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Adam Lambert's Interview with Debra Macki

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, March 14, 2012

D: We see a toned down version of you in your new video for "Better Than I Know Myself". Is that a hint of what's to come for your style in 2012?

A: I don't know. I'm kind of a fly by the seat of my pants kind of guy. I've definitely noticed that I've been more drawn to things I'd wear on the street, more practical wardrobe for my performances now. The last album was very costume and this time it is more fashion forward.

D: What designers do you love right now and want to work with?

A: I love, love, love Gareth Pugh! His stuff is so structured, and angular, and geometric. There's something so retro seventies and club-kid about it but also so futuristic too. I love that fusion.

D: Who designed the black fitted coat that you wear in the "Better Than I Know Myself" video?

A: That was Gareth Pugh! I love that jacket. I've gotten a lot of use out of it. I wore it for the photo shoot for that album, the video, and I wore it on stage with Queen at the EMAs. I'm a firm believer in you can wear things more than once. If you really love something you should wear it more than once. Why is that a rule that celebrities can only wear something once?

D: The jewelry in the "Better Than I Know Myself" video was rad. You had some cool necklaces and rings. At one point you were wearing an animal skull around your neck! Who designed it?

A: There was a necklace I was wearing with the sweater look that's actually my boyfriend's. Someone gave it to him at Burning Man. The other necklace I was wearing in the black look was a mink skull.

D: Ray Kay directed "Better Than I Know Myself". What made u choose him? He has a very unique style.

A: He directed my very first video and I really loved the aesthetic of it. I love the way he treats the film, the colors, his composition, cinematography, he has a great eye. It's very artistic, creative, very fashion. I wanted to give the video a distinct look and I knew he could do that.

D: What designers do u have on board for your summer tour with Queen? Where do you see yourself going with your look for this tour?

A: I don't know, I haven't planned it yet but I'm excited about it!

Read more at KISS108's website HERE!


Anonymous said...

What summer tour with Queen? Two performances are not a tour. If only!!

Anonymous said...

I like Adam's new fresh, cleaner fashion style. He has some great leather jackets. It will be interesting to see what he will be wearing for his appearance with Queen(which by the way is not a tour). Adam has to make his own tour plans for his second album. He seems to be evolving personally both in his music and in his style. Adam appears to be more grounded now, more honest and open and so happy in his personal life. Now all he needs is a No.1 album with Trespassing to make it all complete.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Look at those blue eyes of his!

Anonymous said...

Anon 7:54 I agree with everything you just said. He looks very content and more confident in who he is as an artist and as a person. I can only pray that his album brings him all the success he anticipates. Love him SFM!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't want Adam to do a actual "tour" with Queen. If he does, then haters will say that Adam has to depend on Queen for success and isn't capable of success on his own. Now, if he DOES actually tour with them at some point, I will support him 100%, of course, but I can just hear the haters now.

Anonymous said...

I still think he should wear the Gaultier leather body suit. with the mid calf leather boots.