Adam Lambert at The Bert Show
Filed Under (Better Than I Know Myself ) by Admin on Thursday, March 8, 2012
Posted at : Thursday, March 08, 2012
Better Than I Know Myself

Better Than I Know Myself

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I lose track of time listening to Adam's interviews. Glad when she said it was the biggest studio audience ever.
I love listening to Adam-sing-speak-laugh.
He is just outstanding, and I just can never get enough.
I just want to say that there's no use in having that person telling you they love you all the time if they do nothing to show it. This is a direct reference to the "I don't always say I love you, but I'm here" comment Adam made. Personally I prefer for that special someone to show me how much they love me and how much they care and be loyal.
Another great interview!!!
The vocals are PERRRRFECTTTTO, so so soothing with my morning coffee:)
Adam u r the one !
Can't wait for "TRESSPSSSING"
In response to Leilani Aloha:
See, this is what is fantastic about music. Each person listens to it differently. I much preferred Adam's previous (yesterday??) acoustic version of BTIKM in another radio station. I thought he sang it way too 'high key' this time. But, that's just my opinion. Obviously, others loved it.
Adam coming to? 100.5 in Sacramento Calif. but no date given yet!
The story of the CrayQueen LaurieLovesAdam:
Once up on a time, there was a cray old lady who lived in craylandia who was so obsessed with the Glittery Alien from planet fierce aka Adam Lambert. She called herself LaurieLovesAdam, she dresses like a Teenager and she calls herself the biggest fan of the glittery alien. But one day, she went to see the glittery alien and saw the bass player kissing the glittery alien for a SHOW and she convinced herself that they are a couple. Although time and time again, both the bass player and the glittery alien addressed the issue as a stage act, Crayqueen refused to accept it and continued to cum to a picture of the two boys kissing. SHe spends majority of the day tweeting the bass player and gushing over his relationship with the glittery alien. A relationship that never existed, btw. She brain washes the younger fans to believe in to her cult. She has been to many GNT shows with the hope that she would be able to kiss the bass player but little does she know, he is not in to older chicks. He kisses kids below 21. She tells people over and over that the bass player is a closeted gay and she loves him and yet she continues to out him by saying he is the glittery alien's partner.(let's take a moment here and laugh please).
The glittery alien has a new album coming out and he is on a promo tour with his guitar and keyboard player.(I said player, not players!!! Cause he is the same person LOL) The queen cray is not pleased with the decision of the glittery alien and she demands explanation as to why the "talented"(excuse me while I laugh) guitar player is sitting at home on his couch and not playing at the promo gigs. Well she is a fan and she has a right to decide on who plays what and what gig they visit so shut it rational fans.
I do appreciate the cray queen on one thing though. She has the nerve to assume the bass player will be featured on the Queen (the band, not the cray) gig. I applaud her for her passion towards the bass player and I demand Brian May to retire or sing back up maybe and let the bass player take over the legendary Queen's guitar tasks. Why not. he is capable! He has years and years of experience playing for (I am sorry I can't find his credentials) but yeah I have seen pictures of him rocking out in his living room/bed room wearing NO eyeliner, and NO nail polish. But whatever!!! He was never that eccentric to begin with but playing with the glittery alien made him rethink his image and started dressing up like his boss (the glittery alien). Good for him.
(to be continued)
Adam seems to be enjoying these promo gigs. I had to laugh @kevmokeys hair in that one picture. I hope he enjoys working with Adam.
Adam can really change up the songs each time. He probably has to or the songs would become boring to sing and we don't want that, do we? heehe
Lovely insights in this interview. They dwelt on the gay thing, but in a different way. He's such a wonderful conversationalist. Love hearing that is was the biggest studio audience ever.
Uh oh, a NEW lawsuit over the supposed Russia/Ukraine concerts?
Adam looks kind of sleepy. He loves doing his work, hope he gets a nap in.
Love his music.
