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Picture: Adam, Lee, Scarlett and Riff

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, April 25, 2012

_ninni: "Here's the full size picture of Adam, Lee, Scarlett and Riff (from Lee's Instagram account)"


Anonymous said...

Ooooh what a lovely talented family of artists; Little Riff is really fortunate, another wonderful artist in the making...photographer, painter, singer, pianist or perhaps...a super-fly scientist! Que sera sera... Godpa Adam feels so at home with the cheery Cherry family. :)

Anonymous said...

OT Q102 Philly just played NCOE, I think for the first time YAY!!!!!Send them some love!

Anonymous said...

GORGEOUS photo .... thank you Adam News 24/7. <3

Anonymous said...

Did Adam cut his hair shorter. hope not. Anyway cute photo.

Anonymous said...

I've decided to give up fretting over Adam's hair. His hair stylist uses sheep shears around the sides and back I'm certain. Que sera que sera. NS

Anonymous said...

Yay about Q102!! Thanks for posting. LOVE Adam's hair here, althought I love it any which way he chooses to present it. Yum.

Anonymous said...

sheep shears thats funny

Anonymous said...

I've seen sheep sheared and that's a good description. LOL

Anonymous said...

Awww, Baby Riff in BLACK TANK TOP - Like Godfather - Like Godson!!! YAY!


Anonymous said...

After baby Riff pics this must be one of the cutest pics in a long time... :):):)

GGD Gal, loving ADAM, the best beanieman EVAAHH