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Videos of Adam Lambert in Sweden

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, February 5, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, February 05, 2012

Adam Lambert says "Hello Jessie"
jlarssson: "When Adam Lambert was in Sweden, I met him. I did get two hugs, two pics, one autographs and talked to him :)"


Anonymous said...

Always such a sweetheart!!!

And this picture lacks NOTHING (except his VOICE!) --- UBER-HANDSOME, GORGEOUS and DEFINITELY NOT PHOTOSHOPPED...Thank you, Zambiaglambert!


Anonymous said...

JAK here...

Oh My!.....Thank you GGD Gal !

Adamluv said...

@GGD Gal - I also have to say thank you! That picture is one of the best I've ever seen. Uber-handsome is da truth!!!!!!... Adamluv

Anonymous said...

Hey JAK, oh my ... indeed!

Quiet night in 24/7 Paradise - is everybody watching Super Bowl?

GGD Gal, wishing you Happy Sunday
(and signing off for today)

Anonymous said...

@Adamluv - how is it even possible for ONE man to be so MULTILAYERED-LY (is that a word?) HANDSOME and BEAUTIFUL and... and..

GGD Gal, really signing off now...promise (have to go, grhhh)

Anonymous said...

I'm watching the SB. How about that Madonna! The girl certainly still has it.

Anonymous said...

Madonna and Kelly were great at the Super Bowl. And...uummm...Monte was there! Lucky guy!

Anonymous said...

"Oh my" is correct. I just saw the pic! Breathtaking!!

Anonymous said...

Watching SB off and on. Saw Madonna. don't care for her new song, but Like a Prayer was awesome. The whole production was great and she still looks fantastic. I like her older music, but haven't heard the whole album yet. Smart putting Nikki Minaj (spelling)? forgetting the younger fans.

Anonymous said...

I meant for getting not forgetting. Oops that was an ironic slip haha.

Anonymous said...

Why 3 clips with Adam saying 'Hello Jessie'?? lol Perhaps there was a glitch in the system. Adam is looking MIGHTY FINE as usual.

Anonymous said...

P.S. There was a glitch in MY system not here. Adam said 'Hello Jessie' only once, of course.

Anonymous said...

Game was great. Never like Madonna. She was okay. However, I think this stillettos is to high for her. Poor think she almost felt down on the middle of the 1st song:(:(:(
I love Kelly performance. She is amazing!
I'm so glad that I didn't see Nicki M. because I checked BTIKM' number of views on youtube.Hate this girl

Anonymous said...

Adam is stunning and lovely as usual. Lucky girls! As for Madonna, I thought she did ok, but it looked a little ordinary to me. Kelly did very well. She played with the melody a little, but not too much.

Anonymous said...

What a sweetheart! I've used that phrase a lot lately after seeing some of the vids with Adam in Europe on his promo tour. He is just so personable and approachable with these fans. And how can one person be even better looking each time you see him. These girls were so lucky to get an autograph and to have their pictures taken. Things seem to be going well for Adam and I can't wait for TRESPASSING to come out in March.

Anonymous said...

Can't believe that BTIKM still didn't make any charts on Billboard:(

lorraine said...

Thank you GGD.Adam's profile is gorgeous. He truly is the most handsome man I have ever seen-in person and in pictures!

Anonymous said...

SB_ I thought kelly was amazing! Hate nicki minagi (her music is dreadful) O.K used to hate kessha but now i like her so much better than before. Omg being an adam fan has really got my awarenesss with top 40 crap, whats new , whose hot ect- I feel I have to keep up because our BB is in this top 40 genre. My family is amazed that i know every song on the radio by every singer today- I hate it all mind you (most of it) but I keep up because adam is trying to get to this top 20 shitlist so I pay attention!lol

Anonymous said...

BTIKM mv view counts reached 1 million last night at midnight. Right now the view count is almost 1.6 million. 600K were added in 20 hours. WOW!!! That would be awesome if by the end of this month it reaches 18 million views.

HK fan said...

Although I like a lot of Madonnas old stuff, and she used to do great videos and shows,but when you really listen to it, you realise that she's not really a very strong singer. haven't seen the SB performance, saw her on The Graham Norton show the other night, she didn't come across as very personable...(is that a word), in other words she didn't come across as very nice.

funbunn40 said...

