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The Making of Trespassing (Fan Edition DVD)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, May 12, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, May 12, 2012



Anonymous said...

Thankyou for posting this it was great loved it.


Anonymous said...

These videos on parts of Adam's journey in the making of his album Trespassing, are so absorbing; almost like a mini movie. Adam looks good, vibrant, especially in that sleeveless t-shirt. He actually thoroughly enjoyed himself in the process of executive-producing the album. High time for a Grammy and also time for an Adam movie. BTIKM and NCOE are good choices as singles; now really anticipating the release of NCOE video. I like Shady a lot and actually the whole album is very cohesive and has a common emotional feel running through it in terms of musicality, homogeneity and meanings. More cohesion as a whole, compared to FYE which is still excellent. A very artistic, thoughtful production from the whole Adam, Trespassing Team! :)

Arthas said...

Found this on Twitter, seems like an important poll >

Arthas said...

About NCOE >

If GMA and AI really do thier magic for NCOE, it will def have a great impact on the track. Even "Moves Like Jagger," Maroon 5's 2011 smash with Christina Aguilera, didn't hold up that well in its early outings. The song debuted at #8, but then dropped to #23 in its second week and #62 in its third. That was its low point; until it reached #1 in its 10TH WEEK and stayed there for four weeks. So everything is possible.

@Glitzylady > Hi Glitzy! And happy mother's day.
Glitzylady do you know exactly what it means when RCA says NCOE will go to radio on May 28th?

Anonymous said...

I'm LOVING "The Making of Trespassing (Fan Edition DVD)". Adam's eyes without eye makeup look so damn sexy and mesmerising!!! He's such a babe!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This Fan Edition DVD is absolutely superb. I love it and the BTIKM clip is my fave. Adam's acting is so wonderful such that I could watch him perform 24/7.

I'm glad Adam loves singing Naked Love .... it's my fave on Trespassing.

Thanks Adam 24/7 News for posting 3 parts of this DVD .... hugely appreciated.

SG said...

After watching thouse videos, it's even more obvious that making Trespassing it's been a long hard work, but also it's been interesting, educational and funny.He's energy is soo contagious!I looove the way he moves his arms and hands when he talks, It's like If you don't get my words you gonna get my moves!!
THE HAIR(process)deserves another video just for it's own....
"1001 ways of wearing the perfect hair" by AL.
The note above Comments that says:Remember to buy the album, it should say: Remember HOW many copies you gonna need, before you order them!!

My darling...of ALL the words that you usually use,always finding the righ definition to and endless list of topics, the only thing you can say about the Sleeveless T-shirt is VIBRANT!! ? come on!!;)))

SG said...

Happy mother's day!! To all the Moms around here!even sometimes we complain about our Moms, they're always there for us, it's really a hard work. In a way, everyday is Mom's Day!!;))

Anonymous said...

Wow, from darling to my darling, gives me a tingle, nice, very nice. Hey, when I saw Adam's sleeveless well-contoured arms, I immediately forgot what he was expounding; they totally usurped my usual complete focus on his face. And then when I finally managed to pay attention, I lost track of what he was trying to explain. LOL! Surely, you could feel I was holding back in using a calmer word like vibrant. Sometimes holding back is a lot hotter than an all out scream like the way you usually do; a kind of reversed psychology. But you are sexy, my dear! When I was sizing up his shapely arm, I told myself...wait till SG sees this and sure enough... I read you like a book! Okay, his arms are so well-toned and sexxyy! LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone could email this to Melissa Maertz @ EW . . . . give her some research material!!!

Anonymous said...

Woke up at 3 this morning click on the TV and there was Adam (VH1-Behind The Music)

Happy Mother's Day to me
and I love these short videos

Love his voice, happy songs, sad songs but it's his "being" that moves me.

SG said...

LOL! You know you're my darling!;)
I felt your struggle with yourself,trying to not to say all the .....things that crossed your mind.I know it's hard, but you did it! me?I can't , as you said I need to "out scream", but about reversed pychology, I like to "play that game" with clothes, never "show off" only "show through"
When I saw that T.shirt....go and read me!!;))))

Anonymous said...