Another great interview with Adam. He is just so articulate, personable, honest and smart. He does seem to be enjoying these promos even though it must get somewhat repetitious answering the same questions over again. But if it gets radio stations to play BTIKM, I am sure he will gladly sing that and one or two other songs for the listening audience. Sometimes I think I know more about Adam Lambert than I do some of my family and friends because he just reveals so much about himself. And we will learn more once TRESPASSING is released and we are able to listen to the entire album. Adam is just so special and I do enjoy these promo interviews on a daily basis.
Dayum. I thought Mapril was March/ I find out it's May/April which could be another 2 months. Dayum!
@12:31 I look kinda sleepy too when I don't have my eye mekeup on. Don't jump to conclusions.
When ADAM is around, LOVE is all around. It's just a fact. I keep dreaming about hearing ALL the Trespassing songs on the album and hearing them also LIVE ON TOUR! We are still just hearing the tip of the iceberg.
BTW Just read an article excerpt on Adamtopia from a UK radio guy. It says that for Adam to really get big in the UK this time around, his new album has to do MUCH better than his first one. It sounded like this person really likes Adam, so it was not said in a nasty way. But it is a hard fact. Hope the UK gives him a second chance. The Queen gigs should give him some added cred. Adam's other international fans simply MUST pull through with big sales this time around. They love him, so they need to BUY! Sorry for the marketing lecture, but it's the truth. I just want it to happen so MUCH for him.
1:25, I caught that, too. I hope it was Adam just making a slip and saying "May/April" instead of "March/April. Let's hope it was a mistake, and that's all.
I thought he was referring to march-April too, so maybe he just made a mistake in this interview.I hope it doesn't go into Majune.There is alot of material I have to learn before the concerts.LOL
OT been listening to various unplugged versions of "Outlaws of Love" towards the end he starts to sound a little "country"
Anyone else pick up on this. Not a bad thing!
Perez Hilton is on the move to make Adam look like an idiot again. Saying Adam shouldn't ask for much of a fee when he performs. People comments were not nice at all. Why does it have to be this way?
More of the mix 106 interview.
Big whip, who cares what pussy Hilton says? I never go to his site or read the comments.
@1:53 Just ignore that Perez site. The people who post on there are just as nasty as Perez, so I don't ever give it hits. On a happier note, just listened to the 106.1kiss Dallas interview with Billy the Kidd. He was great with Adam and called us DREAM FANS! It's top 40 so doubt they will play BYIKM but Adam talked about his dance funky music on Trespassing and Billy got excited. Think a a lot of this promo is also for his next single which will be way more upbeat and hopefully a huge hit. I want that so bad for Adam!He deserves it so much with all his talent and honesty!
Were PH's comments in reference to a report from TMZ and Adam's performance scheduled for Russia. There seems to be something about the fee for Adam and the company handling the booking and a lawsuit. I didn't get the entire story and don't know how directly Adam is involved. I just hope it's much ado about nothing because Adam doesn't need another situation that would speak negatively against him.
I feel like I have meant so many nice people in the radio industry since Adam has started this promo thing.
Perez is a pile of toxic waste, and he attracts the same. Useless energy wasted on hate.
Is this the Queenbert concert in Russia. Wouldn't Queen hire Adam and pay him themselves?
if he can pull that much money good for him he deserves it
Perez Hilton is just jealous---they used to be friends (I think) and now he can't say anything positive about Adam!! Perez, just go away---there are too many fans of Adams' to give you a second thought!!
Don't give the Perez site ANY hits, or the TMZ story either. Use your power to NOT HIT those sites/stories.
Also, to the poster above who mentioned feeling as though they have met so many nice people in the radio industry listening to Adam's latest rounds of promo: in my experience, most of the people in radio day to day are nice, fun, normal, cool,'s the SUITS that have an agenda. Not just an agenda against Adam, I'm not being all cray, but a "business" agenda, which has many layers and levels. But keep requesting! Optimism. That's what, I'd guess, Adam would advise his fans.
Wow, such a great interview--the best that I have heard so far on the "promo tour". The girl who was interviewing him had some different questions and it made it very interesting!! Love you Adam!
I think the "suits" do have an agenda against Adam (reference posting at 3:23). That is why he has to work so hard to be accepted in the industry: it just breaks my heart; all Adam fans know he is a super star---other people just need to catch up. I pray that Adam can just stay positive and move forward, but I know it's tough. RCA-Sony just needs to promote and advertise a lot more for Adam also!!