I missed Kelly's performance,and thought Madonna did a decent job. It was quite a production. I've liked her earlier work, until she seemed to be more interested in shock value then music and developed affectations. I also think she really has little interest in conecting with fans on a personal level. Adam is such a contrast interacting with the "common folk." He's so pleasant and accomodating when there is time. I get the sense that she would rather not be bothered. She also has been in the music business for a long tie and it can get old. I hope Adam never becomes jaded and loses his enthusiasm and personal connection to us. I think he is basically an open, very giving personality and like Elvis will always be appreciative of his fans.

Anonymous said...

I've just watched Kelly sing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl. Wow! She was good and she looked great as well.

Anonymous said...

I know Adam likes Madonna but I've never been a fan of hers. I guess she's not about to retire any time soon.

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....Hi funbunn40

I'm sure you'll understand that I mean this as a compliment...Adam's personalty reminds me of a dog! A golden lab puppy masquerading as a black lab. Enthusuastic, curious, loyal, genuinely likes people, frisky, loving, never still (or quiet) and if he had a tail it would be constantly wagging.

In short...completely lovable!

Anonymous said...

Adam gets awarded in Sweden,and he will perform tonigt at the QX awards.I will see him on tv saturday:))You can go to Adam and see more.
Peace and love from Norway

Eva!! I miss you

Anonymous said...

Lovely pic. Lovely guy.

He was the same way in the last promo tour. Relaxed, rested and ready to chat. So sweet. it's been a long time coming but worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

Short vid Adam singing Whataya Want from Me (from Sweden):

Anonymous said...

New news from Sweden. Adam will perform tonight at the QX awards (gay gala) in Sweden. It will be broadcasted on Swedish television on Friday.

Here the interview on rix fm, Adam’s part starts at 1:30.

The interviewer said afterwards that he didn´t dear to ask anything about the "Finland incident" because Adam looked so intense on him. Good job, Adam! ; ) But why didn’t they play BTIKM!!!

It’s true that (some) people from Scandinavia have glowing eyes, as Adam says in the interview. I worked one summer in a souvenir shop in the German Alps. I could almost tell from the customer’s eyes if they were Scandinavian, because it is something glowing with their eyes, both blue and brown ones, no matter of the hair color. Adam has noticed that too, (and got himself a souvenir.Lol! ; ))


Anonymous said...

He looks so ridiculous in that fur. And heartless and vain too. He's so against bullying and yet he wears the fur and leather of animals who are brutally and fatally bullied. Shame on him! I used to be a huge Adam fan but as of today I am a fan no more.

Anonymous said...

funbunn40 12.03

Thanks for your comment, that's exactely what I think about her.I also think Adam is just on the other side,Thank God!!:DD Everytime he hugs someone he really mean it!! He's really adorable...


glitzylady said...

Article from Sweden: with Google translation:

Kulturbloggen Article "Adam Lambert at Mix Megapol Unplugged" from Sweden

"Adam Lambert at Mix Megapol Unplugged"
Submitted by Editor on February 6, 2012 - 14:22 No Comment

The American singer / songwriter had an exclusive acoustic gig at Mix Megapol in Stockholm. About a month he releases his new album Trespassing and he is in Stockholm to do promotion for it.

He expressed very cool versions of the songs "Whataya Want from Me" and Fever. He also pointed out the songs "Better Than I Know Myself" and Trespassing is the title track from his upcoming album. His new songs are more personal and not so much mainstream, they are more genuine.

When Adam sat on the chair on the stage, he said that it "feels like my own living room." That was exactly how it was really nice and a very special moment.

Mix Megapol's premises worked very well in this context. They were about 50 people who had had a chance to see him there, very lucky selected fans.

He even joked that the stage and talked to different dialects, the audience laughed when he tried to sound like an Italian from Eastern Europe. During one of the songs, it seemed that Adam would start crying, he had a twinkle in his eye. He radiated that he was happy and pleased, he smiled even when he drank his cup of tea.

When he would sing the song "Whataya Want from Me" sang wrong in the second verse, he dropped the text and asked jokingly audience "how does the text?". They sang along and filled in the parts of the song. Sing-along that was cozy and very intimate. The fans who had traveled from Gothenburg said that Adam is the most musical that ever set foot in Sweden. Afterwards, he let himself photographed with his admirers, and wrote very nice autographs.

