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Adam Lambert on Fox5 news

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, May 02, 2012


Anonymous said...

I almost didn't watch it because I didn't want to get upset about anything before I went to bed but dayum that was cool.

daydreamin said...

If anyone is interested, I had asked FAULT magazine a question about a month ago to which they replied:

WOW! Tall, dark, and handsome! How did you get Adam to do this? Did you approach his management? Just wondering how the process works. How is he chosen over so many others?
daydreaminmylif 1 month ago 2
We have connections with various publicists. Press arrangements are normally made through them rather than management. The issue has an editors' letter all about our reasons for choosing him!
FAULTmagazinechannel in reply to daydreaminmylif 1 month ago

daydreamin said...

Just heard Adam is going to be on Chelsea Lately May 10th!!!!!!!!!!!!!

daydreamin said...

More Chelsea info here:

Live stream:

Anonymous said...

I think that's great about Chelsea Lately.

Thanks for info daydreamin


SG said...

Well, they are not really enthsiastic but at least they gave the great news!! They could also tell the name of the album, but werever...they will tell on AI.Lots of people will see WHO can really sing!!


Thanks for the Chelsea link!

Anonymous said...

the whole segment was very nice, it even had videos of Adam.Newscasters seemed like very sweet people.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the Chelsea Lately show! She's hilarious and really loves Adam. She really gets him going.


Castiele said...

Doesn't Adam listen to radio?! Haven't he heard Adele?! GOTYE?!!! Isn't Adam Lambert the fearless one who tried to break the cliches? The one who didn't give a F*** what the trend is cos he created his own trends?!! Isn't he the one who used to dress up differently every single night on American Idol stage and wasn't afraid of doing what he felt like doing on the stage?! IS HE THE SAME ADAM?!!!!!

Duuuudddeee! You've got the talent, you've got the voice, you've got the freakin' awesome style, you've got the looks and you've got the big names with you! WHY THE HELL HAVE YOU STOPPED TAKING RISKS????

Never Close Our Eyes?!! SERIOUSLY??? Just because it's hip and radio friendly and you'll be accepted by the masses? Weren't you the one who brought the songs back from the dead?! YOU HAVE A SONG ON YOUR ALBUM WITH A LIVING LEGEND, MR NILE RODGERS, AND YOU'RE GONNA RELEASE A BRUNO MARS ONE BECAUSE HE'S CURRENT?????

I don't know, you've just become a flash in the pan and it burns my heart that someone who everyone knew could bring music back to life is trying so desperately to be accepted by the mass instead of changing them.

I know your troops are going to attack me, your biz is much harder to run than what I depicted, you have much more to deal with than we can ever imagine... yeah I know it all. But you know what I mean, and I'm just saying these out of love and out of heartbreak caused by the blind people who can't see your talent and you, instead of lifting the cover off their eyes, are trying to cover yours to become one of them.

I say wear more colors, I'm tired of always seeing you in bland monotone black! Dance like you moved the stage in your AI tour! Be who you are, you're f***ing awesome when you're YOU! And KICK ASS WITH THE AMAZING ALBUM YOU'VE MADE, it's much more than what you're representing.

Don't cool it off man, you're ADAM F***ING LAMBERT THE GREAT, you can do anything...

Anonymous said...

I thought that was a dang good exposure on TV. Where exactly was that from. So looking forward to Adam on Chelsea she is a riot.The 15th and 17th will be here for ya know it.

Anonymous said...

7:36 can not wait for AI performance. I am hoping he wears something as fine as the NNN awards show or JK. I loved his leopard print shirt with the stars on it too just recently, very different!No wonder GQ is always on his back. lol

Anonymous said...

LOL- he WAS some performer- correction he still is! Nice to see him on fox (never watch them, but millions do)

Anonymous said...

good news about Chelsea lately.I will be seeing Adam in Pa. soon. Ahhh life is good.

Anonymous said...

Before being "accepted by the masses and changing them", you've got to get them to listen to you and to dig you enough to reach farther--perhaps far enough to go out and buy your album. I know some of his friends encouraged him, but how many of his acquaintances might have asked Adam in 2008, "Dude, you're going on American Idol--that show for no-talent music whores?" (a lot of people think of it this way, in case you didn't know) Hip rolls? Did you notice how often the camera pulled back on "Naked Love" even though that Jimmy Kimmel video did not air on TV? Frankly, I think Adam is probably smarter than any one of us, and while he does push the risk factor, he has learned just how far he can do it now without it back-firing. Frankly, I get enough excitement and satisfaction from seeing our gorgeous, glorious guy on TV, and I want him to keep getting asked back! Any new fans can go on-line to see the sexy moves.


