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Adam Lambert Concert in Des Moines (7/28/12)

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Saturday, July 28, 2012

Posted at : Saturday, July 28, 2012


"Kickin In"



"Whataya Want From Me"

"Naked Love"

"Pop That Lock"

"If I Had You"

"Never Close Our Eyes"



Anonymous said...

PLEASE request NCOE:

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Time: 7-8PM, 10-11PM EST

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Anonymous said...


VOTE for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of today:

VOTE on Do Something Music Artist on


daydreamin said...

Adam is at it again, being sexy with those red pants (GIF):

Anonymous said...

The sound on these videos isn't good.

Anonymous said...

Fever still gets uploaded first?

Anonymous said...

has anyone read the article about Adam being dropped by RCA? I really hope this is just a rumour...

Anonymous said...

I read that article but I don't believe it think its a rumor. Adam will say something if that is the case. Loved the videos from this concert. Adam looked hot as usual!!

Anonymous said...

I was there. He was stunning in every way.
He came out to the fence after the concert and signed everything handed to him. Security was constantly after us because we were pushing on fence.

Anonymous said...

I loved the outfit he was wearing last for the Vajajays..they really are beautiful and talented women and have a great rapport with Adam..but I do agree that maybe they should rethink the outfits..tight fitting leggings and a loose fitting top would be great..

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have been there by that fence and got his autogragh too.

Anonymous said...

wish Adam would come out and confirm that the RCA rumour is untrue..and that the AI rumour is TRUE!!!!

Anonymous said...

I watched an interview that popped up after the UK soap video on next thread. It was from UK and Adam was asked if he were going to be a judge on idol and he said "No.....maybe somewhere down the line.....I'm concentrating on getting more singles out, etc."

Anonymous said...

@6:23 AM
Can you give us the link to that interview where Adam said he's not going to be a judge on Idol. I watched an interview after the UK soap opera and Adam talked generally about being a judge on Idol, not denying it or confirming it so I must've watched the wrong video.

Anonymous said...

Ok, call me crazy, but every video I click on is the song Trespassing, regardless of the what the label says. Am I nuts or what?


Anonymous said...

I gotta add that Adam's light pants (looked like washed denim to me) were mesmerizing to the point of being distracting from all else. ^_^

Anonymous said...

@ 7:10 a.m. No, I wish I could but the same group of pictures are not showing up now. You know how they change around. The one I clicked on was an interview I'd never seen, it was in bottom row on the left. But that's not the one that's there now, I tried to find it again. It was a UK interview where he answered callers questions. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Aren't Adam's pants always distracting? :)))))

Anonymous said...

RCA and Adam will confirm it if it's true. On the other hand we just hope for the best and to focus on maintaining the support for Adam.

By the way, thanks a lot for the upload it's great to see Adam performing at his best indeed!!!:)


Anonymous said...

I also just read the rumor that RCA will drop Adam at the end of the summer because his albums are just not selling in the numbers they would like. I hope this is not true! There is such garbage being produced as music now that gets constant play on the radio, and yet here is someone with the best voice in music today, and for whatever reasons, Adam just can't get a break. He is doing these mini promo concerts for Trespassing in outdoor venues where the temps are close to 100 degrees and just seems to be enjoying himself and connecting with the audience. If he is dropped, his fans will be very upset and I don't know what that will do to Adam and his career. Let's hope that rumor is not true.

Anonymous said...

What are Adam's U.S. Sales #'s, and overall Int'l #'s, for Trespassing? Does anybody have that info at fingertips.

I'm not knowledgeable about such things, but seems Adam sells well enough internationally to warrant some sort of inclusion in his label?? Labels have divisions (aka "Country" which will only handle country artist) don't they? Seems like he has enough international appeal to entice a lable to keep him for purely their own business reasons??

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:36 AM
That's terrible. :-( I certainly hope it's only a rumor.

Anonymous said...

I have rooted around the internet and cannot find any info about Adam being dropped (except the one website..which is prob b.s.) and I do remember watching an interview where Adam said that he had not been asked to be on AI..he is most certainly aware of these please Adam, confirm one way or the NEED to know lol

Anonymous said...

