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BRAVO Germany Wishes Adam Lambert A Happy Birthday!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Posted at : Tuesday, February 07, 2012


Anonymous said...

Have I mentioned lately that I love this guy?

Anonymous said...

JAK here...

Ohhhhhhhh I want one...not the cake.....ADAM!
Every time I see him he makes me homesick for my boy.


When you used introspective when speaking about Adam on a post recently...I said "Yes"! He seems the very definition of that word.
Also supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

Anonymous said...

Adam shows how good his breath control is when blowing out the candles haha. Oh was that before he got sick, yikes germs lol.He is too adorable!

Anonymous said...

Who will not LOVE ADAM ????
He's so so sweet, gorgeous, kind & can SANG!!!
LOVE LOVE LOve how they adore him 2222222!!!

Anonymous said...

I so would like a similar jacket to Adam. Does anyone know where can I find a similar jacket. Thanks

Anonymous said...

Shhhhhhhhh the fur people will be after you.

daydreamin said...

@DRG, ummm, yes, just a couple of times. You are not alone! I want to know how he is feeling!

Anonymous said...

what did you wish for adam

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

you are an ass 12;26.

Anonymous said...

TommyJoeRatliff TommyJoe Ratliff

Back I'm America! Home stretch to la! ✈🍸
hace 41 minutos

from Barcelona

funbunn40 said...

What breath control! Adam blew out all 30 candles. What a happy group and nice that his b-day was extended. Hopefully Adam will be back in LA tonight. Hope he's feeling better.

Anonymous said...

He sure does "take the cake".

Anonymous said...

Adam is greatly loved in Germany, and everywhere by people who recognize such an amazing and talented man.

Anonymous said...

Anon 12:26 pm - Yes, the fur people, the people who are a voice for innocent, helpless animals. What's wrong with trying to promote compassion instead of torturous suffering?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps there is a site for that.