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Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Friday, March 9, 2012

Posted at : Friday, March 09, 2012

Another HD video of Adam performing "Trespassing"



"Chokehold" Piano Cover by MelodicGlambertPiano

"Cuckoo" Piano Cover by MelodicGlambertPiano


Anonymous said...

Wow! Who is this MelodicGlambert! I love his simple no nonsense interpretations of Cuckoo and Chokehold!! Whoa! He should make a cd of Adam songs; they lend themselves so well as piano pieces. Hey what's your name? I'll buy your piano cd on Adam songs. :)

daydreamin said...

Adam's schedule for those wanting it:

March 09: Radio, US. 1075 The River Nashville, TN. Performance and Meet&Greet. [Source and Station Info]
March 12: Radio, US. 97.1 Wash-FM Washington, DC. Win tickets to upcoming event. [More Info]
March 12: Radio, US. 99.5 Hot, Washington, DC. Listen to win! [More Info]
March 12: Radio, US. 94.7 Fresh FM, Washington DC. [Source | More Info]
March 12: Radio, US. MIX 107.3 Washington DC. Performance and Meet&Greet. [More Info]
March 13: Radio, US. KISS 95.7 and KC 101.3 Hartford, CT Performance [kiss957 | KC101 | Source]
March 13: Radio, US. 96.5TIC Hartford, CT. Acoustic Cafe performance. [Source]
March: Radio, US. 94.7 WMAS Springfield MA. Meet and Greet [More Info]
March 14: Radio, US. 104.5 WXLO Worcester, Ma. “XLO Music Loft performance” [More Info]
March 14: Radio, US. Kiss 108 Boston, MA. Kiss 2012 Concert Announcement Party! Hosted by Adam & others. [More Info]
March 14: Radio, US. MIX 104.1 Boston, MA. Performance at Mix Lounge/Lansdowne Pub. [More Info]
March 16: Radio, US. Lite 93.9 Chicago, IL. Performance at the Coca-Cola Lounge [Source]
March 16: Better Than I Know Myself audio CD released in Germany. [Source]
March 16: Better Than I Know Myself audio CD released in Austria. [Source]
March 19: Radio, US. Mix 93.3 Kansas City, MO. [Source]
March 19: Radio, US. 99.7 The Point Kansas City, MO. Performance and Meet&Greet. [Source & contest info]
March 20: Radio, US. 99.5 Hot Washington, DC. Join Adam Lambert for a Facebook Chat! [More Info and Performance Contest details]
March 20: Hans Haveron Skeleton Key pendant to be released. [Source | More Info]
March 25: Radio, US. Live 95.5KBFF Portland Oregon. [Facebook]
March: Radio, US. 107.9 The End Sacramento, CA. [More Info]
March: Radio, US. NOW 100.5 Sacramento, CA. “NOW 100.5 Is Bringing Adam Lambert To Sacramento” [More Info]
March 31: Magazine, UK/US. FAULT magazine, spring issue. [Source | Will have previews | Presale info]
** FYI on March Trespassing release, it’s now ‘later this spring’ Album delay

- April 2012 -
April: Magazine, Japan. The Gossips Magazine, April 2012 [out Feb 18]. [Source]
April: Magazine, Japan. InRock part two of last months’ interview.
April 09: TV, US. Performance at Logo TV New Now Next Awards, 10/9C on Logo. [Source | Press Release]

- May 2012 -
May: Radio, concert. Date TBD, Q102 Concert. Philadelphia, PA. [Source]

- June 2012 -
June 30: Concert. Moscow, Russia. Moscow Olympic Arena with Queen. [Source]

- July 2012 -
July 07: Festival Concert. Stevenage, UK. Knebworth Park, Sonisphere Festival with Queen. [Source | Pre-sale ticket info for official fanclub members]

- August 2012 -
August 18 & 19: Festival Concert, Japan. Summer Sonic 2012 Osaka and Tokyo, Japan.

daydreamin said...

With the weekend off and Sauli talking about taking a little trip, I wonder if they are doing a bit of touring either in Nashville or maybe Washington DC??

Anonymous said...

Your list is mind-boggling! How do you do it? Cut and paste or simply transfer from one source to another? :)

daydreamin said...

@Lam-my, I cut and pasted the most current info from @adam_events twitter link. There are others out there, but this seems to be a pretty good source.

daydreamin said...

Over at AdamOficial, the latest question to Adam and for us to guess his answer will be:

What's the last thing Adam does before he goes to bed?

Plug in his phone

Brush his teeth

Check his Twitter

Put on face cream

Head on over there to vote. Here's the link:

daydreamin said...

New Yorkers, I just saw a tweet that Adam may be going to be at Star 93.3 in Poughkeepsie fyi. that near you?

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to VH1 in the morning to see how Adam did.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like the piano pieces at all. No soul, no emotion, sounded like a robot playing. Mechanical.