Well well well..."never show off only show through"...hmmm, must think about it. By the way what is your horoscope, I am curious why we seem to hit it off so well, just the date and month of your birthday, not necessary the year; only if you don't mind. :)

Anonymous said...

Adam was born, I say, BORN, to be on camera doing ANYTHING. Singing, talking, modeling, acting, just BEING. He is so natural and comfortable with it all. I loved seeing the creative process unfold, the details, the teamwork, that go into producing a song. It's fascinating.

I love love love Shady and Naked Love and Underneath. Love them all, but these REALLY move me.

And yes, Lam-my, the HAIR deserves a video all its own. Tht hair is an entity and a phenomenon unto itself. I've never seen such incredible hair in all my life, and that includes my husband's hair, which is pretty damn awesome.


Anonymous said...

Whoa, so when you're here you ogle at Adam's beautiful hair and then when you are totally satisfied with Adam's hair, you can actually run your hand through your husband's hair. You've got it all! The virtual and the real! "Pure lust!" LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

Adam's upcoming events have been updated. For more info. Click on links at the end of each scheduled event.

SG said...


I don't mind!;)June 4th 19?8 LOL!

Anonymous said...

I liked Adam pick of 'producer' too. What a cutesy guy.

Anonymous said...

Adam's recent tweets. Read from bottom up:

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert
Happy Mothers Day!!

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert
@DarrenCriss always great to see you man! How do we Always run into each other everywhere? have a great Sunday :)

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert
JUNE and JULY will be spent in London mostly. I'm so excited to be rehearsing w Queen and being out and about here and there! I LOVE London

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert
I'm looking forward to the rest of the month! Performances on GMA, iHeartRadio, MLB, and Idol on Thursday! Then a handful of RadioShows! :)

Adam Lambert ‏ @adamlambert
I can't believe it's almost Tuesday!! #Trespassing release day!!

Anonymous said...

You're Gemini...the twins. Geminians are very smart people; the twin sign says they can view things from two or more angles and very good speakers. No wonder you say you are good with using your voice and you know several languages and twist words. SG, you don't have to answer if I'm right or wrong, but I think it's 1968! :)

Anonymous said...

Did someone mention Gemini's!
Love em. Sutan is a Gemini too.

Anonymous said...

NCOE is making its way to America's Top 40. Please don't forget to request NCOE. Go to the following link for more info.:

Anonymous said...

It certainly is going to be a great month for Adam with the release of Trespassing,his GMA appearance, IDOL and various other tv and radio promos. I've listened to all the songs on the album and think it is spectacular. Each time I listen to it again, I have another favorite from it. Adam has poured his heart and soul into the making this album and it is a musical masterpiece which deserves many nominations and awards for 2012. If the listening audience doesn't embrace this album, then there is something seriously wrong with them because most of the music out there now is from mediocre, untalented auto-tuned performers who seem to get played over and over "ad nauseum" on the radio.

Anonymous said...

Adam's schedule for tomorrow:

May 14: TV, US. Good Morning America. Performance and PopNews co-host 7-9am ET on ABC. [Source | Possible Livestreams]

May 14: TV, US. VH1 Big Morning Buzz at 10am ET. [Source | Possible Livestreams]

May 14: Billboard live Q&A at 3pm ET. [Source]

May 14: Concert New York City, New York at the MLB FanCave 6:30pm ET. [Source | VIP passes via Adam Official | More Info]

May 14: Interview with Celebuzz – look for fan questions. [Source]

May 14: TV, US. Performance on Jimmy Kimmel live repeat. [Source]

May 14: Trespassing released in Russia.

SG said...


I can tell you, I'm a good speaker!!;)About the year,You're right!;)Revolutionary year!!!LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Top Ten in music for Sunday, May 13, 2012. Adam is No. 1. GREAT! NEW YORK!

Read more:

Anonymous said...

Belgian Glamberts ‏ @AdamLambertBE
Adam in the Sunday paper in Belgium!! pic via @ZitaD93 )

Wished Adam had another iTunes banner on its main page for a week.