Anonymous said...

post script:

Or, you can go to his shows, of course.

Give it time. We all would like to see steamy Adam on TV. Maybe it can happen in a few years. The rate of "change" seems to have accelerated recently.


Anonymous said...

Castiele,wow!where did all THAT come from??Did you see the other songs & videos from Jimmy Kimmel??Some of the lyrics & movments were pretty suggestive,& pretty wild.I don't think they should be on radio yet( one would have to have a word bleeped..(not on Kimmel,I don't think)I did like the black leather & Adam always looks great in those pants.He was gorgeous & his vocals were wonderful,& his sexy moves were smiliar to the GMT..Did you see Naked Love & Broken English?Check You Tube & see if they're still there..These songs were certainly NOT cliche!!!I think RCA & Adam wanted to start out with a more radio friendly song,& NCOE has been doing very well this early,esp.As far as this latest video he's making is going,I don't know..I'm interested to find out,tho.Adam is doing fine,I think,& if you don't want to buy his music,then,don't.I bet you still do,tho.HAVE A NICE DAY~

Anonymous said...

Adam can never be put in a box and Castiel isn't that what you are tryin to do by sayin he should be crazy and wear wild costumes and say fck you to everybody. There is such thing as GROWTH and MATURING.

He co wrote and produced this album because these are the songs HE wants to sing and grew up listening to. If he doesn't fit your expectations of him sorry!! Let him do him and if you can't support that then get to steppin. He also needs to eat and make a living if that means singing radio friendly songs then more power to him.

Anonymous said...

@Castiele 6:53 AM

I'm not going to attack you 'cause I feel your pain. You're a frustrated, "Can't they see how special he is?", "Please don't lose that edge" Adam fan like a bunch of us. But Adam's career path is taking him through a political, bottom line, "What have you done lately?" minefield and he has to step slowly and carefully.

Give him credit for the risks he has already taken (Rolling Stone story, AMA) and absorbing all those nasty hits with style and class. I don't blame him for going a little mainstream because, frankly, he is STILL gonna stand out in that crowd 'cause there is NO ONE else like him.

"Trespassing" is not a totally safe album, in my opinion, when you listen to the lyrics of several of his tracks, especially "Trespassing" and "Outlaws of Love." I read a very specific message in those songs. And who knows? "Shady" might get released as a single. Anything can happen with a talent like Adam and a fandom like ours.


P.S. Houston ..... I HAVE A PROBLEM!!!!! When, OH WHEN, are you gonna play Adam's NCOE?? FOREVER!!!

Anonymous said...

another post script:

I just read all the comments under the new music video picture, and another thought came to mind. While all the pop stars are unzipping, Adam is zipping! How AGAINST THE CURRENT is that? Remember the old adage that covering up (with clothes) will always be more mysterious. Nothing hotter than several buttons undone. Being suggestive lights the fire.


Anonymous said...

ADAM is the most fearless and fierce talent that ever graced the AI stage. And millions love him for his overwhelming talent as a consummate showman, for his stunning looks, his graciousness and humility. He went too far for his first TV appearance after Idol on that award show because as we say he is fearless. It was a major mistake in the sense he lost conservative fans from his Idol days. It was also a very unfortunate time since his FYE was released the morning after. And that FYE cover did really drive away some fans not to buy his album.
ADAM learned a big lesson from that but it is a struggle from then on and that history will never go away. It was a big opportunity lost to make a mark on the pop scene to catapult him to the height of success. I know some of his fans on AI that stopped being fans.
I continued to follow him why I know how awesome ADAM really is and will forever support him and forever be his fan. But those who stopped following him don't know what's going on with him now except when he shows up in AI.
If only ADAM, right after AI, is doing what he is doing now with his Trespassing,as how he appeared on Jay Leno singing BTIKM, no make-up and no glitter, I believe, he will not have to struggle at all. He will have the success he is meant to achieve with his AI run.

Anonymous said...

While we all may lament the "what if's", though it is sad he lost fans, those that stayed with him because they had a deeper love and tolerance also, along the way, gained a deeper understanding. And I think though things could have gone better for him economically, the intrinsic satisfaction Adam must get from that hopefully more than makes up for it.


Anonymous said...

That clip was only 24 sec. long but I loved it!! daydreamin that was nice of Fault to answer your question. I have not recieved my Fault magazine yet, I don't know anyone who has. I tried to get the Instinct magazine on Zenio but had a hard time finding anything on that site and gave up.

