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ADAM LAMBERT on GMA Pop News 5-14-12!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Monday, May 14, 2012

Posted at : Monday, May 14, 2012


MotoMoto said...

Adam is so fcking beautiful and the performance of NCOE was soooo good. He was in a good mood,the band sounded great,the JACKET was outstanding and most of all his vocals were impeccable.

I don't know why some audience members looked kinda bored...or maybe they were GMA staff but how anyone can't be hypnotized when Adam is performing is beyond me.

So much going on today and I cannot wait for tomorrow :)

glitzylady said...

FYI: LOTS of Links posted on the Nellie Furtado thread for those wondering about the GMA performances..and lots of other great articles and reviews, etc...

Check 'em out!!

Anonymous said...

Will the performance be posted?
Didn't see it on t.v.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice -- this blonde lady (sorry, don't know her name) had on a BLACK top and YELLOW skirt. And George Stephanopolis (sp?) had on a YELLOW tie!!!


Anonymous said...

I love the look. the hair and jacket. the eyes are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love the look. the hair and jacket. the eyes are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

cant wait adam lambert performing in american idol on thursday? or wednesday. love everything about him his voice and his personality.

Anonymous said...

I got up this morning was thinking about Adam and his band getting up way early, ran to the shower, and when I was in there I forgot to take my glasses off. I just wanting to hurry up so fast so I would not miss Adam and the band on tv. Nothing like doing two things at once. Taking a shower and cleaning my glasses. Adam Lambert and the band were beyound perfection. I couldn't take my eyes off of him. Just could't let go after American Idol. I wanted to capture everthing that he does.

Anonymous said...

Off subject...are ppl receiving trespassing via mail or ups...don't get mail here they wouldn't ship to my Po box..think I'm gonna be really copy is probally floating around sonewhere��

Anonymous said...

What kind of crappy review was that in the Washington .must have ben listening to a different cd than us.

daydreamin said...

Anon 1:27 Adam will be on AI on Thursday.

Anon 2:02 I love your story about showering with your glasses!

SS I didn't even catch that! Thanks for letting us know! That is so AWESOME!