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Adam Lambert signing autographs at the hotel in Moscow, (July 3 2012)

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Posted at : Wednesday, July 04, 2012


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Adam...they sure love you...ambassador for world love and peace via music and singing. Frankly, Brian, Roger and Adam make an effective world peace mission team via music as they represent a wide age-range and therefore able to reach the young and old and children too. Love and peace... start at grassroots.

Anonymous said...


Please give feedback to AO_Starlighter’s post at AdamOfficial

This would be an awesome way for us to ‘attend’ the show and get a top notch quality stream. it would also possibly benefit QUEEN, ADAM, the promoter and the venue in more ways than one.
They could also possibly use the recording of the show to create the DVD we are all hoping for – IDK?

Please take a read of the thread OP and leave feedback on whether you would purchase an online ‘virtual ticket’ to one of the Hammersmith Apollo shows.

If we get enough ppl and good feedback, I’ll forward the link to Phil and the promoter (Paul Roberts) for feedback purposes only – no pressure – just to show that there is interest.

Anonymous said...


@AndrewMorical: ADAM LAMBERT is not Freddie Mercury, but he’s doing an amazing job with Queen. And I’m a biased Freddie/Queen snob. Kudos to you,ADAM!

@_IvanNikolaev_ I am absolutely convinced tht @adamlambert will be the greatest musician of our time [Editor's note: Ivan Nikolaev is a Russian film actor]

@GavinDeGraw: @adamlambert love your song bro. Let’s link up.

@AnnaRLrascal: #Finally bought @adamlambert’s new album!! It’s simply #amazing ! Greetings from Finland xoxo

ADAM LAMBERT’s BY THE RULES is Number ONE in the TOP 10 in Brazil!!!
( scrncp via Gabby) I love that song!

daydreamin said...

Just came across this hot close up video of Adam signing autographs and talking to fans in Pennsylvania:

Anonymous said...

It's so sad to hear passionate fans wanting to meet Adam up close to get an autograph & you got these people
Who could care less, standing near him. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

R U talking about security?

After a show I waited outside not wanting auotograph but just wanted to get kinda close....maybe see that beautiful smile....or look into those "eyes"...its kind of magical...brings a calmness to my soul...

Anonymous said...

Lots of body guards around Adam, thank goodness we don't want any crazies doing anything to him.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lovely clip, daydreamin .... thank U.

Anonymous said...

ADAM is a star! It's happened!
The world is in love with him now.
The Russian fans are incredible...and lots of guys as well as girls.

Anonymous said...

This is SO exciting! So many world fans who appreciate his talent and beauty. Come on, U.S.! Wake up! Lovin' the concert links and the interviews.


Anonymous said...

Just watched Queen and Adam at the Poland interview at this link; hope it works for you. Quite a long duration due to translation. Adam looks very handsome, confident. Link below:


Anonymous said...

I don't think my above link works. Just Google...Adam Lambert and Queen Press Conference in Poland. It'll take you there.

Anonymous said...

I was very impressed with the way the Russian fans seem to really "get" Adam. Very sophisticated and enthusiastic. I think this very much effected Adam's performance. Adam was soooooooooooo great and over the top, in a good way, as all his fans come to expect from him. I was totally mesmerized and thrilled with his every move and every sound that came out of his beautiful (and sensual) mouth. I wish I was there! (sigh!) Congratulations Adam - your time has finally come! ROCK GOD! Yay!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.....The Russian audience response was great and I imagine the Polish one will be as well....then comes the UK---Freddie territory! Will the entrenched Freddie/ Queen fans be so willing to accept Adam's interpretations of the songs that are "sacred" to them? That is the question. Hopefully they will give our Adam a chance and realize he's not being offered up as a substitute and just accept him as the exceptional young talent that he is.....I hope I hope!

Anonymous said...

JAK here.......Ah ha ! By the Rules is number 1 in top 10 in Brazil.......congratulations to my aged ears. When I first heard it I commented " it sounds like a bossa nova reggae ".......and apparantly the Brazilians agree, well, with the bossa nova part at least. I have the usual number of ears, though only one works (old baseball injury) but that one is very discerning.

For possible fans of the Brazilian bossa nova beat...have you googled Bossa n' Roses-Sweet Child of Mine?
Very smooth. They have lots of great band's music-Beatles, Guns n Roses, etc. played with the bossa nova beat....I wander a lot on my computer. :)

Anonymous said...

Our Super Star Rock God! Just doin' his day job. So very happy for him!

Anonymous said...

you know the Poland`s do speak English,they are just too shy too shy..
to speak it in front of QUEEN!!!

Ksenia said...

and one more videos from me!!!!