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VH1 Big Morning Buzz Live Episode 14 w ADAM LAMBERT (2-16-12)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Anonymous said...


Adam on Finnish MTV3's program "45 Minutes" (Adam's part = 7 min)

Anonymous said...

I know all this hard work will pay off for Adam. Hang in there boy.

Anonymous said...

JAK here...........What a pretty vivacious girl! Two good looking examples of American youth!( I consider 30 a youth!)

Adamluv said...

"Smouldering" says it all!

Anonymous said...

She hugged him, touched and almost touched him like several times, looked like she would have wanted to touch him all the time...- can't blame her...LOL, LOL


Anonymous said...

Fun interview...both seem like they were having a good time and enjoying themselves. Adam does look exceptionally great lately doing all these promos. I like this new look which is stylish, edgy and yet comfortable . He knows what looks good on him and what designers suit his taste. I, too, hope all this hard work pays off for Adam with a very successful sophomore album. He certainly deserves it.

Anonymous said...

What a great interviewer .... so bubbly and enthusiastic .... and Adam, of course, was wonderful. They seemed to connect really well. I could've listened to a whole lot more.

Anonymous said...

Just like to point out a few things regarding this interview. The girl said that Adam's new video appears to be somewhat Schizophrenic, and Adam then said that there are multiple personalities all over the place. While I can see that they ment no harm with their comments they are very misinformed about Schizophrenia, it has nothing to do with having a split personality or multiple personalities, the illness in no way effects a persons personality, it's a mental illness that causes people to have a chemical imbalance within the brain causing delusions, auditory hallucinations, sensory and visual hallucinations, these symptoms are controlled with medication allowing people to live a relatively normal life with the right sort of support.

There are so many misconceptions regarding this illness and I think it's important to fill people in on the true facts, these people are not crazy as the media would have them portrayed they have an illness no different to any other disease. It saddens me to see that so many still have little understanding of this disease as many people suffering from it find it hard enough without the discrimination that goes with it.

The reason I feel so strongly about this is because my son has suffered from this illness for the past 17 years so I'm sure you can understand that why I like to inform people to let them know about the true nature of this disease. I understand that both the girl and Adam in this interview in no way singling out anyone, still these comments may lead to further misunderstandings, hence my reason for setting the record straight.

Adamluv said...

@Anon 4:46 - thank you so much for your informative comment. I learned a lot that I didnt know before. Hope your son is receiving the help that he needs and is able to lead a happy life. ... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

@ 4:46 a.m..........OT

That was very interesting, thank you for sharing. I learn so much on this site. Sometimes getting a diagnosis is difficult. When my daughter was little, she was delightful, most of the time, but kicking dents in the door at others. I kept describing her behaviour to doctors and they just said "don't worry about it, she'll grow out of it", well she didn't. Extreme highs and lows made puberty very difficult.
Then I found a Dr. that LISTENED to me!I said "do you know this nursery rhyme?" "There was a little girl who had a little curl right in the middle of her forehead, when she was good she was very very good, when she was bad she was horrid!" He immediately said "bi polar". She was diagnosed, given meds for the "lows" became Homecoming Queen, married a doctor and has lived happily ever after.You have to find someone who will listen and then find the right meds. Not always an easy thing. I hope your son has found the meds that will help him. You sound like a great mom.