Anonymous said...

Love the radio interview when he burps and calls it yodeling. HA! Adam spreads joy wherever he goes!

glitzylady said...

Picture of Adam from Swedish article above at 6:41 AM:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Adam is a little under the weather):( last twitter post)I sure hope he gets over that bug very soon!!Get well,BB!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Adam picked up that bug that the band just had. Hope he's ok to do his performance in Sweden. Tommy just tweeted that he slept really well and feels better. It will be good when they all get home and get healthy. Lots of promo to do in the US.

5:09 If someone's coat makes you not be a fan any longer, well then, goodbye. I hope you don't eat any kind of animal product, wear any leather or other animal goods of any kind, swat flies, step on ants or kill mosquitoes, etc.

Anonymous said...

@5:09 AM "I can be obnoxious at times, but see my heart" I'm paraphrasing here. The good Adam does far outweighs whatever anyone could find objectionable.

Anonymous said...

I think Adam changing lyrics on WWFM is on purpose cause he wants to promote his new album not the old one. He performs two songs from FYE that people are familiar with but he puts his whole heart when he performs BTIKM, OOL, and Trespassing. Good business strategy by our smart Adam. Hope he sells millions of his album.

Anonymous said...

Dear Adam,please please please stop wearing fur, honey! You´ll find warm clothes without any fur too! You are so hearty and sweet, and I´m sure you will throw away all fur clothes if you just think about what does it mean to poor animals... :(

Hope you´ll be well soon and have a safe home trip!!! All the best to you.. Your new album is gonna be amazing!! :)

Anonymous said...

Please please please quit nagging about fur, he can't hear you, but you're really aggravating me! I don't wear fur, never will wear fur, I "save" polar bears, baby seals and am a member of Greenpeace but that's my decision. Adam decides for Adam.Get Over It!

Anonymous said...

The comparison of wearing fur to stepping on ants or killing mosquitoes is ridiculous. Neither ants nor mosquitos are held in small cramped cages until it's time to be killed. And the former dont have an electrical rod stuck up their ass to electrocute them so as not to damage the pelt. The problem with educating yourself as to the truth behind the fur business is then you have to make a moral decision to support the barbaric fur trade or not! Most people really dont want to know the dirty little secrets behind our treatment of animals.

Anonymous said...

I grew up on a farm we raised cows pigs we rode horses I had a pet cow , dog ,goat cat. I also ate are own beef pork wore leather that is what animals are for. If some one has never had a hambuger steak or bacon or cooked with some type of animal lard then they are missing a lot but I do & I love Adam so before people talk about what some wears or eats think real long & hard if you ever did that.

Anonymous said...

I always sort of figured God provided plants and animals to sustain humans. If that wasn't his plan he would have left Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden with a large jar of vitamins and unending supply of food supplements.

Can we please let Adam's wardrobe be between him and HIS conscience.
And, could you please suffer in silence? Spend a little time thinking about the peole in Syria who are being slaughtered daily by their government. Or the fact that in this country people are going to bed hungry. Though according to witless Mitt the poor are well taken care of by their safety net!!!! The brainless empty suit!

Anonymous said...

No, I'm sorry, I will not be quiet about the suffering of living things that have no voice. YOU get over it!!!!
Us animal rights activists will absolutely continue on as we see fit. And the sooner you all stop wasting your time building shrines to this singer and drooling over a guy you will NEVER have, the better you and your family members will be.

Anonymous said...

This is 8:15. Sorry for my angry post. I wish I could remove it. Please disregard it.

Anonymous said...

@ 8:20 a.m.

I won't disregard it, but I do understand your passion, I was actually amused by the thought of a shrine. I am not unaware of animal cruelty, as I mentioned in another post I am a member of Greenpeace, am presently in a group trying to get orcas freed from SeaWorld, I personally have no problem with an occasional fit of anger. Proves we're human.
PEACE. I will now shut my mouth!

Anonymous said...

Anon. 6:43 pm - Good comment. You are so right about everything you wrote! Unfortunately and sadly I think the majority of Adam's fans will see nothing wrong with wearing it either no matter how they may personally feel about it, because it seems they will never, ever oppose what he finds acceptable. Pitiful.