More VIdeos of Adam Lambert performing live at the FM Kirby Center (May 25)
Filed Under (performances,video ) by Admin on Saturday, May 26, 2012
Posted at : Saturday, May 26, 2012
Broken English
Naked Love
Trespassing and Kickin In
Never Close Our Eyes
Broken English
Naked Love
Trespassing and Kickin In
Never Close Our Eyes
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Another terrific show from Adam and the band. He seems to be more comfortable with the audience and the banter between songs. I am sure that woman he hugged during Naked Love is never going to forget that moment. It still seems there are some sound issues to work out, but since each venue is different, I guess that is bound to happen. But Adam keeps on singing and really seems happy esp. with the great reception and reviews he has received for Trespassing. By the time he is ready for his own tour, all the kinks and problems should be ironed out. Now, let me go back to watching these videos again.
OMG, Chokehold gets me everytime!
Near the end of the song, when he motions with is pointer finger to come back!! This man is killing me with his good looks!!!!! I LOVE YOU
ADAM LAMBERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This concert was fabulous!!! My only complaint: I wish it would have lasted all night. I saw 2 GlamNation shows 2 years ago which I adored, but I have to admit he was even better this time and very comfortable and playful on stage. We were going nuts. I have never seen him so happy and gorgeous. It will take me weeks to come down from my high. Everbody in my family will be getting his new CD in the months to come along with CDs for charities. Can you think of a better present???
ADAMGASMIC from Colombia has started a campaign to bring Adam’s music to South America. She contacted Sony, which told her they would ship CDs only if she can show that the support is there. She needs 1,000 followers for @playbogota. You don’t need to be in South America, so just go and find the Twitter account and click “Follow”!! Let’s see if we can reach her goal by the weekend!! She’s an incredible Glambert. Last night she produced a radio show devoted to “Trespassing”.
The crowd really went crazy for Adam...very enthusiastic. He seemed to be having a good time up there and enjoying each song. Hopefully these radio concerts will bring in new fans with people going out to buy the album. Listening to it is just want to hear it over and over again. I constantly hear these songs in my mind during the day that's how much I love this album. The songs make you want to move, to dance and just feel good. They also have meanings behind the lyrics once you listen closely to some of them, often very poignant and haunting. Adam has let us trespass into his life and believe me it is some journey, one of revelation, reflection, and awareness of all the possibilities out there if you want to take them.
Adam was on fire! His vocals and dance moves OMG! You can tell he and the band are feeling the love! It's fantastic to see the great reception for Adam! I'm so happy for him..he's a brilliant performer. I saw GNT 7 times and I can't wait for the Trespassing tour...saving the dollars already!
ADAM LAMBERT Highlights from the 98.5 KRZ Summer Smash 2012 Wilkes-Barre Concert with Adam Lambert and others at The FM Kirby Center in Wilkes-Barre, PA on May 25, 2012.
sexy ass dance moves. woooooo weeeeeeee
The cuckoo version that night was nuts!!!!
Damn!!!! Adam!!!! I have so many things to say to you when I see u on Monday. Get ready Adam I'm cuckoo he!he!
You are in National Post Adam!!!!
May 28!!!!
Wow this looked like fun!!! There is nothing and no one like Adam live... I'm sooo glad these videos are here because tonight ADAM is HERE in MA! and I'm NOT at the venue. =(...
Seeing these new videos here tonight is a nice consolation.
Hearing Adam live and remembering how exciting his shows are makes me firmly believe that just like with IIHY.... there was a WORLD of difference between the recording, and how amazing and powerful that sounded A-live!! WHAT a sound, AND SOOOO much FUN!!!
My sense watcing this video is that NCOE is going to be like that.... Powerful and amazing and really exciting live...
Anyone there??? Am I right??
AND yes, "let's get that MF ON the radio!!!'
Here in Boston on Kiss 108 (where he did the big concert)--you'd think they'd give it a push.... JEEZ,
Sooo it's up to Us... PLEASE keep helping by requesting. It moved to # 29 this week. Lets get it played more... Please keep requesting...
first box, then scroll down. Only need name, age, gender & scramble code.... ignore the rest. then SUBMIT.
scroll to bottom & click for Instructions if it doesn't work...
Let's keep Adam #1 and help get NCOE ON the radio & UP to the top!
Thanks, Cindy
Wow he's sang purple haze on:
My dear, TAKE YOUR VITAMINS!! take your medicine, take and extra hear, cause Adam is gonna steal yours!!!You gonna need to be ready for such among of sexy energy!!I want you back, so be a good girl and be prepared!!;))
WOW!! That was THE BEST Adam!! Great voice, as always, but he was ON FIRE! SOOO HAPPY! and the crowd went NUTS!! Can't blame them! I'll be dead by now!
Adam Lambert's full concert tonight from alikat1323's stream
ooooppppsss...I meant:Take an extra heart! ;-)
All of my gears are ready my dear and I'm practicing a lot since I got my pass for the autograph session ha!ha!
I hope I won't sh** my pants indeed!!!
Geez!!! I"m going to mention this site to Adam he!he!
It's gonna be 30 degrees on Monday. Sunny and cloudy he!he!.
I just watched the video of Adam performing Cuckoo at the Kirby Center on you tube. WOW!! He was amaaaazing. He was so into the song, working it out with those sexy dance moves, introducing the band members and just having such a good time up on that stage. Adam is mesmerizing to watch; the crowd went crazy and I don't blame them. If this mini concert is any indication of his Trespassing tour, it is going to be spectacular. So ladies you'd better build up your energy and stamina to keep up with all the excitement of his brilliant performances. I've gone 'cuckoo' like so many of the rest of you.
@idolsnow: ADAM LAMBERT's "Trespassing" debuts at #1 on four Billboard charts this week, giving him a new total of 9 Billboard#1s.”
I've just finished listening to all these great links. Oh my God. Adam just gets better and better in every way possible. Voice, looks, attitude, creativity. I am constantly amazed. I can't get enough.
The lucky lady who got some Naked Love from Adam. WHOA!! Must get the ol' vocal chords in training so I can WHOA OH OH along with him.
So thankful to the fans that post these vids!
@ cindy- I have tried requesting so many times. just doesn't work and I know I'm typing in the right code. Wonder what's going on?
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