Pan said...

Pan(of Thrace) 5/3/2012
Castiele, I've just finished putting down my thoughts and they have been bothering me since Adam released NCOE. Yes, it is a politically-correct choice but not the Adam I fell in love with. The "what if..." stories are , in general , not acceptable, but... . What would I do if I were AL? I'd become again the valiant, surprising, risk-taker I was on AI,

the one the listeners fell in love with. I'd send to hell the haters(who will hate everything I sing/do , anyway) and I'd choose as future releases 2 "unsafe" songs , one, a masterpiece of the deep emotions of a sinful soul with a simple but brilliant musical arrangement and the other a playful, cheeky gem, with the accompaniment of a legend of funk. Underneath can become the Frozen of our years.
Glamberts, casual listeners expect you to be the breath-taking, original performer you were during
GNT . Come on , ordinary , safe, correct musical choices are not for you. Maybe your label will also understand this, eventually.
PS Sorry, ladies, I so abruptly joined the blog but I was "knight- erranting" for long.

Anonymous said...

Please would Aussie fans keep phoning the radio "request lines' asking them to play NCOE. Sydney's most listened to radio station, 2DayFM's number is 131060.

Anonymous said...

10:03 thanks for that number. I will be trying it later on today.

Anonymous said...

Chelsea reminds me of a younger Joan Rivers. quick witty and can be sarcastic at times.It seems just like yesterday Adam was on her program. Time flys by when you are having a good time!!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling that TPing will do very well world-wide. Songs will emerge from that album as hits and will become memorable, far beyond the current singles. As he progresses and has further success, Adam will be able to take more risks and still be accepted.

Let's face it. The Idol Adam was pretty tame compared to the pre-Idol Adam and the post-Idol Adam that he sprung on many unsuspecting viewers who loved the edgy but still pretty safe guy on Idol. After Idol, Adam showed us his Zodiac show side, a side that many people were not ready for. We devoted fans embraced that side of Adam and even applauded it. Others were scared away. Adam doesn't seem to want to be a cult star with a small, though devoted following. If he was ok with that, he wouldn't hesitate to do all the risky stuff, play in small local clubs and not worry abour record sales. He'd have a devoted following, but probably wouldn't make the charts. Adam is well on his way to being a world-wide star. It's in his DNA. To do this, he has to play the game to some extent. More freedom may come later.


Anonymous said...

Hallooo people ever heard of this thing called a RECORD LABEL????? You know the people that paid for all the producers that worked with Adam, who paid for the studio time, who are expecting to recover their expenses from sales of his album????

Adam did not have a choice in the single because at the end of the day his LABEL chooses what goes out. So get off your high horses spouting all this sh*t and be realistic and realise that its a BUSINESS and Adam has to play the game. If he was signed to an independent label he may have more freedom but he is signed to a MAJOR label the ONLY openly gay artist to be signed to a major label mind you. So cut him some slack and stop going on and on and on about what you perceive as his weaknesses.

He put his heart and soul in this album and I for one will choose to celebrate all the good things he has done and will continue to do instead of always looking for negatives or living in the past!!!

Anonymous said...

damn you 10:54 I was just about to write what you did. I wonder how many jobs these whinners have been through in their life or will go through. I certainly don't get to run the whole show at work and neither do they.

Anonymous said...

10:54, Thanks for the quick, smart and correct answer. We fans tend to emotionally over-analyze. I stand by my post as far as fan attitudes go, but you're right, of course, that the label has the last say about the singles. Let's be thankful Adam IS on a major label. What would we rather have? Adam on an indie label with lots of say in what he can do, but little promotion or backing? Or would we rather have him on a MAJOR label with much better backing but less say-so in every decision? Personally, I like him just where he is.

Thanks again for the answer we all know is true. Our emotions still run awfully strong!

Anonymous said...

To 10:54AM
Amem!!! Totally agree:)
It's all about the music Business!
So Happy for Adam!
Let's all be positive & support our Amazing Adam's music!!!
Have a great day all!

Anonymous said...

DRG and 10:54, good for you for hitting the nail on the head! He was edgier than other contestants on AI because "the powers that be" ALLOWED him to be. Now, what good would it do for Adam to release his edgier songs as singles if "the powers that be" refuse to play them!


Anonymous said...

10:54 Thank you! My sentiments exactly.

Anonymous said...