Anonymous said...

BorneoBert ‏ @BorneoBert
@adamlambert NCOE is up to #17 on NZ pop iTunes!!! Getting lots of Top 40 radio play. ) Btw FYE album #99! )

Anonymous said...

Tweet from music reviewer:

I think my @adamlambert #Trespassing review might be my most viewed post EVER? Insanity! Thank you Glamberts!…

Anonymous said...

Adam Lambert Album Listening Parties a Success!

Anonymous said...

These videos are insaneeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Yah!! Adam is the S*** so watch out people!!! Tuesday yet?????

Happy Mothers Day !!!


Anonymous said...

Another great review of TP album:

Anonymous said...

Going to see Adam in concert in Mass. May 26 . . . it will be at night . . last concert was blue glow sticks . . I was thinking yellow glow sicks to kinda match cover of new CD....need some feedback as to what song to break out sticks...HELP....I don't have play list...thinking "No Trespassing" or "Underneath"

glitzylady said...

I suspect that as you get closer to the concert date, that question of what color glow sticks and during what song(s) to wave them will have been answered by the fandom...Keep watching here and on twitter if you are on there..That's how word spreads! We'll let you know!

By the way, have a far, no concerts on the West Coast at all... : ((((((( Feeling deprived..but maybe later in the summer..since he'll be in London "most of June and July" and running out of time for any other radio shows/festivals..such a busy man is Adam!!!

Arthas said...


A while ago someone tweeted Adam and asked if it is true that he had sued Justin Bieber for copying Adam Lambert's trespassing album cover!
Apparently it was a very witty joke and Adam laughed at it.

So I went and checked it and saw the surprising resemblance and got this idea. You know the Beliebers are millions, right? So... I suggest we discreetly go to the pages that have this image up and in the comment section, very simply ask the others if they see the resemblance too.

This way the millions of fans will get curious and will want to go check out if it's true. Then they might even get more curious and check out the album, like it and even eventually buy it!

JUST REMEMBER TO DO THIS IN THE SHORTEST YET MOST EFFECTIVE AND PROVOKING WAY POSSIBLE. I think a short, simple question like: "Does anyone see the striking resemblance to Adam Lambert's album cover?!" and then maybe post a link to Adam's image. :)

Even if it works only for 1 person, we won't lose anything. It's all in favor of Adam getting more notice... }:)

glitzylady said...

Thank you!! ; ))

RCA means that they will be "impacting" NCOE to the radio stations...officially asking radio to play it (damn it!! ) ..sending requests to the program managers, etc... Ultimately its up to the program managers (and apparently upper management as well..) of the Top 40 stations to play it in general. The DJ's can't usually make the decisions on Top 40.. They also send it to Adult Contemporary stations and Hot Adult Contemporary stations, which seem more flexible in the "rules" for play.. Its already out there and being played on many stations, but the official "push" to radio to play it comes May 28th..

glitzylady said...

By the way, my response to @Jax at 12:10 PM was to his post at 12:31 AM : )) re: Radio impacting...

Anonymous said...

TY glitzylady...last concert I felt like such a "newbie" (August 2010) I felt so lucky I got to see Glam Nation Tour..It was the most fun I had in years......Went to WalMart today . . thought maybe someone put CD out by mistake . . nope . . . but I have 3 pre-ordered
Tuesday.....Glam Nation Day

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Thank you for compliment to Gemini. I was born at 5/28/1963:)


Anonymous said...


Ref: JB CD cover
Is that the B&W cover with the words "Believe" in Yellow?

Arthas said...

@ Glitzylady > Tnx for the info. ;)

@ 12:25 > Apparently it is. It's the most similar one. I don't see THAT MUCH of resemblance myself but the Glambert are abuzz about it on the twitter. Here's Adam's own tweet exchange about it:

@LussyJackson :

WTF?! Just heard that @adamlambert sued @justinbieber for coping his album cover pic. Is that true? O.o

@adamlambert :

@LussyJackson hahaha NO. that's funny though.

