New Adam Lambert Picture and Interview from Sweden's Rebecka Stahl
Filed Under (interview,pictures ) by Admin on Monday, February 13, 2012
Posted at : Monday, February 13, 2012

From Adam Lambert Fan club:
Here is the interview I did with Bob & Adam Lambert last Sunday. Luckily, he was incredibly fun and easy-going to talk to, can imagine that it could have been harder to get a good interview of a different celebrity.
We met up at his hotel. Bob & I were so nervous that we thought we would throw up. Literally. When he finally walked in the room I wiped the sweat from the palms of my hand on my pants fast as hell before we shook hands, haha!
First of all, we saw your performance with Queen at the EMA's, I'm a huge Queen fan and I was happily surprised to see how great you filled Freddie Mercury's shoes, how was it for you to sing the songs of Such a legendary performer ?
Answer: When Queen asked me to performances with Them I was like "LET'S DO THIS" and got really excited, Because it was SUCH a big opportunity for me to grow as an artist, but Obviously It was nerve wracking as well. It was cool too work with the guys in the band Because They were really nice and supportive.
It's been almost three years since you released your last album, I'm sure you've Developed a lot as an artist, What Should we expect from your upcoming record "Trespassing"?
Answer: This one is definitely more staff, Because I Worked with this album for a longer time than my first record. With "For your entertainment" we recorded all the songs in three months. The biggest difference is that i was much more picky with the songs on this album, I turned down a lot of great melodies Because They did not feel like something I could sing about in this point of my life. My new record is me now. It's "Alpha 2012"
In the "better than I know myself" video we see two Different Adams, one angry tequila-drinking Adam and one calm meditating Adam, the heartbreak, Which one can you Relate to the most?
A: Haha! Actually neither. I feel like the angry tequila-drinking Adam is the worst I Can Become And The calm Adam is how I want to handle situational. I would say I'm somewhere in between.
It's only been a few years since you competed in American Idol and you've Become so huge really though, how has it been sudden Adjusting to your new lifestyle?
Answer: I still have not! I believe no one ever truly cannabis Be Prepared for what comes with fame. And I really think It's going to take a real long time for me to get distressed to this, if ever.
What are the major downsides with being a public person?
Answer: The lack of privacy, of course. And Also, for me it was very surprising to see how the homophobia was so out there. Growing up and coming out as gay had never been a problem before, and suddenly with the Youtube and the internet it Became so clear That homosexuality Is not totally accepted yet. It was something I did not expect, I thought we had grown past this.
So, Adam .. We've Prepared swedish music a little test for you, we're going to sing some songs and you-can guess Which musician sings it. If that's alright? Be Prepared to Be blown away by our amazing voices, we're not at all tone def!
Adam: Haha, hit me!
First up: Gimme gimme gimme (a man after midnight)
Adam: Oh, that's ABBA!
Alice & Rebekah: 50 points to Gryffindor!
Save the World
Adam: Is not that ... swedish house mafia?
Alice & Rebekah: Correct! 100 points to Gryffindor!
It must have been love
Adam: That's an oldie, Roxette?
Dancing on my own
Adam: I know this one! It's Robyn!
Whataya want from me
Adam: Haha, I got really confused at first! That's me!
Alice & Rebekah: We just wanted to check if you're awake or not!
The interview was first utplanerad in 20 minutes but we sat for almost an hour and discussed everything under the sun. Really fun and I'm so glad I got this opportunity!
Original in Swedish;
Här är intervjun jag & Bob gjorde med Adam Lambert förra söndagen. Som tur är var han otroligt rolig och lättsam och prata med, kan tänka mig att det hade varit svårare att få en bra intervju av en sur/trött kändis.
Vi möttes upp på hans hotell och här var både jag & Bob så nervösa att vi trodde vi skulle spy. Bokstavligen. När han till slut kom in genom rummet så torkade jag av handsvetten på byxorna fort som tusan innan vi skakade hand, haha!
