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Shoshonna Stone Says Adam Lambert's Second Single To Be Announced Soon!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 26, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, February 26, 2012

POST BY Glitzylady:

A NEW SINGLE coming soon???!!!

Saw this on Twitter a little while ago: Hmmmm.... sounds like things are coming along for the next single release..WooHoo!!! Adam said yesterday on the Saturday Night Online Chat that they have it narrowed down to 2 possibilities: Personally thinking "Cuckoo", which sounds like it'll be a huge hit, or "Trespassing" the title track which would make sense to introduce the album.....But guess we'll see soon enough!!! I'm leaning toward Cuckoo because it sounds like it'll be crazy fun..and a great dance song..

Let the speculation begin!!![ Remember that Shoshonna Stone is Adam's Uk management rep...]

@ms_julliette @shoshannastone thank you :) glamberts can't wait!! ))
(In reply to shoshanna stone)

@shoshannastone @ms_julliette will announce soon!
(In reply to Julia)

@ms_julliette@shoshannastone when @adamlambert's 2nd single will be released? other artists release single after single, only Adam does once in a century

Which Song Do You Want To Be 2nd Single? free polls 


Anonymous said...

It's difficult to choose when I haven't heard them. Frustrating and exciting at the same time!

Anonymous said...

For me, it's either "TRESPASSING" or "OUTLAWS OF LOVE".

Anonymous said...

I'm going with Cuckoo. Haven't heard it, but I'm curious. Voted.

Anonymous said...

Outlaws of Love is beautiful, but too quiet for the next single. I think this next one has to come our like gangbusters. Crazy and upbeat. Like Cuckoo. JMO

Anonymous said...

As far as I never heard any gig from 'Cuckoo" I voted for "Tresspassing".
@anon 3:04PM I still curious about BTIKM as a first single choice. But I'm absolutely love the "Tresspassing":)

Adamluv said...

I voted Trespassing just by hearing the acoustic version. No matter how lovely OOL might be IMO it would be a hugh mistake to have it as a single due to its message. Sad but true. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

have't heard all of them

Anonymous said...

I def do NOT think Trespassing will ever make a good single from the little I've heard. Way out there and I did NOT like what i heard. Outlaws of Love is by far the gayest song I've ever heard and needs to stay tucked away. I dunno, all of these songs are starting to sound really bad. Probably why album delayed again. PLEASE someone talk sense into Adam and let the pros put an album together for him that will sell! Rihanna, JLo, Britney, etc...they spend no time "making" albums b/c they know thats not their forte.

Anonymous said...

3 26 you would be a great manager

Anonymous said...

OT: Did any if you see Pharrell Williams on the red carpet tonight? I saw him a few times! I wonder if Adam is watching.

Anonymous said...

From the people talking that heard songs they were very excited about Cuckoo, so I went with that. BUT great news BTIKM went from 31 to #28 on HAC mediabase!! Spins are happening and I think RCA will wait for the song to climb into the top 20 before releasing another single. Kind of like Kelly with MKIA then Stronger. Plus the second single will probably push BTIKM even higher. JMO.

Anonymous said...

I would love to kno the real reasons they are delaying this album. But out of all the songs I've heard, I love "Get Over It". But I don't know if it will even be on the album.

Anonymous said...

@3:32 Your comment was cute. Yes maybe 3:26 would make a better manager than what Adam already has because everyone that heard the songs gave it such bad reviews LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

@3:59 Get Over It did not make the album. Did not fit with the vibe which like Adam said is a bit funky. Get over it sounded like something from the pre idol days type of music, wasn't crazy about it. So excited to hear this album, I know it will be up for a Grammy next year. That's my prediction and I am sticking to it!

tess4ADAM said...

Tresspassing ... the one I saw/heard on Ytube .. has a really catchy beat/vibe ... and a subtle message ... very upbeat but not loud ... that's my choice. Maybe Outlaws of Love later on once the album has been released ... but SHADY sounds interesting too by the description from ADAM!! We'll just have to wait & see what ADAM & his people feel is right for #2 .. after all ADAM is the EXECUTIVE Producer so he has the final say.