I think Justin's facebook page is the most viewed if anyone can find the post about the album covers, I didn't have any luck...

Anonymous said...

Adam......"Man of a thousand hair-do's"

Anonymous said...

Adam like a chia just keeps growing!

Anonymous said...

Outside might look similar but the inside......whole different can of worms

Anonymous said...

VH1 ‏ @VH1
Don't forget, Glamberts! @AdamLambert will be back on #VH1Buzz with @CarrieKeagan tomorrow morning at 10/9c! #GlitterKisses

Anonymous said...

All these positive reviews except that EW one that was prejudice towards Adam. That lady should get fired just like RS fired her. Read this great review gave Adam TP 4 out of 5 score:

Anonymous said...

OT, but anyone else think the mafioso hat, or whatever it's called, does not suit Adam? I think he looks hotter when he's wearing a beanie. He should give the hat to Tommy, so he wouldn't have to borrow it, and the chain neclace too.

Anonymous said...

@anon 1:21PM I just checked VH1Buzz.Didn't see Adam's name in their schedule neither on the next day:( Where did you get this info?

MotoMoto said...

@1:37 Adam in a beenie equals sex on legs....soooo hot!! As for the hat I am surprised the crays have not claimed it as evidence of the secret love given that Tommy likes wearing Adam's things :P. Anyway I never cared for the hat even when he wore it for the AMA after party last year...but I guess its his choice on what he wants to wear. We just ooooh and aaaahh and salivate and maybe fantasize a little bit :D

Anonymous said...

With such positive reviews for the album, I hope the radio program directors are more apt to be willing to put NCOE on their playlists.


Anonymous said...

MotoMoto, imo the hat didn't look good on Tommy either. He looked like a witch.

Anonymous said...

@2:09PM from @VH1 twitter account, here is another tweet from the network:

VH1 ‏ @VH1
SET UR DVR! @AdamLambert & @ChrisColfer will be on #VH1Buzz with @CarrieKeagan this Monday at 10/9c! #Glamberts + #Gleeks join forces!

Anonymous said...

@Jax - Please don't take this the wrong way, but you are kidding, right? You do realize the average of of a "Belieber" is about 10 years old, and that the phrase "does anyone notice the striking resemblance" already outs you as being at least as old as their parents?

You're more likely to get a bunch of tweens accusing Adam of copying their beloved Beebs, than having them buy Adam's album...

Anonymous said...

For those who haven't seen JB cover album check out the link below:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of the hat . . does anyone remember "Father Guido Sarduca"??? LOL

Anonymous said...

Haven't spoken to you for quite some time. I like Geminians, very lively, unassuming but smart! From what I gleaned from those horoscope books, Gemini people may have this duo-personality trait; therefore the twin symbol. Are you anything like that? Like for example, Gemini people may appear at times, reserved yet they feel very passionate about things. Hey you are quite young; I got the impression all along you were much older. See, this is a typical Gemini trait. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

@Lam-my Thank you,dear.You're absolutely right about me.Sometimes I feel myself much older than I'm.But after all I go to mall and buy 5 or 6 pair shoes. Do you know if woman stoped to buy the shoes this is mean that she is very old?:)

Anonymous said...

You're quite accurate about, when women stop buying shoes, it means they are old. Well, I have stopped buying shoes but started buying flip-flops, we call slippers! Does that mean I'm not that old yet; at least I'm buying some sort of footwear. LOL! In my younger days, I used to buy shoes a lot. And also I cannot remove my gaze on Adam's long legs and contoured well-toned arms. Does this count that I'm not as old as my age states. But frankly I feel one's age is a state of mind as in many things; a kind of mind over matter philosophy. LOL! :)

Anonymous said...

You are totally right. Father Guido Sarducci :)
Though he has switched hats per the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear benediction.

Anonymous said...

anon and glitzy - glows have a plan. Check it out.

Anonymous said...

lam-my, are you in Hawaii? Are they called slippers someplace besides Hawaii? When I was visiting friends there you can imagine my initial confusion while my brain was thinking "those aren't pink fuzzy bedroom slippers" :)

Anonymous said...

