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First Lithogram Photo from the Box Set Revealed!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, April 25, 2012

From Adam Lambert Official Facebook:
The release of Trespassing is just around the corner! To celebrate, we'll be premiering each of the 6 lithos included in the "Trespassing - Box Set" every few days (don't forget, the Box Set is available exclusively at Adam's official store)! Here's the first, we hope you like it!


glitzylady said...

Just saw this on my glad I opted for the box set: LOTS of goodies there!!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Are you kidding me?
Can Adam be more perfect?

Anonymous said...

Oooooh my.......that sums it up.

Anonymous said...

I feel an Elvis vibe with this one.

Anonymous said...


We are all ready for you!! Don't you know that???? :))))

Bring it on baby!!!! Ha!Ha!

Show us what you have in store for us and we just gonna take it all in my dear!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!:))


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Thank goodness I ordered the Box Set! Pretty perfect I'd say.


Anonymous said...

Just watched IDOL with Queen and the final 6 performing their songs. And all I could think about was Adam and the finale with Queen from season 8 and then watching his performance with them at the EMAs from Ireland. I was hoping he would have been a secret guest and just come out to perform with them, but no such luck. The 6 did a good job with each song, but I just can't get Adam's voice out of my head. He has just spoiled any one else's performances for me because he set the bar so high during that year, that no one has come close to matching them in my humble opinion. I can't wait for him to actually appear on IDOL because I am certain he will give an amaaaaazing performance.

Anonymous said...

@anon 7:13pm - DITTO! I wanted to scream, "Didn't you guys ever hear Adam Lambert sing Queen?" Oh well, after my initial disappointment, the kids sang pretty well I guess. You would think they would give more than just a nod to Adam in the promo of Queen. But I am also looking forward to seeing and hearing Adam on Idol. I can't wait! Is there a date set in stone yet?

Anonymous said...

OMG! Why did Brayn and Rodger agree to perform on this show? Didn't they hear these jerk's voices on rehearsals? I turn my TV off after few minutes I watched and listened this sh.........
Adam, where are you, darling? Are you gonna perform on AI next week or week after?

Anonymous said...

@nancdruuu2 I don't think Adam will perform on Idol. All dates were set already. Anda I didn't see Adam's name anywhere. As less it will be special unscheduled appearance next week or week after.

Anonymous said...

First of all, the lithograph is stunning! Hope it gets the sales to go through the roof!

I did NOT watch Idol. Wasn't home. I'll just listen to the reactions from all of you. I can't imagine how it must have felt for them to perform with these kids after performing with The Master, the one they have compared to Freddy himself. I'm sure the Idol contestants did fine.

So, who's all booked up for the Idol date? May 3, 10, 17, 24? I saw a list somewhere a while back. No Adam scheduled for either the 3rd or the 17th??? He said he'd be on ???????


Anonymous said...

7:32 little rough on those kids aren't you? I thought the show was excellent tonight and the kids were fab. JMO

Anonymous said...

IDOL butchered QUEEN tonight. those finalists couldn't pull off the QUEEN hits. THE SHOW MUST GO ON was butchered by that twangy voice girl. YUCK!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

even more excited to get my box set now.

Anonymous said...

Canadian you are so funny. I get a kick out of you so many times.

Anonymous said...

I watched the Insider tonight,& still no Adam on there.What's the url to e-mail them?I will write them also.I can understand why he wasn't on there right after Dick Clark died,but he was supposed to be on there Mon.,wasn't he?not on Mon.,-Wednes of this week.I sure HOPE BB will get to perform on Idol;if not,I may quit watchng it for good.

tess4ADAM said...

If ADAM doesn't appear on Idol this year ... that's it for me!! I'll never even read about Idol anymore!! They featured JD & Stefano L & NO ADAM!! UNthinkable!! I hope that doesn't happen ...

tess4ADAM (Lambert Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

There are SO many music shows now that perhaps appearing as a guest on them no longer means as great an increase in sales as a few years back??? Just wondering...

Anonymous said...

We've got to know soon about Adam being on Idol. We're running out of weeks. If he's not going to be on at all, then there must be a good reason, because he's a BIG draw. I have a feeling he will be on. He said he would and hasn't told us otherwise.


Anonymous said...

Maybe Idol wanted BB for tomorrow,but he's already booked for Jimmy Kimmel..One of the few ABC shows that he's been on since the 2009 AMAs (except for the View)...Surely it can be worked out for a date before the Finale.If two of the past Idols,like JD,can be on there,if Idol is smart,they will figure out a date for Adam to perform.GREAT ratings for sure,if he's on there.I think that the Grammys & the AMAs 2012,he could even sing..I hope so.