First of all, we saw your performance with Queen at the EMA's, I'm a huge Queen fan and I was happily surprised to see how great you filled Freddie Mercurys shoes, how was it for you to sing the songs of such a legendary artist?
Svar: When Queen asked me to perform with them I was like "LET'S DO THIS" and got really excited, because it was such a big opportunity for me to grow as an artist, but obviously It was nerve wracking as well. It was cool too work with the guys in the band because they were really nice and supportive.
It's been almost three years since you released your last album, I'm sure you've developed a lot as an artist, what should we expect from your upcoming record "Trespassing"?
Svar: This one is definitely more personal, because I worked with this album for a longer time than my first record. With "For your entertainment" we recorded all the songs in three months. The biggest difference is that I was much more picky with the songs on this album, I turned down a lot of great melodies because they didn't feel like something I could sing about in this point of my life. My new record is me now. It's "Adam 2012"
In the "better than I know myself"-video we see two different Adams, one angry tequila-drinking Adam and one calm meditating Adam, in heartbreak, which one can you relate to the most?
Svar: Haha! Actually neither. I feel like the angry tequila-drinking Adam is the worst I can become and the calm Adam is how I want to handle situations. I would say I'm somewhere in between.
It's only been a few years since you competed in American Idol and you've become so huge really fast, how has it been adjusting to your sudden new lifestyle?
Svar: I still haven't! I believe no one ever can truly be prepared for what fame comes with. And I really think It's going to take a real long time for me to get used to this, if ever.
What are the major downsides with being a public person?
Svar: The lack of privacy, of course. And also, for me it was very surprising to see how the homophobia was so out there. Growing up and coming out as gay had never been a problem before, and suddenly with the Youtube and the internet it became so clear that homosexuality isn't totally accepted yet. It was something I didn't expect, I thought we had grown past this.
So, Adam.. We've prepared a little swedish music test for you, we're going to sing some songs and you can guess which musician sings it. If that's alright? Be prepared to be blown away by our amazing voices, we're not at all tone def!
Adam: Haha, hit me!
Först ut: Gimme gimme gimme (a man after midnight)
Adam: Oh, that's ABBA!
Alice & Rebecka: 50 points to Gryffindor!!!
Save the world
Adam: Isn't that… swedish house mafia?
Alice & Rebecka: Correct! 100 points to Gryffindor!
It must have been love
Adam: That's an oldie, Roxette?
Dancing on my own
Adam: I know this one! It's Robyn!
Whataya want from me
Adam: Haha, I got really confused at first! That's me!
Alice & Rebecka: We just wanted to check if you're awake or not!
Thanks to Adam Lambert Fan club!
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"Incredibly fun and easy going" - that's Adam! And the interviewer looks 12!
Now that was a fun interview, for everyone. They gave him an hour, unheard of. I was impressed that they were nervous to meet him, nobody admits that, although I am sure others are too. They definitely won't forget him, they all relaxed and had fun with it. :)
I think him being a homo makes it more appealing. it seems women wanna fix what they know they can't.
I don't remember ever heard, watch or read so many interviews of the same person in such a short time, talking or been asked about the same thing (more or less)and finding the answers always fresh, different and funny.I think that is because he's honest and open.He's not pretending to be anything but himself. He's a sweetheart. Keep it real Adam!!
Adam, you are too soft and sweet. Not all the time of course, but often enough. ^_^
Hi People just a couple ofquestions OT.
It looks like BTIKM hasnt reached our Music TV Channels yet, here in NZ, Does it need so many spins over there before it is shown here? I remember FYE and WWFM coming here real quick. The video is still not on itunes here either. GRRR
I also dont think it is being played much on the radio either altho I dont know that for sure as no radio at work.
I tell you guys it is hard and frustrating being an Adam Fan, its always a battle a worthwhile one. I feel he should be up there with the Divas etc or his girls as he calls them. Maybe its going to take more time I dont know, Bruno started roughly round the same time and look at him.
Sorry for the negativity, I just love him so much, and want the best, he works so hard.
If anyone can tell me how this all works I would appreciate it.