Re Jax's comment, I think you would have more luck winning over Beliebers with Adam's tweet about liking Justin's new song.

And in other cross-fandom, both Chris Colfer of Glee and Adam will be on VH1 Buzzfeed Monday morning.

I am going to need to take time off of work to watch everything that is happening this week!

Anonymous said...

Oh really, in Hawaii too. But my country is Singapore. These slippers are not those pink fuzzy bedroom slippers. Some are pretty decorative and because it's so hot here, they provide better ventilation. LOL! But the younger more hip and fashion-conscious ones usually wear rather expensive brands of shoes or sneekers. :)

glitzylady said...

@Anon 10:20
Thanks for the info!! I love that they used the Bing Lounge performance as the example of Adam doing the "glow stick" moment..I'm also in one of Suz526 vids (pure chance..) waving a glow stick during one of the WWFM performances.. : ))) Memories!!

Anyway, sounds like things will be handled and we'll know what to do!!

Anonymous said...

Glitzylady, cool!

I hope Suz526 will be recording for us again. Has anybody heard if she is going to any of the upcoming events?

daydreamin said...

I also noticed how JB's hair looks like Adam's lately.

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 10:20
Thank you. . just knew someone was out there to help . . regarding May 26 Concert, don't have set list...if I knew he was going to sing WWFM "blue" of course. The yellow just "pops out" from CD
I will bring one of each and see how it works out. Will report back to your web sit eand there are a couple events before May 25, so I will be checking in...Love and Light (glowlight :))

Anonymous said...

Getting anxious . Adam on GMA
If the first question is "what do you think about Obama's statement on gay marriage" I will scream

Anonymous said...

I know, I know . . getting myself all worked up over nothing . . I know BB can handle himself but I worry.

HK fan said...

Haven't had time to read all the comments,but wow, great videos. I wonder where they got all these clips from, I hadn't seen all the behind the scene footage of the recording studio before, so cool.

Anonymous said...

I think I'll wait for my fan ed to arrive to watch them - probably someone who has already got the DVD has clipped parts of it?


Anonymous said...

Adam in a beanie love that look. Going to Six Flags. Can't wait! hope he sings "Pop That Lock". and "Undeneath". Maybe 'Naked Love' for yellow glow sticks? Will watch the twitter

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 3:32 . . Yes me too got my preferred passes (bracelets) When I inquired last month they said $10 but the price went up to $20 this year....

Anonymous said...

Glamshit....the president in NYC also . . will tie up traffic . . hope BB makes it to all his interviews......

Anonymous said...

I don't see anything about Adam on GMA is today the day? Watching now!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Lam-my. Interesting that flip flops/slippers have the same name in both places. I wonder if the name is common from the South Pacific to SE Asia? Maybe I should visit lots of tropical beaches to find out ;)
I'm sure the young and stylish women in Singapore wear the 3 inch platform slippers I saw the young women in Hawaii wearing too.
Enjoy all the Adam happening today!

Anonymous said...

4:04, can we get them singing a little IIHY or A Change is Gonna Come together?

OMG, would set off the conservatives! Proof POTUS is gay!

Anonymous said...

OMG OMG worth the wait....he looks gorgeous . . he has a foot of hair . .I swear .. the the jacket . . PURE LAMBERT!!!!!

Still waiting for him to sing

Playing IHY . .I'm over exciting

Anonymous said...

You're welcome! The 3-inch platforms are not called slippers; they are stylish and elegant so usually called high-heel shoes or sometimes high-heel platforms/clogs. Slippers are almost flat, no heel and not elegant, very calafaire as we call it here; more for home or the beach. :)

Anonymous said...

just watched adam......loved it....
what a way to srart the day

Anonymous said...

Just watched Adam's GMA performance of NCOE. Wow, his voice!! And the jacket, again avant-garde, for men's wear; suits him, glamorous. Magnifique hair and his face exudes radiance, so beautiful.

Most of us here don't wear slippers outside the home; but now people wear the more presentable, acceptable casual footwear called sandals, even at the malls downtown. :)

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