When is Mapril coming I'm starting to fade away? I want my hands on that deluxe album.

Anonymous said...

What is on the deluxe album that isn't on the standard album??

Anonymous said...

A couple extra songs!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad Adam sang If I Had You - it's one of my absolute favorites.

Anonymous said...

March 10, 2012 3:26 AM
Thanks. I wonder which songs they will be. I've bought the standard version from Adam Official but I'd really like the deluxe version as well, and I'd like to buy it in my home country so I can support Adam here as well as the U.S.

Anonymous said...

March 10, 2012 3:26 AM
Thanks. I wonder which songs they will be. I've bought the standard version from Adam Official but I'd really like the deluxe version as well, and I'd like to buy it in my home country so I can support Adam here as well as the U.S.

Anonymous said...

Ooops! Posted twice accidentally.

Anonymous said...

I'm not keen on the piano versions of those songs either but Adam's performances are GREAT!!

Anonymous said...

I like Adam's new songs but still prefer his first album FYE. Didn't like his outfit sorry, makes him look like a drink waiter or bar attendant, a very handsome one though I must say. I do like BTIKMS, and look forward to hearing more of his new songs.

Anonymous said...

To each is own indeed:)

FYE was successful!!!!



Anonymous said...

Canadian..5.19AM, Please don't be offended, I love Adam too but I also have a right to express my opinion, I've often heard Adam himself refer to freedom of expression. I also hope he wins a Grammy Award, but you can't expect everyone to love every song, we are all different, although I loved FYE there were some songs I loved more than others while other fans may have preferred different songs to me and I fully respect that. At the same time I think you need to respect that we don't all see things the way you do either. I also remember Adam talking about how he understands that fans will have favourites and that goes for Albums as well, that's goes for any band or pop star. Please try not to be so touchy as it could put new fans off and that wouldn't be fair to Adam.

Anonymous said...

So well said!

Anonymous said...

I think I like Cuckoo and Chokehold better than Trespassing. Also, the drums are too loud and sometimes drown out Adam. I know this will be better with the studio/album version when it is released. Whatever song Adam decides to put out as his next single, it has to be radio friendly, energetic and upbeat...a song you want to hear over again and be able to dance to/move to ...something that makes you feel good.Wow, Adam does have a grueling promo schedule. Let's just hope that all these interviews and mini concerts help in the acceptance and sale of TRESPASSING. Adam seems to have worked so hard on the production of this album and it's about time he receives all the success and fame he so deserves. It is long overdue.

Anonymous said...

That wasn't Adam's "outfit." He had on a great jacket, but he got too hot and took it off. This vest wasn't supposed to be the top layer.

daydreamin Thank you for the list! Wow! Adam is workin' it! What's this on the other thread about how HAC has announced April 16 as Trespassing release? Wonder how accurate this is? No confirmation from Adam yet.

Anonymous said...

Have they removed "Cuckoo" and "Chokehold" yet? They need to and pronto. The sound on the videos is aweful. These are not good representations of those two songs which actually sound promising.

Anonymous said...

Canadian ,love all your posts.

choons said...

reading 'daydreamin's schdeule for Adam - jeez, why no appearances in Toronto? C'mon up Adam!
His performance of FYE was vocally fab but that song isn't the same without some OTT physical expression. Guess the occasion demanded a more constrained performance. too bad.
Also not keen on kids' versions being posted here, just my opinion, I know I don't have to watch them. hmm I seem to be rather negative today, maybe I need to go for a walk.

Anonymous said...

@ 5:37 AM,

Don't worry I'm not offended by your comment my dear.

We are all hear to express our opinions with respect and u r entitled to yours..

For me the second album will boost Adams career more and he will gain more enthusiastic fans indeed.


Anonymous said...

wow good job MelodicGlambert piano. I notice your #BTIKM cover has 19,000 views, giving Adam's music greater exposure. Your other covers on youTube are great too.

Adamluv said...

@daydreamin - since my copy/paste still isnt working gonna vote here and I say Adam "checks his twitter" as the last thing he does before going to bed. Even tho no one gives a sh*t (LOL) I count dogs to be sure no one is locked outside and I have a lot to count so not as easy as all of you think! ... Adamluv

mimi said...

I loved how Adam looked in the suit---very sexy to me --(to each his own, right? The sound was not good for the videos, but have them removed? Why??? We all know that this is not how they will sound or look on video or in a large concert. Adam looks the best he has ever looked (to me)! That is not to say that I don't love the Glam look,because I do. All artists change their looks from time to time. Ok, I have to say this(nobody get mad , please). He reminds me so much of Elvis with his "new look" and that is not a bad thing! I think you would have to be blind to not see the similarities !! I'm not just an Elvis fan making comparisons---I love Adam just the way he is, in what ever he wants to wear or look like. I love Adam for himself ; just never thought we would ever see someone who could reach the heights that Elvis did. Adam can and will , I believe this with all my heart. Love you Adam!!!

