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Official Videos: Adam Lambert performing at B104 in Allentown, Pa.

Filed Under (,,, ) by Admin on Friday, February 17, 2012

Posted at : Friday, February 17, 2012

What Do You Want From Me (acoustic)

Better Than I Know Myself (acoustic)

Q and A


Anonymous said...

I am lovin' these radio promo acoustic performances! Adam's voice is that of an angel and Kevin blends wonderfully with Adam but does not take away from the magic of Adam's voice.


Anonymous said...

I looove Adam's morning voice, so much vigour, night voice too, actually all-day-long voice! LOL! At this point, I think due credit has to be given to Monte who practically reads Adam's voice. Maybe Tommy may be a better fit, because Tommy plays softly and sort of gels into Adam's voice with greater synchronisation. This performance is heavenly.

Anonymous said...

I am loving these radio performances very much also. I haven't tired of any interviews or Q&A's either.

Anonymous said...

I think that Kevin is great on guitar,keyboards,& back-up vocals,when needed.I'm glad that Adam found him.

Anonymous said...

I don't need cream for my coffee anymore:)))

Just listen to his voice it feels like I'm in the twilight zone indeed:)))

Loving it....


Anonymous said...

I've seen, I think, all the acoustic radio versions of BTIKM- This is my faviorite! I also think kevin is a great fit, but part of me feels so bad that montes not there. Anyone else feel the same? I hope they can make ammends someday. I just don't like long time relationships ruined in any shape or form, life's too short.



daydreamin said...

This is possibly my favorite acoustic performance of BTIKM also. I love the beautiful softer tones in this version. WOW!

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - Hope you come back and read this! Want to thank you sooooo much for your blurb the other day about Adam being on the VH1 - Morning Buzz show! Because of you, I turned on a program I never would have seen. I really appreciate when fans give the heads up when they hear of Adam related stuff. ... Adamluv

lorraine said...

I could listen to Adam from morning to night. I wonder if he gets tired singing the same songs. If so, he doesn't show it; each version is a masterpiece. He needs to be heard by millions-billions all over the world. I think Kevin is a real professional and knows how to accompany Adam vocally and instrumentally. If Adam doesn't want Monte with him now, then that's how it should be.Only the 2 of them know what went on behind the scenes and I trust Adam's judgement.

Anonymous said...

I loved the "banter" between Adam and the fans! He seemed so relaxed, and it was like just a conversation between friends. He sounds so genuine, caring, and funny. How fun it would be to just hang out with him! Man, I so want to meet him!!!

Adam please come to Texas!! Like
soon! Like NOW!! Plz.... :)

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

It's not my favorite performance of BTIKM but it's still great. :)

Anonymous said...

I realize I shouldn't say this but I would really love to hear Monte accompany Adam on this song. Kevin is great but there was something magical about Monte's guitar playing that blended perfectly with Adam's voice. Maybe one day they'll be friends or acquaintenances again.

HK fan said...

I don't miss Monte, Kevin seems a much better 'fit'. Had nothing against Monte, but visually he didn't seem to go with the others, always seemed much older than everyone else, and as though he was trying too hard to be young and edgy.

Anonymous said...

Hi 1:12
As the saying goes, we never miss the water till the well runs dry. Monte could feel and adjust to Adam's voice at a deeper level. I don't feel his guitar music competing with Adam's voice or drowning it out. Not surprising as they had worked together more than 10 years. They have great depth and connectivity and Monte is so sensitive to Adam's singing, they are almost flawless as a team.

Anonymous said...

Monte was the accomplished musician who had aspirations to be guitar leader of a rock band. He met Adam and thought this was his way to get where he wanted to go. He was the boss. In their few Citizen Vein performances Monte and his guitar dominate, you can hardly hear Adam. After Idol, Adams fame had turned the tables and Adam was the boss. But Monte as was his right still wanted to be the star on his own and his solo attempts were not money makers. He had some success because of his association with Adam. So when the sleazeballs wanted to cash in on Adam's new popularity Monte was all for it. He was the co-writer of those songs and it would boost his solo career. That's where they differed. Adam felt the songs were of inferior quality like the horrendous Take One demo songs and wanted to stop it. He tried to stop the Beg for Mercy album, Monte didn't. That was the bridge between the two of them and Monte burned it. It was a betrayal in Adam's eyes. Who is right and who is wrong, who knows, but it was the parting of the ways. Monte is an excellant guitarist, but a very mediocre singer and has little charisma. He's an awkward speaker and has no star quality. It's a shame their friendship is over but Adam must feel Monte was disloyal.
A sad affair all around.

Anonymous said...

Well I miss Monte's GUITAR. You really notice it in the acoustic WWFM and I would imagine that Aftermath, one of my favourite songs, will never sound the same on stage.

Whatever went on between them is their business but the stuff about Monte being a strictly journeyman musician is hooey. He got a signature guitar for a reason and his sound will be missed, even if he, personally, isn't.

It's really weird to me when fans check their ears at the door over non-musical stuff. Music is MUSIC and how it sounds is much more important than visuals or any other considerations.

That said Kevin has a great voice and is awesome on keyboards (NOT guitar). I loved the keyboard version of BTIKM. Glad he's working so closely with Adam right now because, as musical director he will be laying down the tracks for upcoming live performances (including the tour?)and the more he has worked with Adam, the better he will read him.

