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Lyndsey Parker Interviews ADAM LAMBERT After Idol (5-17-12)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Friday, May 18, 2012

Posted at : Friday, May 18, 2012


Anonymous said...

Yeah like a cute boring white guy say no more!

Anonymous said...

I don't know who 9:48 is talking about but Adam is as charming and tactful as ever. BTW, the more I listen to Trespassing, the more I want to hear his voice. He's so skilled and he makes everything sound so easy when it's not.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who 9:48 is talking about but Adam is as charming and tactful as ever. BTW, the more I listen to Trespassing, the more I want to hear his voice. He's so skilled and he makes everything sound so easy when it's not.

Anonymous said...

alot of things can be said about Adam Lambert, all of them beyond good from me..however, boring is the one adjective that can NEVER be used to describe him and his amazing self!!!

choons said...

9:48 is talking about Kris Allen - he's the WG that won. (and some say he is boring).

glitzylady said...

Adam is referring to the last several seasons' winners...not just KA...the fact that America votes for a certain "type": "White Guys With Guitars" (a phrase associated with American Idol...) he's alluding to the possibility that Philip Phillips will win this season...

Anonymous said...

I am having my daughter's graduation party in a couple weeks..Guess what CDs will be playing continuously at the party!!!! Oh yeah, Mr. Lambert and his sexy self...


Anonymous said...

I could care less who wins idol anymore- doesn't mean anything because it is the same type white guitar boy. as adam states, it a platform- if you've really got it which he does you will rise above the winners!

Adamluv said...

WGWG is what AI has become with the last 4 winners - David Cook, Kris A, Lee D, and last years Howdy Doody hillbilly. Expect nothing different this year.

glitzylady said...

Another interview with Adam at Idol last night, this one Laura Saltman with Access Hollywood..

"Adam Lambert Weighs In On The American Idol Finalists"

(and other subjects...)

Anonymous said...

Oh.. I want a hug from him..lucky chick..


Anonymous said...

phillip philips birthday sept.1995-zodiac sign virgo-horse year born
phillips and adma are compatible (birthyear sign0 jessica sanchez; aug. born 1995-leo-boar yera born.
actually this year is jessicas good year also phillips good eyar as well.-but the music industry probably prepare philipp bec. american peopel majority want to by the music of philipps;
jessica -an asian singer-als can have lots of sales from asian peopel here and abroad. will see.
phillips and jessica sanches-both compatible with adam lambert(htier zodiac sign birhtyear)

Anonymous said...

Send this to your friends who are pro equal rights!

Strike a Tiny Blow for Gay Rights!
Because in the nearly 60-year history of the weekly Billboard album chart, no single-artist title credited to an out gay performer has ever been our No. 1 album. (Nope, not him. Or him, either. Or her.)


Anonymous said...

How can that man look so style and handsome! With these interviews (thanks glizylady for the other) I got a close look at his outfit, compared to the performance video... Yes please :)


tess4ADAM said...

I agree with ADAM's reference to the past winners ... 1) she's a girl ... how long has it been since a female has won? ... 2) the WGWG syndrome ... mostly young girls vote on this show ... so Phillips is almost sure to win regardless of who SINGS better!! America doesn't seem to CARE!! The show should change the title to: .. Which WGWG Will Win This Time? ... Don't ALLOW any instruments only SINGING!! Make it an Equal Singing Only Contest!! ... JMO

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

As long as the public choose the winner it will be a popularity contest, a contest of which section of the country has most enthusiastic voters. If you want to find the best singer, then only qualified musicians should vote....
but that wouldn't be The American Idol!

Take a look (shudder) at who are Idols in this country. It's scary.

Adamluv said...

@tess4ADAM - love your new name change for AL! But think that even without an instrument (musical - ha) the winner will continue to a white bread, non threatening, conservative, goodie 2 shoes type. WOW - how teenage girls have changed. In my day (those 3 words make me feel sooo old) it was the wild rebel we adored who our parents hated - just the way it should be (LOL). But today we have Bieber. Need I say more. . . . Adamluv

donnaw said...

Adamluv~how right you are! In our day we went for the Bad Boy!......the rebel always won out before the nerd or the preppy!
I mean much fun would a nerd be in the backseat of a car at a drive-in?!

Anonymous said...

@11:31AM Can you give us Lottery nos. for tonight drawing cause I want to win a Lotto so I can buy tons of Trespassing (Deluxe) album from different store/online music outlets cause I want to make Adam no. 1 on Billboard chart!?

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....even in MY day....I sat in church on Sunday morning in my blue and white polka dot dress, lots of scratchy crinolins and short white gloves (don't laugh!) and listened while the preacher would shout and sweat (no A/C) and tell the congregation that Elvis was the spawn of the devil and would lead all young people straight to hell...then I went home and put a huge stack of Elvis 45's on my record player! I never felt one flicker of the flames of hell!

At school I crushed on the guys with cigarette packs rolled up in their white tee shirts and had Danny Zuco (sp?) hair styles with enough grease to fry a chicken!

But I didn't date them....I stuck with student director of drama club, student council president and basketball players. I was dramatic, political and TALL! Still am. And in the back seat of a 54 Chevy at the drive in movie, they were very entertaining.

Ah Sweet Memories!

And may I add all white guys who play guitars are not boring!
No ma'am!

Anonymous said...

i dont care who win and who lose- not fond of them really.only adam lambert i like and love-hes sexy-sounds like an angel-good perosn and helpful the best singer in todays world-new generation.
p;s jessica can sing her own country also philippines; also she sounds like charice another singer in philippines.

Anonymous said...

Saltman wants those pythons under her bed;);)

Anonymous said...

Adam is so damn honest and diplomatic, a skill our politicians should seek. Loved his comment at the end, "who wins every year." Yep, we got it Adam. Not the best singer but the cute guy pre-teens and teens select in power voting. I actually like PP, but no way he's better than Ledet or Jessica. Sure is cute tho!! JMO.

Adamluv said...

@donnaw - I laughed at your reference to the backseat of a car at the drive-in! Can soooooo identify with that! Going to my high school reunion this Oct. so should be fun to see how all the "bad boys" have changed! Probably now all conservative republicans - cant wait for this!

ksgirl01 said...

I was happy to see Adam again on Idol and he did an amazing job ! I just love him. as far as who wins Idol this year, who cares? I predicted Colton or Phillip. They are all winners and have careers.And yes, Adam is probably the most sweetest, intelligent,and talented person in pop music or anywhere right now. He should give himself a pat on the back. :)

Anonymous said...

Anon. 2012 3:37 PM .... what a racist remark that is! I think there are whole lot of other people in America who love Jessica's singing .... obviously, because she wouldn't be in the final 2 otherwise. Keep your racist thoughts to yourself.

Anonymous said...

Great interview. WGWG, I haven't heard that expression before, living in another part of the world. Adam was trying not to give anything away but that cheeky look said a lot.

Read somewhere that JLo mightn't be back on Idol next year.