That rumor came from haters site and it also mentioned that RCA will drop Chris brown along with Adam. Bogus stuff running on Internet and people believe it.

Anonymous said...

This is nice:

Anonymous said...

I certainly hope & PRAY that those rumors aren't true!!That would be horrible!!His album hasn't been out long enough to see how many more albums he could sell..If he hadn't done those concerts w/Queen,he could have prob sold more TRESPASSING ALBUMS during that time,but doing the Queen concerts showed many people that weren't fans,how very talented BB really is.I'm so confused now.If anybody can find out more info,please post it,ok?Why didn't RCA ever show promote the album on TV,for example?Let's pray it's a rumor!!

Anonymous said...

Re rumor, I just can't believe that any BUSINESS person would make that kind of a call so quickly! It would not be in their best interest. In the music industry, these things do happen rather quickly, so as to avoid sinking more money into a product/entity not garnering acceptable profits, I get that, but I really can't believe Adam qualifies in that category just yet.

And as for Adam NOT addressing AI scenario: I personally don't think it's going to happen, BUT, I would venture to guess that his NOT addressing it is a good thing!! If it was a 100% NO then if may be more likely that he'd come out and squash the rumor; unless he was not doing that to keep his name bandied about on internet and such. In any event, his NOT squashing that rumor leaves more room for it being a possible "reality" :).

Anonymous said...

I know where the rumour is from. RCA is dropping Adam because he's not fucking Tommy.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

@ 7:30 AM
Yes, they are. LOL
Silly me for making such an obvious statement. It did seem like a lot more than usual ---
obviously I had a great time in spite of the fact that I was not in any VIP area. I was crowding the tape that cut off the higher paying section. And at the fence I was within 3 feet of seeing him face to face. I am happy.

Anonymous said...

I suppose Adam is not having vacation with pretty Kitty and Adommy land people are fed up, like guuuuhhh..

Anonymous said...

Tommy fans are bunch of mental idiots if they started such a bogus rumor to stir up fandom. It should be ignored and not mentioned any more.

This is what we should do: REQUEST REQUEST REQUEST!

Peace and love

Anonymous said...

If Kris Allen wasn't dropped yet I don't see how Adam could.
Rumor was started by some shitty gossip site that would write anything just to get some hit.

On the other hand RCA did such a horrible job selecting singles from Trespassing that I hope Adam will find a better label.

Anonymous said...

@8:46, so if you are not happy to request NCOE what would you like to request?

Anonymous said...

The rumors are prob coming from haters( on,I think) that also said Chris Brown was gonna be dropped.Adam seems to be in too good of a mood for this to be true,doesn't he?It also says it's not always bad to be dropped by a label,& even Miarah has been once,& came back strong.I so wish we'd find out the truth.What about Kris Allen & others also?I never saw the interview about BB saying he wouldn't be a judge on Idol either,If anybody has that link,please post it.thanks!If he's not gonna be a judge,then he can start his world tour( if he's still w/RCA)

Anonymous said...

Do you have the link to the interview where Adam said he was not going to an AI Idol judge?

Also does anyone have the link where they are reading about RCA? Please give details! Is it a blog? News article? Website? Give link please..

Anonymous said...

oh boy why all the five and six year olds on here today? lol anyhoo, thanks for all the links posted on here. I better get off this site the two year olds will be here soon.

HK fan said...

@anon 6.23 am
There was an interview where Adam said he wasn't going to be a judge on Idol, but it was a couple of years ago when his name came up and he'd not long been off Idol. He hasn't denied it so far this era.
@anon 8.15am
Those concerts with Queen, got his name out there and a lot of respect and recgonition in the music industry. Plus there were amany posters outside Hammersmith Apollo advertising his album, and people handing out flyers, and they were selling his cd at the merch table...and apparently people were buying, so its all good.
re RCA rumour, pretty sure they worked out what sort of site that rumour comes from over on MJ's....doesn't seem like a very 'reliable' source to say the least.

Anonymous said...

I MEANT to sat was the only place I read that Chris A & BB could be dropped..I don't believe it!!Anybody could have posted's a blog,& prob full of haters!!Please,Adam,let us know something!We'll support yo all the way!!

