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The Indpendent: They've Found The Best 'Freddie' Yet

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Sunday, July 15, 2012

Posted at : Sunday, July 15, 2012

@starlyyte: Sitting on the plane and saw this in the Indpendent! @adamlambert @QueenWillRock


Anonymous said...

Well, it's nothing new to us, isn't it? :-) I'm just happy that more and more people come to the same conclusion.

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...

They cant have him he belongs to us!!!

Anonymous said...

Live Review: QUEEN & ADAM LAMBERT – London Hammersmith Apollo 11/7/12

“As the lights came down, the synth intro to “Who Wants To Live Forever” played, and a collective shiver crept round the room. For a while the crowd sang along, before most found themselves stood in astonishment at what they were hearing. I’m not a massively emotional person…but suddenly I found myself moved to tears. Music and emotions are so intrinsically linked, but I’d never before heard an artist capable of conveying emotion so powerfully in a live setting.”

Anonymous said...

@1:27PM Do you mean "he belongs to US"or "he belongs to us"? I'm sure Adam will have chance to make any decision to whom he belongs to whithout anybodies help.
However, I don't think that Adam's "belonging to US" bring him so much fame, respect, honor and money as he got in whole entire wolrd.

Anonymous said...

1:43 -- So agree with that person's review. A voice like Adam's and the way he performs on stage bring out raw emotions. Not many singers can do that to me.

Anonymous said...

Nutty Roger Tyler was making a pass on Adam. Watch it at the beginning of this video:

BTW. Checkout YouTube periodically as fans are uploading more videos.

Anonymous said...

There was a poll, which us fans weren't aware of it, about who should be American Idol judge and Adam got the highest percentage of votes. I saw it on twitter and now I can't find it. Seems most of didn't see it. But it looked like outside of our fandom people want Adam as next AI judge.

Anonymous said...

New fan close up video of Dragon Attack in Wroclaw Poland:

Anonymous said...

Watch this video of Somebody To Love video with Adam's profile showing on five big screens on stage:

Anne Marie said...

I never thought for a minute that Queen intended to give him back completely. As Adam sang when he goes out that door he must be on his own. I think he loves Queen, and would do occasional concerts with them, but he would never give up his own identity. He has climbed that mountain by himself, and when he gets to the top he will stand alone with one arm raised, and a big smile.When he wants comfort Sauli will always be there waiting. I think he will actually belong to the world in the end. Queen is a great group of musicsians, he doesnt need to honor Freddie for ever, they all wrote those songs, not just Freddie. Would be great if Adam could write some songs with Brian and Roger.Adam is intent on getting his second album out first, and then see what else there is in store for him. I don't think we will har if he will be on Idol, until he comes home and can sign a contract.

tess4ADAM said...

I don't think ADAM is the NEW Freddie!! I'll go one step further & declare that I don't NEED a new Freddie ... I already had a Freddie ... an ELVIS ... a PAVAROTTI ... etc. I like the humble .. sweet .. Uber talented MEGASTAR ADAM LAMBERT!!! Did I say LIKE?? I mean LOVE!!! ADAM doesn't need to be someone else b/cuz he doesn't TRY to be!! He's ADAM LAMBERT ... King of Glam Rock ... Prince of Pop ... and LOVED by QUEEN ... GLOBAL ICONS!! That's MORE than enough for this Glambert!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Anonymous said...

The cutest and sexiest EVAAHH - and both at the same time!!!

Oh my, oh my - SOOOO many EXCELLENT pics from these QUEEN+ADAM shows... Hope my computer won't melt!

Magiclady said...

4:26 PM

Boy you've got that right!
Love those tongue moves!

Anonymous said...

wow at the title

Catharine Sloper said...

This kind of acclaim is long overdue, and I'm glad about it not because Adam is replacing Freddie, but because it will give him greater opportunity to gain recognition and funding for his own work.

Anonymous said...

VOTE for ADAM here!!! He has been overtaken!!! PLEASE!!!

donnaw said...

I'm just so VERY happy for Adam and his family......i can't even imagine how thrilled they are to read all of these accolades.....
As proud as we are, his mom and dad must be over the moon!!!