I am voting on Vevo and VH1 but cant actually see the VH1 video.
Jadam NZ
Jadam NZ
I feel exactly the same way sometimes. I just don't get why it seem to be harder for Adam to get to be known when there's lot of shity music out there....
but today I was shoping and the girl who attend the store was a Glambert and her husband too!! I just could believe it!!Here is hard to meet someone who knows him. So I think we should keep supporting Adam and the real talent will be known and appreciated around the world!
He is good at trivia!! I heard the mv is comming on iTunes tomorrow, anyone hear any different?
Fanart, so beautiful:
I miss his perfect eye make up, the more the better...I miss his royal fierceness...I miss HIM!
Anon 12:29
"homo" really? You apparently are not a fan.
"He is not pretending...". Remember you asked me something about telepathy...Well you read my mind again. Here is a verse which was supposed to be part of my last poem on Adam's light/dark side and which you liked. So here is the left-out verse in my final draft, about not pretending; Just for you, SG:
You tell as much as you can, you don't pretend
That's what I like most about you; why AllBerts trend
Day and night till their tether's end and heart's content
Adam, our trustworthy, endearing friend :)
Another great interview! <3
Thank you SO much!!! WOW!! a part of a poem just for me!:DDDD
I thing we all agree with that, right? Adam is always an open book, I'm not sure he can ressist to tell "the thing" about Queen for so long,heheheh
Girl, I'm starting to think we've got some kind of "connection power"!
If you had not mentioned about Adam not pretending, this verse, accidentally left out of my Adam light/dark side poem, would have been completely forgotten; because I usually don't check back on my rough drafts after my poem is published here. So since you stumbled on it, it belongs to you. This "connection power" you mentioned has been termed "thoughts through space" in a book written by an author who conducted experiments with his explorer friend and a psychologist. I read something quite fuzzy to me about this concept of telepathy which some claim cannot be proven, because our brains do not have this provision for receiving thoughts, from one person to another betweeen great distances, by telepathy. But some researchers think brain-waves can travel through space. Not proven. SG, I'm beginning to sound a bit cuckoo; we probably need another circle therapy session at the church basement!! LOL!! :)
I think we all need that basement session!! LOL!!Brain waves , I think you're right. God bless that CUCKOO!!! Adam's CUCKOO...remember!???heheheh
You keep obsessing about Adam's Cuckoo! Get a life! I mean the song...on second thought...oh now I remember, the password! LOL!! :)
You remember the password!!I'm inside the Club, waiting for you!!:D
About cuckoos late for me gonna be larger... than live....;);)
You are one Wild Whacko!! LOL!
Yea, you bet, I am coming in to the Cuckoo Club...feeling a bit scared. The people there must be wild like you! Oh my goodness, it's so dark in here! I'm looking for some light! Wow, I'm not so scared now; I hear Adam wailing! Whoa! What a voice!! Simplemente magnifico!! LOL!! :)
The wild one here!
It's dark but enough light, I'm here long blond hair about 5 feet from Adam!!
Don't be scare, I'll take care of you, all this people can be tamed!!
@1:53 pm actually Bruno started way earlier. He had a recording contract when he was younger but it didn't go anywhere. So, with everyone it takes time. Katy Perry had two failed recording contracts before she hit it big with this one. We don't always hear the stories, but I'd rather hear from someone who has paid their dues so-to-speak than most overnight successes. It's one of the reasons why we love Adam (not to fix him as one trollish comment that was said on this board) but to see the "success story" we all want. We've actually been a part of Adam's journey and it's been a wild journey of ups and downs. I see such progress and how he has made such a difference. Buy his video and vote at VH-1!
P.S. Happy Valentine's Day to all!
If you don't have a Valentine then help someone out with any kind will warm your heart.
Wow, that long blond-haired girl is you! Hey get closer to Adam...go go go!! I'll be right behind you! This is getting to be real sexciting!! Thank you SG for taking such good care of me. At least now I'm not so scared and yah, you sure have a way of taming all those wild ones! LOL!! :)
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