Anonymous said...

It should be announced soon who the next judges will be so just sit tight. I have a hunch they are going with a country person this year for a really big change.Adam more than likely knows this but is not at liberty to say since he was being considered for awhile. JMO

Anonymous said...

I don't even believe it was that lipstick blog. You have to sign up to check the posts, who's gonna bother?

Anonymous said...

@ HKfan Sadly, Adam has denied it. In a call in interview he was asked if he was going to be a judge and he said No, he had his album Trespassing to promote and hopefully get more singles out. It was filmed just before he left the UK.

Anonymous said...

Oh! Dear! Here we go again panicking everywhere!!!!

If u really a ligit fans just stop this bloody full of nonsense.

Tie up your fingers away from the computer and wait for the correct information.


Anonymous said...

Never mind, I found the comment, the very far-fetched RCA rumour.

Anonymous said...

I doubt he would have said a definite NO if it was still a maybe. Wouldn't he have hedged like he did before Queen concertws were announced? You remember "I can't talk about that."

Of course if it was filmed before he left the UK, things could change!

Anonymous said...

Basically it's not even a rumour. It's a comment, maybe even a joke. There are bigger issues like homophobia and hating inside this fandom, if you want to worry something..

Anonymous said...

Just GOOGLE "Is RCA dropping Adam Lambert from their label?"

Info is from that lipstickalley whatever. Just gossip?

But I did see the vid of Adam saying he was not going to be on Idol. :(

Anonymous said...

Yes, we can just sit tight and wait, but I do think Idol would be wise to put a country type person on panel. It becomes increasingly apparent that those who appreciate a good country vibe are a mainstay viewership for Idol, it just makes sense. (Shania Twain?? or a cute dude maybe??). Anyway, I am adding to speculation, and I really could just sit and wait, I'm just saying that considering Idol voting demographics (which of course they've analyzed greatly), and popularity of current country acts, it stands to reason. Some blogger commented about Idol going back to 4 person panel, with a country person and Adam, now that could be cool. Whatever, js that country seems logical, so not holding breath for Adam's getting that gig. We'll soon see I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I really wish the radio would play NCOE and BTIKM just to annoy fans who don't like them. :)

Anonymous said...


Would you please paste the link of the video you watched about Adam saying he was not going to be on AI. I would like to watch it..

Someone else here said it was an old video, so please post the current video link so we can watch it!!!!!

glitzylady said...

About the RCA-dropping-Adam-rumor. Its amazing how one little thing mentioned in some obscure blog can create such panic. Somehow, I think RCA will not rush to drop Adam. The album has been out a very short time..and Adam's ultimate future potential is great. No sense spreading rumors..

As for the Idol Judge possibility...we'll know soon enough.

Anonymous said...

His eyes look stunning. He really is just so UNREAL!!!

glitzylady said...

And oh, yes, I really like those pants. They fit really well. ; ))))

Anonymous said...

the second 9:59 what?

Anonymous said...

JAK here....thru exhaustive research I found the vid where Adam says he is not going to be on Idol.....Whew! Can't give you a link, the vid is one of those tiny popups after the NCOE on UK soap thread. I kept clicking on them till I found the right one.

If you really want to see it, you'll have to do that too. The one you want has a lavendar background with Adam in a gray suit and vest, black shirt and gray tie. It says "Adam Lambert UK Glamberts-The 5:19 Show.....
UK Glambert 60.

He's standing and answering all kinds of questions and eventually is asked about judging Idol. He does say "No."

I consider research a challenge and fun. Good Luck!

Anonymous said...


Thanks for the info, I know now what to look for, thanks..

Anonymous said...

JAK here do know how to fast forward thru the ones you don't want....right? Just checked it again and it popped up in lower right square.

Anonymous said...

JAK yet does not say when it was filmed and does not mention Trespassing by name!! ?

Anonymous said...

Adam just twitted new single coming out soon.:) A week or so!!!

This is good news though:)))


Anonymous said...

OMG Adam just tweeted he is releasing new single soon. Will let us know in about a week. Being dropped by RCA HAHA I don't think so.! Can not wait to hear which one and Adam has to pick this one and RCA do your job to get it tons of radio adds and spins!

