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Adam Lambert interview specially for Love Radio (july 2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Right, what?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But you've got to love:
mark 1:38 -- "Subtle message. Subtle." haha

Another different interview. Same room. Short, but in English!


Magiclady said...

Thanks SS, would have really liked to be able to hear the first interview in English!

Anonymous said...

BEAUTIFUL photos from Kiev concerts. There's Eye Candy of ADAM with Victor, the Ukrainian XFactor winner.

Anonymous said...

BRIAN MAY is asking to VOTE for Bohemian Rhapsody as Favorite Number One Single:

"ITV is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the first ever UK singles chart with a new 3-part TV series The Nation's Favourite Number One Single.

From The Beatles and Beyonce to Blondie, Kylie and Queen… these are songs that cross class, race and age divides – songs that have united Britain from 1952-2012.

Episode 1, in which Fearne Cotton presents the first part counting down the results of the viewers' poll to find Britain's best-loved number one single is Sunday 8th July on ITV1 from 9:00pm to 10:30pm. In the third programme to be shown next week ITV will reveal which song can truly be called our greatest number one ever.

It is no surprise to learn that among the songs contending for the No. 1 is Bohemian Rhapsody.

The last round of voting for the top ten begins this Friday 6th of July from 9am in which you can vote for your favourite Number One from the final Top Ten! There can be little doubt Bohemian Rhapsody will be there among the last 10 finalists.

So, time to vote - and rally the troops. Please encourage everyone you know to take part."

Click on:

Anonymous said...

@4:29 PM

Sorry, that was mark 3:38.

Anonymous said...

I think it's neat to have a man translate for Adam and a women for the lady interviewer. It's hard to pick out the English but it's also good to know Adam gets these interviews.

tess4ADAM said...

Here's something I came across that I'd like to share ...

Brazil PitStop Top 10

By the Rules

Gues their DJs play what the PEOPLE ask for in Brazil ... Thanx for the url to VOTE for Bohemian Rhapsody ... I'll vote as often as allowed ... Love 'n Light

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

COMPLETE MOSCOW CONCERT:–-july-3-2012/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+adam-lambert%2FXvcC+%28ADAM+LAMBERT%29

Anonymous said...

I'll def be voting come July 6th. I just went to that site and roamed around so I have an idea what to do. Thanks for that little tidbit tess. You guys come up with the best stuff. The song Map is really going to be good too.

Anonymous said...


VOTE for ADAM on Vh1 GREATEST ARTIST of today:

VOTE once every hour:

VOTE for ROCK in RIO 2013:

Anonymous said...


I just sent this to my friend who speaks Russian and she's furious.

When Adam said "subtle", the translator heard saddle and said stallion or some such vulgar term in Russian.

Anonymous said...

I read about By the Rules being number 1 in Brazil. Love that song and love that Brazil is playing a bonus track,how different radio is there!

Anonymous said...

Trespassing CD went up 90% in the U.K. on Amazon to #33. Very happy it seems to be selling well there and singing with Queen I am sure is helping!

Anonymous said...

On one of the interviews in Moscow, Adam said that he want to have sleeve tattoo:( Very sad. He has such a beautiful skin. And it will make him looks as many other celebrities.
Do you know that Freddie, neither Bryan, Rodger, and John never had tattoos and never pirced their ears?

daydreamin said...

Another interview in English

daydreamin said...

Check out this comment from someone who attended the Moscow show:

" the show can be compared to a multi course meal: one might not have liked every dish but everyone left being full… while the fans were divided before the show into a Queen camp and a Lambert camp – after the show they were united"
nica5757 3 hours ago

Anonymous said...


That feels so good. Thanks for sharing. I've been wondering and waiting for more reactions from the audience especially the Queen fans.

Newfie Duck said...

"A multi-course meal" indeed! A terrific way to describe this epic event!

Newfie Duck said...

VOTING for Bohemian Rhapsody on Friday July 6th at 9 a.m. - That's 9 a.m. England's time zone - correct???? Just want to be sure cause that would make it 3+half hour difference here. Do we know the window time for voting?

Anonymous said...

Love Adams tats and hope he gets more. The world views tats are pieces of art. They become so meaninful to those who have them.
Even mine.

Anonymous said...

Translation often get's lost.

Anonymous said...

Adam's tattoos are great but I'm not really a fan of tattoos and sadly, when people become old and wrinkly, their tattoos become old and wrinkly too.

Anonymous said...

I hope he doesn't add anymore tattoos.

tattoosdesigns said...

adam's tattoos designs are nice but he should avoid to get some more .