I love Tommy but even he would agree that Monte is a better guitarist. Hope he follows Monte's lead on the FYE songs and forges ahead with Adam's and Kevin's direction on the new ones. The next year will be a period of challenge and growth for him and I wish him well.

Anonymous said...

Morning, afternoon, night, Adam your voice is always amazing and your charming too.


Anonymous said...

Love Adam and Kevin together. Kevin is awesome.

Adam does sing like an angel.

Anonymous said...

I like the keyboard version of BTIKM better. It was a bit Adele over it. If Adam carry the quitar, Kevin can carry the keyboard to each performance. Please!


Anonymous said...

Kevin seems a great musician (‘visually-fitted’ indeed), but I do miss Monte Lee and his Southern, industrial rock stiffness (moistened only by his experience in the Industry and the will to please 'them', the money-making pop people). I loved his nail-polished fingers playing on those strings. And his (manly) eyelinered eyes. The daddy worked hard for the team (and for his own family), I think, and the ..Berts gave him his due (and more!). I don’t know what happened with them, but lately I’ve noticed he tries to avoid the Adam-related questions. I loved them as a team. They seemed to complement each other so well. Seemed...fitted.

Anyway, ‘star quality’... it’s good, but optional. ‘Human Quality’ is the base of all the other...‘optionals’. And it takes years (and some ‘special’ situations of life) to receive the ‘final’ result of an 'HQ analysis'.


mimi said...

Why isn't Adam in the Top 20 Countdown on VH1? I watched this morning and again, no Adam! What is going on---I have voted as much as they allow you to--Are all the Adam fans voting? Just asking, he should have at least made into the Top 20 somewhere! I am just very disappointed---so I had to sound off. Sorry, but where is the justice for such a talented artist?

Anonymous said...

usually a 2 week delay before video gets on VH1...Keep voting it will be there!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I watched it this morining, thinking for sure BTIKM would be on there. I'm not crazy about the song, but don't worry, it will be there next week or the next. You guys got it pretty high on itunes, so it WILL be on Vh1.
You've got to think about it - they have to count the votes, get the song line up, and then get some kind of outlined script for Jim Shearer - although it sounds as if most of his quips are ad-libbed. And, oh yeah, they have to get any quest appearances lined up too. It seems to me that it would take more than a day or two to get the entire production done and ready to air.

Adamluv said...

Did anyone else notice what a sweet lovely smile Kevin has? Probably not since all eyes are on Adam ........... but notice next time. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

RE: VH1 Top 20

Yeah, I waited all week for this show, just knowing that BTIKM would make the list! Boy, what a disappointment this morning! My suspicious mind wants to believe somethin screwy's goin on! I mean with all our voting, and the video's been one the top 5 requested on VH1, so I'm like, "what gives here?". I've calmed down now, but still wonder what's it going to take? I mean, BTIKM is so high quality, so much better than some of the vids I saw, it's just so frustrating!!

Ok, let's see next week. But, if it's not on next week, I think we need to launch a "Glambert Investigation" LOL....

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

Monte who?

Anonymous said...

Remember when Longineau Parsons left the band and Isaac Carpenter joined? We all missed Longineau but soon The Carp established himself and we now love him. LP didn't stab Adam in the back, he went back to his own band. Well, Monte has Madonna and she has a new album and is going on tour, so Monte would go with her anyway because the money's better.

As they say $hit happens and this time it happened to be for the best.

HK fan said...

I read this morning over on MJ;s that VH1 top has a 2 weeks delay with this new format.

funbunn40 said...

I like Kevin an especially his keyboard playing, but disappointed as I am in Monte and the way he and Adam parted, I do think he was the best talent guitarwise with Adam. I had met him at several venues and he always was very accommodating and nice to fans. He also was so in tune with Adam musically. He could easily anticipate and adjust to Adam's spontaneous changes. That comes with their many years together and Monte is a good musician, but he also wanted to also make his own music and I think his wife also interfered and may have had a big influence on how it all turned out. I also think Longineau is a more accomplished drummer, but Isaac is a better fit socially. I'm commenting strictly on my feelings of musical talent,experience and ability at this moment in time. Tommy is cute, but I don't think he's there yet, experience wise. He just doesn't seem strong or powerful enough yet, but he looks good on stage! Many of you may disagree, just my opinion. My ultimate fantasy would to have Queen or a group of that caliber to back up Adam's songs. He deserves a band or orchestra as powerful and experienced as he is.

HK fan said...

I don't miss Longineau, didn't warm to him that much, think personality wise Isaac is much betterer...
was never that enamoured of Monte either, visually to me he didn't fit in with the others, whereas Kevin seems to fit like a glove.
But at the end of the day, I don't follow the band or get that invested in them, although I do think the current set up is better than the last one.

Anonymous said...

@funbunn40, I agree with you about the type of band Adam deserves. I would love more brass instruments when he is on the big stage. I also agree about the experience of his past and current band members.

tess4ADAM said...

AS for me ... I don't care who plays the music for ADAM ... as long as ADAM is the STAR attraction. In all the videos w/Monte ... I felt that he 'solo'ed quite a bit ... especially in the Cit. Vein vids ... some of them you could hardly hear ADAM b/cuz Monte was drowning him out with the guitar. JMO ... but I feel as though the guys that ADAM now has are a perfect fit for this promo tour. ADAM's Vocals are 'front 'n center' ... as they should be. JMO

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

daydreamin said...

@adamluv...thank you so much for the shout out!!