@3:26PM ... just HOW do you know what goes on behind the scenes on other artists albums?? Care to share??

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

To second anon @3:59, I haven't heard too many bad reviews. Where have you heard them?
I've heard nothing but good reviews. Maybe those reviews were biased for some reason, I don't know...but anyhow, all I've heard is good things about it.

tess4ADAM said...

Oops!! TRESPASSING ... sorry for the blooper!! I know better than that!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

@anon 3:26pm Finally, somebody said the truth about all of these singles and album delaying. And this is big suprise for me that nobody call you the troll. I made almost the same comment just few weeks ago. Guess what? I was named as a troll, somebody asked me to leave this blog.
However, finally, some of you ladies, relised that Adam needs new management.

Anonymous said...

6 months tour, 6 months- new album, 4 monthes tour-8 months new album!It was Queen's golden rule! They release new album almost every year!

Anonymous said...

Did you hear any of these songs except gay anthem "Outlaws Of Love" and small part of "Tresspassing"?
Adam, your fans can't wait to get your album. However, do you know that there are not so many fans left?Don't care about international, US fans make the market. And there aren't very good numbers of sales anymore.
Or, don't be upset, numbers of donations.
Yes, performance with Queen will bring a lot of money. But it will not bring a lot of fans:(

Alexandra said...

I don t like Tresspassing. It s ok but not a single. Adam s voice is so beutiful but all the songs I heard from this new album aren t so good...Hope they will make a good decision.

Anonymous said...

This site is making me sick with negativity. These people with comments about his album not being good, are you the DJ's that heard them haha.Bye bye trolls!

Anonymous said...

I can't vote yet until I hear the album yet.....

Trespassing is interesting but still, I would like to hear everything yet in my opinion:)


Anonymous said...

got to say my heart dropped when I heard of yet another delay. It has been a long time since album 1. I am looking forward to a new song. OK i am getting a little worried now.

Alexandra said...

In my opinion to be a complete artits, a singer who has a lot of fans must release a single at maximum 6 months, because people who don t hear you ,forget you .
Sorry for my bad english

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Adam, please, join the Queen and close the show. You're nice guy. But you didn't catch the moment. If you would release bad album year ago you would be forgiven by2,000,000 of your fans. You don't have so many fans anymore.

Anonymous said...

I'm not worried. There will be more casual fans. Actually, I'm a casual fan too. :)

Anonymous said...

Remember the sizes of the GNT venues. They were small..

Anonymous said...

4:45 agree!!!

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 4:45, I'm a casual fan of Adam's too. I'm sorry, I'm just not as obsessed as some others seem to be. I care more about discussing Adam's musical direction than most of the other stuff(his looks, who he's dating, etc...) I'm very interested in hearing this album. I know he's got a lot of people writing or cowriting with him, but I honestly would love to hear a collection of songs written and produced strictly by Adam alone. But I don't know if that's the direction he wants to go with his career or not. Maybe he just wants to be a singer of great songs? Anyway I'm interested to see the credits on this one.

Anonymous said...

Zel said, I have not heard any of the album versions so I cannot judge. Probably should be the most upbeat and catchy one.
I hope Adam continues to produce albums from his ♥ because he is an artist. Many of the icons of the past never had a #1 hit. They sure as hell never produced their songs via the pop machine!

Anonymous said...

Definately 'Trespassing'! It's contagious in every single way.
Outlaws of Love is beautiful but not the right single to hit right now. You need something with a punch, something out there and hit people in the face and lodged into the brain....Trespassing is the one! You have to think logically.
Oh, you should try some of the international promotions..they are spot on.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 4:41, thank you - I feel the same, negativity here is so depressing!

The ONLY song "regular fans" have heard from the new album as it will be on the album is BTIKM - so please stop delivering verdicts of other songs based on snippets, acoustic performances, demos or hearsay, before the album is out and you have heard finished songs!

All complainers and naysayers:
Do you think this negativity brings new fans to Adam?!!
Lighten up and have faith in Adam, GEESHH!!

Anonymous said...

How the heck can you judge Cuckoo when you haven't even heared the me!

Anonymous said...

fye was made in 2 months

Anonymous said...