Anonymous said...

@6:34 I agree with you completely, that adam's songs need to be radio friendly but at the same time , do you hear what garbage is on the radio, I literally have to turn stations off, because I get a headache. Don't hate on me, but if they are not playing adam, to me it's because he is so much better (and they ae just in for the money) personaly, I don't want his name associated with the crap that's out there today. I have sirus X_mm 20-20 hits, and I listen everytime in my car just waiting to hear adam- the music they play today is just aweful!!! Catch 22 here- I don't won't him put in that same category, the tweens are ruling the music industry, so adam has to get tweens on board IMO!!!

Alexandra said...

I found the new songs with lycris:


fefa14 said...

I play the piano so it was really interesting to hear this! :)
I think it sounded great! he has a great ear for the melodic part (which for mosf people is the hardest part 2 do) but i also think it lacked a little of emotion he is almost robotic :) but still really good though.....

Anonymous said...

@ mimi

I'm hoping Adam doesn't reach the depths Elvis reached. He was really messed up the last few years of his life. It was a pitiful end for an incredible talent. I'm certain Adam can avoid that, Adam is an intelligent person, Elvis wasn't and made really bad life choices.

tess4ADAM said...

@daydreamin ... Sorry to answer your post so late but I've been VOTING all day for VH1 .. SiriusXM .. pop crush, etc. plus viewing BTIKM on VEVO & watching all the new vids ... man Imma pooped!! Unfortunately .. Buffalo NY is near the Canadian border on Lake Erie & Poughkeepsie is nearer to NYC ... on the Atlantic Ocean ... I'd give my half-acre in HE** to be able to see ADAM in person but that is not to be unless he comes to my house!! HA-HA ... NEVER happen!! So I have to be content with TV .. Ytube .. 24/7 .. and all the other sites to see ADAM .. (sigh) ... But that don't stop me from VOTING unceasingly EVERYWHERE!! ..ttyl

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Seriously??? Did I miss somethng here? Is there another place to post about Adam looking fabulous AND performing NEW, NEW songs from Trespassing we've all been dying to hear... and there's more comments about someone's piano version??? Really...? >smacking forehead< ouch

For the record... it's official. I'm C R A Z Y for "Chokehold"... WOW
and "Cukoo". Those two HAVE to be singles... then Trespassing, unless there's a better one. Can't wait to hear how great they must sound on the cd.

@ daydreamin, you continue to amaze. Thanks for sharing all that great info... On a personal note, Soooo freakin happy a few of those dates are in my neck of the woods!! =D

Anonymous said...

You've just extended your string of titles scientist poet pianist! My daughter plays the piano too, but now too busy with her work as graphic designer/writer. I used to love her playing of Fur Elise, Nocturne and In A Persian Market. Regarding MelodicGlambert's interpretations of Cuckoo and Chokehold, I felt something from his termed "roboticness", not exactly sure what it is, maybe it's his stillness, quietude that got to me. Sometimes the emotions thrown in can be distracting; with MelodicGlambert it's just the piano which I'm really really fond of. 11:19 says he got 19,000 hits on youtube, not sure which one; not bad. :)

daydreamin said...

Aww Tess4Adam, I know you say you can't really go see Adam, but darn it, I wish he WOULD surprise you and show up at your front door! I think you must be his biggest fan voter!! I'm gonna go ahead and cross my fingers that some day some how you will get to meet Adam!

fefa14 said...

Lol i also play fur Elise and Nocturne! ur right about the "robotic" thing...but for my taste when i play i like to show what im feeling :) i havent played in along time either but i am getting ispired with BTIKM! lol i will give u news if I pull it off! xD

Anonymous said...

You just play BTIKM by ear? Because the music score may be a little hard to get hold of. Yes definitely when you play the piano or any instrument, the expression is inate, it comes out naturally but though MelodicGlambert doesn't show it so much, he would have felt the emotions of the two pieces. I felt it in the smoothness and tenderness of his playing. Wow! Fefa, looks like my cyberchild is multi-talented like Adam; but most likely you'll take the academic route as most parents think it's more secure and I'm sure you want to excel in science which is such an interesting subject. Just follow your instincts, whatever suits you best. :)

fefa14 said...

thanks! i have a passion for musik i play piano, drums and violin.....
but ur right im staying in science i want to study forensic pathology :) maybe the musik will be a hobbie or something.....
about the song im still working on it lol but i can play WWFM and sleepwalker and set fire to the rain by adele! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam is on fuse on demand it is free he is artist of the month did my heart good to see that check it out.

Anonymous said...

Hey Doc! Now I understand why you were so tickled by "long longs". You are into body parts! Good heavens! Lucky, SG is not around, she'll blow this up sky-high. But seriously you have very high aspirations; inspiring. :)

daydreamin said...

Dont know if you'll see this or not Cindy, but you're welcome!