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Adam Lambert on etalk (July 9, 2012)

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, July 9, 2012

Posted at : Monday, July 09, 2012


Anonymous said...

I love all the pictures they used for this clip even the facial hair one.

daydreamin said...

I would love Adam with stubble!

Anonymous said...

No Adam do not be a judge on AI:(

You are meant for bigger things!
be creative & tour all the world, make music!!! & SING!!!

Anonymous said...

Talk of free ad time for Adam Lambert. Idol talk came at the right time. Wow it got a lot of people talking and that over the moon awesome stuff to help get Adam new CD out there.

Anonymous said...

And yet another news clip about this! Go for it, Adam if they ask you and if it's what you want to do. We would support you all the way but I am concerned about all the negativity towards you it might create.

Anonymous said...

Idol is two days out of a week. He would do like another stars do. Adam would fly around and do shows in between Idol dates. This is not road block for him.

Anonymous said...

I just keep praying. That's all I can do.

Anonymous said...

POSITIVE comments needed here. This is widely circulated. PLEASE!!!,,20610314,00.html

Anonymous said...

I would probably actually start paying attention to American Idol again!!

Anonymous said...

If they offered it to Adam, he would take it. But I don't know if it would be a good idea. AI is losing its credibility.
The only serious musician there is Steven Tyler, and the show is beginning to make him look a cartoon. But, who knows, I think Adam definitely will need the money. Trespassing is not doing that well here. If it wasn't for Queen and the AI rumor, there wouldn't be much to talk about. Also, a judging spot would get more people interested in Trespassing.

Anonymous said...

I really don't know how I feel about this whole AI judge thing. I can see pros and cons.

HOWEVER... after seeing the tons on nasty and hate filled comments about Adam on the People website (which is widely seen) I HAD to leave a positive comment.

Everyone should leave a positive comment about him there even if you think he is too good or too busy for AI!! (You could say that in your comment if you wanted to.) Makes me sad that people will think this is how Americans feel about Adam. The good needs to outweigh the bad!

tess4ADAM said...

On my way toleave a POSITIVE comment on People website ... Let's GO!! Glamberts!! Time to rally for ADAM!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, those comments are the reality of people's opinions. A lot of them are saying AI has run its course. I agree. Not everything in the spotlight is good for one's career. If he wants to be taken seriously as a musician, he should concentrate on music. If he wants to be a celebrity for celebrity sake only, then I've lost total respect for him.

Anonymous said...

I just believe in KARMA:)


Anonymous said...

Why in the world do you want him on Idol as a judge? Do you not see how the judges on that show are criticized and scrutinized? I think you will only become infuriated when you see how people will pick apart everything he says. Look at how you guys criticize the current judges.

If you want to see Baby Boy in the kitchen, make sure you can handle the heat coming his way.

Anonymous said...

@Anon 11:29AM


ADAM IS SOARING AS A WORLDWIDE SUPER STAR, please let him concntrate on his singing & performing career! The judging stuff can wait (although I'm sure he would be an outstanding judge).

V Camilleri said...

This is a big decision for him. Interesting fork in his road. What ever he does we are all in his corner.

V Camilleri said...

This is a big decision for him. Interesting fork in his road. What ever he does we are all in his corner.