Don't underestimate him and use all energy towards the positives.
SImply can't believe how people complain about trivial moments turning this way and that, following like sheep. Adam is in control and we need to be too. His put up with enough crapola this week from negative remarks.

Anonymous said...

Adam will prevail there's no doubt about that. The lack of faith in him always amazes me. Clearly many
don't know how intelligent Adam.
He's a true professional.

Anonymous said...

no trespassin that's what it said at least that's what I can read. No Trespassing Yeah my ass!

Anonymous said...

it was great that's when I climbed that optimistic vein. I'll shine when I wanna shine YEAH

Anonymous said...

sayin' who are you and where are ya from we don't like when visitors come. No trespassin' that's what it said at least that's what I can read No trespassin' yeah my ass wait to ya get a load of MEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Anonymous said...

So Adam is sitting at Elton John's table tonight at Elton's Grammy party. Also Katy Perry is at Elton's table. Not too shabby for someone who will have a flop of an album LOL! You go Adam and TRESPASS your cute ass off!!!

Anonymous said...

I think Trespassing or Cuckoo but whatever Adam and his team decide is good for me. I am stuck like glue to Adam and his music.

Anonymous said...

@3:26 are you adam lambert manager

Anonymous said...

Pictures of Adam at Elton John's Oscar Viewing Party are gorgeous !!!


Anonymous said...

Elton John touched Adams face with full of amazement indeed:)

Adam deserved to be respected and acknowledged because he is a brave young man.

So proud to be your fan Adam and you deserve all the success after the hardship you have been encountered before. Now it's your time and we all here for you my dear.


Anonymous said...

I 'm sorry I got half way through the comments and said to myself- lot's of negativty here or trolls. This poll is stupid, whereas we haven't even heard the songs yet? Yes, heard trespassing -loved it, but why this poll- it's stupid! I have to say this, even if adam's new album doesn't shoot to number 1 or get nominated for grammys or what-ever- I love this guy and will still follow him even if he doesn't make it big in mainstream music ,IMO he's so much better than the crap that's out there and maybe that's why he might not make it- sad but true, different era of music and adam is so beyond all of it! I voted simply based on lyrics, vocals and the song that moved me which was OLL! I know it won't be played on mainstream, but that's the problem today!

Anonymous said...

Everyone's entitled to his/her opinion, but I must say that the negativity on this thread is really disturbing and surprising. Is this how we support Adam? By dumping on the project that he's put his heart and soul into, and that he says defines him as an artist? Really?? The album hasn't enen been released!! Please give this incredible singer the leap of faith that he so deserves - and has earned - from his fans.

Anonymous said...

Where are these pictures from Elton John's party?

Anonymous said...

on mjs blog. I saw photos their with Elton John and Katy Perry and Sauli

daydreamin said...

Pictures of Adam at Elton John's party...

Anonymous said...

Elton John's party was earlier.

Some of you are confusing this with the Oscars which were tonight.

Anonymous said...

Lots and lots of yummy photos of Adam and STARS at Elton John's Oscar party....tonight!

Adam and Sauli look elegant Hollywood Elite!!!!!!!!!!!

tess4ADAM said...

Go to Google ... then Just Jared article ... several pics of ADAM w/ Sauli .. Katy .. and Smokey Robinson!! Doesn't sound so UNsuccessful to me. ADAM is hanging with the A-Listers .. trolls ... STOP raining on his parade!! ADAM is our leader & TRUE fans follow ... NOT .. CRITICIZE!!! Can I get a "HELL!! YEAH!! from all TRUE ADAM fans!?!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

tess4ADAM said...

Just came from .. ... LOADS of GORGEOUS pics of ADAM & Sauli at Elton John's AIDS Foundation Party with Elton & other celebs + a link for more photos AND a gif of ADAM & Sauli at The BLONDS show!!

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Based on all the fab reviews by critics and DJs, I would vote for "Cuckoo"! It's supposed to be a fun, crazy, dance-club ready song! And would be a nice change from the angsty (yet beautiful) BTIKM. And probably a great Spring/Summer type song!

