!

Wow, Mia F. seems to be a Glambert, too!

GGD Gal, again

Cheril said...

Always though Mia Farrow was a very nice person and now I KNOW it.