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More Performance Videos of Adam in Star 94's A-List Lounge and The Russian Lady Fan

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Anonymous said...

Whew! Adam is lookin' soooo good! He's sounding soooo good too! Love the Trespassing music for his intro when he walks out to the audience! Trespassing! I hope it's the next single.


The Dark Side said...

Adam must be tired, but he seems to be loving this promo trip. I am sure that being himself, less glam is also easier to hit all these shows and just be himself. Crowds are loving him and why not?

Anonymous said...

To those of you wondering on previous threads as to whether or not Adam was performing at Boston's Kiss Concert 2012 as well as announcing today, here's the link:

so unless I'm not understanding it correctly, I guess he's performing too! Yay. Gotta nab me some tix, kinda close to me.


Anonymous said...

adam likes haley

Anonymous said...

Thanks MGF!

Yeahhh baby... I told everybody he WAS also performing @ Kiss Concert, not just the radio announcement party. Yup yup he IS>.. saw it on the live stream. YaaaHOOOOOOOO!
Boy am I thrilled for this one. He was so good last time.
You SHOULD go, closer to you than me, lol, and I should go too!

Anonymous said...

yay glad you were right Cindy!!

Anonymous said...

@CT - check out the London promo TRESSPASSING performance, posted a link in the newest thread!¨

It's da bomb!


Anonymous said...

I wish the chatty Cathy nimrods would shut the hell up and just listen! How rude can you get?!?!?

Anonymous said...

So I started with the newest post and worked my way backward (been off line for a couple days) and I hate to say it, because I adore Tommy, but this guy is a MUCH better guitar player. Tommy is so young yet, he needs to learn finesse and how to be soft...not everything has to be "Sandman". That said, I love the acoustic take, especially with Trespassing. But..ANOTHER delay with the album?!?!? Why? What now? Damn, quit nitpicking and release the thing already!

Anonymous said...

Kevin is perfect match for Adam's voice. Pure pleasure.

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with above - shut up with the chatting at performances - we want to hear Adam. And don't sing along unless he asks us to. Trust me, your voice is as bad as mine.