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New Pictures (April 30, 2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, April 30, 2012

Posted at : Monday, April 30, 2012

Bigger version of new Lee Cherry Photo shoot!

Adam at "Never Close Our Eyes" Video Rehearsal via @migzmigzmigz (MIGUEL ZARATE)


Anonymous said...

JAK here....if I were 50 years younger, I'd say "Unnff"!

Anonymous said...

Hey, JAK! You can say "Unnff" at any age! "We may be wed, but we ain't dead!" That's what my sisters and I say. So, join me in a big Unnff! Oopta! Rakistn! And how about a good old fashioned "Oooohhh, Baby!"


The Dark Side said...

Adam and zombies, now that's a combination I can get behind.

daydreamin said...

Wish I was younger and able to take off and try to be in that video. Talk about a lifetime experience and never coming off of cloud 9!! To be able to spend hours and hours around that man.....uuuhhhh!

Anonymous said...

@ DRG.......JAK about a stunned "Mercy"!!!!!

Shiggles said...


After a sharp intake of breath, Whew.

Anonymous said...

I love the freckles!!

tess4ADAM said...

OT but OH!! Such GREAT NEWS!!

ADAM *Never Close Our Eyes* is the WINNER of the popcrush poll this week & it will be played on 20 stations across the country!! Good Job Glamberts!! ~~thanx 4 VOTING~~
BTW .. I've ALWAYS loved boys w/freckles ...

tess4ADAM (LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Yay for all us Glambert voters!

Anonymous said...

These photos .... SHEESH! Such a handsome man! :-)

Anonymous said...

Would be great to have the video for NCOE in time for AI. I hope that AI will give superstar Adam Lambert the same courtesy they give to other world stars, that is that their judges step off the stage area during his performance. He deserves it so much!!

Anonymous said...

Argh, yum, damn, faint, wake up, can anyone be so f...... Gorgeous? How?

Anonymous said...

Guys, this is very important. Go to this radio's facebook page and write-in to request "Never Close Our Eyes by Adam Lambert" for radio spin. That's all you have to do. Please do it here:

Anonymous said...

10:36 I did it. It looks like more requests for Adam right now. I hope it stays that way. If you can please let us know what happened. thanks.

Anonymous said...

9:22 really they step off the stage? I never noticed that before. I'd rather they stay in their seats be comfortable and enjoy the show.

HK fan said...

the video is being shot today, so maybe it will just about be ready by the 17th. And I think Terrance is in it

Terrance D. Spencer ‏ @LoveMrSpencer
I get to spend the day creating magic with my talented superstar friend @adamlambert tomorrow, so excited!

SG said...

OH LA LA!! mon cheri! Vou le vou..... avec mua, ce soir? or ce niut? or whenever....btw, I'm talking about dinner.....;))

Anonymous said...

@ JAK,

My generation was Cindy Lauper and Madonna. It was my groovy days and wild indeed!!:))

Now it's Adams turn to make me younger again..:))) This boy is a killer and face it guys no matter what people think about his fans, we r all agree when it comes to Adam indeed!!!

Wild ride and I'm loving it!!!!


Anonymous said...

Looking forward to video news and tweets from the set all day!

Anonymous said...

@ Canadian......JAK here

Yes, Adam is the "wonder" of these times....but the title The Killer belongs to Jerry Lee Lewis. He was a fantastic slightly mad performer before your time. I saw him in concert many times and stepped over the bodies of many of his audience who fainted outside auditoriums from the sheer exhaustion and dehydration of frenzied dancing. He was a hoot, the last time I saw him he was performing with Kid Rock....Whole Lot of Shaking Going On and of course Great Balls of Fire. Not bad for a geezer who had to be helped out to his piano bench, he was born the same year as Elvis and "moi".....but when he put his hands on the keyboard he was 20 again! Long Live The Killer! :)))

Anonymous said...