Anonymous said...

SPEECHLESS!!! Make me faint! I love this jacket of Adam's with the brown and mustard. Love how he likes to wear his own clothes.
He could not be more perfect! He could not!

Anonymous said...

I think May 17th was open for Adam to be on idol. That date makes sense with the album out on the 15th. There is no way Adam will not be on idol!

Anonymous said...

I ordered the box set too. I cherish the Glam Box from FYE.I ordered my Aunt the $19.95 deal, she will be so surprised. The FYE glam box sold out so don't wait to long. Maybe they made more this time around.

funbunn40 said...

@7:13PM Totally agree! As good as Jessica is,Bohemian Rhapsody was out of her realm and all I could think of was Adam singing "Mama" at his Idol audition.I've been hooked ever since. Elise was the only one with a rock vibe, but they all tried and it takes guts to get up there to sing, especially when it's before one of the greatest rock bands of all time. I cringed when I heard one of them previously sing A Change is Gonna Come, as it's now immortalized by Adam. He's just an impossible act to follow, but these kids are talented and I wish them well.

Anonymous said...

This litho is SENSATIONAL!!! And there are 5 more!!!

I recorded AI and will watch it at some stage ONLY because Queen are part of it, and I'll watch it if Adam performs on it .... fingers xxxxxxxxxx.

Anonymous said...

When I first saw that lithograph pic, I literally gasped! How can anyone look so perfect in every photo?! Luv!!!!

I could barely watch Idol tonite! The singers were ok, but with every Queen song, I just kept imagining Adam singing it so much better! For me ONLY Adam Lambert should be allowed to sing Queen songs!!

And don't y'all worry, he's gonna be on Idol! They're just saving him for the very end (or close to it). Saving the best for last, of course!

AdamLuvr in Tx :)

Anonymous said...

I watched AI tonight just because of Queen. Brian and Roger were very good mentors and gave good advice. I thought the 6 kids were "ok" when singing together with Brian and Roger but when each of them sang their Queen song .....none of them hold a candle to Adam, no way, nohow. This shows once again that Adam is in a league of his own.

Adam told us he would be on Idol and don't you think he'd let his fans know if not? I do. No word yet from him or his management so I'm keeping my fingers crossed too.


daydreamin said...

I've said it before, but Adam told me himself that he WILL be on Idol in "May" and will sing "his new single". I suppose anything can change but will keep my fingers crossed. I am checking the wikipedia webpage for American Idol, and they keep changing the info there. Right now this is what they have:
Top 6 Stefano Langone[52] "I'm on a Roll"[53] TBA TBA TBA
Katy Perry[52] "Part of Me" TBA TBA pre-recoreded performance

Queen Extravaganza "Somebody to Love" TBA TBA TBA
Top 5 Jennifer Lopez "Dance Again" TBA TBA TBA
Monica & Brandy "It All Belongs to Me" TBA TBA TBA
Top 4 David Cook[55] TBA TBA TBA TBA

Anonymous said...

When I see these jaw dropping gorgeous photos of Adam I think of the 17 and 18 year olds who are going thru a geeky stage at present. Don't be discouraged kids, some people just get better and better looking as they mature.
The scrawniest homliest girl in my high school is now on the pages of Elle magazine! And dating screen and music stars, yachting on the Riviera!

Anonymous said...

@April 25, 2012 7:32 PM

For the business sense of it. Sales of their catalogue and exposure and such... it's really very simple

Not dissing Queen, love them, but facts is facts, as is said

rubykarat said...

OMG Adam is so purrrrrfect in this picture - can't wait for the album

Anonymous said...

Adam probably appreciate all the negativity toward others who sing with Queen.
For sakes, sake these kids are all good this season.
Give them a break !
Comparing others to Adam is not fair, why waste energy on doing this?
Go vote or request his songs on the radio's. #timewellspent

Anonymous said...

add (would not) before the word appreciate

Anonymous said...

If anything the AI Queen program just goes to prove how really superb singing (like Adam's) is so difficult to achieve.

Anonymous said...

Adam brings SEXY back~
I'm bringin' sexy back Them other boys don't know how to act I think it's special what's behind your back So turn around and I'll pick up the slack. I am Adam and I bring sexy back!


Anonymous said...

I hope Adam is on AI on the 17th. That would be the perfect night for me.