Anonymous said...

@ jak
I found the video and am wondering,did you notice the hairstyle was not his current one? Maybe it's an old video, ya think?

Anonymous said...

@ 10:31 a.m. Yes, he does look a little "smooth" and dressy, not his current style. I hope it's an old video!

And Happy Sunday
Oh, happy day
A new single on it's way! :))))

Anonymous said...

If the phenomenon known as ADAM LAMBERT can be dropped just like that, who else is there that's going to electrify the world that's been numbed by these chart toppers mediocrity?????

What a B-O-R-I-N-G world we live in!!!!

Anonymous said...

JAK - PLEASE post a link to the video in question..I cannot seem to find it..

Anonymous said...

whoa baby..just found the was uploaded March 23rd..over four months this is ancient fans..there is still a chance...and btw..that website in question seems to be the only place stating such crap about RCA dropping it is all good for now...

Anonymous said...

If RCA was dropping Adam, it would be big news by now, not on some little bogus website. I think he's safe for now, esp. with a new single coming out. I think RCA still sees him as someone with potential and worthe supporting. Wish they'd get gutsier with the singles choice, though. They've been playing it so safe. Maybe #3 will be the charm! Hit or not, I'm not going to abandon him. No way. It'll be TP or Cuckoo, I'm sure. I love those songs, though I REALLY love Shady. He has the most fun singing it. Great fun anticipating the news!

If Adam is still in the running for Idol, he sure isn't giving any hints. Apparently his "no" is older news, but I think the chances are next to zero. That lets me off the hook for having to watch AI next season. More free time. If they add a country music judge, I'll just laugh. Idol has had more than its share of country-type winners and almost winners. Country music is full of its own awards shows, its own insular tours, its own world of accolades and prizes. It doesn't really compete with pop music if you ask me. I don't see how AI NEEDS a country judge, since country singers have done well on the show anyway. JMO. Unless Adam has a HUGE secret in his pocket, I don't think we'll be seeing him on AI.


Anonymous said...

JAK, if you are talking about this interview video, it is an old video when Adam did his UK promo for FYE back in early 2010. He said he has his album to promote, have more singles out, do more MV, and tour around the world. He said I don't know maybe years down the line he might do it. He didn't say NO NEVER back in 2010

Anonymous said...

@DRG- I love your posts and always agree with you, however I am I die-hard idol fan (never missed an episode (so sad I know) I so want and believe they will pick Adam. I think all these polls and blogs are very important because it is a big risk in the eyes of many. However, what I've been reading 75% want adam, they must know this and he unlike other artists (want so much money and don't have the time) If they pick a country judge, I will be done with this show after 12 years! I don't hate country, I will just be pissed that he got shunned once again! I think this show will do what it did for adam levine and that's what I want for Adam! He needs exposure!!


Anonymous said...

brownie, I agree with you that I want Idol for Adam if they'll have him. It would certainly give him a needed boost and of course I would watch! Levine and Maroon 5 weren't household names until he got on Idol. I don't see it happening for Adam, but we haven't heard a CURREN definitive NO yet, have we? My hope are not high. I don't know what the Idol people are so afraid of, or what they're objecting to with Adam. Lots of people seem to want him on.


Anonymous said...

@drg- thanks for responding , i've been away for 2 weeks and now I'm catching up every thing adam (my lord it's time consuming)so I'm putting my 2 cents in everywhere lol. I think we will all know within 2 weeks (won't be first rodeo we have have gone through with adam and won't be the last)Never a dull moment in the land of the great one is it? lol


Anonymous said...

AI burned me bad from s8, but if Adam wants this job, I hope he gets it. Thank goodness I have dvr to skip thru the bs.
RCA, they have a rare gem & Adam has #1 album! They better just hang onto Adam!

HK fan said...

I found that interview, grey suit, lilac background, pretty sure its from the FYE era, definitely not recent.

Anonymous said...

@ HKfan.........JAK here

I agree!

Hope is still alive!

Anonymous said...

Brownie and DRG - Adam Levine is on The Voice, not on Idol. just saying

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