Yea, I remember the song, Great Balls of Fire, but I didn't know he was called The Killer. So maybe Adam can be The Wonder Killer! :)

I doubt very much you're thinking of dinner, though dinner with Adam is indeed oool-la-la! :)

Anonymous said...

Voulez vous couchez avec moi, ce soi! Come to bed with me tonight.

DRG (trying to remember my HS French)

Anonymous said...

I meant ce soir. My French is so rusty.

Anonymous said...

But there's no couchez in SG's words, but I think you read her mind. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

coucher means sleep/bed
couchez...wrong spelling LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

We've committed murder on the French language today!

SG said...

@Lam-my& DRG

I just said: Vou le vou.....and you bouth though that I.....
I would never think of..maybe... "sometimes" ....the tought could have crosses my mind....OK,OK!! I confess!!
You're right!!I would coucher,sleep,have dinner on his chest,watch a movie with my head on his chest or anything he would let me to do, and I know deep inside( maybe a little deeper, but werever...) you bouth would like to do the same,wouldn't you!!??;))

PS: May French rest in peace...;))

Anonymous said...

Adam looks spectacular in this new picture. I love the leather jackets or pants that he wears and the style of his hair now. Can't wait to see him perform on IDOL on May 17th a perfect date since his album will be released by that date and NCOE seems to be getting radio play on different stations each day. I just want to see him perform this song. Don't necessarily need a big extravaganza production behind him. Just the band and the two backup singers along with Adam, much the same way he was on Kimmel. I want to hear that impressive voice and focus on Adam and not be distracted by anything else happening on stage. It should be an exciting evening.

Anonymous said...

Looks like the majority of his fan base wouldnt be included in the mv, haha

Anonymous said...

9:34, I share your vision of Adam onstage singing with little fanfare going on behind him, although I LOVE that, too! I'm waiting for when he sings Underneath on tour, and is alone on a dark stage with just a soft light on him. That some give me goosebumps. It is so meaningful and beautiful. I can't wait for him to sing in live, no matter how he stages it.


Anonymous said...

I can't type today. I meant "that song gives me goosebumps."


funbunn40 said...

Thud! Zowie! Yikes! UNF X 10!!! Dying to know what Adam will do with this video!Can you imagine what it would be like to be an extra? I'm going with daydreamin after a quick trip to St. Augustine to get h2o from the FT of Youth.

funbunn40 said...

@Tess4Adam,Yay! Love it when wearing our fingers to nubs voting pays off! Thanks for always posting the links, making it so convenient to vote! :)

funbunn40 said...

@SG,DRG & Canadian fan, You had me fooled! It sounded very spicy & exotic, but food can be spicy & exotic too! I did recognize the French saying, "Will you go to bed with me", which is about the extent of my French! I also hope to see Adam sing Underneath with lille but a spotlight. I will probably wear that song out on replay!

Anonymous said...

@DRG...........JAK here

You learned "will you go to bed with me" in your high school French class? Merde! My class taught all that boring stuff "I have a yellow pencil" "Thank You", etc.

Now what I could have used was "Where is the police station, my husband has just had a pickpocket on the metro steal his wallet"?.........When we finally found the station a very nice officer said "I speak a little English"...I said "Je parle un peu francais" took over an hour to file our report!

Ah, Paris in the Spring!

HK fan said...

aahhh, the Paris Metro, moi aussi, I also had my purse nicked on there....

Anonymous said...

@ HK fan........JAK here...

It happens...but you know something very nice happened because of our loss. We were only 2 days into a 17 day tour, so really didn't know the group yet, but the next day about 10 people tried to loan us money or offer use of a credit card! Complete strangers! We were very surprised and assured everyone we were fine for money till we got to Venice where our daughter was wiring us additional funds. Our misfortune turned the whole group into instant friendly companions! Plus at our next stop the tour guide told the desk clerk in Bern, Switzerland what had happened to us and they put us in the honeymoon suite! There are lots of nice people in the world...I try to remember that!