Adam and Kevin must be running on adrenalin. This is one big pit stop after another. I think it is great that he is going across the US and giving them some glam and a taste of what a real singer is all about.
Prissy Perez hasn't blogged about Adam in a long time due to the fact that he couldn't find a negative to blog about. So TMZ provides one, and look who goes for the jugular. He needs to go put on his pink pjs and suck his thumb. btw PH, you needed to pick a name that would take you further, considering you're a no talent bum.
I hope Adam doesn't get sick of singing BTIKM after all the promos because I really want to hear him sing it live in concert.
So glad he didn't scream in this version. This emo song doesn't warrant it.
Love the photos. Adam is such a beautiful "gem".
Whats so great about Adam doing all this promoting is that these radio people that may not know much about him, sure do now.
So spin his music, paleez!
There is so much more to Adam than who he sleeps with, when he said that I felt for him.
I wish fans would leave his personal life to him and his love.
He's happy now, we shouldnt have any say whatsoever in his per life.
Even with all the gaga talk, its to much, like uh, nunya!!!!
If tomorrow this relationship doesnt work for them so be it.
He found love which he didnt think would happen, live the moment!
Tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all!
So no one has to go to the PH or TMZ sites - here's the short version of the new lawsuit. Someone in Russia contacted a USA talent agency to see if they could hire Adam Lambert to perform 2 concerts in Russia for a total of $80,000. The talent agency made the deal and took a $8,000 downpayment. It turned out, they couldn't make the deal, but they refused to refund the $8,000 downpayment. This DID NOT involve Adam, his management, Sony or RCA, so they are NOT part of the lawsuit. A comment was made that you can't hire Adam for under $500,000. Interesting ????
7:08 thanks for the story. Adam more than likely doesn't know anymore than we do. Something like this happened when Adam just off Idol, someone was selling tickets to a Lady GaGa and AL bogus concert. They were prosecuted.
@mimi - I agree with you about "the suits" having an agenda with regard to Adam. And to anon 2:24 - do you not realize how insulting it is to women to call someone a "pussy" as you called PH? I think he's a lowlife but that term is offensive. That's the terminology that homophobes use to describe a man since we know there is nothing more degrading to a man then to be called a woman. Sick. ... Adamluv
wow! a lot of themes is this thread.....okay let me see i really dont get the suits thing never been able to understand thise my english is limited lol! whi doesnt hate PH?? ignore him he is just a pest!!
now my opinion of the original theme: the interview lol
loved this interview! thought it was fun and stuff. I also got confussed with the may/april thing im really being patient (no rush here) but please adam some fans don think that way! i know he is making the album better but i think he just shouldt tlee us a date yet until it is ready caude somr glamberts r 2 impatient....(my opinion xD)
i love every version adam makes in any song of his thats all im going to say bout that :)
and the pictures well thisvus what i think of them:
#1 just HOT
#2 yay!! a picture from the back of hes neck! i knoe im weird lol
#3 HOT (again lol) ohh and hi kevin!
#4 YES! my fav one!! model thise long longs 4 me baby! YES! lol
#5 nice!
#6 stuped mic! lol
#7 (sigh) look at those eyebrows and that hair
#8 jmmm just nice lol! :)
OMG sorry for my spelling how emberrasing :/ lol im just using my cellphone and accidently pushe publish instead of preview sorry hopefully u still understood what i was trying 2 say! :)
Now in retrospect, way post breakup, Adam looks tired of the promo tour. The comments about no always saying "I love you" and about the intrusive questions relationship wise, show that even having a partner you love deeply takes work. For Adam being there meant a great deal, perhaps Sauli needed reassurance especially when Adam was constantly touring/promoting the upcoming music. While Adam gives the impression that he's balanced on all levels, personal/career, it's clear he was still vulnerable, particularly with some of the hateful comments via the Internet. When you don't hav experience being in relationships, no one's a mind reader about what another person is feeling. This is universal, gay/straight. Adam will win out over career issues and hope he finds personal happiness.
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