I got so distracted from watchin the Oscars tonite with all the pics being tweeted of Adam n Sauli at Elton John's Oscar viewing party! Wow, Adam sittin next to Katy Perry AT Elton's table! Pics with Elton, who's so obviously a fan! He's in the "big leagues" now! There's pics of him with Smokey Robinson, Neil Patrick Harris, and Steven Tyler too! Plus, he looked totally fabulous n sexy!

Enuf of the negativity! Let's be happy Adam was invited to a real "A-Lister" party, get ready for BTIKM on vh1 next Sat, and excited for the next single!!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

glitzylady said...

Whoa! Just checking in here and saw this post. Who knew! : ))

Glad there are those who lightheartedly took the administrators poll and had fun thinking about the possibilities for the next single, whenever it might come out...and whatever it might be.

Its not like we've heard all of these songs yet..but there HAVE been a fair amount of reviews, and I must say RAVE reviews and descriptions of the songs, so for those who have seen them printed here or elsewhere, we can not only express an opinion (or wild guess) about what might be a great new single but we can also be relatively assured that Adam will have more than a little success with the new CD.

For some hints into what the music industry people who have been lucky enough to hear some are some links:

There are a few more known tracks not reviewed here..but its a start.

Anonymous said...

The SAME person is posting negative bullshit on this topic!! IGNORE IT!!!

Anonymous said...

ADAM AT ELTON JOHN'S PARTY - WOAH! "OUR" BOY IS IN THE BIG LEAGUE NOW!! :-D Adam has mentioned in interview that he'd love to collaborate with Elton and that would be truly sublime. Imagine Adam performing with Elton and his band - that would be more than EPIC!! Elton's concerts are 3 hours long of the maestro himself.

Not qualified to vote on this poll because I've only heard 3 of Adam's new songs so far. However, I voted.

The negativity on this site is appalling. Obviously, it doesn't come from true fans of Adam. 6 months is NOT long enough to make a DECENT album. Katy Perry has released a string of songs but to the best of my knowledge, they're all from one album.

Anonymous said...

C'mon, people! The only song we've heard in its album-recorded form is BTIKM. Of course, we haven't heard the album versions of the other songs! We've just heard live performances, acoustic, snippets,etc. We have to go by respected reviewers, who, by the way, seem to really be excited about most of the songs on the album. I chose Cuckoo for the second single, not because I've heard it, but because the reviewers loved it and it sounds like a real grab-ya kind of song. Trespassing is great, too. I'm tired of these silly posts about how Adam is losing fans, etc. His fanbase is thriving. If you're losing interest, then goodbye. There are at LEAST two or more hit song on the new album, probably more.

Adam said he has lots of songs recorded, way too many for the album. This second album is his first "baby." His third album most likely won't take so long.

Anonymous said...

Trespassing isn't a real "tuneful" song. More of a chant. I'd like a song that's more melodic. Maybe Cuckoo is more like it. OOL is beautiful but too quiet.

Anonymous said...

Who knows what makes a hit single anymore. I hear such "garbage" on the radio or on the tv music channels along with the videos that border almost on pornographic with the near nudity, gyrations, liquor bottles and crass or unintelligible lyrics. The song is auto-tuned and whatever else they can do to it. And yet itsells, becomes a hit. Go figure. Consider the age of the listening/buying audience. I certainly am way out of that demographic. I want to appreciate the music,the beat, the lyrics, the performer such as Adele and, of course, Adam Lambert. He either can make an album filled with "crap" so it sells or make one that is meaningful, exciting, crazy and upbeat, funky,etc., songs that represent him and show his superb voice. We really haven't heard the final cuts of any other singles, so how can we judge what the second single should be. I would guess it would have to be radio friendly, catchy and upbeat to get the listening audience. BTIKM doesn't seem to have done so well according to what I have read. Who knows the reason. Hopefully, whatever Adam's second single will be,it will be a giant hit for him and then spark interest in the album.

Anonymous said...

Same here, it's hard to say without hearing the songs, but I choose Shady, because I think that's the funky disco tune. Disco forever. :)

Anonymous said...

Shady is supposed to be very sexy, but we don't know if it's slow or fast or medium tempo or what. The reviewers liked it a lot.