6 53 what the hell? would you like him to perform another 2009 AMA antic?
I dont think so, look where thats gotten him.
Adam is brilliant, classy will get him farther along. :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe Sauli is cracking the whip and saying tame down boy

Anonymous said...

Why do you guys think Adam joined AI, was it to have a small group of loyal fans or to explode in the music scene and sell millions of albums. Others seem to think that Adam without make up and over the top make up and crazy stage antics is a sell out.

Why not celebrate that Adam is sooo happy and in such a good place right now???? He has made an album that he is truly proud of, he has an amazing sweet boyfriend, family and friends who love him to death and fans like me who will be there with him till the end. Instead some of you rather whine and try to put down Adam every turn he makes. Some on twitter say oh Adam has changed and is no longer the Glam god...well I say Adam do whatever the fu*k makes you happy and when I see that gorgeous smile on your face, I smile. May 15th get here already so we can stop yapping and start dancing our asses off!!!!

Anonymous said...

OT (well, to this thread, which might be a good thing at this point ;)):

new little blurb from the blogosphere this afternoon

Enjoy fans


Anonymous said...

@12:18PM I agree with your comment that Sauli tamed Adam but will Adam last for a long time being like a boy next door?

Anonymous said...

nothing stays the same, everyone evolves. Sir Elton Jonh would look pretty rediculous still running around in over sized sunglasses, capes and stiletto heels. It's show biz folks.

Pan said...

Pan(of Thrace) 5/3/2012 11:17 PM
Living in the past, you say? No way. But when the past is more exciting, more spectacular you tend to take it as a model. Deny the importance of labels , no way. My point is musical choices, which lead directly to ,like it or not,
sales=profits=money. The songs I want so desperately to be Adam's next releases are , by far,better musically, poetically than NCOE.
Pity, but safety, political correctness haven't brought Adam the so-deserved larger recognition and fame. And Underneath and Shady being on the same album are supposed to be " approved " by his label, aren't they? So , why not them?

Anonymous said...

omg enough whinning about what effing songs were picked, weren't picked. Just enjoy what's out there. Live in the now and support Adam.

Anonymous said...

@Pan more exciting..more spectacular??? So basically Adam is boring now. His first album was written by others and done in two months and his whole GNT was fun but as he said he has evolved and so will his show...please feel free to look elsewhere for a more exciting and real artist if you can't embrace the new chapter in Adam's life.

@ 1:01 Clearly Adam is so weak that Sauli managed to change his whole personality right? He has emotional security in his life that has grounded him and let him become more vulnerable..which we can see by him wearing less make up which he himself admitted that he at times used to hide his insecurities. And how is Adam the boy next door right now?? Is it so hard to believe that Adam is comfortable in his own skin right now and that comes across in his current image??

Adam will keep changing and evolving so if you can't keep up sorry for you but I'm loving this new era of Adam!!

Anonymous said...

Can't believe my eyes! Adam has made his dream album and people are whining here. Along with funky beat Adam loves also music of today. Guetta, Bruno Mars etc. and he is very proud of NCOE. Adam will never be tame or mainstream. Even with a Bruno Mars song. He will always be a rebel

Anonymous said...


All I can say for now is wait when Adam tour for his own concert again my dearrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

This f****** 2nd album will give u a wild ride and hopefully u don't S*** your pants!!!!!:)

Adam is a professional SHOWMAN!!!



Anonymous said...

1:01 --boy next door--really?

Pan -- we are not talking about his producers, we are taking about the guys who make the decisions on radio airplay!

Exciting? plenty exciting for MOST of us, but want more? Then wait for his tour show! What we've seen so far are his radio station and TV appearances where he MUST temper his performances.


Anonymous said...

@SS The radio guys who made the decision to release NCOE as a second single, then, why the hell they don't spin it and put all these none sense polls to get clicks on their radio websites for only one spin?

Anonymous said...

3:01 who knows, sometimes you just have to go with the flow.

Anonymous said...

When he performs these songs live on tour, he will KICK ASS. No doubt in my mind.


Anonymous said...

JAK here.......What's all this fuss? Some of these comments make it sound like NCOE is pap and crap.
Some of us like it! I like the melody and lyrics. Every song doesn't have to be "in your face daring and racy" sometimes it's pleasant to have a pure love song.
And who better to sing one than Adam with his exceptional voice.
I don't think he compromised to sing a mainstream commercial song, I think he chose a beautiful song to add variety to his album. Do I like Shady and Trespassing and Chokehold, etc. of course I do, but I also think NCOE has great appeal.

Some of you make it sound like NCOE is an dull, ugly orphan he was forced to adopt.